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Islam in Europe Religion and Theology Essay
11 pages (3027 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The economic factor also prevails. The younger generation of Muslims is better educated as compared to their parents, who, for instance, in the United Kingdom, had come largely to get menial jobs as factory workers and bus conductors. According to Radu (2009), young Muslims are aggressive and equally compete for opportunities at institutions of higher learning at universities with the zeal of becoming engineers and doctors.
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Theological Theme Of The Old Testament: Sin Religion and Theology Essay
6 pages (1619 words) , Download 0 , Essay
“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1, NIV). God created a perfect world, where everything was as it should be. Adam and Eve walked with God in the Garden of Eden, and God told Adam. But Adam and Eve did eat from the tree because Satan inhabited a serpent’s body and caused Adam and Eve to question God’s command. 
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The Influence of Protestant Church in Vietnam from 1900 to 1975 Religion and Theology Coursework
17 pages (4737 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
Vietnam remains an enigma posing a question that may be relevant in the world searching for lasting peace and equitable distribution of the world’s wealth. How could a country such as Vietnam which has suffered much from colonialism and the Vietnam War could at the moment of its independence becomes intolerant of religious beliefs?
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Historical Relationship Between the Synagogue and Church Religion and Theology Coursework
8 pages (2161 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
Like the Jews, early Christians believed in life after death suggesting that when one dies he goes on with life in heaven where he faces judgment, and if a sinner then he is sent to hell in external life. They believed that Satan also had some powers and was the one to be assigned the sinners to punish. 
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Is the Conflict between Islam and the Western World an Actual Conflict or a Conflict That Exists Religion and Theology Essay
7 pages (2184 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The above discussion shows the conflict from three different perspectives. One, religious intolerance by Muslims, second, clash of cultures, and third, the hegemony of the Western world for economic gains and world supremacy. Especially after the exit of the Soviet Union, they need another enemy to show their supremacy.
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Theologian Paul Tillich Religion and Theology Coursework
8 pages (2144 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
Later Tillich moved to America where he was a Professor for some years. He also published a series of books. Due to his works, Tillich was appointed at Harvard Divinity School and was among the five highest-ranking professors at Harvard. However, in 1962 he ended his career and transferred to the University of Chicago. 
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The First Enlightenment of Monotheism Religion and Theology Coursework
8 pages (2275 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
It is clear that both Moses and Akhenaton practiced monotheism. However, it can be argued out that Moses presented a true monotheist. This is clearly portrayed through his loyalty to serving a single God as well as his actions of obedience to every command from God especially to the Israelites until his death. 
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The Last Days of Prophet Muhammad and the Succession of Abu Baker Religion and Theology Essay
6 pages (1817 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The Sunni branch holds that the first four caliphs Leaders who were Muhammad’s successor righteously took over leadership as his successor. They recognize them as legitimate leaders. This Sunni ruled continuously until there came up a breakup of the Ottoman Empire in the Arab world. This took place following the end f the first world wars.
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Importance of the Ideas of Mawdudi in Contributing to the Identity of Pakistan Religion and Theology Coursework
8 pages (2968 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
Current Pakistan is more of Mawdudi’s ideologies and influence. Pakistan is still upholding most of the Islamic fundamental laws. The pragmatic approach by Mawdudi has shaped Pakistan’s economy and political system. He used various approaches to achieve his dream of an Islamic nation (Nasr 1994, 373). 
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Ethical Theory Utilitarian Religion and Theology Coursework
7 pages (2047 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
The utilitarian rule is that an act can only be right if it conforms to the laid down rules, laws, and regulations. The harm principle of the utilitarian theory of ethics stipulates that society has a responsibility and is justified by coercing individuals and organizations that act in a way that is harmful to society.
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What Is Sunnah and Its Place in Islamic Religious Thought Religion and Theology Coursework
10 pages (2789 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
It should be without a doubt understood that the prophet did not at any time put together Sunnah that will favor himself. It was the role of different scholars as well as individuals who developed the notion in order to explain and codify the real picture of Muhammad's life, such that it could be closely monitored, or approximated, by the Muslims.
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Muslims in Western China: Uighur People Religion and Theology Coursework
7 pages (2026 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
To sum up, it is safe to indicate that the Uighur people have continued to experience persistent repression as well as discrimination in respect to their religion. There has been a vulnerable situation created by the idea of secession by the group which has created more tension to communities within their vicinities.
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Zoroastrian Religion in the Middle East Religion and Theology Coursework
6 pages (1679 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
It is worth noting that all these sources on both categories do not have equal value but on the basic perception, each one of them possesses some inherent value. In terms of importance, the Avesta, and most certainly the Gathas of Zoroaster (hymns) stand out as being endowed with the greatest importance among these sources of information.
