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Organizational Culture and Organizational Stability
16 pages (4204 words) , Download 2 , Essay
From the paper "Organizational Culture and Organizational Stability" it is clear that strategic change is a standardized phenomenon that would occur within an organizational system.... Change can be regarded as a vital element of overall business strategic management.... ... ... ... Prescriptive approaches are at times utilized by managers and it consists of three essential steps....
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International Commercial Terms between 2000-2011
16 pages (4327 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The gap was then noted through the need to create a global center for the free trade from technology, while lessening the gap from the national and state policies which were prohibiting the trade and transfer of specific international products.... This essay "International Commercial Terms between 2000-2011" discusses the amount of supply and demand between regions while creating a different set of terms and agreements with the new international commercial terms....
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Change Management. Whirlpool
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 5 , Essay
Secondly, internationalization prompted the need for the harmonization of manufacturing systems, technology and knowledge.... The paper 'Change Management.... Whirlpool' examines the concept of change management through the study of the case involving Whirlpool, a global home appliance company with its headquarters in the United States....
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Monitoring and Assessment in Modern Foreign Languages
15 pages (4179 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Students self assessment approaches in language learning employs the use of elaborate technology that the students can use to effectively evaluate themselves and correct common mistakes that do not require close attention of the teacher.... The paper "Monitoring and Assessment in Modern Foreign Languages" describes that foreign language teaching is a great challenge to language teachers given the students' low prioritization of the second language at high preference to their first languages....
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Regulation of the Internet
15 pages (4107 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This paper ''Regulation of the Internet'' tells us that in the age of information technology and the advancement of a communication system through the internet, there is a potential consideration of bringing into the virtual world the right of each individual to privacy.... egulation of the internet and democratic values and ideals Introduction In the age of information technology and advancement of communication system through the internet, there is a potential consideration of bringing into the virtual world the right of each individual to expression and privacy....
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Changes in the Prevalence of Clostridium Difficile Infection in the United Kingdom
16 pages (4469 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Changes in the Prevalence of Clostridium Difficile Infection in the United Kingdom" highlights that generally, CDI is a gastrointestinal infection that causes diarrhea, which, if not managed, can lead to serious health problems, or even death.... ... ... ... Clostridium difficile is a resilient Gram-positive, anaerobic, toxin-producing bacillus that normally inhabits the gut of infants, and it is not as common in adults....
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The Financial Crisis from 2007 to 2009
13 pages (4608 words) , Download 2 , Essay
s the financial systems of major industrial countries are entangled due to convenience to global investors with the technology, those which are more entangled with the US financial system can be more affected by this crisis (World Bank 2008).... This paper ''The Financial Crisis from 2007 to 2009'' aims to explore the financial crisis from 2007 to 2009, with a specific focus on the role of asset securitization in the crisis....
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Hurricane Katrina: Impact on Bermuda
14 pages (4260 words) , Download 2 , Essay
California's growth from 9 percent in 1999 to 1 percent in 2001 was the result of technology meltdown.... This essay "Hurricane Katrina: Impact on Bermuda" explores Hurricane Katrina which is so far the worst in insurance outgoes.... With tools available to convert losses into monetary terms, the people left to continue with their lives can find some relief from the miseries....
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Effective Leadership within an Organisational Context
13 pages (4050 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Jobs applied many unique processes in order to make a new era in the fields of computer and information technology (Grint, 2010).... The aim of the paper 'Effective Leadership within an Organisational Context' is to examine the major functions of leadership and tries to evaluate the need for effective leadership in fulfilling those functions....
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What Defines Consumer Behaviour
16 pages (5200 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The following paper, under the title 'What Defines Consumer Behaviour' gives detailed information about the understanding of consumer behavior that is ultimately what allows firms to more effectively market and target their messages to specific individuals.... ... ... ... Accordingly, understanding what defines consumer behavior and how it is motivated is of essential interest to firms that are seeking to remain relevant and competitive within the current dynamic....
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Agency or Funding Regime That Promotes Physical Regeneration
16 pages (4410 words) , Download 2 , Essay
?? According to the Select Committee report on advancement in Science and technology, the RDAs have been involved in a number of projects pertaining to the scientific and technological growth including initiatives concerning the National Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing Facility, NW Genetics Knowledge Park and the National Microsystems Packaging Sector....
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How Does New Mexico's Media Portray Issues of Drought and Water Allocation
19 pages (5112 words) , Download 2 , Essay
"It's aquarium technology," Williams explained.... This essay "How Does New Mexico's Media Portray Issues of Drought and Water Allocation" focuses on the largest city in the state of New Mexico, United States.... It is the county seat of Bernalillo County and is situated in the central part of the state, straddling the Rio Grande....
