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Notion of Contract in Contract Law
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 4 , Coursework
The paper "Notion of Contract in Contract Law" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in the notion of contract in contract law.... A contract is defined as an agreement between two parties or corporations that creates legally binding obligations and rights.... ... ... ... Contracts form the bulwark of communication, understanding and conducting business between two entities: individuals, or Business Corporations....
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Sexual Activity and Human Sexual Behavior
8 pages (3120 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The author of the paper "Sexual Activity and Human Sexual Behavior" argues in a well-organized manner that every sexually reproductive animal species, and every human culture, has a range of conduct used in courtship, intimacy, and sexual activity.... ... ... ... Sexual activity in humans is a natural form of physical intimacy....
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Organization Behavior and Motivation
10 pages (2754 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Organization Behavior and Motivation" discusses various questions asked during the interview with the Manager of Yi Hnag Electric Company and their answers and how they are linked to the theories and how the basic functions of the organization can be improved.... ... ... ... Organizational behavior is to study the behavior of people in an organization and to assess and evaluate how these actions affect the end product of the company....
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The Three Bombs on the Underground Train in London
9 pages (2607 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "The Three Bombs on the Underground Train in London" states that fifty-six people, 4 of which, the bombers, died in London on 7 July 2006 as a result of coordinated bombings at 3 points in the London underground train network and one double-decker bus during the morning rush hour.... .... ...
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Personal Model of Helping
10 pages (3041 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The author of the paper "Personal Model of Helping" is of the view that the models of helping apply to the patient based on the particular illness and qualities he possesses; each patient is diverse, and hence plans of care and of helping must be based on particular qualities and characteristics....
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Administration of Medication and Polypharmacy
11 pages (3068 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The paper "Administration of Medication and Polypharmacy " highlights that in case of a possible medicine administration error, nurses should always report immediately to the nurse in charge or line manager who reports to the relevant parties and RQIA.... ... ... ... Generally speaking, medication administration is the process of preparing, providing, and assessing the effectiveness of prescription and non-prescription medicines (Parthasarathi, Nyfort-Hansen, & Nahata 2004, p....
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Discovering Harmony in Diversity
13 pages (3686 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Discovering Harmony in Diversity" discusses that global trends point to the formation of inclusive organizations that welcome people from all walks of life to contribute their ideas, talents and efforts to the pursuit of organizational goals.... ... ... ... In this era of globalization, there is much controversy about the coming together of all kinds of people for a common purpose....
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Abercrombie & Fitch
12 pages (3517 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The paper "Abercrombie & Fitch" tells us about a critical analysis of the assessments currently in place at Abercrombie & Fitch in relation to hiring practices in the role of sales floor manager.... Procedural strengths and weaknesses of A&F testing administration.... ... ... ... Psychometric testing is based on the notion that certain individuals are well-suited for various job roles based largely on their psychological profile (Ashley, 1998)....
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Acid Rain in China
14 pages (3742 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This essay "Acid Rain in China" focuses on the biggest challenge facing industries and businesses presently which is effective waste reduction.... If a product will end up being wasted in a landfill, it becomes not worth designing.... Reducing production denotes what businesses do not make.... ... ...
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Psychological Explanations of Dr Harold Shipman Crime
12 pages (3393 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The paper "Psychological Explanations of Dr Harold Shipman Crime" states that Dr.... Harold Shipman is famously known as being the world's serial killer.... He had gone for so many years without being arrested for the crimes he had committed.... It is estimated that he had killed up to four hundred people....
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Social Linguistics and Literacies
9 pages (2697 words) , Download 0 , Essay
This essay "Social Linguistics and Literacies" focuses on the sociocultural approach to language and literacy which views literacy as multiple and situates it within social and cultural practices and discourses.... The essence of this approach is not just a technical ability to read and write.... ....
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Practice of Hand Washing in Health Institutions
9 pages (2898 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
The paper "Practice of Hand Washing in Health Institutions" tells that due to the popularity of the use of alcohol-based cleaning methods for cleaning hands, it has been necessary to know the effectiveness of this approach in the prevention of infections in comparison with the hand washing method....
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Factors Paramount to the Demand and Supply Curve of the Oil Market
10 pages (2837 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
The author of the paper "Factors Paramount to the Demand and Supply Curve of the Oil Market" argues that service station operators follow keenly on the international fluctuations in market behaviors of this precious commodity in order to develop a good relationship with their customers.... ... ... ...