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The Good Thing about Science it's True Whether or Not You Believe in it Religion and Theology Essay
6 pages (1638 words) , Download 0 , Essay
“Religious believers can no longer claim their ancient scriptures as literal fact”. In earlier days, religious leaders were against the spread of scientific methods, because they feared science discovery would undermine much of what religion taught (John, 2009).
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Principles of Catholic Churchs Teaching in Social Justice Religion and Theology Coursework
8 pages (2361 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
The Second Vatican Council declared Eucharistic sacrifice as the source and summit of the Life of a Christian (Vatican Council: Gaudium et Spes #27). This shows the Eucharist as having a specific social dimension. Pope John Paul II's apostolic letter, Mane nobiscum Domine (2004) said of the Eucharist as teaching in solidarity. 
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The Story of Prophet Muhammad Religion and Theology Coursework
7 pages (1822 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
Though at first people see as if he has been possessed by an evil spirit on his first revelation, people later come to realize that he is divinely inspired through the vision that he sees of Archangel Gabriel. With this vision, Muslims see him be God's messenger hence a  person to be accorded respect. 
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Three Key Periods in the History of the Church Religion and Theology Coursework
11 pages (3063 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
Teaching religious education in schools is a support task for families in education work. Vatican II claimed that school education is the most important element of education (Comby and MacCulloch, 1989, p.132). Education in Catholic schools cultivates the child's intellectual capacity and matures the capacity to the right judgment.
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Religion and Peace in the World: The Role of Christianity and Buddhism Religion and Theology Coursework
10 pages (2796 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
It is observed that the teachings and principles of Buddhism foster peace among both individuals and groups in the world (Jayatillake, 2008, p. 7). This is because these principles seek to replace the immoral bases of hatred pursuits, the desire for destruction, and erroneous beliefs with the moral bases of charity, love, and unity in individuals.
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Is the Only Responsibility of a Business to Make, through Legal Mns, as Much rfit as ssibl for Its Shrhldrs Religion and Theology Coursework
9 pages (2800 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
The business only needs to strike balance in an attempt to create value for all the stakeholders. For any company to prosper and survive, it must give a return to the investors that compares well with the similar companies. Shareholders' value is not created by giving preference to the investors over another stakeholder.
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Is Islamic Law Compatible to the Modern World Religion and Theology Coursework
8 pages (2284 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
Sharia law takes a hardline decision when it comes to the provision of certain rights and privileges to members of the society. From the Islamic law perspective, people are expected to adhere to certain provisions without question. Thus, freedom of speech, conscience, and religion has no place if sharia law is to be applied in totality.
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Can Islam Live at Peace with Other Faiths Religion and Theology Coursework
7 pages (1893 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
Correspondingly, the Islamic religion does not allow people to insult and disregard each other in all capacities. God has prohibited the Muslims in the Quran to insult pagans as well as Christians and they should respect their religious beliefs. Instead of hurling insults to their opponents, they should pray to God to safeguard them and their lives
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Ashura: The Day That Changed the Face of Islam Religion and Theology Coursework
8 pages (2211 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
The Imam gave them three options, all of which were rejected. They wanted to destroy his life because he was against their views. The Imam refused to surrender to the very forces that he had been resisting. According to Husayn, the leadership of Yazid had defied the law of God and man, in the process, bringing shame and disgrace to Islam.
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Comparison of Hinduism and Buddhism Teachings during Foundational Periods Religion and Theology Essay
6 pages (1804 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The similarities between Hinduism and Buddhism were mainly in terms of the religions’ beliefs in reincarnation, the belief that there are varied ways to attain enlightenment; the conviction that excessive attachment to worldly things causes suffering; the belief that there is a spiritual reality that supersedes illusions present in the world.
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Sadducees and Pharisees Religious Parties in the Times of Jesus Religion and Theology Essay
10 pages (2609 words) , Download 0 , Essay
According to Sadducees, when water is spilled, then it is unclean through the act of pouring, Pharisees on the other hand opposed this notion stating that this is not a clean fact about un-cleanliness. Additionally, according to T.Yadainc.2: daughters were supposed to inherit only when there were no sons, according to the Jews Law.
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A Comparison of the Notion of Deities in the Foundation Periods of Hinduism and Buddhism Religion and Theology Coursework
8 pages (2220 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
Both religions shared similarities in their foundation periods in that they were polytheistic in nature. Both religions acknowledge the non-manifest and formless aspects of deities. Another similarity between the two during the foundation period is that they have pantheons that have hundreds of deities and which serve specific purposes. 