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Marketing Psychological Instruments to Integrate with Consumers
17 pages (4914 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Marketing Psychological Instruments to Integrate with Consumers" provides an understanding of how gender and celebrity endorsements, as well as fashion, have affected a psychological and sociological interpretation of self-worth and an individual's place in society.... ... ... ... Advertising and marketing heavily rely upon psychological instruments in order to integrate with the potential consumer....
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EPL and the Commercialization of Professional Football
15 pages (4156 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Again, the advertisement principles are always directed at promoting cutting-edge technology (Giulianotti 89).... ... his paper ''EPL and the Commercialization of Professional Football'' tells us that the EPL kicked off at a time when British soccer was facing increasing difficulties in coping with the changing paradigms of professionalism....
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Concepts of Marketing Management in an Organization
16 pages (4416 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The marketing process also involves business to business and the use of information technology also plays an important role during marketing.... The essay "Concepts of Marketing Management in an Organization" focuses on the critical analysis of the concepts used in marketing management and how they are used to make profits as well as satisfy the customers....
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Post-Subprime Development in the Capital Markets
16 pages (4258 words) , Download 0 , Essay
According to these adherents, the United States government began subprime lending after the technology bubble had bust during 2000.... The essay "Post-Subprime Development in the Capital Markets" focuses on the critical, and multifaceted analysis of some of the developments that the country has been grappling with after the subprime era or what is identified as the post-subprime era....
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The Geographical Features of Jamaica
16 pages (4373 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Promotion of IT and the use of customer database amongst tourist facilities throughout Jamaica: This will involve the promotion of high-technology products and systems to keep customers informed about new trends.... The paper "The Geographical Features of Jamaica" suggests that Jamaica is a major global tourist destination....
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Accountability of Registered Nurses in Delegating Care to Support Workers and Student Nurses
15 pages (4386 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Several characteristics or trainings are also assessed by the registered practitioner such as communication, personal and people development, health, safety and security, service improvement, quality, equality and diversity, and information technology skills.... The paper "Accountability of Registered Nurses in Delegating Care to Support Workers and Student Nurses" states that patients must know who is taking care or treating them and they expect that these persons have understanding and knowledge and are competent in giving their service to patients....
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Accounting in Decision Making Process
8 pages (5020 words) , Download 0 , Essay
hanges in technology for production, distribution, marketing has not been accounted for which might give different result ... The paper "Accounting in Decision Making Process" is a great example of a Finance & Accounting essay.... Super Cheap Auto Group Ltd is a company and has a huge presence and deals in 'auto parts and accessories, tools and equipment and other fishing parts'....
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Protection of the Right for Privacy
16 pages (4505 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The paper "Protection of the Right for Privacy" claims lack of specific statutory legislation to deal with media intrusion can be regarded as a weakness in English law.... The Irish Privacy Bill 2006 represents a model which could well be adopted in the UK.... ... ... ... One of the most significant elements of personal life is the right to privacy....
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E-Commerce Laws and Regulations
21 pages (5233 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The essay "E-Commerce Laws and Regulations" critically analyzes the issues in the e-commerce laws and regulations.... It deals with the validity of online contracts, what precautions should be taken while entering into an online contract, and how the online contract binds the parties.... ... ... ...
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Association of Women Police
19 pages (4794 words) , Download 2 , Essay
It is a really interesting and dismal fact that, even though the modern society has grown much in terms of science and technology as well as in the field of education and despite the fact that today's generation consists of highly educated youth, when it comes to gender equality, the society has still got the old mindset of considering the women to be far inferior to men....
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Risks Posed by Money Laundering
18 pages (4543 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Money laundering and other means of corruption became severe problems that affect companies in particular, especially in international commerce, finance and technology transfer.... From the paper "Risks Posed by Money Laundering" it is quite clear that generally speaking, money laundering is the practice of manipulating the finances or funds which were obtained illegally and efforts would be made to convert the same to legal money....
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Promotion of Multilateral Agreements
15 pages (4281 words) , Download 2 , Essay
While on the one hand, these agreements are welcomed because they help to protect the fragile environment, some developing countries also perceive these agreements as barriers to trade, which will hinder their competitiveness because they are already handicapped in their access to finance, technology and information....
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Mentorship Process Milestones
15 pages (4250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Limited access of the mentors for such information and technology will hamper the career growth and development of both protges and the mentor.... The essay "Mentorship Process Milestones" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in the milestones of the process of mentorship....
