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Managing Business Responsibly
6 pages (1611 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
communication is also vital in the process of organisation discourse since communication of new meaning and structure of words is done through language.... This coursework "Managing Business Responsibly" discusses the main discourses, alternative ways that information can be presented, and how they change my understanding as well as knowledge on responsibility in organizations while challenging the prevailing orthodoxy....
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Strategy Used by Different Nations to Develop ICT
5 pages (1492 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The paper "Strategy Used by Different Nations to Develop ICT" discusses that generally, countries such as Israel, Finland, Iceland and Costa Rica are famous for deploying effective, reasonable and state-of-the-art Information communication Technologies.... The companies that are acquiring state-of-the-art technologies from Information communication Technology providers are supposed to retain those employees that are proficient in using the newer technology.... Retention The companies that are acquiring of the art technologies from Information communication Technology providers are supposed to retainthose employees that are proficient in using the newer technology....
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E-Business: Strategic Thinking and Practice
5 pages (1320 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Gathered information is utilized to respond to various requests, upgrading online store facilities, developing effective communication channels and customization of shopping experience.... Secure communication session is the primary requisite of any customer.... This book review "E-Business: Strategic Thinking and Practice" discusses e-commerce businesses that have to take into consideration wide array of factors....
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Changing Identities in Cyberculture
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This essay analyzes possibility of changing identities while online and researches modern cyberculture, that has opened up a whole new dimension of communication.... The important difference between direct human contact and human contact through the medium of computers is that the usual physical aspects of communication are largely missing.... This essay focuses on the arrival of the internet, that has opened up a whole new dimension of communication which was inconceivable even fifty years ago....
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Human Interface Techniques for Computers
6 pages (1704 words) , Download 3 , Coursework
Information and communication Technology (ICT) has turned that relationship into an indispensable mutual bond.... 1966, ELIZA—A computer program for the study of natural language communication between man and machine.... The paper "Human Interface Techniques for Computers" states that interface accords the user the flexibility to play around with and manipulate multimedia objects, text and graphics almost at will....
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Operational Oceanography
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
1 (van Ruiten, personal communication) provides a generalized indication of the resolution practicable with existing computing power for baroclinic circulation models of oceans, seas and bays.... Spatial and temporal coverage of various observational/monitoring systems (van Ruiten, personal communication)....
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Extranets and External IT
6 pages (1566 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This has made many businesses adopt online transactions and communication.... These computers use various internet tools such as TCP/IP, Wi-Fi, Ethernet, web browsers and web servers for communication (Paswan 65).... The paper "Extranets and External IT" highlights that the need for extranets in society cannot be overemphasized....
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Final Strategic Plan of JDs Way of Life
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Moreover, the company will enter into strong communication network with well reputed importer and exporter firms and corporations, so that no communication gap could interrupt the business ventures of the company.... The "Final Strategic Plan of JD's Way of Life" paper states that regarding ethical issues, the company aims to patronize the values of the customers....
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Issue in global business
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
For example, the EU is an economic and regulatory body which takes membership based on region (the European region); Malaysia and.... ... ... In terms of its impact on free trade, regionalisation has mixed benefits, and there is an equal variety of points of view, some supporting free trade and some supporting protectionism....
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Role of Television in everyday lives, particularly in Childrens lives
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Television is a powerful medium of communication and it has become more essential nowadays, even becoming a crucial part in one's day to day living.... Social problems in the sense, although many people consider Role of Television in everyday lives, particularly in Children's lives Television is a powerful medium of communication and it has become more essential nowadays, even becoming a crucial part in one's day to day living.... communication in History: Technology, Culture, Society....
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Comparisons between Tourism Websites
6 pages (1696 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
Comparisons between Tourism Websites Introduction Tourism websites are e-commerce web portals that are aimed at making the tourism sites, hotels and restaurants sell highly in comparison with other competitors, ensure trust to the online visitors, and always are for efficient and effective communication between business and business and business and customers....
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Media and Cultural Analysis Gender
5 pages (1414 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Thus, it is essential to have a clear communication through semiotics so that a negative perspective does not hamper the attractiveness of the print advertisement (Adedimeji, n.... communication and Culture: An Introduction.... This paper ''Media and Cultural Analysis Gender'' tells that Products are being marketed through communications and segmentation of the market, which have affected the promotional activities....
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Interviewing Skills in Legal Practice
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
People regularly talk regarding the significance of excellent communication and yet too many times the concentration is totally on speaking well.... he defence lawyer can make the defendant comfortable and smooth the process of open communication by reducing interruptions in the room; keeping eye contact; making use of heartening body language, for instance, slanting forward and nodding in response; saying again what the defendant says; making notes; and requesting suitable follow up questions....
