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Bretton Woods System
19 pages (5170 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This essay "Bretton Woods System" treats the agreement of Bretton Woods objectives: the first is the contents of the international economic order which was born with the favor of the Second World war, and the second to take the measurement of the distance which separates us from the project.... ... ...
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Criminalisation of Homosexuality
15 pages (4028 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The area under discussion in the "Criminalisation of Homosexuality" paper is gay and lesbian acts because it is one of the topics that have gained popularity over the decades.... In most religious settings, homosexuality is under scrutiny because these groups have spoken out against discrimination....
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Challenges Faced by Adults with Intellectual Disability
15 pages (4351 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The paper "Challenges Faced by Adults with Intellectual Disability" states that adults with intellectual disabilities face a lot of challenges in their daily lives.... Discrimination in terms of employment is among the challenges that adults with intellectual disabilities face on a daily basis.... ...
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Analysis of Barack Obamas Inaugural
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The author analyzes Barack Obama's inaugural address and states that the President loads his inaugural speech with emotional language and imagery but skimps somewhat on a logical and reasoned argument about how his emotional vision is going to be achieved.... .... ... ... Barack Obama's inaugural address was effective at providing a sense of hope and direction to his audience....
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The Best Method of Negotiation
10 pages (2675 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The paper "The Best Method of Negotiation" discusses that different gurus and professionals applied different strategies to deal with their issues and all turned out to be successful because their situation was very different from one another and thus different techniques worked.... ... ... ... It is important to consider your relationship with the rival party....
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Capacity Management in Easy Jet Airline
10 pages (3110 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The paper "Capacity Management in Easy Jet Airline" describes that the best strategy is to keep seats reserved for business plus card customers.... As forecasted by the software the number of seats are already allocated or reserved for the business card plus customers.... .... ... ... In the usual case of late bookings by business plus customers if the first come first serve strategy is followed then no seat would be left for business plus customers as leisure trip customers mostly book flights ahead of schedule....
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Iraq War and Internation Relation Paradigms
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Two years after the September 11 attacks, the Bush Administration declared Iraq as a National and Global security threat, thus declaring War on Iraq; also known as the Operation Iraqi Freedom.... The preliminary decision by the Bush administration to invade Iraq was merely based on false accusation of Saddam Hussein's regime building nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons of mass destruction....
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Issues in Human Resource Management
17 pages (4250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
I will assume here, with these issues in view, that there is a leadership problem within the organisation that requires immediate attention and solution.... That is to say that the whole issues border on leadership style and motivation problem within the set up. ... ... ... ... ... hatever will make a staff reduce his commitment to the organisation that pays his wages will also make such a staff to indulge in truancy, cause him to refuse to participate in courses organised by the organisation and cause him to eventually resign from such a company. ...
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Discuss the nature of dyslexia and implication for identification and assesment
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The definition of dyslexia developed by the British Psychological Society (1999) is that: 'Dyslexia is evident when accurate and fluent word reading and/or spelling develops very incompletely or with great difficulty' (p.... 18).... Obviously, this is in relation to literacy learning at the level of words....
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Managing Organizational Behavior
15 pages (4431 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The essay "Managing Organizational Behavior" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in managing organizational behavior.... Human capital is the most valuable and powerful asset as well as an extremely important factor for effectiveness and efficiency in an organization.... ... ... ...
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Cuba as an Example of Sustainable Living
13 pages (4059 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Cuba as an Example of Sustainable Living" highlights that Cuba is an economically failed state and cannot be used as a demonstration of sustainable living.... Self-rule has lasted in the country for more than a century and the fruits thereof are not identifiable.... ... ... ... The country stands out in terms of its military power, they have successfully defended their country and have also gone to the extent of taking part in wars in other countries and demonstrated good success....
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Finance - Audit and Assurance
15 pages (4282 words) , Download 3 , Essay
From the paper "Finance - Audit and Assurance" it is clear that the relationship between Enron and its auditor was analyzed and it was found that the auditor got involved in such faulty practices while performing the audit of the company just for the reason of fees.... ... ... ... A clash in the interest happens when an individual's self-regarding interest disagrees with complying with the individual's fiduciary responsibilities....
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Organizational Change A Literature Review
22 pages (5500 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Technical forces refers to imperatives for change created by changes in technology and economic conditions in the environment, including the development of advance equipment, changing interest rates and increase in competition.... Human organizations are often described by the metaphor likening them to living organisms, with good reason....
