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Diagnosis of Knee Joint Problem in MRI
13 pages (4325 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Notably, the use of soccer is very general as to of the injuries, though good examples are negligent of the others who hurt their knees at lower levels of play or simple trips that hurt one's knee a lot.... "Diagnosis of Knee Joint Problem in MRI" paper argues that the involvement of professionals will ensure that they will look at different angles and make it possible for the world to come up with enough ways of handling knee injuries more effectively....
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Strengths and Weakness of Project Management
16 pages (4226 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The author of this paper "Strengths and Weakness of Project Management" offers an in-depth insight into project management.... It presents knowledge of the requisite skills and techniques integral to accomplishing projects effectively and efficiently.... ... ... ... Two critical themes are covered....
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Finance for Business Decisions
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
It started its operation in 1849 as the Australian Mutual Provident Society.... It was a non-profit organization which worked as a life insurance provider.... The major twist came when AMP demutualized in 1998 and.... ... ... During which the share holders received 1.... million shares.... Amp Limited demerged itself from Henderson Group plc in 2003 which was done on a regional basis where AMP was based in Australia; The Henderson group took hold of AMP Limited's financial data of 2011 shows that the company has 949,037 shareholders with a total share capital of 2,854,672,784 ordinary shares....
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Confucianism and Character Education: A Chinese View
17 pages (5120 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
earning from negative examples and experiences is part of the process of character education within the context of Confucianism (Low, 2008).... The author of the "Confucianism and Character Education: A Chinese View" paper presents a review of literature, first covering Confucianism in the Chinese context in relation to the proposition on Confucianism being positively related to Chinese cultural contexts....
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The American Medicare Beneficiary Program
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
hese examples of obvious flaws in the Medicare program have highlighted policymakers' concerns through legislative initiatives aimed at curbing expenditures, Nevertheless, they fundamentally fail to look into underlying fundamental mishaps with the current PFS and SGR.... This discussion 'The American Medicare Beneficiary Program' focuses on the federal government's program in Medicare....
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What Caused the 1973 Arab-Israeli War
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The paper will thus analyze each cause into detail providing practical examples, actions and reactions and how each eventually propagated the war.... The Israeli-Arab war of 1973 is considered as one of the most recent fully-fledged war after the Second World War pitying more than one country....
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Drabinsky and Gottileb: Accounting Case Study
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This is only one of the examples that indicate how Messina came to be associated with the frauds.... Drabinsky and Gottileb operated a kickback scheme from 1990 to 1994.... In the kickback scheme two Livent vendors are appointed who helped Drabinsky and Gottileb, siphon millions of dollars from the company directly into their own pockets....
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Motivating Hong Kong students in writing English text
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The world today is a place where geographical boundaries have dissolved through the emergence of the Internet and the increased levels of communication and interaction that are taking place across the globe.... The international language that is increasingly prevalent across the.... ... ... In a country such as Hong Kong in particular, it is vital for students to be able to write effectively in English, so that they can function within a competitive global But while the importance of English is recognized in Hong Kong, some students display a marked reluctance to learn English....
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Bank Regulations and Letter of Credit
17 pages (4828 words) , Download 4 , Term Paper
Bank regulations are examples of commercial laws that have received a considerable amount of attention in recent times.... Bank regulations are examples of commercial laws that have received a considerable amount of attention in recent times.... The author of the paper will discuss the statement that banks deal with documents and not with goods, services or performance to which the documents may relate....
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Humanitarian and Human Rights Issues Related To Aid Organizations in DPRK
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
These extremist punishments are normally carried out and used as examples to other so called offenders.... The author of the present research paper "Humanitarian and Human Rights Issues Related To Aid Organizations in DPRK" mentions that the end of the World War II brought with it numerous changes....
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Alteration for Benefit of the Company: Allen v. Gold Reefs
18 pages (4500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The author concludes that English law has not developed the principle that a controlling shareholder owes an obligation/duty in equity to the company or to the other shareholders, and that his freedom to consult only his own interests is correspondingly not limited to that extent .... ... ... This is a direct application of the test of the 'hypothetical member' whose role extends to the long-term effects of the alteration of the articles on the company....
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Causes of Juvenile Delinquency in America
15 pages (4347 words) , Download 1 , Essay
examples of this include Yasser Arafat, who reportedly learned his guerrilla warfare techniques as a street gang member when he was a boy in Cairo in the 1940s (Aburish, 1998, p.... The purpose of this report "Causes of Juvenile Delinquency in America" is to describe and analyze the factors that can predispose children to become juvenile offenders....