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English Language Fluency of the Students in an Appropriate Manner
5 pages (1346 words) , Download 1 , Essay
roup discussions are meant to increase students' confidence and speaking and communication skills.... In this part of the strategy, teachers improve speaking skills of the students by showing them communication clips on different topics and situations.... The paper "English Language Fluency of the Students in an Appropriate Manner" focuses on the learning of the English language....
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The Internship in Sitio So Jos Agronegcios
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
o enhance my communication and social skills ... This has enhanced my communication as well as my reporting skills.... The writer of this essay analyses the internship in Sitio So Jos Agronegcios a coffee and sugar cane factory in Brazil.... His main objective was to understand how safety principles apply in a real working environment and to put his theoretical knowledge into practice....
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Risk Management - Critical Analysis
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The scenario discussed here is that of employee possibility of a company collapsing due to poor working condition and poor remuneration that leads to work boycotts, lower productivity, a threat to company reputation and loyal customers' withdrawal.... The paper highlights how I.... ... ... I analyzed the scenario based on the preparedness, mitigation and responses available in the emergency and risk management department of the company In addition, I also focused my analysis on how the history of the scenario contributed to the current state of affairs....
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Digital Tools That Increase Academic Success For The Adult Learner
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
A study conducted by Power and Thomas (2007) aimed at investigating how the use of Information and communication Technology (ICT) affects learning among teachers showed that laptops and handheld computers enhanced their professional development.... With the current advancements in technology, learning has shifted from the conventional methods of learning to modern styles that involve the use of digital tools....
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Rhetorical Perspectivism in Education
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This essay "Rhetorical Perspectivism in Education" is about the union of communication and Philosophy, that postulates that in practicing this stance, there would be balanced objectivity when it comes to the openness of a person's mind towards ideas opposing his own thought, and is vital in acquiring unbiased learning.... Richard Cherwitz and James Hikins formulated a principle called “rhetorical perspectivism;” a meeting of the areas of creative communication and philosophy which is essential in the field of education....
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Technology and Design Industry
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
n the past the revolutionary 4-color printing technology has made it available even for the thriftiest companies to reach their customers with the help of graphic communication messages.... According to Ted Strauss from Suttle-Strauss graphic communication solutions provider the company has recently put great effort into IT: "With the growth in the last five years, we have also put in a management information system, along with a dynamic scheduling system which has dramatically changed the way we do business"....
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Messaging Apps Accusation Via Wireless Connection
5 pages (1645 words) , Download 2 , Essay
SSL is secure communications protocol provide privacy and reliability between two communication to any TCP transmission.... TLS is a secure communication protocol provide Client/Server applications to communicate in a way that is designed to prevent tempering.... This essay "Messaging Apps Accusation Via Wireless Connection" describes a network forensics experiment in which messaging application app behavior is monitored between two devices on the same network; with something that experts call a 'sniffer' placed in the network to capture the traffic....
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Drivers and Enablers of Global Logistics
5 pages (1692 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
Advancement in transportation as well as communication technology, together with the ideology of free-market ideology, has offered capital, goods and services extraordinary mobility (Irani & Noruzi, 2011, p.... he economic globalisation promoted by the reduction in trade barriers as well as the declining costs of communication, transport and co-ordination costs, has transformed the production processes structure and in consequence, has increased strongly the rate of trade....
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Business as the Main Driver of Globalization
5 pages (1526 words) , Download 0 , Essay
n conclusion it can be said, "The true drivers of globalisation are the multinationals themselves as they drive the global trade and exploit technology, government policies, speed of transportation and communication to achieve their utmost desire to grow and have a global presence.... Reduced transportation costs, open trade regulations and declining communication costs are some other drivers that have accelerated globalisation. ...
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Juicy Red Tomato Companys Challenges
6 pages (1787 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In addition, JRT needs to improve communication between production and operations, possibly by enhancing technology used by the company as a whole”. ... In keeping with normative principles, participatory management increases communication between workers and managers and reduces the organizational hierarchy....
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Annual Reports Complexity
5 pages (1543 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The communication should be clear and transparent, providing brief and precise information in order to set up a trustful dialogue between the stakeholders.... Annual report is a language of financial communication for building beneficial relationships and customer's confidence....
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The Benefits of Information Technology Infrastructure Library Service Lifecycle to a Service
5 pages (1508 words) , Download 0 , Essay
In May 2005, another Australian world-first was achieved with the launch of AS 8015, a new governance standard for information and communication technology (ICT) (Standards Australia, 2005).... ersinger JF Federal Expree, Manulife, Sprint and cox communication (2011)...