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European Community and Domestic Law
10 pages (2721 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "European Community and Domestic Law" states that the nature of EU's policy got broadened to involve more issues focusing on the environmental interest rather than being shallowly economic.... This focused on the EU to get more support and a beneficial popular face.... .... ... ... Generally, environmental law is new, swiftly evolving, and increasingly significant area of jurisprudence....
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Creative Campaign - Swap It Dont Stop It
12 pages (3307 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "Creative Campaign - Swap It Dont Stop It" states that the campaign chose TV, Radio, Outdoor advertising, and Print to pass the message to the public.... This decision was influenced by factors such as cost, circulation, target group, and the nature of their message.... .... ... ... The 'Swap It Don't Stop It' health campaign was created to promote healthy living and improve the overall well-being of Australians (National Swap It Campaign, 2014)....
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Customary International Law
12 pages (3109 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The paper "Customary International Law" tells us about the extensive unswerving practice of states.... For this reason, the international custom is considered a good source of international law for the reason that if states take actions in a definite consistent conduct.... ... ... ... There are various sources of international law to which states can tie themselves to each other....
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Administrative Law: Court of Jurisdiction and Source of Jurisdiction
10 pages (2670 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The author of the paper "Administrative Law: Court of Jurisdiction and Source of Jurisdiction" is of the view that there has been an urgent need to tackle and overcome such activities of prostitution which are in most communities considered unacceptable.... ... ... ... The increasing gender inequality in population, re-organization of social statures, and the stronger and more prominent influence of globalization and modernization around the world have immensely contributed towards an increased number of sex crimes where women and teenage girls become more vulnerable to such incidents....
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Christian Ethics: Do You See Connections between Conscience and Friendship
14 pages (3975 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Christian Ethics: Do You See Connections between Conscience and Friendship" argues that moral development has not yet become a major concern for virtue ethics, even though the topic was central to the moral philosophy of Aristotle, the traditional source οf much virtue ethics.... ...
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European Union Discrimination Law
10 pages (2571 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The paper "European Union Discrimination Law" discusses EU legislation to combat discrimination practices on the basis of cultural and national origin, religion, gender, etc.... Enabling the effective application of legislation can be illustrated in the adoption of directives.... ... ... ... With concern to anti-discriminative policies, in Europe, the directive for equivalent pay for male and female employees was first implemented in the year 1975....
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The History of Russia
11 pages (3240 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The essay "The History of russia" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in the history of russia.... At the turn of the 19th Century, the russian empire was one of the expanding empires of the world has established its frontiers to almost one-sixth of the world.... ... ... ... However, later internal conflicts, political tension, as well as socioeconomic difficulties in the country, forced it to go for a bloody revolution which brought into power Lenin and the so-called Bolsheviks....
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How HRM Should Do to Organize the Department
11 pages (3740 words) , Download 6 , Essay
The author of the paper "How HRM Should Do to Organize the Department?... states that the human resources department is critical for the success and profitability of any company.... The department is responsible for hiring, looking for specific skills, and keeping important data on the workforce....
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Types of Legal Concepts
10 pages (2848 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper "Types of Legal Concepts" discusses that legal concepts are a set of rules which are enforced by institutions.... They shape society, the economy and politics.... In this paper, the legal concepts that will be discussed are negligence and consent.... ... ... ... Although the Court of Appeal was invited to overturn the findings it did not do so....
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Racial Profiling Issues in Canada
10 pages (2746 words) , Download 5 , Essay
The essay "Racial Profiling Issues in Canada" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in racial profiling in Canada.... Racial profiling is an important issue both in Canada and around the world.... Some argue that racial profiling is prevalent in certain groups.... ... ... ... Certain groups such as blacks, aboriginals, Asians and other groups are more likely to be pulled over by police or to be stopped and searched....
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Financial Services Licences and Product Disclosure
10 pages (2950 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper "Financial Services Licences and Product Disclosure" states that Green should be aware that ASIC which acts in the best interest of the public has the capacity of giving necessary directions in order to protect investors from suffering losses in this deal.... .... ... ... Jenny's immediate obligations, in this case, are many....
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Director's Duties and Members' Remedies
12 pages (3061 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Director's Duties and Members' Remedies" tells that Myco Pty Ltd (Myco) is a large private company in which Smith holds 10% of the issued shares.... The directors of Myco are Smith's wife and his brother-in-law.... The tender for the supply of the clothing was finally awarded to Myco Pty Ltd....
