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Florida's Capital Punishment System - Report Example

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This report "Florida’s Capital Punishment System" presents the concept of capital punishment that has evolved radically with the passage of years and as the ages have passed, people have grown from accepting capital punishment to being against it regardless of the degree of assault…
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Floridas Capital Punishment System
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Capital punishment is to legally inflict death as a penalty to violate the criminal law. Historyhas seen numerous cases of people being put to death for various kinds of misconduct. Earlier methods to execute a person include crucifixion, being stoned to death, drowning, to burn at the stake, impaling and decapitation. These days the primeval forms of punishment have been replaced with comparatively less agonizing methods of execution such as injecting a lethal dose of Sodium Thiopental, Pancuronium bromide and Potassium Chloride, electrocution, hanging or execution by shooting. Capital punishment is considered to be the most disputed punitive practice of the modern world. The detractors often assert capital punishment as barbaric and demeaning while those who are in favor consider it mandatory for comeuppance. Those in support of death penalty claim that it is an efficient method of deterring crime whereas those who are against it claim it to be against the human rights law and it is because of these contradictory perspectives that there exists a difference of opinion as to whether capital punishment is ethically and morally appropriate. Up until the late 1990’s the world was equitably distributed in relation to capital punishment. In the year 2000, the number of countries that no longer sanctioned the use of capital punishment at any circumstances had risen to 72 whereas only 13 countries permitted the use of capital punishment but for exceptional cases only. A private organization named Amnesty International that works to eradicate death penalty highlighted 23 countries and titles them as ‘de facto abolitionist’ which meant that these countries had not conducted any form of capital punishment for over a decade and these countries have also committed internationally to not carry out executions. In the same year, only 87 countries permitted the use of capital punishment for exceptional and serious cases of crime such as murder or treason. However, there still exist some nations that have authorized capital punishment for minimally violent crimes such the state of Libya does not allow trafficking of alcohol from or into the country, In USA, drug trafficking on a large scale is also punishable by capital punishment. The leading trend that lead to the abrogation of capital punishment will most like tend to advance and those nations that have put an end to the practice of death penalty do not seem to overturn on their policy. China and some Islamic countries of the Middle East and Asia are the countries that have still chosen to retain this practice of death penalty (Zimring). Death Penalty or capital punishment has existed for centuries, even before the historical records were made which makes it about 300 years old. Up until the 19th century, these punishments were given publically in ceremonies at both local and national level. It was during the 1830’s that people stood up against these executions and demanded for the abolishment of these punishments and hence the years between 1833 -1953 have been considered the revolutionary era. These were the years when executions were labeled as being cruel (Melusky and Pesto, 2). The oldest and contemporary method of capital punishment is hanging but as progress has been made so have the methods of executions. Other methods of capital punishment include lethal injections, gas and firing squads. The most common method employed these days is lethal injection. In this method the criminal is strapped to a chair and is fitted with restraints on his ankle and wrists and the prisoner’s heart is monitored using a cardiac monitor. A combination of three drugs that is sodium thiopental, barbiturate and sodium pentothal is injected into the veins. Then pancuronium is inserted that relaxes the muscles and stops breathing and lastly, potassium chloride is administered for the purpose of inducing cardiac arrest. There were also certain states such as Nebraska that offers electrocution as the only method of execution. The method of firing squad consists of three to six gunmen. The prisoner is tied to a chair and the gunmen shoot the criminal in the chest. The commanding officer shoots the final bullet in the head only in the case when the prisoner does not die due to the initial round of fires. (Melusky and Pesto, 51-54). In recent news, it was said that Florida’s capital punishment was to be reviewed by the Supreme Court because according to some people, the capital punishment system of Florida punishes prisoners easily and does not pity them at all. The state of Florida allows the grant of executions based on divided votes given by the jury. Timothy Hurst was convicted for robbery and murder and was given capital punishment. However, he is currently being reviewed for his claims regarding intellectual disability (Bravin). Meanwhile, in Georgia, Kelly Renee Gissendaner, who was a 46 years old woman who had been sentenced to life sentence because of the murder of her husband Douglas Gissendaner, whom she had killed with her boyfriend, Gregory Owen for the mere reason of wanting to get profit out of her husband’s life insurance and the house, which was worth $84,000. Gissendaner