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A Visit From the Goon Squad - Essay Example

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This essay "A Visit From the Goon Squad" focuses on chapter 12 of the book: A Visit from the goon squad. Chapter 12 was deemed preferable as it can relate to the Facebook genre which was found to be more related compared to other genres that are available. …
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A Visit From the Goon Squad
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PART2 Genre switching: A visit from the goon squad; chapter 12. In this project, chapter 12 of the book: A visit fromthe goon squad, chapter 12 was deemed preferable as it can relate to the Facebook genre that we found it more related compared to other genres that are available. The 12th chapter of this material is a caption of the thoughts and life of young girl; Alison Blake. Alison has a family consisting of her parents and her brother who is a year older. The thoughts of Alison and the various activities she undertakes have been reflected on powerpoint slides, these slides have been illustrated in a way that it allows the reader to actualize and put to perspective what the young girl goes through as she interact with her family. These PowerPoint presentations can be transferred to a Facebook profile whereby they fit as they are more or less the same thing from Alison’s presentation. A Facebook account profile ranges from a status update file where the users can update their friends and family of the current things that they are undertaking in their lives. From this provision with the Facebook accounts, one is able to let their friend know what they are doing and at what time. The Facebook page then has a provision whereby there are spaces allocated to allow friends to respond to the status updates. They can respond to the specific update their friend has illustrated on their ‘walls’; the page from where the details of a person appears along with the updated status of that person. There are other aspects of a Facebook profile such as the ‘like’ button option whereby people can choose to click where it indicatively show that the person who has read the profile like it and lets the profile owner know it. The Facebook status has also dialog boxes where people can share their thought like using short messages. Alison’s powerpoint slides transferred to Facebook profile The tense used Powerpoint: The tense that Alison Blake uses in her slides is in present continuous, throughout the profile; she updates her life by referring the immediate things that are taking place. ‘Dad is working’; she states what activities her dad is currently undertaking. This means, she records these activities as they are happening. There is the use of passive voice in some parts of her slides, these signifies that the conversation is taking place at the immediate time. Facebook: The tense that Alison uses can qualify for the usage in a Facebook profile, on Facebook, Alison’s updates on might have sufficed on the status update where, she can allow the friend knows what is going on around her at the immediate time. The same update from the powerpoint slide might can fit in a status update letting her friends and family know that currently her dad is working on something. The profile on the Facebook status then has similarity to the PowerPoint slide as it allows one to update whatever the person is undertaking in her life, this is facilitated by the use of tense whereby the update involves the ongoing activity. Relationship PowerPoint slides In the slides there are indications of the people Alison is related to, in the first slide, she indicates the people she is related with and how she is related to them. Alison indicates that she has a mother, father and an older brother. She has used texts inside bubbles of what forms her family. Facebook In the Faceook page there are allocations whereby one is able to indicate to whom he or she is related to, the people that can access the profile can then understand the people that are in the friends profile and the relationship they share. If the slides are to be used in a Facebook setting, the profile page of Sasha Blake would indicate that she shares a relationship with Alison of being her mother. The other family members profile also would indicate respectively the relationship that Alison shares with them. Likes and dislikes PowerPoint slides In the PowerPoint slides, there are indications of the things that Alison hates when the parents does them. This she indicates by the terms such as ‘annoying habit’. This indicatively shows the things she does not like when they happen around her. ‘In the annoying habit# 48’ text, Alison indicates that she hates it when people use the exact word responding to people saying goodbye to them. This is further illustrated when she engages the mother in the conversation asking her why she has to respond the way she does when saying goodbye to others (Facebook). Facebook On the Facebook profile, when one open the profile account, there are question posed on what she likes or dislikes. On this page, these are posed under ‘interests’, one can then indicate what interests her and what doesn’t. On the Facebook profile, Alison dislikes might fit within this part of the Facebook site, she write down she dislikes it when people say goodbye to each other while repeating the same words in response. Songs PowerPoint In Alison slides, there are indications of songs that she and her brother Lincoln like. She has indicated this by writing down the track names and adding the name of the artists. She indicates these songs by writing them under songs with Lincoln’s comments. She has indicated her brother’s thoughts about the songs according to the tracks and the artist. Her brother’s comments on the songs are of the pauses