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Biblical Prophets in the Old Testament - Essay Example

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The essay "Biblical Prophets in the Old Testament" explains the meaning of the term "prophet", ability to receive messages through them. It is claimed that at times, prophets were known for dramatic experiences, usually happy ones. Kings received compliments and/or criticism from them.
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Biblical Prophets in the Old Testament
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Biblical Prophets Running head: BIBLICAL PROPHETS Biblical Prophets in the Old Testament in APA Style (Name of Student) (Name of University or Company) Biblical Prophets 2 According to Malick (2005), the definition of the word prophet is similar even if the term is in Greek or Hebrew. Prophets were known for both terms. Therefore, the definitions for the word prophet are "one who proclaims and interprets divine revelation (and)one who speaks forth God's word. This is from the Greek term that our English term of prophet derived from. The Hebrew term means "'one called' to speak for God5,which was what prophets (were called) because they saw visions. Malick states that the other meanings for a prophet include 'man of God,' 'watchman,' 'messenger of YHWH', and 'man of the Spirit'". There are certain characteristics that make up a prophet. They received messages through visions, dreams, and other ways. At times, prophets were known for dramatic experiences, usually happy ones. Kings received compliments and/or criticism from them. Prophets spoke about military events and projects of building and constructing. Other characteristics of Biblical prophets in the Old Testament include their being inspired and motivated by the Holy Spirit of God and they had no doubt of the spiritual calling that God placed on them. They were self-controlled men who spoke the messages of God to not only kings but also to common people. They were less concerned about rituals and more concerned about doing God's work and what God told them to do. In other words, they were God's direct messengers, or spokesmen. He used Biblical Prophets 3 them to deliver messages to the people of Israel during Old Testament times. The messages they delivered were of future happenings, to flee from sin and temptation, and to come back to God. The messages they delivered always required some type of action. There were five major prophets during Old Testament times. Robinson (2000) explains the meaning of major, "term 'major' in this context means that the prophet's message was preserved in a lengthy book and covered a wider variety of subjects than did the minor prophets. There were of course dozens or perhaps hundreds of prophets whose stories were never recorded." The five major prophets whose writings were recorded in books are Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations (the author is unknown), Ezekiel, and Daniel. The first major prophet who will be discussed is Isaiah. He lived in Jerusalem and was a preacher. He delivered a message of peace that God would bring to the people of Israel. His messages were not fulfilled until the second coming of Christ. Jeremiah was known as the "weeping prophet" due to his desperate messages about Jerusalem's future. He also had predictions for Judah and other nations. Daniel was captured as a teenager by the Babylonian army. He held a high- ranking position in King Nebuchadnezzar's court and interpreted dreams for kings. Ezekiel was known as a "son of man". His book told about things that would happen about Jerusalem's fall. Ezekiel also wrote about a new temple for Jerusalem. Biblical Prophets 4 The prophets, all of them and not just the major ones, were human. The Bible says that prophets deliver messages from God. The prophets delivered messages of all types. Some were happy messages of good news. Others were of about upcoming trouble and despair. Many did not even want to be called by God to deliver messages and to help "correct" the people. People felt like they were being judged and blamed at times and the prophets did not like having to receive this type of blame. They were human and were similar to modern day prophets. However, the prophets of today do not have the ability to make preternatural prophesies like they could in Old Testament times. Robinson (2000) writes, "There are twelve minor prophets whose writings survive in the Hebrew Scriptures." Hosea delivered his messages to Ephraim, Samaria and Israel. He married a lady named Gomer who was the temple prostitute. They had three children together. Then Gomer went back to her old ways and ended up in slavery. Hosea paid for her, got her out of slavery, and restored her as his wife. His prophesy was the destruction and restoration of the Northern Kingdom. Joel wrote about agricultural disasters which included the locusts and drought due to the lack of repentance. His prophesy was that there would be more disasters if the people did not change their ways and that God would judge their kingdom in the valley of Jehoshaphat. People were involved in many false religions during the time of Amos. The Biblical Prophets 5 prophet Amos was a shepherd and a farmer. He delivered his message to the city of Bethel and areas nearby. He used many visions and symbolism to prophesy the time before the judgment. Some of his visions include a locust plague, a basket of fruit, a plumb line, and a fire. Amos also predicted Israel's restoration. Obadiah's story was the shortest and earliest to be recorded. His messages were delivered to the Edomites, who lived south of Israel. He told them that they would face some terrible consequences for their attack on Israel and for their pride. Obadiah's prophesy concludes with God restoring the land of Edom and judging all the nations, which will happen during Tribulation. Jonah spoke to the Assyrians, mainly to those who live in Nineveh. Jonah tried to run away from God's order and fled in the opposite direction of Nineveh. He then was swallowed by a large fish and God saved him. Then he went to Nineveh and gave the Assyrians the message from God. They finally repented. Michah told the leaders of Judah that they were not concerned about the poor. His prophesy included a near-destruction for Samaria and the Northern