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The Coase Theorem and Its Relevance to the Control of Environmental Externalities
10 pages (2741 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
The author of this coursework "The 'Coase Theorem' and Its Relevance to the Control of Environmental Externalities" describes features of Coase theorem, definition and characteristics, and the role of Coase theorem and environmental externalities.... ... ... ... Coase's theorem has been stated by Coase Ronald in his article 'The Problem of Social Cost' (1960)....
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Smoke Free Work Place and Public Place
9 pages (2907 words) , Download 3 , Term Paper
This paper explains the reasons for the validity of the 'smoke-free public place and works workplace'.... Many nonsmokers hate the smell of second-hand smoke.... The U.... .... Surgeon General issued his famous Report that smoking causes disease and death in 1964.... ... ... ... The Green Paper discussed above shows that the EU Commission's paper Towards a Europe free from Tobacco Smoke: Policy Options at EU Level states the legal framework on Environmental Tobacco Smoke exposure and its relation to health considerations is a major contributory factor to cancers on people who do not smoke....
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Key Aspects of Management Control and Audit
10 pages (2746 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
The author of this coursework "Key Aspects of Management Control and Audit" describes various managerial decision making quantitative tools and deterministic evaluation.... This paper outlines marginal costing and its applications that lie in the areas of price, market mix, and demand forecasting....
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Gambling in the UK - Factors behind the Rise, Cause to Concern, Prevention Methods
9 pages (2594 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Gambling in the UK - Factors behind the Rise, Cause to Concern, Prevention Methods" talks about the psychosocial prerequisites of such addiction, psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioral, pharmacotherapeutic and multimodal approaches in its treatment, aversion, and psychodynamic therapy developed for addicts, etc....
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The Role of International Credit in Contemporary Economies
12 pages (3276 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
The term paper "The Role of International Credit in Contemporary Economies" states that Credit refers to a borrowed amount of money or the potential of an entity (whether an individual or an economy) to loan money.... In accounting terms of bank, it refers to positive cash entries.... .... ... ... When money is exchanged across countries essentially for the use of one or more countries, we may call this international credit....
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Supply Chain Management of Dunkin Donuts
9 pages (2697 words) , Download 2 , Thesis
This thesis would present the overall picture and working structure of the supply chain management of one of the most famous brands of the world, that is, Dunkin Donuts.... Dunkin Donuts is famous for providing coffee and freshly baked products.... ... ... ... Supply Chain Management (SCM) can be understood as the cycle of procedures which provides the evaluation of the finances flow, product flow and information flow of the materials of the company which moves in a specific process to provide information starting from the supplier to manufacturer, manufacturer to wholesaler, wholesaler to retailer, and finally from retailer to the customer....
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Fetishism, Transvestic Fetishism, Pedophilia, Exhibitionism, Sexual Sadism, and Masochism
10 pages (2736 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The basic motive of this paper "Fetishism, Transvestic Fetishism, Pedophilia, Exhibitionism, Sexual Sadism, and Masochism" presents interviews of sexual perverts with sex therapists about how they acquired their specific tendencies, what excites them and what they think about their sexual constitution....
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The Effective Use of Power
11 pages (3122 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This paper "The Effective Use of Power" discusses leaders who are able to influence organizational behavior, development, and good health by establishing direction, aligning people and motivating and inspiring whilst considering the needs of the followers.... ... ... ... The degree to which they are successful in doing so depends upon many factors including the organization's culture and environmental context....
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The US History after 1877
13 pages (3736 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The "The US History after 1877" paper contains 12 short answers the US history after 1877.... The author states that the majority of the American public believed that America's involvement in the IWW was a mistake and was fearful that the U.... .... would be drawn into the developing conflict in Europe....
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Dissection Of Cognitive Behavior Therapy & Solution-Focused Brie Therapy As Effective Counseling Approaches
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The essay "Dissection Of Cognitive Behavior Therapy & Solution-Focused Brie Therapy As Effective Counseling Approaches" attempts to compare approaches that have been gaining popularity as effective counseling methods namely Cognitive Behavior Therapy and the Solution-Focused Brief Therapy.... ... ...
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Supporting the Juvenile Delinquent: The Antisocial Appraised, Understood, and Reassured
12 pages (3119 words) , Download 1 , Article
The "Supporting the Juvenile Delinquent: The Antisocial Appraised, Understood and Reassured" paper argues that the antisocial for a juvenile delinquent is a big challenge to take on.... But with proper guidance, it will help them to become better persons and become very productive citizens in society....
