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Walter Rodneys How Europe Underdeveloped Africa
17 pages (4824 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This could be illustrated by examples o banning of industries in Europe that were importing products from Africa.... The paper "Walter Rodneys How Europe Underdeveloped Africa" highlights that generally, with the impact of colonial policies on the culture and lifestyles of the indigenous, one can say that colonial rule has influenced anthropological development in Africa....
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Morality as a Key Concern for Durkheim and Its Feature
17 pages (4259 words) , Download 3 , Essay
According to his arguments, sociology was essentially the study of structures, which are coercive and external over an individual, examples include, shared moral beliefs or legal codes, which he referred as social facts (Douglas, 1973, 345).... The author of the paper "Morality as a Key Concern for Durkheim and Its Feature" argues in a well-organized manner that moralizing may be thought of as an intellectual exercise, but more often, it is regarded as an attempt of making sense of an individual's gut instinct....
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Spatial Identity of the Apartheid Wall
20 pages (4830 words) , Download 2 , Essay
It is acknowledged and realized by such examples, that the dichotomy which exists between the local and foreign is reductionist in nature.... The paper "Spatial Identity of the Apartheid Wall" discusses that the walls are the physical representation and an acknowledgment of the existence of conflicts between regions, and illustrate the denial on either side to give in to the popular demands, or initiate towards peace building processes....
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Campus Response to a Student Gunman by Kelly J Asmussen, John W Creswell
20 pages (5127 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The paper "Campus Response to a Student Gunman by Kelly J Asmussen, John W Creswell" highlights an important aspect of the study's subject: gun violence on University campuses can have severe psychological effects on the students who experience relevant incidents – even if death does not occur....
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Research Ethics and Nature of Practitioner Research
20 pages (5292 words) , Download 4 , Literature review
This essay "Research ethics and Nature of Practitioner Research" shows that practitioner research is whereby practitioners are engaged in researches and reflection in their areas of practices.... Various terms have been employed in the description of such a form of research.... ... ... ... This includes action research but practitioner research remains one of the popular terms that are applied in the description of the practice....
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Current Knowledge about Major Histocompatibility Complex
15 pages (4753 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This could be explained with several examples.... This discussion "Current Knowledge about Major Histocompatibility Complex" has primarily focused on the nature of the immune responses and the role of the major histocompatibility complex.... The MHC is considered a large gene cluster found within the chromosome and helps to recognize foreign peptides....
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US Antitrust Law and Economics
17 pages (4481 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper "US Antitrust Law and Economics" is a good example of an assignment on the law.... According to Section 1 of the Sherman Act each and every contract and amalgamation in the shape of a group or any other form a conspiracy which ends up resulting in restriction of business or trade amongst many States, or between foreign countries is declared to be illegitimate and illegal under the law'....
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Feminism and Feminist Research Methodology in Law
12 pages (4184 words) , Download 3 , Essay
examples here include ... "Feminism and Feminist Research Methodology in Law" paper focuses on two specific elements of law i.... .... feminist legal theory and feminist legal research.... The paper examines the portions that constitute these two aspects and what makes them interconnected....
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Developing International Human Rights
18 pages (4306 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The paper "Developing International Human Rights " highlights that a vibrant United Nations with a strong commitment to protecting the unruly attacks on innocent people by their own government will act as an efficient deterrent to future atrocities.... ... ... ... The Preamble to the United Nations Charter speaks about the human rights which details as follows: 'We, the people of United Nations resolved ---- to reiterate faith in basic human rights, in the worth and the dignity of the individuals, in the analogs' rights both to women and men and of countries, irrespective of their size either small or large'....
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Using the Tidal Model of Mental Health Nursing in Psycho-Geriatrics
12 pages (4210 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Competency 5: Ask for clarification of particulars and examples. ... "Using the Tidal Model of Mental Health Nursing in Psycho-Geriatrics" paper examines the case of an 80-year-old female in an APATT-based community setting, who has a history of mental illness from before the incidence....