was to be given a lethal injection, but was released and was bestowed mercy only minutes before her death sentence (CBS). Although there might be many reasons which have kept Kelly alive, but the heavy media campaigning surrounding her punishment is one of the main reasons. Her story was portrayed by her supporters in ways that caught the attention of many organizations like Christianity today and other high media profiles. Essays had been uploaded in her support, hundreds of people started hashtag’s on twitter in her support and petitions were made. A particular reason behind the delay in punishment is because Kelly had recently graduated from a theology program which was being operated by divinity schools in Atlanta and hence she was being protected by various religious groups, such as the evangelical organization. Mark Openheimer who is a famous German theologian in New York Times commented that being a Christian helps win peoples empathy and is attractive for the news which is why a Christian can easily be pardoned from death penalties as compared to believers of other faiths. David Gushee who is a Mercer Professor also played a great role in spreading the story of Gissendaner. He posted an open letter to Georgia’s Christian citizens on Baptis News Global, which was shared on various social networking sites such as Facebook, twitter etc (Eisenstadt Evans). Many religious leaders including Cooperative Baptist Fellowship have joined the cause. About 500 faith leaders have signed a petition to save the life of Kelly Gissendancer. The letter that was sent with the petition included a statement which said that the life is sacred and every one of them believed in the power of Mercy (Allen). Capital punishment is at times considered to be cruel in nature but still there may people who are in support of executions. The reasons behind this are the various religions. Many religious books such as The Bible mentions death penalty in various chapters. The death penalty is for various crimes such as adultery and murder. The second reason for people to support this punishment is to seek justice or revenge. When a wrong doer is given death sentence but in certain religions there is also the concept of forgiveness which over powers vengeance. Other reason for people to support it is to teach others a lesson, so that no other person would think of committing a crime. Some might be against it because of the effects it has on society as it gives the perception that the life of a human being holds no value. Some studies also suggest that capital punishment does not help in declining the rate of murder. There is also injustice when calling the decisions for execution; it has been observed that the weak, poor are more often charged with death penalties. There have also been cases when the convicts were found innocent after they were executed ( The views of capital punishment in Christianity have changed over the years, there were changes in the traditions and then difference of Old Testament and the New Testament had emerged. According to the New Testament Christians do not accept capital punishment (Wikipedia). There are many groups that are against the act of taking human lives as a punishment regardless of the crime committed. This also includes the largest Christian body that is the Roman Catholic Church. In the year 1996, the Roman Catholics removed all equipments and supplies used for giving capital punishment in the Vatican. The Great Mother Teresa also was against this and cautioned by stating, “Remember, what you do to these men, you do to God.” In the beginning of its existence, the Roman Catholic Church was in support of capital punishment for about 2000 years. However, in the middle Ages the Roman Catholics went through radical change and now stand against the execution. This evolution was seen when the Church removed its endorsement about capital punishment and issued a statement against it and allowed capital punishment only in cases when it is absolutely necessary which is rarely observed and is realistically almost nonexistent. The message was further cleared by the head of the Vatican. Several countries also demanded an end to Death penalty. These countries included the Philippines, New Zealand, the United States and many others. The Roman Catholics cannot seem to avoid such executions and there are apparently two reasons when capital punishments can be utilized; the first being that the country does not possess the resources to confine a prisoner and the second being in cases when the convict is a murderer of great extent and cannot be stopped from committing this gruesome act. Pope John Paul II has quoted phrases from the Bible to explain the use of death penalty as punishment (Kronenwetter). There are six primary arguments mentioned in the bible that oppose death penalty. Quoting the bible in Mathew 5:38-39 Jesus said, “you have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth’ But I tell you. Whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also.” In another incident Jesus Christ excused a woman who had committed adultery. People said that the woman should be put to death. However Jesus Christ replied by saying that “He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first”. (John 8:7). Jesus also directed his followers to forgive and set forth that if a person does not forgive the mistakes of others then neither will our Father forgive us for the sins that we commit (Mat, 6:15). In the New Testament it has been clearly stated not to judge others or else you will be judged in the same manner (Mat, 7:1). Finally and most importantly, the Tenth Commandment itself teaches us not to take lives of others “Thou shall not Kill” (Ex. 20:13). The first mention of