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The Impact Procedures on Health
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
In this paper, the author describes the types of methods to use while conducting the health assessment impact.... And also the author discusses the procedures to follow in looking at the implications of implementing a project or a policy in a community.... ... ... ... Governments are usually interested in ensuring the health of the general public to prevent diseases that can lead to death and thus a very negative economic implication to the country....
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Issues Relating to Dabru Emet
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 3 , Coursework
The current paper highlights that the title Dabru Emet taken from Zechariah 8:16 which means 'speak the truth' has emerged as an intellectual statement dealing with Jewish-Christian relations.... Dabru Emet paved the way in the most well known American newspapers.... ... ... ... Dabru Emet was based upon eight assertions that highlighted similarities and differences between the two faiths....
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Mentorship for Effective Staff Development
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The current paper highlights that staff development is the dynamic and recurring practice of expanding the ambitions and capabilities of employees, planning of their career and counseling, as well as coaching and guiding them on their individual development (Cohen 1999 p.... 43).... ... ... ... This is mainly achieved through mentorship, which involves the transfer of knowledge from an experienced person to an employee with little experience in a particular profession....
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Americas Rationality (view) for Electing Obama as President
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
If we take into consideration many points and compare Obama's stance to that of John McCain we will realize that Obama's policies are more rational and comprehensive than McCain.... Let's have a look at the stances of both of the leaders in different fields.... ... ... ... Obama becomes successful in understanding the psyche of the entire mass....
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Aggressive Child Behavior in Playgrounds
11 pages (3284 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
"Aggressive Child Behavior in Playgrounds" paper conducts a thorough review of the literature which includes general observation techniques and specific research on studies that observed aggression on the playground and research findings as they relate to the difference in gender-related activities....
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The US Army Special Forces' Success in Afghanistan Because of Previous Experiences
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
From the paper "The US Army Special Forces' Success in Afghanistan Because of Previous Experiences" it is clear that The Vietnam War changed the dynamics of Special Forces and their role in either winning or sustaining a military offensive in enemy territory.... .... ... ... The US military envoys started a semi-diplomatic campaign to engage the Vietnamese government....
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Perioperative Nursing in Spinal Surgery
10 pages (2834 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
This paper explores literature pertaining to perioperative nursing for spinal patients.... Spinal surgery is a complicated specialty with high demands from perioperative nurses.... In the preoperative period, proper evaluation of the condition of the patient are crucial to providing appropriate treatment....
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The Importance of Creativity in Children's Development
9 pages (2615 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
The case study "The Importance of Creativity in Children's Development" points out that The subject child development has undergone many transformations over human history.... As the global environment is changing at a fast pace, it becomes vital to study the importance of creativity.... .... ... ...
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Humanity of Policy
10 pages (2710 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This work called "Humanity of Policy" describes the aspects of police officers and law enforcement personnel.... The author takes into account occupational stress, circumnavigating the officers' mistrust of external mental health professionals.... ... ... ... There is no denying the fact that almost all the police officers are vulnerable to gross amounts of tension and stress, irrespective of the nature and size of agency for which they work....
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Project Keep Placement Stabilization
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This paper addresses the problem of child abuse due to prenatal exposure to alcohol which put the child at risk.... It is not taken lightly when it comes to the issue of child abuse and neglect and at every level, it is considered a serious social issue .... ... ... The absence of basic amenities like childcare, transportation, healthcare and can lead to program failure....
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Is Ban on Sale of Tobacco Products Justified
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
The paper 'Is Ban on Sale of Tobacco Products Justified?... states that nicotine takes the third place - after heroin and cocaine - among psychoactive agents causing hard addiction, and shortens the life of both active and passive smokers, so the officials should evidently cut its selling.... .... ...
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Should Animals Be Used in Medical Research
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The author analyzes the thesis statement which asserts that without the continued use of animal experiments in medical research humans would not be able to experience the medical improvements and advancements which are developed through research on animals.... ... ... ... Ethical experimentation of research on nonhuman animals is a delicate issue, with moral and ethical implications....
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Application of Social Cognition Theory to the Medical Management of a Patient Diagnosed with Fibromyalgia
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The paper "Application of Social Cognition Theory to the Medical Management of a Patient Diagnosed with Fibromyalgia " states that Rotter's Social Learning Theory challenges the basic Freudian concept that internal thought processes are the sole driver of human behaviour.... .... ... ... Rotter's basic view is that the determinants of personality and behaviour are intrinsically linked to one's environment (Rotter, 1954)....