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Effective Social Work Policing
19 pages (5166 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This paper 'Effective Social Work Policing' will focus on the recent trend in family lifestyle, which is single-parenthood.... This alternative family arrangement has not only increased in number but also in problems brought to the single-parent and the child/children.... ... ... ... The author states that the problems are wide-range since it includes not only family aspects but also economic, social and political....
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The Leaving Care Team
17 pages (4523 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The purpose of the paper "The Leaving Care Team" is to evaluate an assessment and Intervention for Young Adults Leaving Care.... The researcher states that social work in itself is already an arduous undertaking involving multifarious tasks, and it gets even more complicated when children are involved....
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The Functional Role of Semantic Radicals in Chinese Characters
7 pages (4061 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
And as Hanley notes, implicit approach takes time and exposure to number of examples.... The paper "The Functional Role of Semantic Radicals in Chinese Characters" describes that implicit approach is not enough when adult second language learners of Chinese attempt to pick up the functional role of semantic radicals while learning the meaning of Chinese characters....
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The Difference between Demand-Side and Supply-Side Subsidies
15 pages (4201 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Question: “Using historical and recent examples, explain the difference between demand side and supply side subsidies.... This essay The Difference between Demand-Side and Supply-Side Subsidies" discusses affordable housing investment in the UK.... Housing subsidy, whether it is demand or supply-side remains a necessary evil for the triumphant delivery of the overall economy....
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Breaking the Rules and Exploring New Psychological and Social Spaces
18 pages (4783 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
Meanwhile in the discussion on The Directors Company we see excellent examples of the flowering of this age of the rebels through the works of Bogdanovich and and Coppola.... The paper "Breaking the Rules and Exploring New Psychological and Social Spaces" analyzes the ground rules and expectations for class performance....
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Credit Risk and Market Risk
16 pages (4437 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
In real world examples, movements in market prices are changes in interest rates, exchange rates and equity process, whereas fulfillment of obligations are payment of interests on loans or on bonds, and the reimbursement of the principal amounts of the loan.... The paper "Credit Risk and Market Risk" is an outstanding example of marketing coursework....
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The Arguements For and Against Collective Bargaining
8 pages (4237 words) , Download 2 , Essay
There are a few isolated examples of formal multiemployer bargaining," say Katz and Kochan (2004, p.... "The Arguments For and Against Collective Bargaining" paper focuses on collective bargaining which is the product of modern industrial society, and has no place in a traditional agricultural society and it mirrors the economic change in the society....
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Coca-Cola Amatil Ltd & its Subsidiaries
17 pages (4408 words) , Download 0
The other examples of financing activities are payments of dividends, returns from long-term and short-term borrowings as well as the repayments of borrowings, returns from issuing equity instruments as well as outlays to purchase back such instruments.... The paper ''Coca-Cola Amatil Ltd & its Subsidiaries'' is a wonderful example of Finance & Accounting report....
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The Importance of Human Rights Discourse to the Study of Gender and Crime
17 pages (4633 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In her papers Sanchez gives us examples of how prostitution is a vicious cycle of victimisation, criminalisation and again victimisation.... The paper "The Importance of Human Rights Discourse to the Study of Gender and Crime" states that women facing abuse as girls (a victim), in later life often resort to criminal activities (becomes a criminal), thus making the connection between these two very deep-rooted....
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Comparison between the Australian System and the Unconstitutional System of the US
15 pages (4689 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
All these are examples of the bequest.... "Comparison between the Australian System and the Unconstitutional System of the US" paper scrutinizes the key distinctive facets of their legal systems (i.... .... both Australia and the US), but with regards to the constitution of Australia as well as the broad-spectrum facets of the US legal system....
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Research Results
30 pages (8171 words) , Research Paper
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The paper "Research Results" is an impressive example of a Finance & Accounting research paper.... Eight (8) studies on the investigation on the effect of respiratory rehabilitation programs in Gold Coast, Australia on the Six-Minutes Walk Test (6MWT) were conducted.... Specifically, the studies conducted were on the investigation of the effect by the distance improvement through the use of seven (7) studies and eight (8) groups....
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From individul to Social Change trough Art Therapy
30 pages (7500 words) , Download 4 , Thesis
An ever increasing tendency among psychotherapists to use art therapy in the general treatment environment to integrate a variety of functional dimensions in the therapeutic context has contributed to the current discourse on the subject, thus inevitably leading to the current debate on the use of it as an expressionist therapeutic mode of treatment to bring about desirable societal change....
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South Korean Automobile Market - Non-Tariff Barriers
36 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The essay "South Korean Automobile Market-Non-Tariff Barriers" examines the updated trade patterns and determinant of complete passenger and road vehicle trade between the U.... and S.... Korea.... The main explanatory variable is the effect of S.... Korea's Non-Tariff Barriers on the automobile industry....