that are in the tracks. In the slide she has indicated the thoughts of what her brother deems as good tracks and mistakes in tracks. She writes ‘this is an excellent early pause’ in Bernadette, by the four tops; Lincoln likes this. She also wrote, ‘this is a lot of opportunity’ under young Americans by John Dowie, this shows that Alison is aware that the brother thinks there is a mistake in this track. Alison also indicates she likes them by stating that she listens to the song together with the brother when she is not around her friends. (‘If my friends are around I ignore Lincoln’s music’). (‘When it is just us, the pauses are my favorite’). This indicates that her friends do not share the passion of pauses like her, Lincoln and the mother. Facebook In Facebook, there are ‘fan pages’; in these pages, one gets to follow whatever activities the artist he likes involves himself in. Alison Lincoln and Sasha all share the same idealism about pauses in music. They can have the updates from these artist pages by just clicking the ‘like’ button on heir pages. In this page, the three can then be able to get music and share the idealism of the pauses in music with other people who also likes it. On Facebook accounts, one has the option to hide the details that he wishes others not to see. Alison can then hide the type of music he likes or better single out which people can see her music interests. PART 3 From the switching of genres, there are various considerations that were made ranging from the texts that were used by Alison to the shapes she used in the power point slides. These included considerations of various things from the shapes she used in presenting the texts of the activities she was undertaking in her day to day activities to the signs she used in presenting the interests Alison used symbols in her presentations (Allfacebook). In her texts, Alison used short texts to bring out the immediate activities that were in progress. These texts require illustrations as some of them had to be interpreted to bring to light some of the intended messages. An example is where Alison states that she does not care of Lincoln’s music when her friends are around. This can be indicated from a perspective mean that when Alison’s friends are around she is normally very preoccupied that she does not get any time to listen to music with Lincoln. It can also mean that Alison does not want her friends to know that she listens to the kind of songs that Lincoln listens to (Treadaway & Mari, 46). For this to appear and fit in a Facebook setting, there were considerations that both Alison and Lincoln loves the same music and their preference on the pauses is according to how long the pauses are in the songs. Alison and Lincoln then would indicate that they like fan pages like the ‘four tops’ and ‘Jimmi Hendrix’. With the two having ‘liked’ the same fan pages, there are indications that appear on Drew’s profile page notifying him that Alison, Lincoln and Sasha likes these artistes ; although he does not share the passion as the three. Affordances In the Facebook genre, there was utilization of the walls which was deemed handy in the genre switch made. From the wall of Rob, it came as an affordance to use his wall to post the information about Rob. Rob was Sasha’s friend who tragically died. On his wall through the profile of Sasha there were fare well messages that had been posted by Sasha. There was information about the good times she and Rob had shared (Allfacebook). From this information the people who knew about Sasha close friendship and were there like Drew also had comments on Rob’s wall. Drew, the father to Alison also had questions about the pauses in the songs that his son is so passionate about. From this, we posted questions that we deemed drew would post on some of the artistes fan pages as to get more information from the fans of the artistes. Drew would then pose a question on the ‘four tops’ wall asking ‘why anyone would put such a long pause in a song like Bernadette’. Since Lincoln is one of the people who ‘liked’ the page he would post the answer along with other Bernadette fans answering the father. In Facebook accounts when the comment post is directed to a specific person that has commented on the same post the comment begins with the initial @ followed by the name of the person. This means that the comment is not directed to the post but one of the comments (Allfacebook). Another affordance that was used in Facebook was the use of symbols to bring out some of the activities that Alison was undertaking and had significantly showed on her slides using shapes. In the slides there are parts such as the slides of: ‘signs that dad isn’t happy’, there are symbols with directions, inside these there are texts inside showing that drew is not happy. In Drew Facebook profile, there are indications in one of the posts where he uses the pictorials provided under the status updates, these symbols there are various moods that one can indicate as the mood that he is experiencing, ranging from happy, sad , confused and many others. An aspect that came in hand from the slides was the indication that the scenes were all recording from various places. In the second slide after the title slide, there are indications of the various scene that all the other slides takes place in. There are scenes indicated by numbers like ‘after Lincolns game’, ‘in my room’, ‘one night later’, ‘the desert’. In the switch made, the Facebook profile allows the option for its users to indicate the scene where the comment is being made. This allows the friends to know where this person making the post is at the time he posts this. This is normally indicated in blue then the comment follows. This in the project was indicated in Alison’s posts showing the various places she is while she updates the various things she undergoes