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Practical Application of GATT
11 pages (2728 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "Practical Application of GATT" discusses that Paradiso should aim at taking advantage of the loops available within the legal framework of the World Trade Organisation in an effort to boost the country's trade from a multilateral trade perspective.... ... ... ... The Ministry of Trade's efforts to elevate Paradiso's status through various schemes and initiatives are highly commendable....
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Insureds Disputes with Third Parties
14 pages (3461 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "Insureds Disputes with Third Parties" states that insurance practices in Australia are governed or regulated by the Insurance laws that are enshrined in the Australian Constitution and subsequent amendments that have been enabled through the enactment of Acts.... ... ... ... It is important for any insurance agency to contract the services of a lawyer as required by law and in the interest of the company in discharging its duties to the clients; the insured in this case....
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Analysis of the Transtheoretical Model in Smoking Behaviour Change
10 pages (3467 words) , Download 0 , Essay
From the paper "Analysis of the Transtheoretical Model in Smoking Behaviour Change" it is clear that еo help people in making a positive change in behaviour, it would be necessary to look at how people change and the causative factors and promoters of this change.... ... ... ... Behavior change is a critical step undertaken by individuals either through their volition or under cohesion to make positive impacts in their lives....
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Administrative Law in Australia
10 pages (2619 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "Administrative Law in Australia" tells that administrative law in Australia defines the scope of powers and responsibilities that administrative bodies of the government have.... The current administrative law is a result of increasing concern regarding the control of bureaucratic decisions....
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Provisions in the Constitution Affected the Land and Air Transport in Australia
13 pages (3468 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The author of the paper titled "Provisions in the Constitution Affected the Land and Air Transport in Australia" states that the difference between air and land transport has contributed to most of the changes in the laws that directly affect the sector.... .... ... ... Back in 1929, the Air carriage though in its infancy technologically, was subjected by Warsaw Convention, to conform to international laws (Goldhirsch, 1988)....
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The Prevalence of Mental Health
12 pages (3650 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
The paper "The Prevalence of Mental Health" focuses on the fact that the prevalence of mental health challenges such as depression among students in Australia has become an issue of significant concern to parents, the authorities, as well as the general public.... ... ... ... The aetiology of mental health challenges such as depression is significantly complex and multi-factorial....
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The Content and Rationale of Equitable Fraud
11 pages (2864 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
"The Content and Rationale of Equitable Fraud" paper states that the money lender unconscionably obtained a bond from the borrower Spencer since diseased providing for a 100 percent penalty with an eye on his grandmother's property he was likely to inherit.... ... ... ... Equitable fraud is invoked in equity jurisdictions which common law does not cover....
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Implementation of International Trade Law in China
12 pages (3171 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
The paper "Implementation of International Trade Law in China" describes the establishment of a dispute settlement system especially under the new Pilot Shanghai free trade zone where the parties to a dispute that is connected to the free trade zone can resolve the dispute.... ... ... ... The purpose of the TRM was to ensure that China complies with its obligations under the WTO....
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Data structures and algorithms n3
4 pages (1000 words) , Essay
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Simple infix expressions involving operands with similar precedence can be evaluated directly; but as the expressions become complex, it is a lot more straightforward to convert the infix expression into a postfix expression, and then evaluate the postfix expression (Paul.... ... ... Therefore, evaluating the expression is a two-step process: one, converting the infix expression into a postfix expression; and two, evaluating the resulting postfix expression. ...
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Models of Clinical Reasoning and Judgment in Nursing
10 pages (2804 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "Models of Clinical Reasoning and Judgment in Nursing" states that the learned nursing procedures as practiced by the institutional hospital should be employed.... The hospital's protocols and exact benefiting habits of the institution should also be followed to ensure uniformity of care....
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Altruism: Employee Volunteer Service in Hong Kong
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
3.... The well-known EV team of a listed company in HK namely, China Light and Power Limited (CLP) will be introduced and its activity examined from the perspective of altruism and from business ethics, social responsibility angles. ... ... iterature emphasises that individual empathy is essential for altruism....
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Democracy in Ukraine
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The essay concerns the question of "Democracy in Ukraine".... The insinuation that a democratic Ukraine would somehow be beholden to American interest, however, is ... udicrous.... The strong sense of nationalism resulting from centuries of subjugation by the Russian and others.... ... ... ... After more than three centuries of subjugation under Russian rule – first under the Czars and then under the communists – followed by a dozen years of independence under ...