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The impact of financial crisis on five USA companies
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The financial crisis of 2007 – 2009 was the greatest financial disaster that has confronted the United States of America and the world since the Great Depression.... Often a financial crisis follows periods of boom with a high money supply and the financial crisis of 2007 –.... ... ...
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What started the Credit Crunch and what are the effects of it in the UK
48 pages (12000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The subprime market crisis that hit the global financial markets in the summer of 2007 caused a series of negative market reactions on a global scale.... The tightly entwined nature of world financial markets represents a global loop whereby occurrences in one market have.... ... ... This factor has been and will continue to be one that triggers international financial incidents, and in some cases they may result in what are termed as a crisis....
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Aging Discrimination Legislation
40 pages (9796 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Aging Discrimination Legislation" discusses that generally, organizations have been laying off employees in record numbers for the last 15 years (Cascio, 2002), challenging assumptions of job security for loyalty and hard work (Rousseau, 1995).... .... ... ... It is possible to question the extent to which these disciplines have communicated and combined their efforts in true inter-disciplinary fashions....
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The Advocacy of Trial Book
40 pages (9993 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This essay "The Advocacy of Trial Book" focuses on the trial that was heard before His Honour Judge 'S' in Southwark Crown Court, situated near London Bridge on the south bank of River Thames.... It commenced on January 23, 2012, lasted for nine days and closed on February 2, 2012.... .... ... ... It is a decree of punishment awarded by a judge after careful and judicious consideration of all the material evidence brought out in the trial....
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The influence of payment cards on currency demand in United Kingdom (2001-2010)
27 pages (6750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
For a period of many years, there has been great debate on many things and many fields within economies, and when it comes to currency demands, the role of financial innovations has always been a major concern for many analysts.... ... ... ... There have been many reports which have helped people understand the impact of currency demands, especially since the increase of demand through the use of cards like debit cards, etc....
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Reforming Auditor Legal Liability: Government, Practitioners and Scholars
40 pages (10000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
When having to develop organizational activity managers in modern firms have to take into account a series of criteria having in mind that the market conditions tend to change continuously under the influence of political and social changes but also the conditions in the global.... ... ...
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Women in the Workplace A Positive Perspective
35 pages (8750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
'The hand that rocks the cradle, rules the world.... 'Behind the success of every man there is a woman'.... 'Woman is nature; synonym of patience, dedication, and sacrifice'.... We are acquainted with sayings like these to highlight the role of women in our society.... ... ... ... And Alexander Pushkin, the Russian poet, in a more emphatic and sensual approach, remarked: "Oh women, if I have got thousand hands I would have embraced you at a time, and kissed you" But Shakespeare has put women in another perspective....
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Background and Outline to the YUM
22 pages (7666 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The paper "Background and Outline to the YUM!... states that UM is ranked the world's largest fast-food company as it has over 40,000 restaurants operating in more than 125 countries.... YUM is considered by many as a dynamic company that gives a perfect representation of other industry players....
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A Multi-Task Workforce to Satisfy Customer Demands at Etisalat
30 pages (8112 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "A Multi-Task Workforce to Satisfy Customer Demands at Etisalat" states that advantages to Etisalat include selecting what novel skills its workforce will obtain, targeting proficiencies to meet the requirements of Etisalat operation at the present and within the future.... ... ... ... Etisalat needs to change the way it carries its operations through its workforce so that the customer can have the capacity to get all the help needed and services required from the staff without bothering himself to get up from his seat....
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Mitigating the Effects of Oil, Trade Policies, and International Relationships on Kazakhstan
52 pages (10268 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The paper "Mitigating the Effects of Oil, Trade Policies, and International Relationships on Kazakhstan" states that becoming more democratic would increase transparency in government and decrease corruption, which would better allow businesses in Kazakhstan to flourish.... .... ... ... Empirical evidence was gathered from the Statistics Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan, ILO reports and CIA World Factbook....
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Will the Apparent Increased Frequency of Natural Disasters Have Any Economic Implications
38 pages (10291 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Will the Apparent Increased Frequency of Natural Disasters Have Any Economic Implications" discusses that every disaster is an economic disaster.... The loss in any form has economic implications.... It is the earth that has given us all the resources to build a comfortable life.... .... ...
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The Prevalence of Obesity in Saudi Adolescents
15 pages (7534 words) , Download 0 , Essay
xford Business Group 2008, The Report: Saudi Arabia, King Abdulaziz City for Science and technology, Riyadh.... xford Business Group 2008, The Report: Saudi Arabia, King Abdulaziz City for Science and technology, Riyadh.... The paper "The Prevalence of Obesity in Saudi Adolescents" proves obesity affects the psychological, physical, and socio-economic conditions of the Saudi Arabians....