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Scientific Origin of Religion Religion and Theology Essay
6 pages (1686 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Bioethics relates to moral questions that arise in relation to the life sciences. Much of the conflict centers on the unborn fetus. Currently, the debate concerns the use of embryonic stem cells for therapeutic cloning and research. Presbyterians pro-life upholds that human life is sacred and that God made us in his own image.
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Islamic Negative Portrayal by the West Religion and Theology Coursework
10 pages (2952 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
According to Ali (1965), the main concept of Islamic teaching is peace, war is not holy and it is not justifiable in the Islamic teachings. In addition, the Quran insists that there must be no coercion in matters of faith (2.256). It is due to the non-coercion that the Islamic faith spread in many people between 662-1492.
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Comparison of Christianity and Aboriginal Dreaming Religion and Theology Essay
8 pages (2453 words) , Download 0 , Essay
From the comparison of Christianity and Aboriginal Dreaming, different ways in which the history and beliefs of the two forms of religion contribute to an understanding of religion in Australian society today are presented. This provides an understanding of the extent of religious tolerance and intolerance that exists in Australian society.
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Theoretical Framework for Islamophobia Prejudice Religion and Theology Essay
7 pages (2386 words) , Download 0 , Essay
According to Poynting and Mason (2007), Islamophobia denotes demonizing Islam leading to negative attitudes and feelings towards Muslims and Islam. Johnson (2011) views the term as denoting the prejudice, fear, or hatred of Muslims, particularly as a political force. Bleich (2011) comments that Islam should be viewed as a religion instead of a cultural identity.
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Tantric Buddhism in Tibet Religion and Theology Essay
7 pages (2063 words) , Download 0 , Essay
This essay shall argue that ‘Tantric Buddhism’ or the ‘Vajrayana’ Buddhism as practiced in Tibet, combines basic tenets of Indian Tantra, Yoga Sutras, and Mahayana Buddhism, and skilfully adapts it to suit the needs of Tibetan people with prior Shamanistic beliefs. In doing so, it appeals to both the intellectuals and laymen because it simultaneously provides a way to confront the problems of everyday existence for the lay.
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What Is Tantric Buddhism, and Why Did It Become so Important in Tibet Religion and Theology Essay
6 pages (1899 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Additionally, Tibetan Buddhists understood that Buddhas did have suppressed desires and emotions of the worldly life since they were human too. It was therefore important to recognize this fact in order to make it clear that an ascetic path wasn’t necessary to attain Buddhahood as Mahayana Buddhism believed it to be. 
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Impact of Religion and Religious Leadership on International Policies Religion and Theology Literature review
10 pages (2735 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
There are a host number of factors that have a direct and indirect influence on the way international policies and relations are formed. Economic factors, historical factors, military factors, security factors, and religious factors, all have a significant influence on the way international policies are framed among nations.
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The Linkage between Christianity and Judaism Religion and Theology Essay
6 pages (1539 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Religion like other elements of distinctiveness among people is a core cause of most of the religious conflict where most of the lives were lost due to these disparities. For instance in central Africa, Christianity and the Muslim community rival over which religion will dominate the country.
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The Three Major Abrahamic Religions in the Middle East Religion and Theology Coursework
9 pages (2411 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
Religion is a dominant factor that defines humanity in contemporary society. Over the years, religion has been the central pillar that has built humanity’s moral aspect, given the fact that it unites believers with their creators. Different religions have various ways of worshipping or exercising their spiritual duties. 
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Jesus' Miracles Based on the Quran Religion and Theology Essay
14 pages (3826 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Quran has different views concerning the miracles that were performed by Jesus, but it recognizes Jesus’ miracles. The world has several religions based on believing and having faith in a supernatural being with Christianity having the majority believers followed by the fastest growing religion, Islam.
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Jesus Cradle Speech and Birth Narrative Religion and Theology Essay
7 pages (2017 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Whenever Maryam (Mary) was rebuked by individuals for conferring wrongdoing, she pointed towards the child who talked that he was designated as a prophet by Allah (Quran 19: 30-33). Talking from the support was Jesus' first supernatural occurrences however it was purposefully kept a mystery by numerous Jews of the time.  
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Taoism Religious Concept of Death from its Ritual-Da Chai Religion and Theology Coursework
12 pages (3131 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
Through this discussion, it is evident that religion presents a strong presence in the Chinese social culture, especially its death ritual- Da Chai. Further, its perception of life and Tao as the path to immortality provides an urge for more research on the practicality of observing all the rituals, practices, and teachings.
