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A Concise History of Australia - Report Example

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This report "A Concise History of Australia" discusses Australia that has continued to grow over years in terms of tradition and culture. It had plenty of natural resources and became an exporter of products of agriculture, especially wool and wheat, minerals, and energy…
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Running Head: Data Retrieval and Analysis Name: University: Course: Table of Contents Table of Contents 2 Introduction 3 Historical text 3 Film text 4 Literary text 6 Databases (TAL, AUSTLIT and Southern Australian Writers) 7 Conclusion 8 Bibliography 9 Introduction Retrieval and analysis of data is obtaining insight into operation before deciding on key issues. There is the capturing of information across activities of various dimensions over a certain time. Retrieval of information is a process where there is the capturing of information so as to increase its size, transformed and formatted and recorded. Detailed analysis is then carried out against the retrieved data and stored. Effective retrieval of data for analysis depends on the timeline, size, access speed and relevance of the data. Historical text In history, Australia is an area of its kind, in addition to their multiculturalism, there is a well-built tradition surrounding the country. Talking of Australian, people thought about landmarks such as Harbor Bridge and Opera Company of Sydney, Uluru, barrier reef and other places recognized internationally, ( McCollum, 2007). Australian’s history goes beyond these places recognized internationally; far more than a sketch. In addition to these representations, are places neglected like the old stations of cattle, missions of Aboriginal, hostels of travelling and memorials of war, their wetlands that are unique and cities and towns they have built. Accumulation of all of these possessions aids in telling the information about individuals and how they have formed this country in the character that is rare today. However, both usual and unusual landmarks are not the only ones making up the tradition of Australia. Individuals are the ones making the difference. Persons in Australia are coming from different walks of life and migrated to the country for various reasons. Among the migrants, the most common are from Russia, Italy, Greece and Asia. What makes up Australia is the philosophy of material: the objects and places, but also traditions that are living: in forms such as crafts, music, and literature. It is a relationship between international beliefs and cultures, declaration of nationalism (Australianess), religious and cultural customs, and the priorities of the community and region, which altogether creates the uniqueness of the heritage of Australia. The people of Australia that are Aboriginal were there many years before the settlement of the Europeans, and they strained them to familiarize themselves to alterations of the environment surrounding them. This alteration is either for better or worse, although they will never realize. Nevertheless, the settlement of Europeans resulted in the creation of agriculture, industry; mining, fishing, forestry, electricity, water, production of coal and gas just to list a few. Film text Looking at journal of Australian film is Gallipoli. It is the most significant illustration of two mates of Western Australian sent in 1915 to Gallipoli. Both Archie and Frank are sprinters who are doing remarkably well. Archie wanted to exploit whereas, Frank wanted to remain in Australia, however, signed up for the record, ( Beirne, R. & Bennett, J. 2011). This study explains why many inexperienced young people joined up together, only to go through deaths before their time and, therefore, the film brings back facts about warfare. The multitudes were taken to the Dardanelles Strait and the Gallipoli peninsula, in the southern part of Turkey, in order to try to get the peninsula, ( Beirne, R. & Bennett, J. 2011). The battle was between the Central Powers, mainly in Austria-Hungary, Turkey, and Germany, and the Allies, in Russia, US, Italy, Britain, Japan, France, and Australia. Recruitment drives that the defense team had was subtle, since they intentionally laid them down in a place of family, and they encouraged the war as distinguished. The women indirectly encouraged their men to sign up, and those who did not, considered as a coward by their fellow men. Consequently, there was pressure from people in surrounding forcing men to sign up for the battle. The young men who signed up did so, in order to help individuals who were adventuring, but seen as merely battalions and units. Frank, Snowy, and Barney were talking concerning to signing up that the only one reason why the men signed up was apparently to them. One of the men was forced to sign up along with the idea that girls who dressed in uniform go wild, (Hergenhan, L. 2002). Frank told his father that he was signing up because he wanted to learn tricks, take down his head and come back probably as an officer. No one knows what happened to Frank since he was never seen any further. Archie wanted to explore and travel and, therefore, the reasons for his signing up. According to Archie, it was the responsibility of Australia to fight for itself, and if they do not stop their rivals in their places, the rivals will end up in their