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Finance & Growth Strategies
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
a.... Systematic and Unsystematic risks are associated with financial investments particularly with the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) which distinguishes between the two types of risks based on the amount of risk.... ... ... ic, diversifiable, firm-specific or unique risk is associated with a particular organization and includes risks due to management, industry sector, vagaries of the market nationalisation of assets, inadequate public relations in addition to problems due to labour and research The risk can be greatly reduced by holding diverse security portfolios of various industrial sectors....
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European Union and Ukraine. Eastern Partnership
40 pages (10000 words) , Download 4 , Essay
This paper talks about the European Neighbourhood Policy framework was developed and implemented as a way of promoting a better economic development, stability and better governance in its neighbourhood.... In order to address the flaws and limitations of the ENP framework, the Eastern Partnership was recently developed....
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Abstract to my project
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
These standards are essential in providing existing and/or potential investors adequate information to make informed and calculated decisions as pertains profitability of.... ... ... These accounting standards are also important to regulators, reporters and the taxpayers.... All parties with vested interests should be preview to the information generated as a result of the application of these standards....
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The Adult Persistence in Learning Model
3 pages (8741 words) , Download 6 , Essay
technology has flourished in every aspect of life the home, recreation, and the workplace.... Employees often have to use new technology, adapt processes to their work's needs, and develop new products.... The paper "The Adult Persistence in Learning Model" highlights that adult learner development in advanced education must be understood with care....
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Thailand's Crisis: A critical analyis of Thai Economic Security
50 pages (12500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The paper presents a critical analysis of Thailand's economic crisis; the research analysis essentially includes a scrutiny of the pre-crises economic and social policies and factors that facilitated the economic boom, eventually resulting in the economic bust characterized by the financial crisis....
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A Study of How Gays and Lesbians Are Represented in the British Tabloid Press
40 pages (10403 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "A Study of How Gays and Lesbians Are Represented in the British Tabloid Press" aims to show how these short articles represent gay and lesbian individuals to their readership.... This entails a consideration of the range of topics reported on, and the use of language within these articles....
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Vibration Exposure to Have Health Effects
28 pages (8398 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Vibration Exposure to Have Health Effects" suggests that most individuals are ignorant that vibration exposure can have health effects on them.... The construction, transportation and fishing sectors are some of the areas likely to expose individuals to vibrations.... ... ... ... The researchers attributed this to the fact that men are likelier to perform more dangerous duties than women (Hagberg 2009, p....
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Trade and Investment Opportunities with India
40 pages (10000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The aim of the paper 'Trade and Investment Opportunities with India' is to identify the areas that an educational institute needs to consider if it is to successfully establish itself in a foreign region.... The study shall give special consideration to the aspects of the promotion of educational institutes....
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The effect of nitric oxide and cGMP on follecogenises
40 pages (10000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Infertility has been described as “Failure to conceive after at least 1 year of unprotected coitus” in the glossary prepared by the International Committee Monitoring Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ICMART, Zegers-Hochschild et al.... 2006).... According to worldwide.... ... ... A multicentre study undertaken by the World Health Organisation (WHO) has revealed that nearly 10 - 15% of all couples in the western nations are affected by subfertility, 38% of the cases being to female disorders, 20% of male origin, 27% resulting from abnormalities in both man and woman, while 15% of the cases could not be attributed to either partner (de Kretser, 1997)....
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Strategic Plan for INJAZ QATAR Org
34 pages (8500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The objectives that have to be achieved within the predetermined time have to be SMART for them to chart a course for a better and sustainable future.... ... ... Strategic planning management entails making a conscious effort to incorporate planning, resource allocation, and time for determining the aims in an organization....
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Art of Darkness
132 pages (10755 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The paper "Art of Darkness" tells us about a concept we don't even question, something that becomes a part of our inner psyche before we're even old enough to consider the source.... It is more than just the simple absence of light.... ... ... ... Writers in the Victorian era often took a rather gloomy approach to the world, tending to view society and what was occurring within it with a pessimistic attitude, often evoking the same view of darkness taken by the majority of Gothic writers, namely, that it was a representation of evil....
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The use of official corruption by transnational organised crime groups
40 pages (10000 words) , Download 4 , Essay
This paper is a Topic Selection and Project Plan for a 10,000-word legal research paper, which forms part of the syllabus for the Masters in Transnational Crime Prevention from the University of Wollongong.... The aim of this current paper is to present the author's selected.... ... ... Additionally, this paper outlines the author's project plan, which details the tasks to be completed during the sixteen weeks assigned to the research, writing and submission of the legal The aim of this project is to compile a 10,000 word research paper following independent research in the area of transnational crime prevention....