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To What Extent Is Increased Legal Regulation of the Privately Rented Sector Justified And Desirable
17 pages (4250 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
This has resulted in a series of legal battles since the nineties and for the first time, fair rents could be likened to examples of market rents in the same area or the same block. ... "To What Extent Is Increased Legal Regulation of the Privately Rented Sector Justified And Desirable" paper argues that the shortage in housing has been fuelled by the increase in the number of properties in the private rented sector that has expanded through the purchasing of existing stock....
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Law Discussion-Derivative Contract
20 pages (5099 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
examples of settlement netting include foreign exchange or commodities that has due dates for delivery or payment falling on the same day.... "Law Discussion-Derivative Contract" paper evaluates Schuyler Henderson's proposal that a derivative is a contract in which the parties only pretend to do something and allocate the risks and benefits between themselves as if they had done something....
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Section 3 of Rights Act 1998
17 pages (4748 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The paper "Section 3 of Rights Act 1998" states that under Section 3, sub-section 1 of the Human Rights Act 1998, it is enunciated that 'primary legislation and subordinate' legislation need to be learned, understood and contextualized in accordance with the European Convention laws.... ... ... ... It is quite essential to state that effectively, it is seen that apropos HRA 1998, British Courts are themselves required to act compatibly with the Convention, thus putting broader responsibility on them to incorporate and apply the Convention and its elucidation by the European Court of Human Rights....
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Language Abilities of Secondary Aged Pupils
17 pages (5255 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
examples of such research include Sanger and co-workers (Sanger, Hux & Ritzman, 1999; Sanger et al.... The author of the following paper "Language Abilities of Secondary-Aged Pupils" will begin with the statement that over the years, there has been an alarming increase in the cases of violence and hence incarceration among young people worldwide....
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The effects of physiological changes and environmental factors on tear film and treatment for controlling dry eye
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This article gives an overview of a disease known as dry eyes, the main causes of dry eyes and particular mechanism.... The paper provides an insight into the effects of physiological changes and environmental factors which result in dry eye problem or which have the capacity to enhance this problem....
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Discussion of the Alcohol Misuse, Statistics and Recommendations
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The increasing number of crimes is just one of the examples of those social evils created by alcoholism.... Heavy drinking may cause horrifying effects on physical and mental conditions.... This paper would further discuss how alcohol affects people and why should alcohol misuse be included as a high priority in public health as it particularly harms the individuals and not the society as a whole....
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The Handmaid's tale is a story about power structures existing in life and relationships. Discuss
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
It is about the power structures that exist in life, relationships and in this particular theocracy which seeks to subjugate women and strip.... ... ... Told in narrative style, by a handmaid the novel brings to life a dystopian world – the Republic of Gilead where everyone is a pawn in the game of power....
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Career Placement and Plan Using the Smart Targets
18 pages (4643 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The examples of the challenges faced during work and require developing the specific skills are discussed below.... This essay "Career Placement and Plan Using the Smart Targets" is about an elaborate study that will be presented which will determine the responsibilities and performance of the employees....
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The Mass - a Joyful Activity
17 pages (4259 words) , Download 3 , Term Paper
The priest illustrates the readings using humorous examples, which sometimes make people to laugh.... The paper "The Mass - a Joyful Activity" discusses that The Mass is divided into two major parts, which are the Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist.... The Liturgy of the Word occurs during the first half while the Liturgy of the Eucharist occurs during the second half of the Mass....
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What caused the Soviet intervention in Afghanistan in 1979
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
They had carried out the same actions in Vietnam, Nicaragua, Cuba and Eastern Europe so they justified their actions by giving these examples.... Through this essay we have analyzed all-important events taking place, which caused a beginning of a devastating era in which there was widespread destruction and chaos in Afghanistan....
