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This report "Air Tilt Baby Bottle" analyses the modification that can help both breastfeeding mothers and their siblings. It will be a landmark in the near future if correctly adapted; this bottle can also be used hereditarily although that is not advisable…
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Air Tilt Baby Bottle Breast milk is said to be the best milk and many physicians recommend new mothers to breast feed their children. Most mothers do that, but others due to unavoidable circumstances prefer the nutritional formula milk. Others do not have the ability to breastfeed directly, so they use feeding bottles on their children. There is a certain way in which a baby should be bottle fed without causing distress to it. The process is quite straightforward until the last step where most bottle feeding mothers fail; this is where they are supposed to keep the bottle tilted to prevent air from getting into the teat of the milk bottle.
Entry of air into the teat causes gas in the baby’s belly. No accessory has yet been developed to prevent this phenomenon, and it gave me an idea in coming up with a feeding bottle that would alert the mother anytime the child is encountering this difficulty. The good thing about this bottle is that it can be modified to serve as a distraction to the baby. A lot of air being sucked by the child causes the stomach to have an upset to the baby feeding. The feeding bottle doubles up as a toy. Toys are crucial in infant development because they help the child learn to distinguish between entertainment and realism (Robert, 2009).
The feeding bottle I am suggesting is a bottle alerting the one feeding the toddler when the baby is sucking in air. It should be digitalized such that when the air gets into the teat it lets off a low beep sound. This besides notifying the one feeding also helps in making the child relax. The bottle comes in different colors and shapes for easy grasp. This ensures that the baby learns soon enough to hold the bottle and be independent in feeding themselves (Edwards, 1986).
The bottle can be used in different stages of the child’s development. At four months, babies tend to love brightly colored toys, and they will truly much appreciate the range of colors that these feeding bottles come in. Babies ranging from eight to fourteen months treasure toys that are hand held; the shapes of these bottles are easy to hold and to see because, at this age, they are nearsighted and want something they can move near their eyes and see (Robert, 2009).
After fourteen months, babies recognize sensory toys. These are toys that make certain movements encouraging the baby to reach out for them. The beeping during suckling will assist the child to be more and more frequent in wanting to handle the bottle themselves. The baby becomes accustomed to the soft beeping whenever he is feeding and with it comes a comfortable flow of warm milk. Hence, the child is accustomed to that beeping that brings a luxurious air free meal (Edwards, 1986).
This milk bottle is still an idea, but it should be fully implemented after a deeper research on what effect it has on the above stages of discussion. The dimensions of this bottle are around 8oz so that it can be easy to grasp by the one bottle-feeding and the baby feeding. After the idea emerged, a research on suckling two year old showed that were it advertised competently over eighty percent of them would like it. It is also perfectly evident that if a baby starts to be bottle fed with this milk bottle at two months, by the time it is eight months old it will be able to feed independently on itself (Robert, 2009).
This bottle has all the above named advantages over any other normal feed bottle. It has several disadvantages to. Due to the energy required to produce the beeping sound, the bottle becomes rather bulky. It can be made such that it is rechargeable, but the battery and the charging pin should both be carefully concealed and placed so that it can avoid hurting the baby (Marvin, 2009).
The digital technology that should be used to detect entry of air is also quite expensive, sophisticated, and it adds the bulk of the bottle. The bottle containing all these modifications is expensive, and not everyone can afford it (Robert, 2009).
The unnamed advantage is that, this bottle can be modified even to act as the warming container for the formula milk instead of warming it in another place and then transferring it to a feeding bottle. This can be done by installing a heater that is contact with the contents of the bottle. A thermometer should also be placed so as not to overheat the milk and scald the baby. It can also be modified to be attached to the baby cots and not necessarily be hand fed (Edwards, 1986).
This is the feeding bottle of the near future. It is complimentary with the changing technological times and will be right in place with the developing technology. It reduces the air intake of the baby and increases the healthy consumption of milk. This is the future of the baby feeding mothers and bottle feeding babies (Robert, 2009).
In a research conducted on feeding methods for babies titled Hospital Influences on Early Infant Feeding Practices, Reiff and Vitale asserted that additional studies need to be done to explore ways of giving support to mothers whose desire is to use bottles to breastfeed their babies. The study highlighted that the models of breastfeed adopted should be friendly and not only focused on infant formula. It is in view of such research that the concept of air tilt body becomes relevant and necessary. It conforms to the aspects of having the comfort of the baby at heart as well as its health.
The research titled Breast-Feeding Rates among Black Urban Low Income Women done by Kistin, Benton, Rao, and Sullivan point out that because of their social predisposition coupled with their incomes, poor women are distracted from breastfeeding their babies (1989). The study was conducted on black women living in poor neighborhoods. It is in view of such findings that it comes imperative to develop the air tilt bottle as a solution to breastfeeding problems experienced by such women.
A study done on adolescent mothers point out that close to 35% discontinued from feeding their children on breast milk after the initial postpartum period. The research was titled Factors Influencing Breast Feeding among Adolescents by Gray, Gary, and Camp (1988). It is in view of such findings that the idea of the air tilt body becomes important. Groups such as adolescents are faced with a myriad challenges during their motherhood. In view of that, it would be influential in a positive way to come up with an innovative way that would offers solutions to their breastfeeding problems.
In doctor brown’s research on bottle feeding, he found out that during a twenty minute bottle feeding, almost all the vitamin c from the milk was lost. He also found out that a silicone feeder would be more comfortable for the baby. However, he summarized his study on bottle- feeding stating that, the air flow into the bottle should be natural just like a natural nipple. Our bottle has a silicone nipple. The effectiveness of it is further heightened (Marvin, 2009).
Babies are innocent and have no ability to express their immediate discomfort. The ability of an adult to percept and correct this is also as limited. The invention of certain toys to ensure a baby’s comfort is where the term, advantageous toys, is derived from. Other people try to take advantage of it and come up with other toys. A toy doesn’t have only to entice a baby, and it is not another profitable source of currency. A toy should be educative to the baby and aid in the positive development of the baby. A toy or anything used by the baby should have to be gentle and provide a safe environment for it (Edwards, 1986).
The air tilt milk bottle besides being a perfect toy provides room for expansion. It meets all the qualities of a good toy from its inability to harm the baby to its ability to help in the development of the baby. It is a source of comfort for both the mother and the baby, and despite its price being higher, the bottle is totally worth it. It is the perfect combination of a toy and a resourceful product for the baby (Robert, 2009).
The milk bottle is the best modification that can help both the breastfeeding mothers and their siblings. It will be a landmark in the near future if correctly adapted; this bottle can also be used hereditarily although that is not advisable. To a young one who cannot talk and express what they feel, this is the least we can do and give an awesome upbringing to the developing baby (Edwards, 1986).
Edwards, C. P. (1986). Promoting Social and Moral Development in Young Children. New
York: Teachers College, Columbia.
Gray, J., Gary, N., & Camp, B. (1988). Factors influencing breast-feeding among adolescents.
Journal of Adolescent Health Care , 470-473.
Kistin, N., Benton, D., & Sullivan, M. (1989. ). Breast-Feeding Rates Among Black Urban Low-
Income Women. Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics .
Marvin, C. ( 2009). The Complete Book of Breastfeeding, New York: McGraw publishers.
Reiff, M., & Vitale, S. (1985). Hospital Influences on Early Infant-Feeding Practices. American
Academy of Pediatrics .
Robert, K. (2009). Case study research, New York: McGraw publishers.
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