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Effective Hand Hygience
19 pages (4908 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The most significant changes are shifts in disease patterns, advanced technology, increased consumer expectations, and high costs of health care.... Among the most significant changes are shift in disease patterns, advanced technology, increased consumer expectations and high costs of health care....
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The Rapid Globalization Process
15 pages (4251 words) , Download 2 , Essay
K export regulations are minimal in food categories and most of the restrictions pertain mainly to arms and ammunitions, technology transfers or software, which comes under UK's Strategic Export Control List (UK Strategic Export Control List 2004).... The paper "The Rapid Globalization Process" states that the Indian market which offers attractive potential for a new product such as Zingo poses challenging tasks in terms of being price competitive, with the burden of successive layers of tariffs as well as the multi-layered distribution channels....
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How Does Learning and Employee Development Contribute to Organizational Success and Performance
20 pages (5157 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The social work training providers are required to make sure that all the students they induct are registered with SSSC within a month, have the basic language skills to benefit from the training they will be provided with and possess a willingness and potential to learn basic effective communication skills and information technology expertise that is required to work effectively and competently in any field of study in today's world including social work (The Scottish Government, 2006)....
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The Rise and Times of China
20 pages (5222 words) , Download 6 , Essay
The cost advantages vary by sector, but they include things like not having to pay for Information technology, not having to pay marketing expenses to market your brand, and not having to do things like research and development which for pharmaceutical companies and industries like automobiles is particularly important....
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Atypical Workers in the UK
15 pages (4189 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The category of workers affected by this situation is broad, ranging from low paid manual workers to high-paid information technology staff, journalists and creative professionals.... This essay "Atypical Workers in the UK" focuses on atypical workers, or the 'dependent self-employed' that covers a wide variety of workers in the UK, only a small minority of whom value the flexibility and benefits offered to them by virtue of not being classed as 'employed'....
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Definitions of the Umbrella Clause
16 pages (5114 words) , Download 3 , Essay
In addition to this, foreign investments are crucial to the economic progress of developing countries, supplying the needed capital, technology, entrepreneurial know-how, and infrastructure to the host country.... The paper "Definitions of the Umbrella Clause" describes that the umbrella clause is an additional layer of protection for foreign investors in the face of uncertainties in a host state, with the purpose of encouraging foreign direct investments and thereby speeding up development....
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Comparing Agency Theory and Stakeholder Theory
15 pages (4348 words) , Download 5 , Essay
Some contexts that apply agency theoretic framework include firms' public offer of new capital, franchisee set up, technology strategy in new product development, and labour union transactions.... The essay "Comparing Agency Theory and Stakeholder Theory" focuses on the critical analysis, comparison, and contrast of Agency theory and Stakeholder theory; and the determination of which theory offers the most useful insights into corporate behavior....
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Fair and Equitable Treatment
16 pages (4616 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The FET appears consistently in investment treaty practice since it was first articulated in the Havana Charter of 19484 where it is stated in Article 11(2) (a) (i) thereof: ‘to assure just and equitable treatment for the enterprise, skills, capital, arts and technology brought from one Member country to another....
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Earthquake and Ecotourism in Taiwan: A Perspective Viewpoint
16 pages (4421 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Utilisation of network technology in the overall upgrading of ... "Earthquake and Ecotourism in Taiwan: A Perspective Viewpoint" paper contains a discussion regarding various topics ranging from ecology, ecosystems, sustainable development, ecotourism, earthquake, and its impact, and of course recovery of Taiwan from the Catastrophic disaster....
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Regans Economic Strategy and Policy
16 pages (4349 words) , Download 2 , Essay
dvantage in technology: It escalated the tanker war, employed chemical weapons, and ... The paper "Regan's Economic Strategy and Policy" discusses that as for the Pakistani drive to get a nuclear bomb, the Reagan-Bush administration turned to word games to avoid triggering anti-proliferation penalties that otherwise would be imposed on Pakistan....
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Music and Social Identity
15 pages (4112 words) , Download 4 , Essay
With the advancement in technology more pronounced appreciation of music is attained.... The author of the paper "Music and Social Identity" is of the view that music itself plays multiple roles in constructing and maintaining the identities of individuals as well as nations.... The music reflects the society of the country and defines the cultures that a country has....
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Counseling Young People
16 pages (4228 words) , Download 7 , Essay
This is where he is exposed to the technology of his society, books, multiplication tables, arts and crafts, maps, microscopes, films, and tape recorders.... The paper "Counseling Young People" highlights that young people particularly interested in developing and clarifying their own goals or preferences in life may also benefit from personal coaching....