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United States vs Burke case
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
While walking a foot patrol, PO Charles Brown and his partner, PO Schroeder are approached by a woman, named Peppermint Patty, who tells them that her boyfriend, Linus Van Pelt, just beat her up and threatened to kill her.... he then tells the police that he has drugs and guns in the apartment.... ...
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The Early Life of Marie Curie
16 pages (4416 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The author of the paper "The Early Life of Marie Curie" will begin with the statement that Marie Curie is a lifelong legend, who left a great legacy for the benefit of the generations after her.... Her life story was marked with sadness and triumphs in which she devoted her time and energy.... ... ...
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The Legal Powers and Duties of Local Authorities in Relation to the Protection of Children
20 pages (4461 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This essay "The Legal Powers and Duties of Local Authorities in Relation to the Protection of Children" focuses on authorities that must pro-actively collaborate with community-based child rights advocates and social workers to afford the necessary protection.... ... ... ... Through international conventions and national policies, local authorities must enforce laws and enabling policies to ascertain that a child can enjoy his nationality, his identity, experience love from parents, enjoy support from the government, find leisure in life, and be protected by agencies and court to preserve his right to life....
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Democratic Role of Political Parties
14 pages (4083 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Democratic Role of Political Parties" investigates the democratic role of political parties in three countries, namely Canada, Mexico, and the United States of America in order to try and learn from the democratic experiences of these three countries.... ... ... ... Three political parties, namely the Bloc Québécois in Canada, Republican Political Party in the United States of America and the Institutional Revolutionary Party (Partido Revolucionario Institucional) or the PRI in Mexico were selected for examination and the next section presents a discussion of how the previously mentioned political parties have contributed to the establishment of democratic norms....
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Defining and Conceptualizing the Notion of Deviance in Combat Sports
15 pages (4258 words) , Download 2 , Essay
UFC 1 – 5 are especially striking examples.... The paper "Defining and Conceptualizing the Notion of Deviance in Combat Sports " highlights that the basic notion of deviance understood as behavior that is against societal norms, is revealed to be of an ambiguous and dynamic nature in the specific context of mixed martial arts....
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Implication & Challenges Faced by the Teaching Profession
17 pages (4596 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Some of the most interesting examples of this process occur in the midst of a performance' (Schön, 1983, p.... The paper "Implication & Challenges Faced by the Teaching Profession" states that reflection is something that when understood and valued (by teacher educators and student-teachers) can be developed through teacher education programs where teacher educators practice what they preach....
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Management of Sexual Harassment in the Health Care Setting
13 pages (4002 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
However, to counter the problems of such cases of harassments the global authorities like World health Organization (WHO), domestic government authorities have formed laws to see that such incidents are punished and detrimental examples are set forth (ABCNews, 2012).... The aim of the paper 'Management of Sexual Harassment in the Health Care Setting' is to find awareness about sexual harassment at work for the Health Care Setting employees....
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Inheritance Law in Turkey
17 pages (4709 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Some examples of this assimilation are the incorporation of elements of the Civil Code of Switzerland, the Code of Obligations, and the German Commercial Code.... Some examples of this assimilation are the incorporation of elements of the Civil Code of Switzerland, the Code of Obligations, and the German Commercial Code.... Some examples of this assimilation are the incorporation of elements of the Civil Code of Switzerland, the Code of Obligations and the German Commercial Code....
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Peculiarities of Bankruptcy of Businesses
19 pages (5233 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The author of the paper "Peculiarities of Bankruptcy of Businesses" will begin with the statement that the main motive of businesses operating in the global business environment is to earn a profit or rather at least generate enough revenue to meet its costs.... ... ... ... In order to facilitate their operations, many businesses are likely to take loans from banks, financing companies, or other investors and then use this cash to invest in further projects or assist in financing their current operations....