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The Notion of Culture in the Context of Jihadism Counterculture Religion and Theology Essay
8 pages (2247 words) , Download 0 , Essay
This essay examines three important things related to the application of the notion of culture to the issue of Jihadism. First, it defines the concept of culture. Second, the essay examines how the counterculture of Jihadism is constructed through the major components of culture. Third, the essay how different from the mainstream culture the counterculture of Jihadism is and whether it challenges or reinforces the status quo.
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Women in Islam Religion and Theology Coursework
12 pages (3231 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
Even though Islam has been considered to be adversative to the empowerment of women, a new generation of Muslim intellectuals and activists believe that patriarchal practices, as well as values, could be mitigated by persuading other Muslims that equality between the sexes has been mandated by Islam.
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Islamic Radical and Fundamental Groups in Indonesia Religion and Theology Coursework
8 pages (2212 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
In an expression of its agitation, the group has staged bombings such as the 2002 Bali bombing, the Australian embassy bombing in Jakarta in 2004. Laskar Jihad is heavily linked to the Al-Qaeda group hence an accomplice to violence perpetrated by Al Qaeda. Fox (p, 16) says the group was formed in 2000. 
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Thai Buddhism History Religion and Theology Essay
10 pages (2622 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The roots of Thai Buddhism lie with the religious movement started by Siddhartha in the sixth century B.C. Buddhism had gained widespread popularity in Asia by the third century B.C. Consequently, there were different interpretations of the Buddha's teachings resulting in the foundation of several sects.
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The Balinese Society Religion and Theology Essay
7 pages (2096 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Bali is a traditional society and hence the Balinese adore their culture very much. On the other hand, consultants and other visiting experts come mostly from western society which is considered modern. Hence, there is a great contrast in their belief system; each party believes that theirs is the best.
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Recent Religious Developments in Asia Religion and Theology Coursework
10 pages (2737 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
The strategies were effective at the time of the Cold War to a level that was superficial. The majority of the local religions in Eastern as well as southeastern Asia had been tamed and made irrelevant in as far as the day’s big issue was concerned. Most of the practices of religion especially in China vanished from sight.
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The Second Vatican Council and Pope John Paul II Religion and Theology Coursework
7 pages (2050 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
It is essential to state that the Second Vatican Council of the Catholic Church proclaimed that Christians should maintain good relations with other people from other non-Christian religions (1965) in line with the thrusts of the Church of “promoting unity and love among men” (Second Vatican Council, 1965, par. 1).
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Articulation of Personal Christian Theology of Religious Pluralism Religion and Theology Essay
11 pages (2984 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Every religion believes in the existence of God. One of the other cannot claim a monopoly on this belief. Thus, religious pluralism emanates from the fact that whatever religion a person belongs to he is taught that there is a higher being over humanity. They might refer to God in different names.
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Reflections of the Beginnings of the Gospels Religion and Theology Essay
7 pages (1973 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The Israelites story is actually continued in the Gospel of Luke. This is because the Gospel starts off by clearly elaborating on Zachariah’s story and his wife Elizabeth who was barren. It elaborates that though the two were righteous, they were childless. Other Israelites illustrated in the book are the likes of Anna and Simeon. 
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Ecumenical or General Councils of the Church Religion and Theology Essay
8 pages (2181 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The Council of Tent was constituted for the self-renewal of the Catholic Church and reinforcement of the teachings of the Catholic Church that were under attack by the Protestant Reformist movements. As a consequence of the Council of Trent, the practices of the Catholic Church that had led to the loss of faith were changed. 
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The Caste System of India Religion and Theology Coursework
6 pages (1915 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
While many world religions may like to condemn the Hindu Religion with its Caste system, it provides a strong bond to the people who profess this faith. Even other world nations apart from India condemn this system as being racial but it is not different from other groups in the world that have their own beliefs and practices.
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Japanese Religious Culture Religion and Theology Essay
10 pages (2842 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Japan's religion is mostly linked with Buddhism and Shinto. The majority of Japanese people usually identify themselves with fundamentals of various religions rather than mere believers of a single religion, (Reischauer, 1988). These religions are known as Shinbustu Shugo. In Japan, there is freedom of religion allowing such minor religions as Christianity, Sikhism, and Islam to be practiced.
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Japanese Religious Culture Religion and Theology Coursework
11 pages (3073 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
When Francisco de Xavier was contemplating a missionary visit to Japan in the 16th century he is said to have asked whether the Japanese were likely to become Christians. He was told that first of all they would ask many questions and see what he knew. (Ecumenical Buddhism, St Francis Xavier of Japan)
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