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Marriages in Three Different Cultures
5 pages (1607 words) , Download 0 , Report
New York: Allerton book Co.... This report "Marriages in Three Different Cultures" describes, in brief, the various customs practiced in Indian, Jewish, and Islamic cultures while dwells upon the key differences and similarities between marriage traditions between the western world and the above-chosen cultures....
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Americans and Arabic Cultures on Issues Regarding Death
6 pages (1560 words) , Download 0 , Report
he Muslim Holy book establishes the basic premise of Islamic teaching regarding death and that it is of Allah's omnipotence.... This paper "Americans and Arabic Cultures on Issues Regarding Death" extensively discusses beliefs and practices in both American and Arabic cultures.... It aims to highlight cultural characteristics regarding these cultures, both theologically and secular approaches....
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Drypers Corporation: National Television Advertising Campaign
15 pages (4386 words) , Download 0 , Report
The paper "Drypers Corporation: National Television Advertising Campaign" focuses on the critical analysis of the business plan for Drypers corporation development and the elements that may potentially increase sales and building brand name for the company.... ... ... ... Drypers Corporation is a leading producer and marketer of premium quality diapers and training pants catering to the value-priced market....
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Barriers to Provision of Childrens Services
9 pages (2733 words) , Download 1 , Report
Some of the barriers associated with providing children's services have been associated with certain aspects of society for example: Domestic challenges such as conflicts between parents or even between relatives have jeopardized the quality of services provided to children during their early developmental stage....
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Security Features which are Most Effective on Interconnectivity Using VoIP
11 pages (2875 words) , Download 0 , Report
if the attacker finds periodic changes for example once after some couple of seconds, the possibility of the replay attacks then remains viable (Bouzida and Mangin, 2006).... Literature review ... This report "Security Features which are Most Effective on Interconnectivity Using VoIP" discusses efforts to improve on networking security, however, the services that are being offered using different software's whose security features are not guaranteed....
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Employability Skills Nowadays
11 pages (3053 words) , Download 0 , Report
The paper "Employability Skills Nowadays" describes that employee engagement is a factor that determines organizational success since it has an effect on employee loyalty, employee retention, as well as productivity and is also associated with customer satisfaction.... ... ... ... The strategy would enable the company to come up with a career advancement program that would facilitate employee retention....
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Impact of Social Media on the Practice of Journalism
10 pages (2695 words) , Download 2 , Report
For example, the Guardian and the Washington Post have internet applications especially in Facebook.... ?British Journalism review, 22(4), pp.... This report "Impact of Social Media on the Practice of Journalism" presents the social media that are not a replacement for journalism....
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Fire Courses in Higher Education
9 pages (2864 words) , Download 0 , Report
Nilsson, D, & Frantzich, H 2011, Fire Evacuation in Underground Transportation Systems: A review of Accidents and Empirical Research.... This report "Fire Courses in Higher Education" determines whether a risk reduction plan would be excellent in order to improve life safety and fire protection in off-campus students....
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The Efficiency of the Incident Command System by the Buncefield Oil Storage
10 pages (2953 words) , Download 0 , Report
lthough prepare R FGGG rd specifically for the fire service, the process could be extended to the other emergency services and also to activities in which traditional control over the workplace and workplace equipment is lacking, breakdown maintenance for example. ... reat Britain: Hertfordshire Fire and Rescue Service, 2006, Buncefield: Hertfordshire Fire and Rescue Service's review of the fire response, The Stationery Office, New York....
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Accident Prevention Models
10 pages (2681 words) , Download 0 , Report
An example of a latent failure would be a poorly maintained vehicle that could lead to an accident later. ... The hardware failure is the first component under review.... This paper ''Accident Prevention Models'' tells that Increased innovations in equipment in areas such as aviation, maritime, nuclear power plants, and petroleum industry among other sectors have brought about many opportunities for failure and the need for new kinds of safety systems....
