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Healthcare Coverage and Cost-Sharing
9 pages (2788 words) , Download 2 , Report
Healthcare coverage and cost-sharing Table of Contents Introduction 3 Identified Problem 3 Literature review 5 Discussion 7 ... iterature review ... Healthcare Financing review , 22 (1), 23-31. ... The paper "Healthcare Coverage and Cost-Sharing" discusses the healthcare coverage and cost-sharing as one of the problems associated with the current US healthcare system by examining various aspects influencing access to healthcare services, financing, and costs of healthcare....
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Managerial Finance of Sungsun Company
4 pages (1026 words) , Download 2 , Report
The paper "Managerial Finance of Sungsun Company" is aimed at analyzing the budgeting process and includes the cash budget of Sungsun Company as it is important for a company to know about its future cash balances.... ... ... ... A cash budget is a schedule that shows cash receipts, cash disbursements, and cash balances over a specific period of time....
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Ethics, Professionalism and Contemporary Issues
5 pages (1265 words) , Download 0 , Report
This report "Ethics, Professionalism and Contemporary Issues" analyses the dilemma in the case that Tom might lose his job and fail to manage the expenses for the medical treatment of his son if he tells the owner that the product failed one of the tests.... ... ... ... Marsha is recently recruited by XYZ Enterprises, Inc....
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Designing, Implementing and Verifying Arithmetic and Logic Unit
11 pages (1043 words) , Download 1 , Report
This report "Designing, Implementing and Verifying Arithmetic and Logic Unit" aimed at designing, implementing, and verifying arithmetic and logic units in the 6502.... The arithmetic and logic unit was designed in a very-high-speed integrated circuit hardware description language (VHDL).... ... ...
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What Is the Customer Perceived Value for IPhone 4
4 pages (1052 words) , Download 0 , Report
The report "What Is the Customer Perceived Value for iPhone 4?... describes the comparison of the Value Propositions of iPhone 4 and BlackBerry.... This paper outlines the new value proposition, the cost, and the price of the iPhone 4, image building system with the iPhone.... ... ... ... Typically, BlackBerry comes with several contracts and other benefits that make the buyer less pressured to part with money....
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Building Fire Safety
4 pages (1237 words) , Download 0 , Report
The writer of the paper 'Building Fire Safety' discusses fire-related issues such as fire resistance testing, reaction to fire testing, flammability limits, heat release rate in relation to fire hazards, factors of fire development, and rate of fire growth.... ... .... ... ... The fire resistance testing is effectively conducted in a laboratory that meets the national standards of holding fire tests and is accredited to certify the given system or product if it meets the building code conditions....
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The Council of Chalcedon: A Historical and Doctrinal Survey
10 pages (2628 words) , Download 1 , Report
This report "The Council of Chalcedon: A Historical and Doctrinal Survey" presents the Third grand council known as the Ecumenical council that was held, in such councils all the theological experts and religious scholars gather together to decide about the teachings of Christianity.... ... ... ... It is said that since there is no two natures then one other nature in the form of a person of Holy Trinity will have to sacrifice his life to reach salvation....
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The Significance of Modeling Power Supply in Wind Energy Generation
8 pages (2561 words) , Download 0 , Report
iterature review ... Literature on wind power generation is immense, and this has made a number of scholars review the various generation techniques that can be used to achieve wind power.... "A review of grid code technical requirements for wind farms....
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Strategic Management: Global Cultural Perspectives for Profit and Non-profit Organizations
13 pages (3543 words) , Download 0 , Report
The paper "Strategic Management: Global Cultural Perspectives for Profit and Non-profit Organizations" is a perfect example of a report on management.... The paper "Strategic Management: Global Cultural Perspectives for Profit and Non-profit Organizations" is a perfect example of a report on management.... National Productivity review,, pp.... The Harvard Business review, pp.... American Business review, , 16(1), p....
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CASAC Canon of Ethical Principles
5 pages (1313 words) , Download 0 , Report
This report "CASAC Canon of Ethical Principles" discusses similarities and differences between ethical canons of other counseling fields.... The report analyses credentialed alcoholism and substance abuse counselor (CASAC) of ethical principles and OASAS Counselor assistance Program.... ... ... ... This principle states that the substance abuse counselor should in no instance discriminate against professionals or clients based on religion, disability, economic condition, race, national ancestry, gender, sexual orientation, or age....