country. If he had not fought, it would have been an embarrassment to him since he was proficient in athletics, regardless of his age that was under. The film failed to look at the consequences of war to Australia. Many young men lost their lives to the battle. The young men behaved cowardly by signing up for the war yet they first considered those who did not sign up as cowards. This was immaturity of the Australian people. There alleged exploration and travel turned to sorrows. On the other hand, it was a idea to do this as a way of fighting for their own country and considered being loyal citizens. In a good idea in order to get something of desire, one must lose something for. In order to succeed in anything, risk must be taken. Since Australia was rich in culture, traditions and beliefs, there was a need for protecting it and Australia still considered as one of the countries that are full of culture. Literary text According to Hill, A & Turner, 2000, there is a legend in Australia about two sexes, male and female. The two sexes create two genders, masculinity and feminity. Biology determines sex while social and cultural studies of society construct gender. Both past and current records show that there is no correlation between biological sex and social roles, (Hergenhan, L. 2002). In Australia, men are the ones controlling the world and mastering the others. Men are common, self-oriented and achievers. This shows that control of masculinity put in place. On the other hand, women and children are considered subordinate to men. They are collective-oriented, affective and unique. Until recently, introduction of feminist theories that are modern have considered the interpretation questionable about the two genders. There are three short stories that give an insight into constructing the identity of Australia. The short stories are Henry Lawson’s, in Water Them Geraniums, Gavin Casey in Short-Shift Saturday and Alan Marshall in Trees Can Speak. In Lawson’s story, a force that is emasculating is shown, especially for women, which does not show their affection until they work unconsciously to continue existing off the land. In Casey’s story, the speaker is a result of an inborn imposing culture and pictures that it is the landscape and culture of alien in which he exists that is the cause of his suffering. In reality, a mechanism used to tolerate pathetic misleading notion is the countryside through reflection of the state of emotional of the main character. In Marshall’s story, the land was personified as the main protagonist and demonstrated the desirable state of being in agreement with the bush. In the three narratives, the connection between the environment and characters used to put a graphic presentation of a time of development from myths and ideals of English onto the appearance of identification of Australia. At the beginning of Lawson’s story, Wilson and his wife, Mary, wants to move out to settle near Lahey's Creek, somewhere they aim taking up a choice. The passageway they are travelling along is hopeless and dreary with no scope and crooked and underdeveloped trees in all direction. This path is a metaphor for the way they have lived together. It is the season of no rain in their marriage. There is no future for the couple since they do not talk to each other. Getting something to look forward to is a significant emphasis to characters that do not know what they are doing. Databases (TAL, AUSTLIT and Southern Australian Writers) The TAL database intends to document information of Australian texts taught in Australian and international institutions of higher education, and perspectives in which they use. The database offers information concerning the behaviors that all types of Australian texts used in education. The development of the database was supported by AustLit. It undertook an investigation of the knowledge of activities involved in teaching and learning in Australian literature, news publishing and database launching. They need a longitudinal perspective to the project in order to determine whether things transform over time and creating separate materials that are useful for instructors in the field. The women writers of Southern Australia have a database that currently involves knowledge of life and bibliography. The writers are born in Australia, reside or visit. They focus on literature that is creative and critical. Conclusion In conclusion, Australia has continued to grow over years in terms of tradition and culture. It had plenty of natural resources and became an exporter of products of agriculture, especially wool and wheat, minerals and energy in forms of coal and natural gas ( Macintyre, S. 2004). Bibliography Beirne, R. & Bennett, J. (2011). Making Film and Television Histories: Australia and New Zealand. Chicago: B Tauris. Hergenhan, L. (2002). The Australian short story. London: UQP. Lawson, H. (2009). The Penguin Henry Lawson Short Stories. Australia: Penguin Group. Lawson, H. (2009). Water Them Geraniums. London: Lightning Source Inc. Macintyre, S. (2004). A concise history of Australia. New York: Cambridge University Press. McCollum, C. (2007). Australia.New York: Lerner Publications. Wannan, B. (1983). Australian horror stories. Michigan: Currey O'Neil. Read More
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A Concise History of Australia Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 Words.
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