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Nursing Informatics and Telehealth
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
Through nursing informatics, there is increased communication and documentation enhancement.... When nurses use telehealth technology in providing care to patients, the term “telenursing” comes into place, which is defined by the International Council of Nurses (ICN) as “the use of telecommunications technology in nursing to enhance patient care; involves the use of electromagnetic channels to transmit voice, data, and video communication signals” (as cited in American Telemedicine Associtation [ATA], n....
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The Role of Social Networking in Entrepreneurship
6 pages (1675 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
In 1950's and 1960's, the development of mainframe computers was done, they were later to prove useful in communication from point to point.... When instant electronic mail messages took root in 1990's, it was thought to be the best form of instant communication that there would be....
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The Role of Controversial Advertising
5 pages (1718 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
n addition, communication is also one of the measurement of the effectiveness of advertising in such a way that if consumers attitude and behaviors are likely affected by the advertisements, then it is effective.... communication would tell if the consumers can recall the message that the advertisements convey and if they show positive attitude towards the advertising message....
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Running of Security Issues in Company
6 pages (1586 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The company that is the subject of this paper "Running of Security Issues in Company" is the Massive Gas Plant Company which is primarily involved in the production of gas and oil.... The plant is situated near an oil-rich region in order to ease the transport of raw materials and finished products....
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Analysis of IBM Corporation
4 pages (1549 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Service concepts include improvement of communication, and the environment composed of all the individual services used for implementation of the group communication primitives (IBM takes customer service, n.... "Analysis of IBM Corporation" paper focuses on IBM which is a leader in the IT industry with S$96 billion in revenue a year....
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In Labors Cause by David Brody
3 pages (940 words) , Download 2 , Article
The paper 'In Labor's Cause by David Brody' focuses on the American labor movement and American history.... Brody is credited with founding the field of 'new labor history' in North America which examined working-class culture rather than simply workers' organizations as a source of history.... ... ...
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Analysis of Articles about Gender Studies
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The author of the essay analyzes the articles about gender studies such as 'Disciplining Mothers: Feminism and the New Reproductive Technology' by Jana Sawicki and 'And here's one we prepared earlier.... ... ... he biotech baby fourteen years on' by Alice Kirkman.... ... ... The author brings out that there is no major issue in having a baby in a manner that is not normal....
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Milk (Movie with Sean Penn)
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
Name: Professor: Movie Review, History, and Political Science Date: "Milk" Review Tracing changes that has occurred since 1970s after assassination of Harvey Milk requires a review of the movie “Milk.... ?? Apparently, this movie presents his story since 1977, when Milk was elected San Francisco Board of Supervisors, and he marked the beginning of people voting for gay man in America to hold a public office (Sandhu, 1)....
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Can Some Practices Be Morally Legitimate
3 pages (881 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
The paper "Can Some Practices Be Morally Legitimate' highlights that according to the society, the quality of legitimacy ascribes to the practices, identity, and interests of an actor.... In institutions, legitimacy ascribes to principles, rules, and norms.... .... ... ... It is quite essential to state that due to its social nature, people should not conflate legitimacy with other social values....
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International Relations: The Story of China and the Two Koreas
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Speech or Presentation
The diplomatic interactions of China, North Korea and South Korea have been defined by their history, geography and politics.... Throughout generations, these nations' ever-active and unpredictable relations have been the subject of interest.... .... ... ... Not only were the Chinese and the Koreans have a particular stake in the issues that beset their countries but also the whole of humankind as these contribute to the general status of the socio-politico and fiscal dynamics of the now-global village....
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Tell us about 2 activities that is important to you, and why (1 page per activity)
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
[Activity 1] Intellectual Pursuit: Perusing News Articles In daily existence, an individual can get caught in a variety of interesting things, which may range from physically exerting activities to riveting scenes in media outputs.... These are all part of the intricate network that people are engaged in, largely played within societal boundaries....
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America's Eating and Farming Disorder
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Instructor Date America's Eating and Farming Disorder According to Pollan, the Americans have developed a culture where the native wisdom they had about eating has been replaced with confusion and anxiety (1).... Deciding what to eat has turned out to be requiring expert help; investigative journalists tell people where the source of the food and nutritionists determine the menu for meals....
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Should Media Respect Privacy of Political Figures
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Student's full name Subject Date Should Media Respect Privacy of Political Figures?... The media respects the privacy of politicians in police states, because they have no choice.... They get what the officials tell them.... If journalists try pry into politicians' life, words or deeds too much, they would be hauled to jail, banishment or executing grounds....