through out to the end. Constraints There were some aspects that were deemed important from Alison’s slides but could not be added in the Facebook profile accounts. These constrains were significantly setbacks but in some there were ways in which they could be worked out. There are indications of the relationship that Alison brought out as existing between Sasha and Drew; her parents. This segment was in the ‘way it can be when dad comes back’ slide. From what looks like a beam balance weighing what her father does when he is the house. Alison tends to bring out the fact that there are some problems between them. This aspect could not be brought out in the Facebook profile as there is no provision in Facebook to bring out such situations. These aspects could then be added in the Facebook update status component, but this would mean everyone would see the update Alison post stating there is a problem in her family. The only work around was thus to add the Alison’s thoughts to the Facebook status but limit the people that could see the update to family only as opposed to the whole public. In the slides, Alison chooses symbols and shapes to use as a way of bringing out some of the activities she undertakes. There are symbols of arrows attached to circular shaped in a place Lincolns comes to her room and places the headphones on her head. She opts for the descriptive options to bring out the portrait with rob in it. This in Facebook would be unnecessary as in Facebook one can save the portrait and upload it to the profile for other people to see. But since there are no portraits, we choose to use random pictures from random websites as a picture of rob. This was facilitated by the description she gives to rob when she compares him to her father. Literary analysis Switching of genres from the Powerpoint slides to the Facebook profile was not hard as the information that the writer provided in the chapter used was reasonably sufficient. Facebook was created to allow the users to relay the information that goes on around them to other people. The slides that Alison uses to bring out her activities have been brought out in a way as I allows any reader going through them to understand what goes on around the girls life. There is information on the details of Alison’s family that fits within the Facebook setting. The use of short sentences allows room for interpretation by the reader. By reading such texts inside the ‘way it can be when dad comes back’, any reader can interpret the slide segment as information that is being passed shows that there is a problem with the father relation to the family. From this, indications on the Facebook profile made for Drew would fit in awarding the relationship status as; complicated. From the new genre there is possibility to expound more on the relationship that exists in Alison’s family compared to the information that could be passed by the slides. Facebook allows more information since there are various aspects that could be indicated on everyone. Reference is easier compared to the slides since if one needs to refer to a member of the family one can just enter the person’s name in the search box availed on the profile interface and accesses anything he needs from the persons account. Compared to the slide where one has to scroll down the boxes and find the name and information that he requires. This then goes on to ascertain that Alison’s information would be better under a Facebook context compared to the powerpoint representation context. PART 4 Reed Schlesner Nathan Shaw Liting Lin Aiyao Chen Xiaoman Ji ENG 112 Professor Straight 16 November 20 The team completed this project working on the chapter 12 of the material provided which was the book ‘A visit from the goon squad’. All the group members worked on the various aspects of the project from the initial point to the completion of the project. Each member of the group was allocated part of the aspects that were considered for the discussion of the genre switching. The work was distributed to all group members in soft copy form as to be able to go through the work in their free time before the due date for handing out the work. The group chose Reed Schlesner as the member who would follow up the progress of the project from the initial point. Through her constant supervision of the work that was being done he group members managed to finish the job on time. There were various challenges that were experienced in the course of the project like the choice of the outside choices. There was a discussion that ensued and a common agreement was reached. The group went through the work individually and all ascertained that the work was done satisfactorily and all the issues under the genre switching were brought under consideration. The chapter that the group chose had a lot of details; this made it easier to attain the information. There were some rectifications made in some of the parts that the group considered as unnecessary in the work, after these rectifications were made, the group went through the work for the second time and all agreed that the rectifications done were necessary. The group supervisor deemed it necessary to also inquire from outside sources and find out their thoughts of what the work required. The collective thoughts from the outside sources were combined with the group were incorporated in the work by the group members. This was as to ensure the work was done to the best accuracy as possible. The use of breakdown of the work using subtitles was deemed necessary as it would allow better reference while going through the work. Work cited www. Web Treadaway, Chris, and Mari Smith. Facebook Marketing: An Hour a Day. Hoboken, N.J: Wiley, 2012. Print. Allfacebook,How toget more likes and comments on facebook, 2013,web article. Read More
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