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Applying research to practice and introducing change
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
If research were to inform practice using recent research findings, then it is at best evidence-based.... Research informing practice, in fact, is a current issue in nursing that led to the conceptualization of evidence-based nursing.... ... ... ... Nurses who are able to use research to inform their practice may enhance the professional status of nursing, and advance nursing knowledge....
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Climate Anomalies for a Particular Region
18 pages (4500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The major governing factor for climatic changes in the world is attributable to the hemispheric flow.... This flow has a definite link in controlling the extent of precipitation and temperature variations in the region.... The hemispheric flow had been responsible for the occurrence of extreme weather, like, cold dry winter of 1963 and the dry hot summer of 1976 in Untied Kingdom, substantiating the above fact. ...
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The Influence of Martin Luther King on the Church
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In the paper 'The Influence of Martin Luther King on the Church' the author discusses one of the most influential men in modern America.... The importance of the church in African American history dates back to when Blacks were first brought to this country as slaves.... .... ... ... The author states that the leadership found within the church was central in the struggle for civil rights and owing to its very nature was central to the Black culture, structure, and function....
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What Were The Political, Economic, And Social Circumstances That Led To The Holocaust
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The Holocaust has been the most vicious episodes in world history.... The Holocaust was the Nazis' assault on the Jews between 1933 and 1945.... It reached its peak when the Nazis enforced the 'Final Solution of the Jewish Question in Europe.... .... ... ... The Holocaust has been the most vicious episodes in world history....
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The minimum age to vote, drive, and serve in the military in US
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The minimum voting age in US is 18.... But before 1971, the legal voting age was 21, later on it was lowered to 18 due to several reasons that will be explained in this article.... The age of issuing a driving license in US is also 18, at that age, you have a right to drive.... ... ... ... In US, a citizen is allowed to vote, drive, and serve in the military at the age of 18 and the legal age of taking alcohol is 21....
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The Doctrine of Estoppel in Australia
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
The paper focuses on the doctrine of Estoppel in Australia.... Promissory estoppel is an equitable doctrine that applies to contract law to enforce a promise that is unsupported by consideration.... It involves a promise given by one of the parties to a contract, during its performance.... ... ... ...
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God's plan for worship from Genesis through Revelation
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 8 , Research Paper
Worshiping is has a long history since the inception of the universe.... The angels of heaven gathered before God to worship him and pay reverence to Him who created the earth and everything in it.... .... ... ... Worshiping is has a long history since the inception of the universe.... The angels of heaven gathered before God to worship him and pay reverence to Him who created the earth and everything in it....
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Bleeding Kansas and its impact on the Civil War
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Introduction ... Bleeding Kansas was a relatively short-lived, yet bloody series of battles and oppositions that occurred in what had been the Kansas Territory (prior to being admitted to the Union) and neighboring Missouri (already a state in the Union).... .... ... ... Bleeding Kansas and its impact on the Civil War ...
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Sherlock Holmes and Detective Fiction
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Sherlock Holmes is a fictional detective created by Scottish author Arthur Doyle and he is a famous and immensely successful fictional detective with many successful stories in his name.... This detective story is considered to be amongst the greatest detective stories of the modern times and his abilities border great fantasies....
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Autonomous Spending Multipliers
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The author of this assignment "Autonomous Spending Multipliers" comments on the economic issues.... According to the text, the equilibrium value of real income in this economy can be calculated by adding investments, government spending, net exports and consumptions, excluding or subtracting imports....
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The Jurisdiction of the European Court of Human Rights
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
A paper "The Jurisdiction of the European Court of Human Rights" is tasked to criticize, evaluate, assess and interpret the case application of Banković and Others v.... Belgium and 16 Other Contracting States, the action was filed in October 1999.... On November, 14, 2000, it was forwarded.... ...
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Diversity Strategy and Organisational Effectiveness
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The object of analysis for the purpose of this paper "Managing Diversity" is diversity management as recognizing, appreciating, valuing, encouraging and utilizing the unique talents and contributions of individuals from across a wider spectrum of society'.... ... ... ... The diversity could be there on account of age, career experience, color, communication style, culture, disability, educational level or background, employee status, ethnicity, family status, function, gender, language, management style, marital status, national origin, organizational level, parental status, physical appearance, race, religion, sexual orientation, thinking style, etc....
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Unemployment Problem the UK
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The unemployment problem spares no economies, developing or developed.... In struggling economies, the problem occurs naturally because job creation is at a standstill when economic activity is low or limited, thus leaving many people unemployed.... .... ... ... This has been the experience of the First World countries within the OECD whose unemployment figures started to breach the ILO standard in the early 1960s....
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