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Relationship between Globalisation and Migration
12 pages (3455 words) , Download 1 , Report
The "Relationship between Globalisation and Migration" paper discusses the statement that in the present era of globalization, control over the movement of people has become the last bastion of sovereignty.... Nowhere is this more evident than in the tension between the right of free movement.... ...
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Relation between Morality and Dharma
7 pages (1840 words) , Download 1 , Report
omplete-review.... This report "Relation between Morality and Dharma" discusses the concept of morality and dharma that are in circles defined and explained inter-changeably.... Dharma is primarily concerned with the designation of behaviors seen as necessary in order for the natural order of things to be maintained....
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What Will Be the Advantages and Costs to Transition Economies of Replacing their Currencies by the Euro
9 pages (2619 words) , Download 1 , Report
This paper "What Will Be the Advantages and Costs to Transition Economies of Replacing their Currencies by the Euro?... focuses on the fact that 12 countries out of the 15 EU members that make up the Eurozone, accomplished their conversion to a single currency called the Euro in 1999.... .... ... ...
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Challenges of Managing a Diverse Workforce
8 pages (2535 words) , Download 1 , Report
An example of direct discrimination is when a hotel in UK gives employees of African descent less pay and career development opportunities than workers of British origin.... amal, Y & Ferdousi, M 2009, “Managing Diversity at Workplace: A Case Study of HP,” ASA University review, Vol....
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Using Cognitive Learning Theory to Learn How to Drive a Car
12 pages (3583 words) , Download 0 , Report
A good example resides in learning the activity described in this essay.... review of Educational Research; vol.... The author of this particular paper "Using Cognitive Learning Theory to Learn How to Drive a Car" outlines the strengths and limitations associated with the use of cognitive theory to learn the said activity as opposed to the other aforementioned theories....
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Fire Strategies in the Design of Buildings
28 pages (7526 words) , Report
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This report "Fire Strategies in the Design of Buildings" investigates a variety of fire strategies that are extremely important especially in the design of buildings other than flats.... It investigates the general principles following the B1 standards indicating the means used in escape and warning....
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Uneven Development
6 pages (1714 words) , Download 0 , Report
n his book Smith posits that “capitalism entails the progressive universalization of value as the form of abstract labour.... This report "Uneven Development" seeks to show that uneven development is the acne of the capitalist geography.... Various illustrations and evidence have been drawn from Neil smith's insights concerning the notion of uneven development....
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Electronic Health Records: an Overview of eClinicWorks
6 pages (1716 words) , Download 4 , Report
I further pledge that I have not copied any material from a book, article, the Internet or any other source except where I have expressly cited the source.... This paper ''Electronic Health Records: an Overview of eClinicWorks'' discusses that the benefits of the system include e-referrals for patients and continuity of care records (EaseMD, 2011)....
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Art and Photography: Erwin Olaf
5 pages (1460 words) , Download 0 , Report
ype=book&id=4586&cn=166... This report "Art and Photography: Erwin Olaf" presents the digital photography of Olaf that continues to abject post-modern theories when he poses the question of what constitutes beauty.... Olaf's methods resulting from his experience in the advertising industry....
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Stigma and Discrimination Against the Mentally Ill
5 pages (1605 words) , Download 0 , Report
In his 1963 book, Goffman defines stigma as trait which is deeply discrediting.... This report "Stigma and Discrimination Against the Mentally Ill" discusses stigma against people with mental challenges.... With the understanding that anyone is capable of succumbing.... We should offer as much support to these people in as far as we have the ability....
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Purchasing and Supply Chain Management of Coca-Cola
12 pages (3279 words) , Download 0 , Report
For example, some products have very fast perishing periods.... ‘The structure of periodic review policies in the presence of random yield', Operations Research, 38, 634-643. ... The report "Purchasing and Supply Chain Management of Coca-Cola" focuses on the critical multifaceted analysis of the peculiarities of purchasing and supply chain management used by the Coca-Cola company....
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Realism of Stanislavskys System
12 pages (3174 words) , Download 1 , Report
For example, if the character in the play in mourning the loss of a loved one, the actor, if he or she has experienced this pain, can use his or her past experience in order to help the acting process.... For example, he could watch the same play three times and each time the actor would have a different performance.... For example, just because a villain character has a scene where he or she acts good, does not mean that the character as a whole changes....
