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6 pages (1606 words)
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, Research Paper
As the faithful devotees would be immersed in observing what has been taught and would be expected to follow, practice, and live a life of prayer, sacrifice, and strict adherence to the teachings of Jesus. These teachings are said to be instrumental for the conversion of sinners, for the salvation of souls, and for looking forward to eternal life with Jesus, in heaven.
4 pages (1222 words)
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, Research Paper
It was said that Lord Buddha had his birth in an orchard called Lumbini which is close to the very old town of Kapilavastu. After his birth, he was named Gautama which was most likely because of some ancient Vedic prophet to whom few hymns in Rigveda were attributed. Lord Buddha was also called Siddhartha.
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The author states that unification of the churches, at least under one authority, is not important. It will breed dictators within Christianity, hinder freedom of religious thinking and spiritual development; ultimately, it will obstruct evangelization of the world, the goal of Jesus Christ.
9 pages (2250 words)
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, Research Paper
Why Do Good People Suffer? When we see children abused, kidnapped and killed, and when we see that guy with a promising career get stabbed and murdered, what do we think? We tell ourselves that these people do not deserve to die. Nevertheless, we do not know what it is that really makes someone deserve his or her death.
Religion is the foundation of all the communities in the world and people practice different religion according to their beliefs and customs. Generally, religion is comprised of 8 elements namely; a belief system, community, central myths, rituals, an ethical system, emotional experience, material expressions of religion and sacredness.
While it will certainly be a very, very long time before these arguments are resolved in any particular direction, there is a robust theological discussion, as well there should be. There were two particular kinds of arguments that surprised me and challenged my own previously held views about homosexuality.
Heaven is eternal goodness and happiness and Hell is a place for the souls’ torturing. For the eastern society, the rebirth cycle or reincarnation are two ways for an individual to go after death. The paper compares and contrasts the vision of the afterlife in Christianity and Buddhism and considers the morality in these two religions.
3 pages (750 words)
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, Book Report/Review
The concept of sacrament depicts God’s love for humanity through the death of Jesus Christ. This is the Christianity version of the sacramental theology. This paper will therefore give a critical review of the “Sacraments: Iconic interruptions of the loving God”.
The different categories comprise Christianity, Islamic, Buddhism, and paganism, just to mention a few. The existence of these religious services depends on the countries’ laws. This is due to the fact that some countries do not allow certain religious practices. The different religious services possess different characteristics.
There is no doubt that context plays an important role not only in biblical interpretation, and not only in textual interpretation in general, but in all acts of human communication. The contextual nature of biblical interpretation, in fact, is founded in the contextual nature of all communication.
The study of religion becomes interesting for its wide variety and unique traditions that give each religion a prominent place in the worldview. In the age of globalization, diversity has become part of social structure and therefore, understanding of different religious traditions and culture become critical issue for peaceful co-existence.
The church as a sacred space is depicted in one particular scene in the movie when Archbishop Oscar Romero retrieved the sacrament and tried to take back the church, as a sacred place to conduct a holy celebration of the mass, all of which took place right after the military had control of a certain local church and restricted people from using its space (Romero Full Movie).
Julius Caesar was a roman political leader who was highly ambitious and successful. He aimed to emerge as a roman unassailable dictator. However, he is warned to beware of the Ides of March that later came true when he was assassinated by Brutus. Shakespeare portrays Marcus Brutus as a highly cherished senator in the Roman Empire.
Theories such as the string hypothesis have been formulated to explain what happens to the human soul after death. Through the string theory, scientists argue that there is the presence of several realms and dimensions that, in the beginning, time and space had a start and that time and space are assets of the universe.
7 pages (2138 words)
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, Research Paper
God’s creation is a manifestation of the His favorable purpose towards humankind. The Bible affirms God’s commitment to ensuring that the world is redeemed and evangelized. Biblical theology attempts to define God, His nature, and his association with mankind. The mission theology attempts to define the truth behind God’s mission to mankind and the real meaning of creation.
8 pages (2089 words)
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, Book Report/Review
Francis was the youngest lad of Juan de Jasso, then a privy councilor to a king of Navarre, Jean Albert, and his spouse, Maria de Azpilcueta y Xavier, the only heiress of two loyal Navarrese families. Xavier was born at the castle of Xavier, just at the foot of Pyrenees and near to a small town called Sanguesa, on the 7th of April 1506, as per the family chronicle.
Writing Assignment 4 QUESTION 1 “Deuteronomy History”, the much debated section of The Old Testament, denotes many spiritual thoughts to explain the reasons why God gives blessings or why He decides to bestow curse. In other words, verses connoted in Duet 28-30 provides a precise understanding to the contextual factors, which can make people experience blessings or suffer curses.
