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How Can One Apply the Ethical Teaching of Deuteronomy on Sex to Today's World - Term Paper Example

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The author of the paper states that the scriptural revelations, need to stay tuned with the changing times. As for the topic of sex, we must make sincere and honest attempts to understand their correct interpretation as per the demand of the circumstances. …
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How Can One Apply the Ethical Teaching of Deuteronomy on Sex to Todays World
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Order 304211 Topic: How can one apply the ethical teaching of Deuteronomy on sex to todays world? Introduction: The contents of the scriptures are revelations of the Masters. These Masters can never be compared to the journalists and authors. The brilliant amongst the brilliant authors is not fit enough to hold a candle before such Masters/Incarnations. “The fifth book of Moses traditionally has been entitled Deuteronomy, interpreted literally, the title would mean, “second law.”---“The major part of the book consists of the words of Moses addressed to Israel immediately prior to the entry into the Promised Land.”(Craigie, 1976, introduction, p.17) All the secular writings are mind-level writings and the products of reasoning of the human intellect. Scriptural revelations belong to the divine personalities, who have transcended the mind barrier. In that level, there are no conflicts. Peace and bliss reign. The problem arises, when the mind-level human beings, whether Christian Fathers, Muslim mullahs or Hindu Pundits interpret the scriptures from the level of their understanding. This leads to arguments, counter-arguments and conflicts. Turn the pages of human history, daubed in bloodshed with wars related to religion, color, race etc. They ask the crying question. How to make this Planet Earth heaven-like? The answer is simple and straightforward. Eyes full of understanding, hearts full of love and the life that refuses conflicts-enough, these alone are enough. But such a level of life is possible only for spiritually advanced humanity. Until then, the scriptural interpretation-related misunderstandings and debate will continue. The ethical teaching of Deuteronomy on sex in relation to today’s world has to be understood in this context. The normal belief of a human being even in this materialist age is-- sex is the domain of Satan and the ones who are spiritually inclined and abhor sex are Divine! How Bible treated sex? The most rational explanation has been provided by J. Harold Ellens thus. It makes so many confusing issues very clear and helps better understanding of Deuteronomy. “Sexual experience and expression, like spiritual experience and expression, are moved and driven by a deep inner vital force in or personalities that prompts us to reach out for the kind of connection with the other that we intuitively believe will make us whole and complete, while making the other, at the same time, rapturous and fulfilled. When that inner life-force reaches out from our psyches towards another human being in whom we delight, it arouses our physical being and channels its psycho-spiritual energies through our bodies toward communion and union with that other person. We call that sexuality. When that inner life-force reaches out from our psyches toward infinite transcendent reality, in our longing for God and eternity, we call it spirituality.”(Ellens, Preface, xx & xxi) As for the conflict related to interpretation of the divine revelations of the scriptures by the mind-level intellectuals, read the following passage from the Holy Bible, which some Muslims claim that it condones rape. "If a man happens to meet a virgin who is not pledged to be married and rapes her and they are discovered, he shall pay the girls father fifty shekels of silver. He must marry the girl, for he has violated (anah) her. He can never divorce her as long as he lives." Deuteronomy 22:28-29 NIV. (Shamom….The Old Testament….) Here we have the example, how gross misreading can happen. The passage does not carry sanction for the rape. It does not condone or approve of rape. The injunction only instructs the Israelites how to deal with and address a rape situation, if and when it happens. With every translation of the original text, the possibility of its weakening as for the import and actual meaning of the words can not be ruled out. It has been argued that this citation is not addressing a rape case at all. The original Hoy Bible was not written in English, but Hebrew. The parts of it were written in Aramaic. Who can guarantee that the translation was done accurately and faithfully? The conclusion is, the Holy Bible does not approve or sanction rape at all. Can this ruling be applied in the modern context? A section of the combustible younger generation, destination less and directionless, will definitely take undue advantage of the ambiguity in the interpretation. The modern youngsters, both male and female, fall in love just like glowworms consume themselves at the altar of fire! They will be too happy to marry the girl they will rape, as there are many societies in the world today, where the girl can not marry without the parental consent! Any spiritual text must contain the vibrancy and dynamism to cope up with the situations arising out of the changing times. Deuteronomy and the biblical passages must also be read in the changing social and cultural context. The present civilization is deeply impacted by the technological advances and materialistic comforts and is significantly different as compared to the biblical times. Take for example the role of women then and in the so-called advanced 21st century. As per the Bible, women are important for the family line, but their freedom is with fetters, and they are often viewed as property. When the mind-level intellectuals join a discussion on a conflicting issue, instead of getting at the solution, the