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The Effect of Unilateral Divorce on Family and Divorce Rate
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
The author of this research paper examines the changes and complications of the social environment associated with the national divorce rate and divorced families after the implementation of the unilateral divorce law in the United States of America.... ... ... ... Increasing rates of marital problems have forced the United States to implement the unilateral divorce law....
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Intelligence New Findings and Theoretical Developments
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The author of the paper answers the questions as to intelligence new findings and theoretical developments.... The author states that In comparison to other IQ determining methods, adoption studies tend to underestimate the role of environment in predicting intelligence.... ... ... Having affirmed that it is indeed difficult to find specific genes that are responsible for normal variation, different reasons have been given....
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Applied Econometric Examination
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
According to this assignment, In the third model, β1 estimates how an increase in the income per capita is brought about by the increase in protection against expropriation (a proxy for quality of institutional).... From β1 the result will be that income per capita increases by 0.... 3....
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Schizophrenia and Bipolar in Psychiatric Researches
12 pages (3533 words) , Download 5 , Research Paper
The paper "Schizophrenia and Bipolar in Psychiatric Researches" describes that disorders are very much alike in their nature.... These entities show very common and alike symptoms which cause difficulties and problems for the psychiatrists to diagnose and detect the definite disease of the patient....
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Psychosocial Work-Related Stress
11 pages (3154 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
The author of this paper "Psychosocial Work-Related Stress" will make an earnest attempt to examine the effect of work-related stress on the employee's ability to work effectively, willingness to observe safety standards at work, and family life.... ... ... ... The review seeks to answer a pre-determined set of questions including; How does work-related stress affect an employee's ability to perform his/her tasks at work?...
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Application of Investigation Methodology in Construction Project
10 pages (2733 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "Application of Investigation Methodology in Construction Project" makes a research project investigation over the subject of construction industry performance.... This is an exclusive approach whereby, the author tried to make an analytical assessment of the selected issue.... ... ... ...
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The Importance for the Authorities to Follow the Rules
10 pages (2680 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The research paper "The Importance for the Authorities to Follow the Rules" explores the facts and legal issues related to a case scenario involving Officer Speedy of The Saint Leo Police Department.... The paper intends to evaluate the legal aspects and regulations that the case has undergone.... ...
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Marketing Plan for Starbucks
10 pages (3142 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
The coursework "Marketing Plan for Starbucks" main aspects of Starbucks business in the UK.... This paper outlines the financial performance of Starbucks UK, competition in the UK Market, main features of SWOT and PESTLE analysis, and marketing mix of the company.... ... ... ... At present, the company has close to 17, 000 stores in 50 countries around the world....
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Quality Management System
14 pages (3842 words) , Download 0 , Report
This paper ''Quality Management System'' tells that Virgin Australia Airlines is an Australia-based carrier.... The company was established in early 2000 to offer domestic freights in Australia.... At around this time, a rival airliner, Virgin Australia moved in strategically to fill the gap left by Ansett....
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Care Given to a Baby with Breathing Difficulties
8 pages (2707 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The paper "Care Given to a Baby with Breathing Difficulties" includes efforts to scrutinize video footage of the care given to a 17-day old baby and her family.... It uses a pseudonym for the baby to protect her identity in accordance with the Nursing and Midwifery Council Code of Professional Conduct....
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Self-Harming: Dissatisfaction with the Kind of Care by the Statutory Services
9 pages (2678 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This essay "Self-Harming: Dissatisfaction with the Kind of Care by the Statutory Services" is helpful in providing vital exploration of the evidence when examining the attitudes of professionals of healthcare across medical as well as mental health settings towards the population of people.... ... ...
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Employees Issues of Hotel and Hospitality Industry
10 pages (2810 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The essay "Employees Issues of Hotel and Hospitality Industry" focuses on the critical analysis of the three earlier literature on the perceptions of work-life balance issues, leisure benefit systems related to conflicts between leisure and work, and work-family conflicts.... ... ... ... The hotel and hospitality industry has grown over the years and presented several issues for the workers....
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Evolution of Nursing
10 pages (3095 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
From the paper "Evolution of Nursing" it is clear that as nurses witness various patients, they are capable of keeping track of the patients as well as they can record the diagnosis and hence can carry out research in the field of diagnosis through their nursing knowledge.... .... ... ... History encompasses learning of happenings from the times of yore leading up to the current time....