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Comtemporary Management Issues
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
This assignment demonstrates contemporary management issues.... This paper outlines the importance of consequentialist ethics for wine producers, the merits of consequentialist ethics, and results in good outcomes and consequences.... ... ... ... Considering this and consequentialist perspective, any action that results in good outcomes and consequences can be classified as right action in terms of morals....
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Tourism can Contribute Positively to Poverty Reduction
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This paper goes into the causal factors responsible for bringing about positive as well as negative impacts in the lives of the local poor.... The paper elaborates on some essential elements of tourism to make tourism a more effective tool for poverty reduction.... ... ... ... Tourism with an impact far beyond its economic and business aspects is one of the largest and fastest-growing industries in the world....
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The Anti-Lynching Crusade of Ida B. Wells
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Term Paper
The author concludes that Wells' legacy is presenting the truth from an ugly period in American history to an audience.... Her life work is of great historical significance as she was one of the first persons to engage in the fight of equality and helped lay the foundation for the Civil Rights Movement ....
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In What Ways Might Leadership Characteristics Impact upon Group Dynamics
9 pages (2805 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
"In What Ways Might Leadership Characteristics Impact upon Group Dynamics" paper argues that the leader who fails as a group leader will have low self-esteem, easy burnout, will have a failure to deal with failure, will be afraid of conflict, and would not be able to deal with anger effectively.... ....
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Water and Waste Management
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The author of the following paper claims that a sustainable society is based on an equitable distribution of what is in limited supply, renewable development, and protection of the environment.... Harnessing natural resources in a sustainable manner is one of the key rules of a sustainable society....
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Financial Forecasting for Compass Group Plc
8 pages (2591 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The paper "Financial Forecasting for Compass Group Plc" discusses that all elements of the projected consolidated income statement and balance sheet are prepared using CAGR and other related assumptions including that of exceptional items, financing cost and taxation in particular.... .... ... ... Generally, when the financial ratios of the year 2008 are compared with those of projected financial statements the analysis tends to present similar outcomes....
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Japanese Detention Camps During World War II
10 pages (2695 words) , Download 1 , Outline
These camps were used by the United States of America for incarcerating Japanese Americans, more than half of whom were citizens of the country by birth.... The Issei were immigrants who were born in Japan and settled in the U.... .... by 1915, the Nisei were chidren of the Issei, born before World War II, second generation Japanese immigrants, and American citizens by birth....
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Investment Analysis and Strategy
10 pages (2819 words) , Download 4 , Assignment
"Investment Analysis and Strategy" paper states that investment in a project is done through the analysis of risk-return trade-off associated with the investment project.... Before investing in any asset, investors need to be very aware of the relationship between the risk and the return of that asset....
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Alternatives to Marriage
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
This paper "Alternatives to Marriage" focuses on the fact that marriage has certainly been in the news in the last several years.... Gay marriage has been at the forefront because many gays and lesbians believe that they should have the same rights as their heterosexual counterparts.... ... ... ... Christianity has dictated what women and men should be within marriage for hundreds of years....
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The Social Construction of Sexuality and Gender
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Article
This paper 'The Social Construction of Sexuality and Gender' will begin with a brief introduction to human sexuality and gender with an overview of the most important scholars in the study of sex and gender.... It provides analysis of transgender scholar Aaron Davor's arguments.... ... ... ... Through an overview of Davor's arguments, this section will shed important insight into sexuality and gender in the modern Western world....
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Impact of Transnational Diasporas on Canadian Literature
10 pages (2764 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Impact of Transnational Diasporas on Canadian Literature" discusses that history of the Canadian region makes clear that it is with a unique society with multicultural, multiracial characteristics.... Moreover, Caribbean Canadian writing provides diversity to the literary sphere of Canada....
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Employee Relations: Bullying and Discrimination
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The author states that management and employees should complement each other and work in unison.... However, certain key issues like pay and bullying or discrimination in a workplace continue to provide evidence of the division that exists between management and employees or labor.... .... ... ... Together, the management and the workers can only put an organization on the path of success with their knowledge, skill, hard work etc, etc....
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Sponsoring Spectacular Sports Events
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 4 , Term Paper
The author state that the objective of sponsoring high-performance sports events by trans-national corporations is for increasing the awareness of the corporation.... The essay makes an assessment of the link between governments and corporation with sports events, in a global and comparative context....