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Strategic Management for Business Building Success
28 pages (7751 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This report ''Strategic Management for Business Building Success'' will review a small business company in regard to its business structure and business ideas that shape the type of market in which this business is located.... For this report, the company of interest will be Tyrrells English Crisps Company....
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Early Childhood Interventions
24 pages (8173 words) , Download 5 , Essay
The essay "Early Childhood Interventions" focuses on the criticla analysis of the major issues in early childhood interventions.... The importance of early intervention has recently been highlighted as a priority in legislation as well.... The IACC developed a research roadmap and matrix.... ... ...
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The Performance of UK Gambling
25 pages (7525 words) , Download 4 , Essay
As the paper "The Performance of UK Gambling" examines, the gambling and casino industry in the United Kingdom is among the largest legal gambling hubs for locals and tourists around the world.... The gambling industry in the United Kingdom has significantly grown in recent years.... .... ... ... The gambling and gaming industry grew by 7....
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The Pathology of Imprisonment
42 pages (10645 words) , Download 2 , Essay
How do technology trends in China impact other countries?... This essay "The Pathology of Imprisonment" discusses how through personal growth and even with age, our personalities have the tendency to change.... While once a quiet extrovert, we may enter roles that cause us to step out of our boundaries and become different in ways that we did not know we could....
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Leading the Catholic School
22 pages (5500 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The focus of this assignment is to provide an account of my learning journey through this unit on exercising leadership in a Catholic school by knowing more about its unique culture.... This unit contains four modules explaining the complex reality of culture and the demands of Catholic school leadership....
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Influence of Cultural Knowledge in Human Resource Management
22 pages (5500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This study was done with a few attempts to provide a clear and final insight to how the managers and fresh graduates as well as individuals who are applying for a job tend to perceive a work environment.... The focus of the research is to understand how it impacts any processes inside the organization....
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Quality of corporate governance within an organization (Shell Company) and the impact on organizations key stakeholder
27 pages (6750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Quality of corporate governance within an organization (Shell Company) and the impact on organization's key stakeholder ... ame ... nstitution ... bstract ... hell Company operates globally across the world and is one of most successful company in energy and petrochemical products.... .... ...
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Corporate Social Responsibility
22 pages (5500 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The intention of this study is the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) that has gained considerable significance in the context of modern business corporations.... Earning revenues to generate profits cannot be the one and only motive of a commercial enterprise.... ... ... ... This research aims to evaluate and present Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), to tell how does a firm decide on its CSR, give an examples of CSR activities, demonstrate the Debate about CSR and debate between the “voluntary” and the “mandatory” aspects of CSR....
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The Impact of Stereotypes on African American Self Perception
24 pages (6000 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The opening of the report consists of the background information about definition for Social Construction.... It is used to analyze the progression of distinctive stereotypical ideas from which the construction of the African American's identity evolved.... .... ... ... This study presents a time line analysis of pivotal events and the historical literature surrounding the construction of the identity of the African descendent of slaves....
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Organizational Transformation
21 pages (5250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This paper entitled "Organizational Transformation" deals with the transformation of the organization at Canada's Bombardier Company.... Reportedly, change is a challenge as organizations most often fail to recognize when change is necessary.... ... ... ... Firm growth is a dynamic process of management interacting with the resources (Kor, 2009)....
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Advanced Substance Misuse Treatment Interventions
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
They concluded, however, that "the principles of brief psychotherapy fit well with the current design of substance abuse treatment programs, in which treatment is often divided into discrete and predictable blocks of time" (p.... The term substance abuse can be defined as an excessive use of addictive substances....
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The Prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus in the Middle East
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The objective is to discuss the scope and implications of the increasing burden of diabetes and describe the rationale and design of a new international study examining blood pressure lowering and glucose control interventions aimed at reducing the risk of vascular complications in people with type 2 diabetes....
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Insurgency International Context
27 pages (6750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
It is the state of uprising and revolt against the established ruling class that is often regarded as by-product of internal conflict between the state and non state actors.... Insurgency arises when the.... ... ... Insurgency when managed as an organized movement could over though the existing regimes by employing wide range of tactics like protests, terrorism, attacks and violation During the last two decades, the world community has been witnessing substantial rise in insurgency in different parts of the world that pose great challenges in terms of security and maintenance of political stability at global level....
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