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The Impact of Globalization on Multicultural and Global Forms of Citizenship
11 pages (3291 words) , Download 0 , Report
The paper "The Impact of Globalization on Multicultural and Global Forms of Citizenship" is a wonderful example of a report on sociology.... The paper "The Impact of Globalization on Multicultural and Global Forms of Citizenship" is a wonderful example of a report on sociology.... For example, we have Caucasians, African Americans, and Arabs, and they are easily distinguished through racial identities.... For example in the US, it is irrelevant for individuals to claim that there are more blacks in jail than there are in college that is nonfactual and misplaced ...
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E- Learning Community
10 pages (2942 words) , Download 0 , Report
This report "E-Learning Community" discusses the training of teachers that becomes more efficient through this social network.... It draws attention to the relevance of various techniques involved in teaching peer teaching in gaining teaching experience is essential.... ... ... ... The ability to create applications is very important as it builds a ground that operates on the basic of authentication....
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Recent IBM Initiative Relating to Social Business
10 pages (2937 words) , Download 0 , Report
The paper "Learning Approach Used By IBM" tells that the contemporary business world has become more organised, intellectual and instrumented in this present-day context.... A new business concept has been introduced for enterprises in this modern business world, which is known as 'social business....
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Music Censorship
7 pages (2007 words) , Download 0 , Report
For example, with the onset of rhythm and blues music that is greatly associated with black musicians, the issues of sex and drug use became more openly spoken about (Johnson & Cloonan, 2009).... For example, during the cold war era numerous anti-communist sentiments were allowed as long as the speaker did not incite other people to indulge in illegal activities, which raised controversy (Johnson & Cloonan, 2009).... For example, American rock and rap stars have often been accused of reaffirming violent and abusive stereotypes towards women that have been largely replicated by their fans....
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Predicting the Speed of a Gravity-Powered Vehicle
10 pages (2613 words) , Download 0 , Report
The report "Predicting the Speed of a Gravity-Powered Vehicle" focuses on the critical analysis of understanding how a gravity racer is built, how it operates, and its relationship with Newton's second law using the MATLAB software (version 7.... 0.... r2010a).... ... ... ... Newton's second law of motion states that force is directly proportional to the mass applied and the acceleration....
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The Role of Project Management in Achieving Project Success
11 pages (3053 words) , Download 2 , Report
This report "The Role of Project Management in Achieving Project Success" discusses project management that represents the application of tools, techniques, and knowledge to complete the project effectively and efficiently.... Additionally, there exist certain phases of a project for its completion....
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The Effective Surveillance Design that will be Installed in the Gold Storage Premises
9 pages (2746 words) , Download 0 , Report
This report "The Effective Surveillance Design that will be Installed in the Gold Storage Premises" discusses digital cameras that have been designed effectively, selected, and will be installed in strategic positions excellently depending on the level of risks.... ... ... ... The designed CCTV system for the cold storage facility is a high technology system integrating internet and programmable systems to facilitate monitoring, recognition, and identification of intruders and staff operation activities....
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Hydraulics and Engineering Applications
12 pages (3576 words) , Download 1 , Report
This report "Hydraulics and Engineering Applications" discusses the supply of water that is also related to the elevation of the topography.... The gravity main was chosen for the second route since it is the best choice when the entry point has a greater elevation.... ... ... ... Cast iron is the material selected for the pipes since it resists erosion and corrosion highly....
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The Tourism Industry
6 pages (1975 words) , Download 0 , Report
For example many tourists visit Kenya to see the flamingoes and in July they still visit Kenya and Tanzania to see migration of the beasts, therefore their habitats necessitates maintenance and protection.... Taking Kenya as an example, tourism business is seasonal which implies that many staff are reduced during off peak season causing unemployment and thus they are financially unstable through the year. ... Most of African countries for example Kenya are influenced by western culture such that when the tourists get into their country they tend to alter the culture of the host community....