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Epidural Infusions, Pain, Complications from Untreated Pain, Priorities in Nursing Care
10 pages (3244 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The paper 'Epidural Infusions, Pain, Complications from Untreated Pain, Priorities in Nursing Care' is a good variant of a case study on nursing.... This case study looks into the postoperative care of Mr Staple after partial hepatectomy.... ... ... ... The paper 'Epidural Infusions, Pain, Complications from Untreated Pain, Priorities in Nursing Care' is a good variant of a case study on nursing....
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International Financial Theory Based on Empirical Evidence
8 pages (3032 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The paper "International Financial Theory Based on Empirical Evidence" states that the empirical evidence on three main theories PPP, interest rate parity and the international Fischer effect has been examined.... PPP does not hold well in the short run but it performs well in the long run.... ... ...
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Overview of Fordwell Golf Club and Its Retail Pro-Shop
12 pages (3175 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
From the paper "Overview of Fordwell Golf Club and Its Retail Pro-Shop" it is clear that it can be avowed that in order to improve the corporate image and position of Fordwell Golf Club, it is extremely essential to introduce the retail outlet within the area of the club.... ... ... ... Fordwell Golf Club is a clandestine associated club that was developed in the year of 1935....
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Planet of the Apes
10 pages (2749 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Planet of the Apes" highlights that film is the essence of the '60s: angry sarcasm and post-apocalyptic fiction; fight with restrictions, limitations, complexes, and old authorities; space theme and prophecy of an imminent catastrophe, which will destroy human civilization.... .... ... ...
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Major Notions of Race and Racism
10 pages (3190 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The essay "Major Notions of Race and Racism" focuses on the critical analysis of the brief introduction to what is racism and how ethnic minorities face the plague of racism every day.... It discusses how health facilities given to minorities differ and how racial discrimination affects health.... ...
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Bills of Lading and International Maritime Transport Regimes
13 pages (3730 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
"Bills of Lading and International Maritime Transport Regimes" paper is a reflection of the Maritime Law in connection to the bill of lading in the carriage of goods by sea.... Under consideration are the historical epoch and the subsequent developments of the same over time.... ... ... ... The first part of this essay introduces the substantive history of maritime law and its application as to the same....
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Harrison Company
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 22 , Case Study
It is important to highlight that the company faces multiple social and ethical issues.... The issues are being identified and discussed in the table below: Issue Description about the issue Association in terms of outsourcing with a Honduran company that engages unethical manufacturing practices in its units....
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General Strike of 1926 and Its Treatment by Newspapers
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
Give examples of this ffrom the newspapers, It also had problems publishing in the country, so it published in Paris and brought the copies to UK via plane.... The paper 'General Strike of 1926 and Its Treatment by Newspapers' on the example of a series of publications devoted to the legendary miners' strike, illuminates the role of the press in shaping public opinion and its impact on government, politics and the economy of the country....
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Interpretation of Class Room Discourse
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
For eg, the rule that ‘r' followed by a vowel mustn't be pronounced has a lot of examples like ‘r' as in ‘car', ‘poor', ‘bar' etc and a lot more exceptions like ‘father', ‘very' etc.... This paper "Interpretation of Class Room Discourse" focuses on the analysis of a given classroom where the teacher instructs the English language to the students whose primary language is not English....
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Welsh and the Galician Language in the Northwestern Part of Spain
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
On that note, the western mail and the Wales Sunday newspaper editions are examples of print media conveying reports in the Welsh language.... This paper strives to focus majorly on two languages, that is Welsh and the Galician language in the northwestern part of Spain.... The subsequent sections of this paper will document the comparative analysis of the two languages basing the argument on the language policy of the languages....
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A Critical Evaluation of the Awarding of Football World Cup Hosting to Emerging Markets
19 pages (4750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The hosting of the 2002 World Cup in South Korea and Japan, 2010 World Cup in South Africa, 2014 World Cup in Brazil, 2018 World Cup in Russia and 2022 World Cup in Qatar are examples of the steps taken FIFA in awarding the Football World Cups to new and emerging markets where the Football World Cup has not been held before....