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The Innovative Devondale Smart PLUS Product
11 pages (3134 words) , Download 0 , Report
For example, Devondale Smart Plus contained vitamin D.... This paper ''The Innovative Devondale Smart PLUS Product'' tells that Devondale Smart plus milk is a product rich in nutrients, which are in the right quantities proportion that is needed for energy, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, fats, and many other nutrients required for maintaining health, and general wellbeing....
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The Divine Life Ventures Strategic Plan
14 pages (3810 words) , Download 2 , Report
In this report, a comprehensive environmental scan will be presented with regards to The Divine Life Ventures.... The mission of the organization and its background will be discussed.... A detailed implementation plan and a risk management plan will also be given.... ... ... ... The Divine Life Ventures is a nonprofit organization that aims that providing excellent facilities to the physically disable especially the visually impaired people....
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Diversity Management
12 pages (3229 words) , Download 1 , Report
opportunities policies and trade unions, National Institute Economic review 176 ... (2003) Discrimination and Equality at Work: A review of the Concepts.... Labour review.... This report "Diversity Management" emphasizes the role of diversity management in our everyday lives....
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Lumbosacral Disorder Acquired During Military Training
8 pages (2720 words) , Download 2 , Report
A review of my state of health at that time was done.... review.... (1990) A critical review of visual analogue scales in the ... The paper looks into the case of an eighteen-year-old Male injured back while military training course.... The patient felt sudden, severe, deep back pain after lifting a heavy load, as a result, it was revealed a slight curvature of the lumbar spine to the left....
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Utilizing Mediation and Negotiation
10 pages (2830 words) , Download 0 , Report
The paper "Utilizing Mediation and Negotiation" is a wonderful example of a report on social science.... The paper "Utilizing Mediation and Negotiation" is a wonderful example of a report on social science.... A good example of inappropriate behaviour when communicating with another person is avoiding eye contact because such behaviour is often interpreted as a sign of insincerity in most culture (Hargie et al....
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Picturing Ourselves: Image and Identity
4 pages (1105 words) , Download 0 , Report
The paper "Picturing Ourselves: Image and Identity" tells us about national identity.... Photography is evidence which shows that people and things exist in this universe.... The pictures makes the three dimensional images in to two dimensional images.... ... ... ... The photographic images are perceived through historical and cultural experience....
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Whether Robert Bruce Deserves to Be Remember As a Great Scottish King
9 pages (2386 words) , Download 0 , Report
This report "Whether Robert Bruce Deserves to Be Remember As a Great Scottish King" discusses one of the great Scottish kings irrespective of the myth and tales surroundings his name.... First, he was committed to protecting the sovereignty of Scotland and fought bravely in numerous battles to do so....
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Examining the Issues Involved in Working with a Client in Terms of Ethnicity
9 pages (2512 words) , Download 0 , Report
This report "Examining the Issues Involved in Working with a Client in Terms of Ethnicity" discusses health workers that are figures of authority and patients/clients play a passive role.... Complaints are made because of concerns that staff will think them unappreciative.... ... ... ... Attitudes towards hospitals and hospital staff depend largely on the patient's previous experiences and expectations....
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International Marketing Management
9 pages (2609 words) , Download 1 , Report
Subsequently, the advertisement can collaborate with organisations, for example, US National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute to demonstrate the healthy aspects of the dark chocolate and create a strong positive impact regarding the dark chocolate in the minds of the people (Roberts, 2014)....
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Failure Mode Avoidance: How to Design and Avoid Failure
12 pages (3418 words) , Download 0 , Report
This is a physical distance to the failure mode for example the distance in millimeters thickness of a worn out tire.... This work called "Failure Mode Avoidance: How to Design and Avoid Failure" describes reliability in Mechanical Engineering.... The author takes into account two critical conditions to be realized; robustness and mistake avoidance....