issue becomes more and more complicated as one intellectual after the other joins the confrontation. Whoever is the author of the topic of specific biblical references to sex, today’s culture differs significantly from that of biblical times. At the highest level, spirituality and sexuality can be equated. Sex is the act of the divine creative force. Without sex, there is no generation and progress of humanity. All actions are consequential actions; sex is a great creative force and the main action! In the modern context, Harold Ellens treats all aspects of love and sex, including the subtle theme of falling in love, which would appeal to the modern readers. Much research and advancement has taken place in the subject of psychology, since the Biblical times. Ellens in chapter 4 of the book, “Falling in and out of Love,” puts on his pharmacological-clinical-psychological hat, providing a professional analysis of the biochemistry (e.g. phenyl ethylamine) of love at first site, but also the chemical factors at work in the phenomena of the “seven year itch” and the midlife crisis that often occurs later in the marriage cycle.”(Ellens, 2006,Preface xxi) In Hebrew Bible, the book of Deuteronomy is the theological centre. In the present times, Water Brueggemann is the top interpreter on this subject. He has brought to bear a profound interpretative insight. “Brueggemann is a reliable guide through the rich and detailed resources of this premier theological document of ancient Israel. His strength is his ability to lift up the larger implications of a text which often challenge what he sees as dominant cultural maladies in our own day: global consumerist capitalism, the ideology of privatization and autonomous individualism, and the absence of public policy shaped by gratitude to God, love of neighbor or concern for the poor.” (Review of W. Brueggemann….)Sex and ethics in the broader sense are intimately related to material grounded ness and ethical living. One has to understand the inherent concern of Deuteronomy for larger public good. "The book of Deuteronomy is about land, land promises, land temptations, land reception, land management, and ultimately land loss." (Walter, 2001, p. 288). Perhaps the 21st century is the ripe time to do theological reflections through the ancient lens of Deuteronomy. The present society can no more be run on the theological injunctions alone; they need to stand the test of the constitutional provisions of the country to which a citizen belongs and the broad international laws. That which does not stand the test of legal framework, can not be practical either. Every spiritual injunction must stand the test of practicability as otherwise the masses will reject it. Living obediently is simple as well as complicated! For example, the overly patriarchal family and sex laws will no more be accepted by the feminists of the present era! Why the die-hard feminist, even the common house-wife will also not accept it! “In the face of such biblical claims that seem unacceptable to modern minds, Brueggemann notes that Deuteronomy understands itself as part of a dynamic and ongoing tradition of reinterpretation of earlier laws and materials.” (Walter, 2001, pp. 23, 79). Thus, Deuteronomy itself implicitly authorizes "a continuing interpretive practice that moves always between traditional inheritances and faithful innovation of a covenant kind" (Walter, 2001, p. 227). “Deuteronomy definitions of and punishments for adultery find close parallels in old Babylonian and Hittite laws (1750/1500 BC). The arrangements about bride money also fit early practice well. But in the Jewish colony of Elephantine divorce rather than death was the penalty for adultery, and the bridal payments were lower. The use of Deuteronomy in Jerusalem.”(The Date of Deuteronomy….) Scriptural texts, though considered as divine revelations, as such infallible, the intellectuals and scholars will accept it only if it stands the test of scrutiny. To defend the contents of the scriptures is often a difficult intellectual task, because they are beyond the scope of the intellect and transcend the mind! The main objective of the scripture is not to make the intellectual enter into arguments and counter-arguments, but to train humanity in righteousness, obedience and love of God and his divine laws. “To love God with all our heart, soul and mind, as Deuteronomy puts it! As a result of biblical scholars preoccupation with critical issues for nearly two centuries the church has lost out in two directions. First, the theories of authorship often adopted have led to a low view of biblical inspiration and the authority of Scripture. If it is not really by Moses, or by Paul, we need not believe it or obey it, is the unspoken corollary of many critical theories. And second, Bible-believing Christians have spent so much time worrying about when this was written or how it was written, that they have forgotten to listen to the voice of God speaking to them through Scripture. This ought to be our first priority: to discover what God is saying to us through Deuteronomy, not whether Moses or some great unknown wrote it.”