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Investment Property Finance
21 pages (5683 words) , Assignment
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The paper "Investment Property Finance" is a great example of a finance and accounting assignment.... Being every man's and woman's dream in America, real estate investment demands better and simplified clarification in order to let the investors get better insights into the same.... In order to ensure that Tom and Steve Broad receive better and simplified clarification, the following questions will be helpful....
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Transco Commercial Contracting
27 pages (6506 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The essay "Transco Commercial Contracting" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in commercial contracting of Transco Company, a manufacturer and seller of widgets, having a 50% share in the national market.... Minerva plc had approached Transco for purchasing widgets.... ... ... ... Minerva is a subsidiary of Hedge Plc, a company that is part of a large group of companies....
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Japanese Culture
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Japanese Culture Section A: - 1.... Ie in Japanese meant home or household that consisted of grandparents, parent and siblings.... It was a basic part of Japanese law as well that tried entire families for offences and not just the individual; however, the system is no longer in practice.... ... ...
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Speech Acts in Bilinguals
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Moreover, it efficaciously delineates the profound association between language, culture and society with suitable examples.... Pragmatics contributes to a significant area of second/alien dialect education as well as learning with suitable use of language in the demeanor of speech acts comprising of apology, appeals, compliments, refusing, thinking, etc....
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Human Rights: Campaign Proposal and Campaign Rationale
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The influx of Albanian refugees over a decade ago has been quite massive due to the war in Kosovo.... However, it seems that not all immigrants are refugees from the war since it has been found out that mostly are from Albania.... ... ... ... The influx of Albanian refugees over a decade ago has been quite massive due to the war in Kosovo....
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Parenting Capacity and Substance Misuse
32 pages (8000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
While most can use substances such as alcohol on a limited, social basis, there is evidence that a significant component of the population regularly misuses or.... ... ...
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Is Harry Potter Who He Is Because of Nature or Nurture
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
? Consider these examples: ... The essay 'Is Harry Potter Who He Is Because of Nature or Nurture?... investigates what forces caused Harry Potter to change lifelong, what factors determined his transformation into a wizard, who became a hero seeking revenge against the evil that killed his parents....
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Where does the thoroughbred come from
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
It will detail the ancient history of horses and discuss man's earliest known uses of the species.... The paper will then trace the history of horse racing and how.... ... ... It will detail how the many millions of Thoroughbreds in the world today descend from just three Arabian stallions imported into Britain in the seventeenth and This paper will also show how the creation of British “Classic” races late in the eighteenth century and early in the nineteenth century changed the nature of racing and thus changed the way Thoroughbreds were being bred....
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National Identity in the Age of Global Networking
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
examples of authorities working on such localized struggles with covert or overt global agendas are human rights organizations and environmental organizations etc.... In the paper 'National Identity in the Age of Global Networking,' the author discusses the understanding of the forces acting on the state and the world at large....
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Current Challenges of London Eye
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 4 , Coursework
The divisions that are made with examples such as this are affiliated with socio – political links, commercial and public sectors and managerial links.... The paper 'Current Challenges of London Eye' deals with the issues of the famous tourist place.... The author believes that settling local and international laws will create a more sustainable environment and present new management and cultural opportunities for the favorite tourist destination....
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Strategies for Achieving Human Rights
24 pages (6000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
From the paper "Strategies for Achieving Human Rights" it is clear that Human Rights that these must be enjoyed by everyone regardless of race, age, gender etc.... The organisation thus seeks to ensure that the benefits of the women exported to the UK are not trifled by these factors.... ... ... ...
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Financial Crime and the Law
24 pages (6000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Outlining the different types of financial crime and its impact, this research gives detailed information about the regulatory processes, systems and legislation which exist in the UK.... The basic motive of this project is to provoke further thought and discussion on this topical subject.... ... ...
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Should Parents Censor Textbooks and Other Literature for Children in Schools
19 pages (5394 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
There are many more examples.... This literature review "Should Parents Censor Textbooks and Other Literature for Children in Schools" discusses parents that have rights, but so do their children, and this includes the right to the best education.... There may be some parents, who decide to limit the literature to their children....
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Relationship between Human Resources Practices and Organizational Performance
24 pages (6656 words) , Literature review
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Suitable examples from the industry are given to validate the role of human resource management practices in impacting the performance levels of different organizations.... The write up is aimed at evaluating the relationship between the human resource management practices within an organization and the overall performance of the organization....