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Global business cultural analysis: Italy
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Culture is a prismatic phenomenon that has been pondered over in detail throughout history, and a variety of study is available on culture and its consequences.... ... ... ... The renowned Webster's dictionary defines culture as: “The totality of socially transmitted behavior patterns, arts, beliefs, institutions, and all other products of human work and thought typical of a population or community at a given time....
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Bibliographic Summary of 21 Articles
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Merrill Joan Gerber's enormous talent in writing has been ignored for quite a long time since she is a woman - a woman that was perceived to be of not much importance and role in the society.... And at a young age, she had been aware of such discrimination among women. ... ... ... ... ... side from being looked down out of her being a woman, Gerber had experienced being harassed sexually by a doctor for the medical exam required upon entering the graduate school....
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Enlightened Writers and Religion
17 pages (4524 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Rising of the Moon, To Kill a Mockingbird, Ice Age and Jazz are examples of modern protest literature, which vehemently protest against social injustices, ethnic biased ness and gender discrimination.... The paper "Enlightened Writers and Religion" presents detailed information that enlightenment is an imperative term of political philosophy that urges the application of intellect and logic in order to discover truth and reality from the natural and social phenomena....
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Is It Morally Permissible to Torture a Suspected Terrorist
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
At present, the prisoners in the Guantanamo Bay are the perfect examples of homo sacer and it is not accidental that they are being terribly tortured even without trial. ... The goal of this research is to shed light on the widening debates over the permissibility of torture for a greater common good....
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Louis XIV and the Domestication of the Nobility
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
People such as Michel Le Tellier, secretary of state for war; Hugues de Lionne, secretary for foreign affairs; and Nicholas Fouquet, superintendent of finances are a few examples for such insightful choice.... The author of this paper seeks to explore the radical reforms made by Louis XIV to domesticate the French nobility and in doing so the paper gives a detailed information about the other factors that saw him be the unchallenged absolute monarch of France....
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VARK, MMDI, and Belbin Tests to Define Learning Styles
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
examples of such personality types may include INFP described as either Introvert/Intuitive/Feeling/Perceiving (Merriam et al, 2007) or ESTJ standing for Extrovert/Sensing/Thinking/Judging.... The paper 'VARK, MMDI, and Belbin Tests to Define Learning Styles' presents an overview of the various learning styles to help everyone with identifying the best way to grind away....
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Student Misconceptions in Secondary Science
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Dissertation
Much work has been done to highlight student's misconceptions in science, and to provide strategies for dealing with these.... This study investigates whether teachers are putting this into practice in the real world.... ... ... Much work has been done to highlight student's misconceptions in science, and to provide strategies for dealing with these....
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International Economics
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
dollar as the main global reserve currency, for the reason that it no longer is able to safeguard value (Charbonneau, 2010).... The report goes on to.... ... ... e that developing countries have been the worst affected by the loss of value of the dollar in the past decade, because these countries had accumulated “vast amounts” of this currency in an effort to protect themselves against commodity market volatility and variability in As a substitute, the United Nations supports the use of special drawing rights (SDRs), a creation of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) – a proposal supported by Russia (Bryanski, 2009)....
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The Public Employee Union of the Wisconsin State
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The paper covers the historical context of public employee union by citing examples.... This paper is related to the struggles faced by the public employee union of the state during an issue related to the collective bargaining.... The author concludes that the government did not take a favorable decision to eliminate collective bargaining....
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Causes of Soviet Intervention in Afghanistan
16 pages (4088 words) , Download 1 , Report
They had carried out the same actions in Vietnam, Nicaragua, Cuba and Eastern Europe so they justified their actions by giving these examples.... The report "Causes of Soviet Intervention in Afghanistan" focuses on the critical multifaceted analysis of the main causes of Soviet invasion in Afghanistan; it presents different arguments, which led to the atrocities carried out by the Soviets and the impact of the war on the whole region....