(The Date of Deuteronomy….) The technological advances and some aspects of the materialistic civilization have created enormous gaps in the precepts and following of Deuteronomy. Cyber-sex does not find place in scripture of any religion. It has dominant influence on youngsters today. One is engaged in a flurry of exchanged messages with strangers over the internet and the messages contribute to sexual tension. What is this? Is this not infidelity even though one is not in physical contact with another person? Speaking from the point of view of spirituality in the context of Deuteronomy, every thought is an action. Sinful thoughts mean sinful actions. Action first originates as thought, good or bad. God reads one’s feelings. He is omnipresent and omniscient. No human being can ever think of outsmarting God. When one commits sin by thought or deed and when one is aware of it, undergoes the process of genuine repentance, God’s grace will flow through such an individual. Even on issues related to sex, go by the broad biblical objectivity, instead of going into hair-splitting arguments and try to understand the God’s perspective. That is what true Deuteronomy is all about. Glorify God and enjoy his graces. Sex and marriage are good. No biblical quote has praised amoral hedonists. One need not be strict, stoic moralist either. Be always related to the pursuit of truth in all actions, howsoever small or big! There are many misconceptions about the biblical view of sex and what the Bible teaches about sex and marriage. “Contrary to popular opinion, God is not a cosmic killjoy. He is not out to ruin all our fun! Unfortunately, many people have viewed God that way for centuries. Some have even castrated themselves in alleged obedience to the divine will. In some measure, this is because Christians have promoted such a false view of God.” (Bible. org.) Most ludicrous practices were there as for dealing with issues related to women and sex during Biblical times, but that does not mean they followed the religious injections prescribed by the scriptures, and the religious injections and religion as they were practiced by the leaders and people were entirely different. They had cross dangling on the neck, but not Christ in the heart. Even in this modern age, when governments of majority of the Nations and activists of the Organizations swear by equal rights for the female sex, what are the ground realities? Enactments have been passed but what about their implementation in letter and spirit? Deuteronomy and the Old Testament ethical issues can contribute to modern settings, when human beings not only say modern, but think and act modern. Let us try to understand this reality by an example. In this modern age, you have, perhaps, never heard about a symposium or discussion on the topic, ‘Men-their role in the society.’ The discussion is always about women. Men have, perhaps, no role! The never-ending talks of giving equal rights to women go on unabated. All the Acts of all the Parliaments in the world will not bring equality for women. The change has to be achieved within-both by men and women. How can you give equal rights to women? God has created her, given her the status of more –equal. Nobody can take that right away. It is the mother, who gives protection for initial nine months to the divine creative force of the future- male or female! What is practiced in religious scriptures and what is actually practiced by the society are contradictory. A female child is victimised at every step of life, from the moment of birth, notwithstanding the fact that it is she who sacrifices at those steps. Women should be the legal and spiritual equals of men. The Bible speaks a great deal about marital sex as a great pleasure. In fact, Paul even commands married couples not to refrain from sexual activity, because their bodies belong to their partner (1 Cor 7:3-5).The Bible is very explicit that procreation, reproduction of the species, is a very important aspect of human sexual relations. It is the most important, in fact (Gen 1:27-27).The first part of the statement will be welcomed by all those who are married and wish to get married. But the second aspect may not be accepted fully by the Governments and even from the individual family point of view procreation which is limited to one or two children, as per individual choice. Deuteronomy goes even a seep further. “There is a text in Deuteronomy which says that a young man should take a year off from war, once he gets married, ‘to cheer up his wife.’ Although the text does not say that the first year of marriage should be one long honeymoon, it does indicate the tremendous importance of the marriage in general and the wife in particular. And the Hebrew word for ‘cheer up’ really involves a profound sense of intimacy: find out what pleases the wife in every way possible” ( The scriptural revelations, need to stay tuned with the changing times. As for the topic of sex, we must make sincere attempts to understand their correct interpretation as per the demand of circumstances. ============= Works Cited Rushdoony, Neoplatonism, and a Biblical View of Sex: Daniel B. Wallace, Th.M., Ph.D. (Bio) All of us know of Christians who have tended toward a neoplatonic world-view. What I ask is that if you are a Christian, consider how it has infected your ... - Cached – Retrieved on June 8, 2009 Christensen, World Biblical commentary (Nashville: Thomas Nelson 2001) Craigie, Peter C: The Book of Deuteronomy (New International Commentary on the Old Testament) (Hardcover) Hardcover: 424 pages Publisher: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company; 2nd edition (April 1976) Language: English ISBN-10: 0802825249 ISBN-13: 978-0802825247 Ellens, Harold J: Sex in the Bible: A New Consideration (Psychology, Religion, and Spirituality) Hardcover: 216 pages Publisher: Praeger Publishers (March 30, 2006) Language: English ISBN-10: 0275987671 ISBN-13: 978-0275987671 Review of W. Brueggemann Deuteronomy ... or overly patriarchal (family and sex laws--Deut 22). ... - Cached - Retrieved on June 8, 2009 Journal of Hebrew Scriptures - Volume 4 (2002-2003) - Review Shamom, Sam: The Old Testament and Rape: Commentary on Deuteronomy 22:28-29 Hence, this passage lends support to the fact that the woman in Deuteronomy 22:28-29 consented to the sexual act, and wasnt forced into having sex. ... - Cached - Retrieved on June 8, 2009 The Date of Deuteronomy: Linch-pin of Old Testament Criticism... Part Two Gordon Wenham, Themelios 11.1 (September 1985): 15-18. However the large group of laws on sex and marriage in Deuteronomy 22 do seem.... Interpreters Dictionary of the Bible (Supplementary Volume) (Nashville: ... - Cached - Retrieved on June 8, 2009 Walter Brueggemann, Walter, Deuteronomy (Abingdon Old Testament Commentaries; Nashville, TN: Abingdon, 2001 Paperback: ISBN: 0687084717. Read More
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