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Events and Event Management
10 pages (3067 words) , Download 0 , Report
The paper 'Events and Event Management' is an affecting example of a management report.... The paper 'Events and Event Management' is an affecting example of a management report.... In event planning, an unexpected twist can arise at any time for example the client can make any last minute request....
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Australian Curriculum and the 21st Century Learners
10 pages (2668 words) , Download 0 , Report
here are generally four stages involved in the development of the Australian development namely curriculum shaping, curriculum writing, implementation and evaluation and review (McDonald 1999).... The final stage in the development of the Australian curriculum is the evaluation and review stage.... During early years of schooling it is quite common to observe that children have an inherent curiosity about their world and the desire they have to make sense of it provides a basis for construction and review of their learning through experimentation, explicit teaching, interactions with others especially their peers, play and practice in the classroom and beyond (Rogers 1999)....
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To What Extent Can Distance Learning Improve Higher Education
9 pages (2892 words) , Download 0 , Report
International review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning 17(5): 126-146 ... Teacher education through open and distance learning: World review of distance education and open learning.... International review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 16(1), 120–141. ...
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Service Operations Management
11 pages (3339 words) , Download 0 , Report
‘Recognition of depression by non-psychiatric physicians – a systematic literature review and meta-analysis.... Harvard business review, 87(3), pp.... Harvard business review, 85(4), p.... This paper ''Service Operations Management'' tells that Good mental health is closely associated with stable physical health, and there is a huge need for increasing knowledge of mental health within an acute hospital environment and in primary care....
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Demands and Contemporary Requirements of Vocational/Professional Practice
11 pages (3142 words) , Download 0 , Report
For example, food, shelter, clothing and entertainment are just of the few necessities that vocation helps to mitigate.... For example, the rise of information communication technology in the modern society has perpetuated increased enrollment in tertiary institutions to effectively nourish their academic expertise with modern technology in efforts to keep in parallel with competition from others at bay in the professional environment.... For example, an individual cannot be employed as an editor of a mainstream publication, if he/she is not proficient in language, both written and spoken and also conversant with the ethics that go hand in hand with the job....
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Archaeological Survey to Classical and Hellenistic Greece
12 pages (3209 words) , Download 0 , Report
There are various types of surveys, for example, a pedestrian survey that incorporates methods such as single person exploration to intensive and multi-disciplinary coverage.... There are various types of survey, for example, a pedestrian survey that incorporates methods such as single person exploration to intensive and multi-disciplinary coverage.... In this sense, the word survey refers to non-destructive inspection on a site to look for any past human use evidence, for example, artifacts, buildings, pottery, and sculpture (Renfrew & Paul 1991)....
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Forensic Technology
7 pages (2119 words) , Download 1 , Report
This report "Forensic Technology" presents forensic technology that helps to discover and solve the events pertaining to a specific crime scene or disposal site.... Forensic technology, defined and considered a specific emerging field, consists of tools, and methods, developed for research purposes....
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Introduction to Pre-Negotiation
10 pages (2769 words) , Download 3 , Report
This paper outlines the pre-negotiation and stated that it can be defined as round of discussions that are conducted before proceeding to formal negotiations.... The contents of pre-negotiations are based on different topics i.... .... the parties to be involved in the formal discussions, the structure of the proceedings, and the agenda of the formal gathering....
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The E-Business Model
5 pages (1516 words) , Download 1 , Report
To promote our products and website, our website have a design which is more attractive, for example by professional designing, providing sufficient information on the website, having a clean design and making sure the site is easily navigated.... he infrastructure is also a key factor that determines the business location, for example, accessibility of roads and modern telecommunication services.... his business plan put in places all the security measures to help protect all the information in its website for example, data protection by use of anti-virus or data signatures. ...
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The Role of Environmental Management
5 pages (1359 words) , Download 1 , Report
For example, corrupt countries where local laws are not applicable, international organizations join in the fight against pollution.... For example, most of the industries and sea vessels dump their waste in international waters where individual countries do not have authority.... For example, in countries like China, the set international standards have to be followed by new industries where there are set pollution limits.... For example, protection agencies may recommend the use of clean energy as a way of environmental protection....