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Diabetes Treatment
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
This paper focuses on Diabetes Treatment.... Diabetes is malfunctioning of metabolism within the body.... It has been observed that the incidence of diabetes is greater in the cities than in villages.... Lifestyles in the cities, consumption of junk food are some of the reasons.... ... ... ... The wise saying goes, 'Half the cure goes to the credit of knowledgeable doctor's medical research ....
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Mating amongst the Clownfish and Gender Changes
11 pages (3035 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
This paper is a critique of the Clownfish mating process and gender changes that occur, as well as an exploration of the different species.... Clownfish is one of the aquatic organisms whose sex remains a subject of controversy.... It is generally known that the fish is capable of switching its sex....
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Corporate Accounting
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The purpose of this paper is to examine the accounting practices and issues of a company such as Santos Limited.... By looking at the company's annual report and financial statements for the year 2008, issues regarding the company's accounting practices are looked at.... ... ... ... This paper aims to look at various items that concern the company's accounting policies for its operations....
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Global Warming and Its Political Implications
11 pages (3090 words) , Download 3 , Coursework
The "Global Warming and Its Political Implications" paper seeks to make an attempt to discuss various political implications of global warming and how the issue of global warming, which has become much of a political issue rather than a mere environmental problem, can be politically dealt with.... ....
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Campaign Finance Reform: Positive Steps in the Right Direction
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The research also in detail shows its points on various examples and articles.... This paper "Campaign Finance Reform: Positive Steps in the Right Direction" investigates whether campaign finance reform has had a positive effect on the campaign climate or not.... ... ... ... Campaign Finance Reform has been a bone of contention for both parties who continually charge the other with accruing campaign funds in a manner and in amounts that make fair elections a virtual myth....
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Macro Economics of Australia
10 pages (3354 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The author of this research proposal "Macro Economics of Australia " describes the inflation rate, the nominal exchange between Australia and The USA, gross fixed investment, unemployment rate, money supply, treasure bonds, and bills.... The paper analyses the behavior of variables like rate of inflation, gross domestic product, gross investment, unemployment rate, private consumption....
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Acts of The Apostles
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
This assignment describes Acts of the Apostles.... This paper outlines the ratio between events in the book of Acts and the author's main theological aims.... This paper analyses sections of the book and different theological views.... ... ... ... Luke sought to give a full picture of the work of the Holy Spirit in and through the early church in order to defend the gospel and convince readers of its truth....
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The Main Types of Businesses in Australia: the Advantages and Disadvantages of Being a Sole Trader
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The paper describes the sole trader that has free reign over the business.... He can create or re-structure it as he sees fit.... No need to get votes or draw up proposals for the board.... Since the law doesn't consider the sole trader as another person, separate from the owner, the business will cease on the death of the owner....
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The Effect of Marital Interactions on Martial Satisfaction
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The following essay "The Effect of Marital Interactions on Martial Satisfaction" deals with the concept of happiness.... Some of the world's greatest philosophers like Aristotle, Kant, and Russell all advocated that happiness should be the primary goal in the lives of each and every human being.... ...
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Power of European Dictators Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini in WWII
12 pages (3138 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
This paper "Power of European Dictators Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini in WWII" describes the role of Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin in World War II, the ways in which they used the political and social turmoil in their countries.... The author outlines the aims and consequences of the government.... Everybody from them was responsible for their own way of initiating the war....
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What Is the Idea of the Doctrine of Proprietary Estoppel
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The paper 'What Is the Idea of the Doctrine of Proprietary Estoppel?... considers court cases where a tenant who is formally not in possession of the lodging could claim ownership of estoppel or partial compensation of money paid by him for housekeeping based on the provisions of the case law.... ....
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Baby Boomers are a Viable Market
10 pages (2834 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
The author describes the Baby Boomers, a generation of Americans who represent one of the largest segments of the population, comprising 25 percent of the population.... Today's baby boomers are active and dedicated to exploring their interests now that they have the time through early retirement....
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Japanese Women in Meiji Period
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 5 , Essay
It was during the Meiji period in Japanese history that thoughts of respect for human rights and freedom, introduced from the USA and Europe, took root in the Japanese society This brief essay presents a discussion about women in Japan during the Meiji era.... ... ... ... However, even the Meiji government could not change the fundamental psyche of the Japanese and a complex interplay of class, poverty, gender inequality and exploitative forces continued to act against rural women from of Japanese Women in Meiji Period Copyright Historians agree that the Meiji era in Japanese history presented a succession of large reforms that were to bring about an improvement in Japanese society....
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