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Panzar-Rosse Model as a Tool to Test for Competition in the UK Firms
22 pages (6235 words) , Download 3 , Dissertation
'Panzar-Rosse Model as a Tool to Test for Competition in the UK Firms' will analyze the validity of the Panzar-Rosse model as a viable tool to test the competitive nature of the financial markets.... The literature review will discuss available analyses regarding the Panzar-Rosse H-Statistical model and detail the relevant applications....
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New Class Inequality in Education
19 pages (5588 words) , Download 3 , Essay
examples were taken from different parts of the world eg America, France etc without any degree of consistency or discipline.... This essay "New Class Inequality in Education" presents the evolution of social systems and social classes that goes back to the eras before the Medieval period....
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Controversies That Face the UK Government
19 pages (5592 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper also depicts some of the examples of the youths who have perished from the harsh laws of the country and the poor treatments they get while in custody. ... The paper "Controversies That Face the UK Government" highlights that the oppressive formula may not be very effective since the recurrence of the same crime may occur each time a juvenile is released from prison, this also calls for a more corrective law....
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Harry Pottery: Nature or Nurture
20 pages (5302 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Consider these examples: ... The essay "Harry Pottery: Nature or Nurture" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in the concept of Harry Pottery, whether it is 'nature' or 'nurture'.... The old concept of personality development is that developmental changes are controlled by biological factors....
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Perceptions of Safety among Children in Foster Care
23 pages (6278 words) , Download 3 , Essay
From the paper "Perceptions of Safety among Children in Foster Care" it is clear that safety for foster care children has been defined in a wide range of methods that include: physical health, mental health, education, developmental status, behavioral outcomes and overall functionality.... ... ... ...
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Recent developments in the treatment of asthma
18 pages (4500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease affecting the airways in such a way that the airways become swollen making them sensitive and react to various allergens and lung irritants.... The symptoms of asthma ranges from mild to severe asthmatic attacks called medical emergency.... A.... ... ... Learning the ways to take care of asthma is an important aspect in the life of a patient....
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The Service Encounter Diaries
22 pages (5578 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The author of the paper "The Service Encounter Diaries" names the firms that exhibited poor levels of customer service - H&M, Vodafone, Yankee Candle, The Elephant Café, and the PetPlanet.... Likewise, those firms that exhibited a superior level included: TESCO, Barnes and Noble, East Café, etc....
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The State of Equality of Opportunities
23 pages (6069 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This paper ''The State of Equality of Opportunities'' seeks to establish the state of equality of opportunities (or equal opportunities or EO) in the UK in terms of the teaching profession.... It seeks to answer seeks to explain the significance of having equality of opportunities in the teacher hang profession....
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Joint Replenishment Inventory - Can-Order Replenishment System
20 pages (5301 words) , Download 2 , Thesis
While testing varied numerical based examples, it can be ascertained that average savings in relation to replenishment as well as carrying expenditures were recorded at 18.... From the paper "Joint Replenishment Inventory - Can-Order Replenishment System" it is clear that varied joint-replenishment based problems were examined and likewise analysed the ways based on which such problems or issues could be addressed as well as resolved for deriving positive outcomes....
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Cases of Racism in the Political History of the European Region
20 pages (5670 words) , Download 3 , Essay
It has scope to be applicable to use on different examples.... The paper "Cases of Racism in the Political History of the European Region" states that European society has political authority, and it has a glorious past.... This society occupied three-quarters of the world.... This continent has a rich culture, history, and tradition....
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Relationship between Financial Deregulation and Financial Crisis
22 pages (6028 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
This assignment "Relationship between Financial Deregulation and Financial Crisis" discusses financial deregulation as the withdrawal of government control and intervention in the workings of the markets, in order to allow these markets to operate solely under the influence of free-market forces....
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The Impact of Parental Depression on Teenage Children
18 pages (5419 words) , Download 4 , Dissertation
Comer sites two examples of American politicians who were affected by the public's perception of the disease from two different decades.... This dissertation "The Impact of Parental Depression on Teenage Children" is conducted with the intent of drawing a parallel between the public perception of mental disease and the ways in which children suffer from the effects of having a parent with depression....
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