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Arguments for and against the Progress of Democracy in the World during the Past Decade
3 pages (909 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Arguments for and against the Progress of Democracy in the World during the Past Decade" highlights that we can define democracy as a globally accepted ideal, which defines a form of governance where all citizens participate equally directly or through fair representation.... .... ... ...
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The Arab Spring
2 pages (668 words) , Download 2 , Essay
From the paper "The Arab Spring" it is clear that those Arab governments which are afraid of what happened to their neighbors happening to them have started to allow more democratic space in their countries because they would otherwise lose their legitimacy.... ... ... ... The Arab Spring has brought a lot of changes to the Arab world, most of which are positive especially in the political arena....
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World Energy and the Issues Surrounding It
2 pages (701 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Schwartz (1987) predicted a rise in awareness about the need for investing in sustainable sources of energy.... This paper "World Energy and the Issues Surrounding It" will discuss the current ongoing debate on world energy and the results of this discussion.... ... ... ... Smil (2010) states that modern civilizations are striving to find safe and sustainable energy....
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Inez Sainz Sports Reporter
2 pages (709 words) , Download 2 , Essay
From the paper "Inez Sainz Sports Reporter " it is clear that in general, Inez Sainz, a female sports reporter from Mexico who reports for TV Azteca, was claimed to be sexually harassed by players and managers connected with the football team, New York Jets.... ... ... ... Although, questions were raised about Sainz's costumes there and before, harassment appears real and has even elicited an apology from the team and the management....
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The History of Dith Pran and Sydney Schanberg
2 pages (657 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "The History of Dith Pran and Sydney Schanberg" discusses that This is a 1984 film about the experiences of two journalists, Dith Pran, who is Cambodian and Sydney Schanberg, who is American, in Democratic Kampuchea.... Dith Pran was an interpreter for The New York Times.... ... ... ... During this period, anybody known to be a foreigner was at risk since hate was targeted to the forcing Schanberg to get out of the country with other foreigners before it was too late....
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The Battle of Algiers
3 pages (762 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The paper "The Battle of Algiers" tells us about African Films.... The Battle of Algiers reconstructs the events that occurred in the capital city of French Algeria between November 1954 and December 1957, during the Algerian War of Independence.... ... ... ... This film documents the armed insurgency against the French colonial powers in Algiers, showing the brutality and desperation of war....
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Toyota as an Emerging Top Company in the Automobile Industry
3 pages (906 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The author of the paper "Toyota as an Emerging Top Company in the Automobile Industry" will begin with the statement that companies such as Toyota, Hyundai, and Volkswagen are showing remarkable growth and the United States should try and find means to overcome the financial crisis.... .... ... ... The U....
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Security, Risk, and Compliance
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
One of these threats is the threat that communication will be intercepted.... Two kinds of firewalls are boundary protection, which refers to protecting the network from the outside world; and internal protection, which protects the networks communication within the organisation.... Employees use electronic communication for mischief such as deliberate interception of competitors secrets, and the employers are likewise liable for this misdeed under respondeat superior (Kesan, J....
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Cultural Heritage and Influence on Counselling Process
21 pages (5785 words) , Download 6 , Essay
Language is the mode of communication (Lago 2006).... Some cultures emphasize the use of gestures and body movements during communication.... Arab culture mainly uses the Arabic language for communication and the dominant religion is Islam.... This essay "Cultural Heritage and Influence on Counselling Process" explores issues around power from a person-centered perspective....
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Documentary Film Journal
18 pages (4856 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This paper ''Documentary Film Journal'' tells us that as author sets out to develop a documentary for the third term, he recognized that he needed to gain a considerable understanding of the subject matter.... He gave consideration to potential topics and returned to the need for documentary filmmaking to address issues of importance....
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Task Management: the Problems at XTRA
18 pages (4500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Management tools such as leadership, mentoring & coaching and communication are the key to successful IS implementation.... The various aspects such as requirements, the Information system solution, the leadership styles involved and the role of tools such as communication, mentoring and coaching are analyzed in the following sections.... communication and participation problems ... he existing process at XTRA might not offer the level of communication and participation as is needed for the e-business venture....
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Innovation Technologies in Vodafone
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
In the statement by the Group Chairman, Sir John Bond, it is emphasized that Vodafone is actively looking at mobile communication markets of developing countries as he clearly visualizes the link between growth rate of mobile penetration in the developing countries and their economic growth (he cited some independent researches possessing clear evidence of this linkage)....
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