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Legal Foundations of the European Nation
11 pages (2534 words) , Download 2 , Report
This work called "Legal Foundations of the European Nation" describes the integration process of Europe, its historical background.... The author outlines the differences between the Treaty of Lisbon and the 2004 Constitutional Treaty, reasons for this process, distinctions from the Treaty of Nice, the key aspects of the current regime....
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Community Service Learning - Nature Play in Cleland Wildlife Park
9 pages (2782 words) , Download 0 , Report
This report "Community Service Learning - Nature Play in Cleland Wildlife Park" sheds some light on the Cleland Wildlife Park (CWP) and is a collaboration between the University and CWP.... The report looks at ways in which they experience at CWP can be enhanced.... ... ... ... CWP has been advocating for nature play and has been looking into ways in which the concept can be utilized to enhance the experience at the park especially for the children....
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Carbon Emission as a Global Problem
12 pages (3534 words) , Download 0 , Report
This paper ''Carbon Emission as a Global Problem'' tells that it has caused great concern due to increased global warming resulting.... Global warming refers to increased temperature levels near the earth's surface caused by trapping and the build-up of heat in the atmosphere (Paterson 2003).... ...
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Islamic Ceramics Traditions
6 pages (1657 words) , Download 2 , Report
One key example is during the reign of Seljuk dynasty: the political and social stability of the period attracted a number of artists not only from Muslim countries (Meri & Bacharach, 2005).... Another key example is in the construction of portraiture motifs on ceramics similar to 9th century Muslim pottery style Sgraffiato, a process by which glaze-coated pottery or surfaces where etched to illustrate the motifs and figures (Fehervari, 2000).... One example is in the development of maiolica earthenware jars called albarello that were used to hold apothecary supplies which were adapted widely (Fehervari, 2000). ...
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New Trends in Shared Living Tourism
5 pages (1628 words) , Download 0 , Report
An example of an organization that provides this type of service Start-up Abroad provides professional experiences for entrepreneurs who want to have the opportunity for interactions with others who have the same types of goals and aspirations.... This example shows that shared circumstances provide for more than just a tourist experience.... As an example, Hotel Landgut Borsig which is situated about 40 km from Berlin allows for a luxury experience while a lowered impact on the environment through self-produced energy....
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Studio 275s Business Overview
5 pages (1593 words) , Download 0 , Report
This paper ''Studio 275's Business Overview'' tells that Studio 275 is a theatre company that produces Canadian plays.... Its market niche is Metropolitan Toronto because of the competitiveness and abundance of live theatre in the region.... Initially, the company produced primarily Canadian plays....
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Uses and Sources of Alkanes
5 pages (1508 words) , Download 0 , Report
For example-nonacosane, C29H60 has been isolated from cabbage leaves and leaves and n-heptane, C7H16 is found to be present in pinus species.... These alkanes are low boiling liquid alkanes, for example hexane.... For example, paraffin wax is often used to seal jars after home canning of fruits and vegetables....
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Creating Website Design
6 pages (1546 words) , Download 1 , Report
For example, when we open products page, we can click on each product and can get detailed information of the product.... For example, the links are written in white color whereas the background color for the links' area is blue. ... For example, the text is written in black color where the background color is white. ...
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Risk Management and Insurance
5 pages (1416 words) , Download 1 , Report
Insurance makes the underwriters undertake independent applicants' investigations – for example, background or credit checks.... For example, a year's cover of health insurance for an elderly person is more expensive than that of a young individual.... For example, the New York's insurance law permits the superintendent to exercise his or her duties, rights, and power, in relation to insurance in the state....
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Financial Accounting and Control Methods
11 pages (2923 words) , Download 0 , Report
This report "Financial Accounting and Control Methods" presents a financial plan that is considered to be a very important aspect of a business plan more so where the business plan is to be used in obtaining a load from a bank.... The Cash Flow Forecast is considered as being a vital part of the plan....