Bobby Ghosh sought to explore the populist attitudes towards Muslims and Islam in America to focus on efforts geared towards building and preventing mosques and Islamic centers in America. As such, he wrote the article, “Islamophobia: Does America Have a Muslim Problem?” on 30 August 2010 (Ghosh, 2010).
“Religion originates in an attempt to represent and order beliefs, feelings, imaginings, and actions that arise in response to direct experience of the sacred and the spiritual. It becomes a process that creates meaning for itself on a sustaining basis, in terms of both its originating experiences and its own continuing responses.” Paul Connelly (Shanddaramon).
5 pages (1250 words)
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, Literature review
Islam and Christianity have a holy day where all believers and followers are obligated to go to group prayer. Muslims go to their Mosque on Fridays and Christians go to church on Sundays. Christians daily prayer is seen as a person’s discussion between God and man while Muslims are obliged to go to Mecca, the Holy Land, and five times daily prayer.
4 pages (1079 words)
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, Research Paper
The word “Islam” literally means “submission” which is a word derived which means “peace”. Islam is a monotheistic religion that is articulated by the Holy Quran. Islam is based on the concept of submission to Allah and accepting his supremacy over all and believing in the Holy Prophet and the Holy Quran.
According to the Catholic Church catechism, the Catholic’s teachings on abortion have remained unchanged for centuries. From the 1st century, the Didache (The lord’s instruction to the gentiles through the twelve apostles) contain the explicit teachings on abortion and condemns abortion as well as infanticides.
The beautiful passage, from the book of Proverbs, can be interpreted in a number of ways. From a traditional perspective, perhaps the woman, described, is a wife and mother who actually lived, modeling standards that every woman should aspire to attain. Maybe godly women should try to emulate her example in full or in part.
The Christian or Jewish bible is more than a source of religious inspiration and faith. It is also a documentation of a people’s way of life and how they think and live in a period. Understanding the context of the biblical period will help us understand better the faith that was derived from the document that is known as the Holy Bible.
Fourteenth-century Italian politician and poet Dante Alighieri created his book Divine Comedy by declaring it to be his purported journey from the earth to hell, where he claims to be examining the nine circles of the inferno on the basis of his orthodox religious views about the fate of the sinners in the life hereafter.
The notion that he was Jewish stock implied about the importance that the Jews attached they're being able to trace their genealogy many years back, back to Jacob. Working righteousness through salvation was what man acceptable in all nations as Gods plan is to unite all mankind into one family through Christ.
6 pages (1645 words)
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, Research Paper
The first-century Jews widely rejected Christianity owing to the fact that it did not expand within the Jewish national community. The impact was that the Jews were rebellious with regard to the propagation of Christianity. This, in part, was due to the incorporation of the Gentiles into Christianity. Therefore, for Jews to accept Christianity, the Gentiles had to be forced into Judaism.
The four selected documents deal with different and particular aspects of the life of the Catholic Church. The selected documents are: Lumen Gentium, , Sacrosantum Concilium, Gaudium et Spes, and Orientalium Eccclesiarum. Catholic Theology is based on the Sacred Scriptures, the Sacred Traditions, and the teachings of the Magisterium (Nichol, 2001).
According to the report Bruce needed to know that revenge was not the solution to his problem and that the solution was in a short-term strategy offered by this type of counseling. Solution based short term pastoral counseling, BSPC align with the intention of God by using a more collaborative methodology.
The author states that there is really no arguments that needed to be heard with regard to how the gods decided that someone should perish for the deaths that Gilgamesh instigated on the course of his adventures. The decree of the Gods sometimes did not spring from any rational consideration.
The author of this analytical essay assumes that the United State’s history is one filled with challenges in racial differences in most of country’s undertakings. Slavery trade existed between the Whites and Blacks with blacks facing discrimination in all activities that existed in the country.
14 pages (4206 words)
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, Research Paper
Creation myths, in general, different religions attempt to explain how something came from nothing (Leaming et al, 95). The five basic ways that creation occurs, in different religions, is 1) through nothingness or chaos; 2) from a cosmic egg or a primal maternal mound; 3) from separated world parents; 4) from a process of earth diving; 5) from emergence from other worlds.
Knowing the danger he was in, with Judas betraying him to the Sanhedrin, Jesus then said in his prayer that not his will but God’s will be done. With this resolved, he gets up to face his captors and accusers in the presence of the high priest Caiaphas who tried to find a reason for Jesus to be put to death.
A prophecy of a coming Messiah was long awaited for centuries and centuries in the case of the Israelites (Which the Israelites are still waiting for even today). He was said to reconcile God with the broken human race when Adam committed the first rebellion that carried on from generation to generation. The promise of a coming Messiah was awaited.