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Non-Tariff Barriers in South Korean Automobile Market
36 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The essay "Non-Tariff Barriers in South Korean Automobile Market" examines the updated trade patterns and determinant of complete passenger and road vehicle trade between the U.... and S.... Korea.... The main explanatory variable is the effect of S.... Korea's Non-Tariff Barriers.... ... ... ... Recent South Korea-United States FTA (KORUS FTA) renegotiations concerning an automobile industry trade issue can be regarded as a result of aggressive regionalism which represents a series of age-old bilateral trade conflicts and difficulties of solving the problem in a whole scale manner between the two long-time allies....
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Role of Media in American Politics
26 pages (7463 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The essay "Role of Media in American Politics" focuses on the critical analysis of the role of the US media in the political scenario, in the context of the 2000/2004 elections, and will examine to find out as to whether the media does have a slant/bias.... ... ... ... In democratic countries, the beliefs of the voters and political preferences often play a major role in the framing of the country's policies....
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Why Is There More Terrorism Today: An Examination of Old Versus New Terrorism
38 pages (9738 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
"Why Is There More Terrorism Today: An Examination of Old Versus New Terrorism" paper uncovers what specific rationale or motivation inspires an individual to conduct indiscriminate violence against a broad spectrum of societal stakeholders in order to achieve a specific, yet not defined objective....
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Accident and Emergency Departments
43 pages (10265 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This paper ''Accident and Emergency Departments'' tells us that Accident and Emergency departments or A&Es are very important units within any clinical setting but Chow (1999), mentions that these units are also becoming popular in primary care which should mainly be used for GP referred cases.... ....
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The Role of Violent Rap Music in Aggression/Deviant Behavior in Adolescents
26 pages (6500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The Role of Violent Rap Music in Aggression/Deviant Behavior in Adolescents.... ... his research assesses whether violent rap has an influence on the aggressive and deviant behavior of young children.... It examines the development of the whole rap industry.... ... ... ... In this wise, the research looks at the various stages that gangsta rap went into and how it became a major genre of rap music and its inherent risks and challenges that promote violence....
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The Effectiveness of the Dispute Settlement Procedure Under WTO
76 pages (10602 words) , Download 4 , Dissertation
This dissertation "The Effectiveness of the Dispute Settlement Procedure Under WTO" presents a study to decide about the effectiveness of dispute settlement procedures under the WTO.... Developing nations continue to lament about the previously mentioned inadequacies.... ... ... ... The Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) presents a compulsory and binding system for dispute settlement under the WTO for WTO Members....
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Business plan for the Proposed AfroCare Restaurant in Allerton, Liverpool
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This study looks into proper management is one of the core elements of every business especially when competition as a factor to consider.... Guided by a realistic vision and SMART objective, the management of any enterprise defines the overall stricter and operational dynamics of the business.... ....
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Main Reasons of Market-Garden Operation Failure
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The author gives a detailed information about the Operation Market-Garden of Field Marshall Montgomery, examines the background, objectives of this operation and the reasons for its failure and describes Eisenhower's broad front strategy ... .... ... ... The author states that the Operation Market- Garden failed for a number of reasons including logistical problems, failed Allied intelligence, poor weather, and poor leadership as Field Marshall Montgomery did not have the necessary aggressive skill set to execute Operation Market- Garden successfully OPERATION MARKET-GARDEN INTRODUCTION The Allies wanted to end the war in Europe as quickly as possible....
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Critical Care Outreach Service in the UK
40 pages (10000 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
The survey 'Critical Care Outreach Service in the UK' reports of the whole improvement in service's indicators, however, the frequency of deaths during urgent calls haven't changed due to the incompetent nurses and premature discharge of patients from the Intensive Care Unit or High Dependency Unit....
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The Impact of Trends in General Market and Macroeconomic Factors
26 pages (8227 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The paper "The Impact of Trends in General Market and Macroeconomic Factors" discusses the link between systematic risk and financial variables and management structure.... More importantly, there is little evidence to suggest that these variables are in the same manner that the U.... .... ... ... ...
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The Effect of Gender on Emotional Intelligence and Job Performance
31 pages (7750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This paper 'The Effect of Gender on Emotional Intelligence and Job Performance' used the qualitative and exploratory investigation and applied secondary data to define the correlation of gender to emotional intelligence and emotional intelligence's connection to job performance.... .... ... ... Qualitative methodology was used in this research since qualitative research serves the purpose of this study of better understanding how emotional disposition in adulthood can be traced back in childhood....