murder in the Bible is when Cain murdered his brother Abel and he thinks that everyone now had a reason to murder him. But God prohibited capital punishment saying that, “Therefore, whoever kills Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold”. And God then marked Cain so as to prevent anyone from finding and murdering him (Gen. 4:15) (Enyart). Pope Francis sent a letter to the International Commission against the Death Penalty. According to the Pope, there is nothing that can justify death penalty and there is no humane way to kill a person. He said that the death penalty is because of an act committed in the past and is not for a behavior of the present. According to him, death penalty is not allowed under any circumstances since it does not grant justice rather fuels vengeance. The death penalty constitutes failure as it compels to kill in the name of justice. He highlighted these opinions against capital punishment in the presence of former government officials, jurists an many other who were present with him at the Vatican on Friday. Previously, Pope Francis also condemned life imprisonment unjustifiable as it strips the convict from a life of freedom and hope (the Guardian). A large number of catholics belong to the Apostolic faith which is why the views of the Apostolic church regarding capital punishment also holds great importance. The Apostolic Faith, also known as the Apostolic Faith Mission. The followers of these churches actually retain the teachings and also the practices of the first church. They believe that the Bible is the word of God, Furthermore, there is no preservation out of the lessons written on these pages. They also believe in One God, his son Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost. They are considered conservative in a sense that most of them follow the old teachings of Christianity. They believe that Baptism is similar to being born again and being cleaned of all the evil sins done in previous life. Marriage in their regard is considered for life and does not allow more than marriages as long as the first life partner is alive. It also believes in Second coming of Christ, resurrection and life after Death ( The Apostolic Tradition has also similar views when compared to the Roman Catholics and do not seek capital punishment as a source the defuse vengeance. The Apostolic tradition does not allow killing even when a person is granted approval to kill. Therefore, the members of the Apostolic Church are removed from military sources, are unaccepted in any of the military sources and hence are termed inauspicious for such services (Brattson). John C. Wester who is an Apostolic administrator gave comments about the execution of Clearance Ray Allen and said that the State has the right to grant capital punishment to anyone who commits such heinous crimes and it is the duty of the state to protect its citizens from such evil. The Apostolic administrator believed that by conducting such punishments, it will be possible to maintain a society which is free from all evil doings ( Both the Roman Catholic and the apostolic faith seem to unify on their views upon capital punishment. There are some people in each of the group that are against or with capital punishment. According to the chairman, discontinuation of the granting of capital punishments is one step forwards to create the value of Human life but if many lives can be saved by nipping the evil at the root then the abolition of execution will become questionable and less reliable. According to the chairman, the only way to stop killing of convicts is to learn to say “no” to the killings. At the same, it also requires liberality in order to forget and forgive the doers of such atrocious act (R. Marino). The concept about capital punishment has evolved radically with the passage of years and as the ages have passed, people have grown from accepting capital punishment to being against it regardless of the degree of assault. Capital punishment is considered as a waste of life and also it is said that the receiver of capital punishment dies even before he is given punishment for his sins. Evidence has also proved that there has been no decline in crime rate and the practice of capital punishment is disappearing slowly and gradually from the face of the Earth. Works Cited Zimring, Franklin E. Capital Punishment. Microsoft® Encarta® Online Encyclopedia. N.p., 2000. Web. 30 Mar. 2015. Melusky, Joseph Anthony, and Keith A Pesto. Capital Punishment. Santa Barbara, Calif.: Greenwood, 2011. Print. Bravin, Jess. Supreme Court To Review Florida’S Capital Punishment System. The Wall Street Journal 2015. Web. 11 Mar. 2015. CBS News,. Only Woman On Georgia Death Row Seeks Mercy Hours Before Execution. 2015. Web. 11 Mar. 2015. Eisenstadt Evans, Elizabeth. Can Execution Be Halted?. N.p., 2015. Web. 21 Mar. 2015. Allen, Bob. Moderate Baptists Rise To Aid Of Woman On Death Row In Georgia. Baptist News Global - Conversations that Matter. N.p., 2015. Web. 21 Mar. 2015.,. Capital Punishment - The Death Penalty. N.p., 2012. Web. 11 Mar. 2015. Wikipedia,. Religion And Capital Punishment. N.p., 2015. Web. 12 Mar. 2015. Enyart, Pastor Bob. Gods Criminal Justice System, Bob Enyart. Web. 30 Mar. 2015. the Guardian,. Pope: Death Penalty Represents Failure – No Humane Way To Kill A Person. N.p., 2015. Web. 23 Mar. 2015.,. Doctrines Of The Apostolic Faith Church. N.p., 2015. Web. 12 Mar. 2015. Brattson, David W. T. Early Challenges To Capital Punishment. N.p., 2008. Web. 12 Mar. 2015.,. Does The Death Penalty Make Our Society Safer?. N.p., 2015. Web. 12 Mar. 2015. R. Marino, Renato. Abolition Of The Death Penalty. N.p., 1999. Web. 12 Mar. 2015. Read More
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