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Terrorism and Torture
12 pages (4096 words) , Download 4 , Essay
At present, the prisoners in the Guantanamo Bay are the perfect examples of homo sacer and it is not accidental that they are being terribly tortured even without trial. ... This essay "Terrorism and Torture" raises the question under what conditions is it morally permissible to torture a suspected terrorist....
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North East Referendum of November 2004
19 pages (5138 words) , Download 2 , Essay
overnment offices for the regions, setting up of Regional Development Agencies (RDA) for the regional economic development and the Regional Chambers of 'Stakeholders' are the classic examples of the Labour Government of furthering its policies towards regionalization.... The paper "North East Referendum of November 2004" tells us about Parliament in Westminster....
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The Impact of Motivation on English Language Learning
14 pages (4393 words) , Download 6 , Research Paper
Higher learning institutions are examples of organisations where the English language is extensively used and disseminated (De Beaugrande, Grosman, & Seidlhofer, 1998).... The paper "The Impact of Motivation on English Language Learning" focuses on the critical analysis of the impact of motivation on English language learning....
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Compiling Journal Writing
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
To give them hope and confidence in whatever I was telling them, I decided to use examples whereby I mentioned to them some of the residential home cares that I know and some of the people that have gone there, and the kind of treatment they received, or were receiving.... Care giving is not an easy task, and whoever chooses to venture in the field must just be prepared for the challenges and difficulties that are associated with it (Felder, 2009)....
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The property rights of China and America economics
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
examples of these include total US-China Trade that was signed in 1979 and Mutual-most-favored-nation treatment of 1980.... The activities of a single country greatly impact on the performance and general wellbeing of another country.... It is against this background that this paper provides an in depth review of the property rights of China and America economics....
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U10a2 Life Cycle of the Stars Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Introduction: A star is a massive, luminous ball of plasma held together by gravity.... The nearest star to Earth is the Sun, which is the source of energy on Earth.... Other stars are visible from Earth during the night when they are not outshone by the Sun or blocked by atmospheric phenomena.... ...
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Using the Tidal Model of Mental Health Nursing in Psycho-Geriatrics
12 pages (4211 words) , Download 7 , Essay
Competency 5: Ask for clarification of particulars and examples.... This essay "Using the Tidal Model of Mental Health Nursing in Psycho-Geriatrics" is about an 80-year-old female within an APATT based community setting, who has a history of mental illness.... The Tidal Model of Care shall be used in the process of assessment and treatment to enable recovery....
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Effect of the First Gulf War on the Gulf Area
15 pages (4276 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The Gulf War is one of the worst examples of the effects war can have on the environment and the Earth in the last 100 years (Zimmer, 1992).... The essay "Effect of the First Gulf War on the Gulf Area" focuses on the critical analysis of some of the effects of the first Gulf War on human life, its impact on animals and plants in the Persian Gulf region, and what made the war so environmentally reprehensible....
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Bettys Cause of action against Jenny de Winter
17 pages (4533 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Such examples of confidential information can be costs and prices (Herbert Morris Ltd.... The paper "Betty's Cause of action against Jenny de Winter" suggests that the first cause of action that will be examined will be that of passing off.... Jenny worked for Betty for many years, and she was referred to as 'one of Betty's longest-serving employees....
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Financial Management - Caterpillar Inc
20 pages (5310 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
to evaluate its financial position.... Therefore, the financial position of the company is analyzed using financial indicators (financial ratios).... Moreover, the financial.... ... ... The paper 'Financial Management - Caterpillar Inc " is a great example of a management case study.... The primary aim of this report is to investigate the financial performance and practices of Caterpillar Inc....
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Comparison between Emerging and Developed Economies
14 pages (4232 words) , Download 4 , Literature review
examples of such markets are Taiwan /Colombia, Korea/Colombia or Malaysia/Argentina.... From the paper "Comparison between Emerging and Developed Economies" it is clear that although various barriers are present in the emerging financial markets, diversification benefits are stronger in case of investment activities 'across international financial markets than within domestic markets'....
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