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36 pages (9000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Heredity, the stresses of life, fame and fortune, and the environment constantly attack the health of the average American female.... Every day, someone's mom, someone's sister or someone's.... ... ... Weight and pregnancy issues top the charts in women's health journals.... Some have been diagnosed and are being treated....
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Law of International Dispute Resolution
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The new found political and economic composition of Europe that was envisioned following the 1951 Treaty of Paris was a profound step towards the eradication of any future destruction that might threaten the desire for peaceful co-existence on European soil.... ... ... ... Following the horrors of WWII, the process of European integration found its beginnings with the establishment of the European Coal and Steel Community in 1951 with six European countries - France, West Germany, Italy, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands - in an attempt to foster the first full customs union, which would serve as the foundation for the eventual development of the European Economic Community (EEC), later re-named the European Community (EC)....
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The relationship between SC35 and E2F1 in the apoptotic response of head and neck cancer
21 pages (5250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The majority of cancer in the head and neck is derived from squamous cell carcinoma.... Locations of carcinogenesis include areas of the mouth, larynx and pharynx.... Excessive abuse of alcohol and tobacco is often cited as the causative agent of cancer in the head and neck.... The disorder occurs more often in males than females....
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Stragic Staffing Handbook
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 5 , Research Paper
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The Sarbanes and Oxley Act
24 pages (6575 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "The Sarbanes and Oxley Act" states that the companies like Ernst & Young, Deloitte & Touche and Arthur Anderson admitted that they served for misdirection and miscalculation of funds belonging to their clients.... As a result, the Government of the US brought the Sarbanes and Oxley act....
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Development of the Securities Market in Saudi Arabia
23 pages (6620 words) , Research Paper
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"Development of the Securities Market in Saudi Arabia" paper argues that the Saudi Government cannot be complacent insofar as the development of its capital market is concerned.... Unless the Saudi Government constantly improves its securities market, the country will be left behind by other nations....
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Commercial Cleaning Company
29 pages (7460 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
This paper ''Commercial Cleaning Company'' tells us that Commercial Cleaning New York is a family-owned business, which was established in 1985 to provide commercial cleaning, and janitorial services to businesses.... The company's current clients include airports, banks, daycare, factories and industries, fitness centers etc....
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Export response to trade liberalisation in india: a cointegration analysis
32 pages (8000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Under global trade regime countries get the chance to indulge itself in specialization in the sphere of production.... Global trade allows country to specialize in those goods, which they.... ... ... It also allows the countries to enjoy the benefit of economies of scale from the large-scale production of the goods they are best at producing....
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Principles of perioperative nursing care - Management of postoperative pain
18 pages (4500 words) , Download 6 , Essay
The perioperative period that could be defined as the period around a patient's surgical procedure period that usually encompasses in it the ward admission, anesthesia, surgery and recovery.... For practical purpose it is generally divided into three phases of surgery as the.... ... ... The main goal of the perioperative care is to provide better and healthy condition for patient in the period before, after and during operation. ...
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Constitutional Court in Europe
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The most significant feature f the European Court f Justice is undoubtedly the doctrine f supremacy f Community law, which has continued to be the cause f much confusion and controversy regarding its actual Treaty position and entailment.... The EC Treaty does not expressly provide for supremacy - there is no Article which clearly states that Community law is supreme over the national laws f the Member States - however, certain Articles f the EC Treaty impliedly require supremacy to be in effect....
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Differences and Similarities of International and Sharia Laws
20 pages (5998 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The paper "Differences and Similarities of International and Sharia Laws" discusses that there are differences and similarities in the way international law and Sharia laws operate.... These differences have been addressed in various domains such as economy, environment, security, and environment....
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Foreign Exchange Rates as Unbiased Estimate of Future Sports Rates
30 pages (8566 words) , Download 2 , Dissertation
The paper "Foreign Exchange Rates as Unbiased Estimate of Future Sports Rates" discovers whether or not the efficient market hypothesis holds true in the currencies market.... It establishes proof that EMH in its weak form is evident in currencies since EMH was developed for the equities market.... ...
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The Metaphysics of Gender - Gender Essentialism
22 pages (5576 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The author of this paper "The Metaphysics of Gender - Gender Essentialism" discusses the philosophy of Charlotte Witt, the author's vision of it, and how it could be changed, the social outputs of kind essentialism in Witt's philosophy, the act of treating a person according to the gender.... ... ...
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Reasons for Low Uptake of Breast Screening Amongst the Different Cultures in the United Kingdom
24 pages (7151 words) , Download 2 , Dissertation
This dissertation "Reasons for Low Uptake of Breast Screening Amongst the Different Cultures in the United Kingdom" determining whether or not there are significant differences in the uptake of screening for breast cancer between the minority ethnic population and the white population.... ... ... ...
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