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Psychology of Personality
5 pages (1437 words) , Download 0 , Report
For example, it is common for babies to cry each time they are hungry.... For example, Jung mentioned that there is a strong possibility that our unconscious minds can strongly manifest through our individual dreams or visions (Cardwell & Flanagan, 2004, p.... For example, since human beings have the desire to become a better person, it is common for them to make use of their inferiority complex as a way for them to reach their goals.... For example, each child (whether the first born, second born, or the last born) have their own individual coping mechanism and unique attitude with regards to life....
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Using of Models of Communication in Documentary
6 pages (1580 words) , Download 0 , Report
A good example is the testimony provided by Leonara Ochoa Segura.... A good example is the speech by Anabel Hernandez.... A good example is one of Juan Carlos Trujillo, who was speaking about the disappearance of his family members due to gun related violence.... Another perfect example where gestural element is widely used, but it is using ethos to appeal to the audience is the scene that depicts the testimony of Anabel Hernandez....
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Soil Erosion and the Formation of Canyons at Mount St. Helens after the 1980 Eruption
5 pages (1334 words) , Download 0 , Report
For example, it was characterized by such a tremendous lateral blast that had never been witnessed or recorded before, and its debris avalanche constituted what is historically the largest recorded landslide (Major et al.... For example, for about two years after the major eruption, the debris avalanche's upper drainage area remained unconnected to the Pacific Ocean.... Bedrock, for example, has since been eroded to at least 600 feet deep, and from it, on the volcano's north flank, Loowit Canyon and Step Canyon have formed....
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The Concept of Self Image
5 pages (1676 words) , Download 0 , Report
As an example, a child who grows up in a home where they are told negative things about themselves may internalize this information and develop a low self-image.... As an example, a child is taught certain morals and ways of behaving by the parent.... As an example, many men are still receiving more income than women are and this could be one factor in the development of their self-image.... As an example, several children can grow up in a household with different perceptions of their experience....
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Organic Food - Is It Really Worth-Buying
6 pages (1572 words) , Download 1 , Report
For example, the plants of different kinds are grown on the one piece of ground making it difficult for pests to find their favorite “dish”.... Thus, the question arises if we really should pay a big money for the pleasure to eat a “pure” food, if we live, for example, in polluted megalopolis or factory city (Canavari, 2007).... We can see different labels on the food from supermarkets, but it is important to understand that, for example, the label “hormone free” does not mean that this food is organic....
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The WorldCom Case
5 pages (1353 words) , Download 0 , Report
An example of an ill-advised decision was the acquisition of MCI for $35 billion, a price that was 180% higher than the next best offer on the table (Moberg, 2008).... For example the company would convert obsolete assets into fake expenses to be charged against future earnings into order to manipulate the numbers to create bigger losses in the present and lower them in the future.... A third example of a fraudulent accounting practice was increasing the goodwill intangible asset of WorldCom if the company to had to write down assets of the acquired firm after determining the actual value of those assets....
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SWOT Analysis on Manchester United
7 pages (2126 words) , Download 1 , Report
Once a need has been met, a review of performance is imperative where if the product does not perform well, it is rectified.... Business Strategy review, ... This report "SWOT Analysis on Manchester United" seeks to analyze the SWOT analysis of Manchester United....
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Anti hacking techniuqes
7 pages (1889 words) , Download 2 , Report
Anti-hacking techniques Table of Contents 3 Aims 3 Objectives and deliverables 3 Introduction 3 review of Types of hacking 5 ... This report "Anti-Hacking Techniques" discusses the security of a system as dependent on the users and the ISP.... To prevent an attack, all these plays must implement best practices as mentioned in the paper to protect personal data, computer systems, and all transactions....
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Risk, Crisis and Disaster Management
6 pages (2204 words) , Download 1 , Report
The paper "Risk, Crisis and Disaster Management" is a great example of a report on management.... The paper "Risk, Crisis and Disaster Management" is a great example of a report on management.... Business establishments with business continuity management departments are far more likely to survive a disaster than their counterparts who have no such departments....
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Repeated Speed Ability and Training
6 pages (2508 words) , Download 0 , Report
The paper "Repeated Speed Ability and Training" is a great example of a report on sports and recreation.... The paper "Repeated Speed Ability and Training" is a great example of a report on sports and recreation.... A review of the contextual interference effect in motor skill acquisition.... A review of agility: Practical applications for strength ...