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Drug Abuse: Treatment versus Punishment
7 pages (1861 words) , Download 0 , Report
This report "Drug Abuse: Treatment versus Punishment" discusses Drug abuse that involves the provision of illegal drugs into the body purely for the wrong motive or intention.... It can also mean the misuse of legitimate drugs against the prescribed procedures (Trevor and Halloway 8).... ... ... ...
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Care for Vulnerable People
7 pages (2088 words) , Download 4 , Report
Moreover, the patients may die due to accidents, for example, in road accidents, since they have a mental disorder, and therefore they cannot concentrate when crossing the road.... These disturbing happenings may be direct, for example, being intimidated, or indirectly through her or his family due to difficulties in finance or even marital disagreement by parents.... For example, if a child grew up in a family, which is morally upright, the child will grow up having excellent virtues of behaviors....
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Developing a Simulink Program to Test CSTR Performance
6 pages (1794 words) , Download 1 , Report
s shown below, the example provides procedure for obtaining a linear model of the plant in question when using a MATLAB script. ... t has to be noted that for the example provided, the CSTR model, there is CSTR_OpenLoop that is linearalised.... Therefore, the process of creating a point of operation specification object that define the steady-state condition will resume the following example: ... s the brief example above outlines, the process will be derived to a point of reaching at the calculated operating point that can be termed as C_A which may generate values such as 2kmol/m3 and a value of T_K = 373 K depending on the initial values....
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Principle of Mens Rea
8 pages (2094 words) , Download 1 , Report
For example, a drunk driver who causes injury can be found guilty of causing harm in a reckless manner.... In addition, they are applied in the transport sector, for example, speeding or driving without insurance.... An example of where it was applied was in the R v.... It may also happen, for example that a person may be carrying a say a penknife that has been stuck to his shoes without his knowledge....
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The Human Resource Theoretical and Empirical Grounds
8 pages (2177 words) , Download 0 , Report
For example, hospitality organizations like five star hotels whose purpose is to host all kinds of guests and offering them, all the services.... Most of the guests are always comfortable while living in the most current society in terms of doing things thus they want to be in places with advancement for example technologically.... s much as the workers struggle hard for the achievement of the goals and objectives of the entire organization they also should focus on the achievement of the specified needs of the customers, for example, most of the five star hotels aim at hosting the most prominent people thus all the services they strategies on should be worth the class....
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Taxation in the UK
8 pages (2368 words) , Download 0 , Report
For example, Cigarettes and other Tobacco Products are linked to various health hazards, which add to the Governments Health Policies.... For example, fuel and power.... For example, a company in a bad financial phase would not engage in expansions or extra hiring.... This may end up having a social effect as well, where employment in the economy may rise, and the Government will have to spend lesser on Welfare services as Unemployment Insurance for example....
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Cultural Studies Project
6 pages (1671 words) , Download 0 , Report
The best example for such an attack, influenced with films is none other than the September 11 attack of US.... The given picture is an example of typical commercial advertisement of cigarettes.... The performance of the two people in this picture is an example of discursive formation in the society....
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Formation of Volcanoes on Earth and Other Planets
6 pages (1782 words) , Download 0 , Report
An example is that, in the Atlantic Ocean, there is a mid-oceanic ridge which has caused the formation of volcanoes as a result of divergent tectonic plates moving away from each other (Edmond and James 4).... An example is that, in the Atlantic Ocean, there is a mid-oceanic ridge which has caused the formation of volcanoes as a result of divergent tectonic plates moving away from each other (Edmond and James 4).... An example is in east Africa rift....
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Use of Biometric Technologies for E-Voting
6 pages (1648 words) , Download 0 , Report
As an example, the e-Voting system applied in Geneva Swiss is a clear proof that new technologies can help in dismantling the digital segregation and make technology helpful to all people.... The local government is a good example that illustrates the provision of online services such as giving permission to local citizens to internet voting.... For example, in 2000, in the United States, Clinton Curtis, a computer programmer, was asked by a congressional candidate of GOP to create a software program that would increase the votes of the republicans....
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