In the Pentateuch, the Israelites were appointed as the chosen people of God and the beneficiary of the Ark of Covenant and laid down the foundation of the coming of the Messiah in the presence of Jesus Christ. There are several passages in the Pentateuch and the Bible that led to the initial conclusion that indeed Moses wrote the entire body of the Pentateuch.
Many theologians have used many forms of analysis and also historical, philosophical, spiritual, and ethnographic arguments in attempts to understand and explain any topic on religion. It helps the theologians to better understand their religious tradition, as well as other people’s religions; make a comparison between two or more religious traditions,
11 pages (2750 words)
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, Book Report/Review
Some researchers consider the book of Esther as not a real story, but as some kind of parable or a pseudo historic narrative, but this view can be contradicted by a number of facts, in particular, a detailed description of life and environment, the personality of the Persian king Ahasuerus, the peculiarities of language, a mass of authentic Persian and Zend names.
7 pages (1932 words)
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, Research Paper
Various religions and theologies question the purpose of the mankind and rationale behind their supremacy over other creatures. In this attempt, Christianity, Judaism, and Islam consider mankind as an image of God or being created in the image of God. The Old Testament is used as a reference while discussing Imago Dei. Other testament passages are James 3:9 and 1 Corinthians 11:7.
7 pages (1750 words)
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, Research Paper
Christianity and Judaism are two among the largest religions in the world. Both religions have a Jewish heritage, and though this makes them share a lot of similarities, they also have a lot of differences. Judaism is among the oldest religions in the world, dating back to 2000 B.C (ReligionFacts, 2013).
The Easter season is one of the widely celebrated annual events among the Christian believers community. It is basically meant to commemorate the period around which the death and resurrection of Jesus took place from the time of crucifixion. The Roman Catholic is particularly on recording in regard to the celebration of this period.
12 pages (3245 words)
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, Research Paper
Martin Luther was born in 1483 in the small town of Eisleben, which is currently known as Southeast German. His father was a farmer and he worked hard to ensure that their son had proper education; thus by 21 years old, Martin acquired a master's degree in Arts from Erfurt University. Luther was convened as a revolutionary defender.
It has evolved over the years by incorporating various religions, and the Hindu traditions and beliefs are the common features of the religion (Rood, 2008). The way of life of Hinduism unites the Hindu religion, and it is known as Dharma, which is the number three religion in terms of followers.
He passes through a baptism of fire in which his character develops from a deceiver and a usurper to a faithful man who struggles and overcomes numerous personal battles. Yet in the midst of these variables, Yahweh accomplishes his will in calling an elect and set-apart people through whom the whole earth would be blessed.
Judaism is one of the oldest religions in the world, being the earliest of the three Abrahamic religions including Islam and Christianity. It is the religion of the Jewish people, and its teachings and principles are expressed and systematically communicated through “Tanakh,” or the Hebrew Bible. Judaism's “Talmud” further explores and explains the religion's teachings, principles, and ethics.
A brief overview of the traditions is an exemplary illustration of the best and the worst part of the seasons. This paper provides a detailed analysis of the various positive and negative impacts that the two religions have in the world today. The Christian season of Lent refers to the period of preparation before Easter.
A religion is a community of people who subscribe to common beliefs about a supernatural being who controls everything that happens across the universe. Right from the ancient times, history shows that people have always belonged to certain religions, in which they put faith in the existence of a supreme being.
This section of the Bible also records the activities done by Jesus’ disciples in preparation to the second coming of Christ. Among the notable bold apostles after the death of Jesus was Saul, later called Paul. This essay will look into lucid analysis of the Last supper as portrayed in the Bible as well as its interpretation in the text book.
11 pages (2899 words)
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, Research Paper
The death of Christ led to the abolishment of the law. Converting gentiles have no duty to follow the law. He views the law to have died together with Christ, that is, the death of Christ as a means of liberation from the bondage. Paul asserts that circumcision was a spiritual issue, which meant doing what was right but not just alleging to keep the law.
7 pages (1750 words)
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, Research Paper
Religion defined the rank of political leaders in the early 1980’s. This is why in the last quarter of the 20th century religious right emerged to protect freedom of worship. When people became aware of the fact that they had religious rights, many things were compromised, as for instance, some politicians used religion for cover up politically, because when one was down to what the politician believed in, it was clear there was no religion attached to the politician’s belief.
5 pages (1250 words)
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, Research Paper
It has frequently been witnessed that every existing culture of the world has adopted the religious traits attributed to the Christian faith. Liturgy has obtained an influential status in all societies of the globe without discrimination, and feasts and festivals associated with Christianity have been being celebrated with great religious fervor.