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Psychological Effects of Propeller Blades on Pilots Hearing
7 pages (2181 words) , Download 0 , Report
A brief review of known effects of noise on marine mammals.... A brief review of anthropogenic sound in the oceans.... The report "Psychological Effects of Propeller Blades on Pilots' Hearing" discusses the psychological hearing long-term effects of propeller noise on the pilot and the possible recommendations that can aid in the reduction of the noise and the psychological hearing effects among the pilots....
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Issues Concerning Saving African Elephants
7 pages (1994 words) , Download 1 , Report
review of Options for Managing the Impacts of Locally Overabundant Africa Elephants.... review of African Elephant Conservation Priorities.... The author of this paper "Issues Concerning Saving African Elephants" discusses the biggest obstacles in saving African Elephants, including human-elephant conflicts, and the causes of such problems....
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The History of the Second Temple Period
9 pages (2582 words) , Download 1 , Report
The Jewish Quarterly review 83 (3/4): 419.... The Jewish Quarterly review 37 (2): 165.... This report "The History of the Second Temple Period" discusses the Second Temple era that spans approximately over 550 years.... This period began in the late Sixth Century B....
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The Differences in Policy Towards Jews and Muslims in Medieval Spain
7 pages (2199 words) , Download 0 , Report
ew English review.... The report "The Differences in Policy Towards Jews and Muslims in Medieval Spain" outlines the differences towards those large-groups in the medieval period.... ... ... ... During this period, Spanish Christians had conquered Granada, which was the last outpost of Muslims....
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The Program on Ohio's Pre-Admission Screening System Providing Options and Resources Today
6 pages (1806 words) , Download 0 , Report
This report "The Program on Ohio's Pre-Admission Screening System Providing Options and Resources Today" presents a program that gives custody and attention services to help the elderly or those beyond sixty years old in upholding their freedom.... ... ... ... Based on the information from the Catholic Services for the Miami Valley (2007), 'the PASSPORT refers to the Pre-admission Screening System Providing Options and Resources Today' (Ohio Department of MR/DD WDS Glossary, 2007)....
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Ethical Role of the Internet
9 pages (2648 words) , Download 0 , Report
The report "Ethical Role of the Internet" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in how the internet has contributed to the ethical debate regarding information privacy in the world.... The Internet is one of the greatest life-changing technologies in the world.... ... ... ... It can be defined as the medium that allows the connection of computers with each other to create the great World Wide Web....
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Sports Development Offices
5 pages (1336 words) , Download 2 , Report
For example, the province initiative within the covered region.... For example the Manitoba province game popularly known as the power smart Manitoba games, this is the largest multi sport event in the province and its participants are drawn in the entire province. ... For example Kid-sport, a national charity that helps in the removal of sport barriers and in assisting those children who are less fortunate in sports.... example of such conferences is the Regional-Sport Manitoba Conferences....
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The Influence of Music in Advertising
6 pages (1716 words) , Download 1 , Report
highlight example in this regard is the use of Spandau Ballet in the Chevrolet Malibu Eco TV Spot, in which the highlight features of the car are alternated with the lyrics of the famous ballet.... For example, following from the case of children's clothes and toys, the music for a Barbie doll commercial targeted at little girls is starkingly different from a GI Joe.... A clear example is the issue of home videos on channels like YouTube in which new start-ups use live video recording to the accompaniment of music and create brand image and impactful advertisements....
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Local and Regional Development
13 pages (3516 words) , Download 1 , Report
The paper "Local and Regional Development" concerns the role of local officials in the realization of regional and local development plans.... The study focuses on the cooperation of local and governmental authorities, the 'weakness' of the local area to respond, the promotion of the local economy....
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Social Network Technologies
11 pages (2949 words) , Download 0 , Report
This paper "Social Network Technologies" examines an online social networking site that will enable users (patients, doctors, practitioners, nurses, labs, etc.... to have an online presence with all the information, health care tips, and tricks available through the links.... ... ... ... The information will be exchanged and sorted from user to user separated by their search terms....
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