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Public Employee Unions Across America
15 pages (4372 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The essay "Public Employee Unions Across America" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in the work of public employee unions across America.... One of the most contentious issues hitting the psyche of a great and industrious people is taking to task the major players in the economy....
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Can Terrorism Be Described as Organized Crime
16 pages (4461 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The technology of studying and character of recommendations testify that more often the terrorism and the organized crime are considered to be two independent problems demanding the application in struggle against them of the interdependent, but special means.... The author of the "Can Terrorism Be Described as Organized Crime" paper examines the reasons for terrorism and organized crime merge, and analyses the world's biggest terrorist organization Al-Quida and the terrorist activity in connection with organized crime....
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Change Strategy for in-House Cafeteria
14 pages (4100 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The artifacts are behavioural usages at the front like rules, procedures, communications and technology that are readily changed and indeed do not change values or traditions but are mere change of presentations or mannerisms.... The paper "Change Strategy for in-House Cafeteria" states that an in-house cafeteria owned by the State University has undergone expansion and is facing problems of dissension within the workforce....
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The Slow Extinction of the Gaelic Language
16 pages (4301 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Internet has built the global village with the help of the world wide net technology.... The paper "The Slow Extinction of the Gaelic Language" describes that no matter how strong English becomes dominant in the international market, the Gaelic language will be respected and practiced by people who are really interested in it and thus they will keep the culture alive....
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The Sources of Law in the United States
17 pages (4879 words) , Download 0 , Essay
In essence, this was the constitution of USA that set a roadmap for the undeterred power for the country in economy, technology and international community.... From the paper "The Sources of Law in the United States" it is clear that legal commentators have rightly argued that the most important characteristics of the U....
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Human Migration in the Industrialized Nations
16 pages (4210 words) , Download 0 , Essay
They are usually at the front of innovation in technology and thus create jobs.... As the paper "Human Migration in the Industrialized Nations" tells, various types of migration include international migration, mass migration, and circular migration.... International migration is the movement of people beyond country borders to host countries where they stay for a certain period....
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Lifelong Learning: Lifespan Development Theories
17 pages (5173 words) , Download 4 , Essay
n the fast-paced, technology-dense world indwelled by much of the earth's population, the supreme human resource is intelligence.... In this paper "Lifelong Learning: Lifespan Development Theories", the author will discuss three theories of lifespan development including the theories of Mezirow, Hansen, and Super....
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HR Practices At For Profit And Not For Profit Organizations
19 pages (4750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
According to Marcy (2005) if organizations are to be spirited, more creative and efficiently sustainable, they will necessitate highly accomplished well-informed, pioneering workers and a comparatively steady workforce.... A mounting amount of companies in the United States and Europe are applying administration systems and HR practices with better employee participation to augment output and quality, and to add the aggressive benefit of a workforce deliberately associated with the organization's aims and objectives....
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The Impact of Terrorism on Liberty
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Modern terrorism, aided by new technology and communication, has reached a new level in its ability to wage violence and inflict fear.... Terrorism has existed since the days of the Romans as assassins attempted to eliminate foreign occupying forces.... Throughout history, groups of zealots have banded together to promote a cause, inflict harm, or intimidate people....
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Development of Professionalism in new Registered Nurses
18 pages (4500 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Appearance, behavior, dress, and communication skills play an important role in the image that a nurse projects.... As the nurse interacts with patients, families, community members, corporate personnel, and policymakers, he or she must reflect a professional image.... ... ... ... First impressions transmit powerful messages....
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Management International and Comparative HRM
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This paper talks that globalization is the intensification of social relations worldwide which links the localities at distant places in such a way that events which occur miles away shape the local happenings and vice versa.... Some interrelated ideas are embodied in this definition in relation to accelerating interdependence and time space compression....
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Chinese Fashion Industry
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
These include state administration of radio and television, ministry of information technology ministry of public security (Chang, 2006).... The essay analyzes Why International Fashion Magazines Lose their Social Power in China.... The government of the People's Republic of China plays a major role in the country's media industry....
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Globalization for the Arab Countries
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Globalization can be defined, according to Emmanuel Richter, as "a global networking that has welded together previously disparate and isolated communities on this planet into mutual dependence and unity of 'one world'" (Baylis & Smith 1997:15).... The opposite would be a more skeptic and Marxist indicated definition, like Martin Khor's "globalization is what we in the Third World have for centuries called colonization" (ibid)....
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