Kingdom. Judah would also face the same. Nahum prophesied to the Assyrians since they had returned back to their evil ways after what God had done through Jonah. Also, their attack on the Northern Kingdom of Israel led to Nahum's message of judgment and punishment from God. The book about Habbakuk tells of his talks with God. Habbakuk worried about God's "ignoring" of the people's sins then he said God's judgment and punishment was Biblical Prophets 6 too severe. He finally learned that God has always known exactly what to do. A contemporary of Habbakak and Jeremiah, Zephaniah delivered the message of Babylonian's invasion. A contemporary is, according to The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition (2000), "belonging to the same period of time." Haggai spoke to the people who returned to Jerusalem after the Babylonians had captured their city. God sent messages to the people through Haggai to reconstruct the temple. Haggai corrected the people because after fifteen years, they had not done much work to the temple but had built incredible homes for themselves. After his rebuke, they did what they were told and they were blessed by God. Zechariah's messages were on the lighter side and positive. God promised hope and blessings to through people of Israel via eight visions that Zechariah had. Malachi delivered messages to the people who were using the temple in destructive ways. There were marriages that God did not approve of and the priests were misusing tithes, etc. God continues to send prophets. Barr (n.d.) states, "Lk. 1:70; Tells us that God has sent prophets since the beginning of time (The Creation). Again in Acts 3:21 this statement is repeated. Lk. 11:49; "Therefore also said the wisdom of God, I WILL send them prophets and apostles, ...." Modern day prophets such as Oral Roberts, Martin Luther King, Jr., Billy Graham, Pat Robertson, Nelson Mandela, and more are true modern day prophets Biblical Prophets 7 because they see the sins and evil that people are doing and speak messages of repentance, consequences, punishment, and blessings. They write and speak God's messages in the attempt to get the world to turn back to God. This was also the goal of the Old Testament prophets. Due to the fact that modern day prophets cannot create miraculous miracles that are so obvious to the human eye like they used to in Old Testament times, it is harder to for people to accept the idea of true modern day prophets. It is also harder to determine who is really a true prophet today and who isn't. A genuine modern day prophet's teachings and messages will be completely in tune with God's word. It will match what the Bible says. If there are any deletions, additions, or changes from the Word of God, then be cautious that the messages are not coming from a true modern day prophet. God's prophecies will always be fulfilled. Be careful because there are many false teachers out there. There are also true modern day prophets out there. Perhaps Nelson Mendela is one of the greatest. He has been sentenced to prison many times for his wonderful charitable acts and for sacrificing his life to strive for the human spirit over man's inhumanity to his fellow man. His entire life delivers messages of hope and blessings. They also are messages of repentance and consequences. His life exemplifies struggles for the gains of others. Yes, modern day prophets are out there speaking God's truth. It is all part of His Biblical Prophets 8 plan as you will read in the following passages from the Bible, as listed by Barr (n.d.): We are told in Mt. 10:41 that we are to receive prophets. Mt. 5:17 tells us that Jesus did not come to destroy the prophets. Acts 2:16-18 is a repeat of the prophecy of Joel 2:28, which tells us that God will pour out His Spirit upon some who will then give prophecies in the last days. (We are in the last days). Acts 13:1 tells us that there were indeed prophets after the death and resurrection of Jesus. And in 1 Cor. 12:28-29, 14:29,32,37; Eph. 4:11 we are shown that one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit is the gift of prophecy.. Ephesians 3:5 Shows us that there is secret information that is now being revealed to both the Apostles and the Prophets. Eph. 3:5 "Which in other ages was not made known unto the sons of men, as it is now revealed unto his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit;" Rev. 11:10 shows us that there will be prophets from the Lord God at least until the middle of the tribulation period. Note also Rev. 22:9. In conclusion, as stated before, prophets are ones who proclaims and interprets divine revelation (and)one who speaks forth God's word. God's word is the Holy Bible. Nothing more and nothing less can be added or taken away. His word is strictly from the Bible as is. Old Testament prophets, like modern day prophets, delivered God's messages, spoke of things to come, and delivered prophesies of the future. Their messages were of joys and blessings. However, both Old Testament and modern day prophets told people to repent of their sins or punishment and consequences would come their way. However, modern day prophets do not have the ability to perform obvious and miraculous miracles in the sense that the Old Testament prophets can. Due to the fact that Jesus had not yet come to Earth and died for our sins and the Holy Spirit had not yet entered the souls of man, Old Testament prophets were given the ability to perform miracles that could be seen by the naked eye. For example, Moses was able to turn the sea into blood and his staff into a snake. Therefore, it is "harder" to believe that there are genuine modern day prophets around spreading the messages of God. However, there are and we now have the Holy Spirit to intervene and help us see truths. The Holy Spirit also helps us in discerning what is right and what is wrong and performs intercessory prayer. Along with this, modern day prophets can do their jobs without the "miraculous" and obvious events that they could perform in Old Testament times. There are many false prophets out there. However, there are some genuine modern day prophets who are direct messengers of God. They follow His word and His will. How do we know this Because the Bible says that He will continue sending us prophets into the last days. In other words, if the Bible says it is so than you can guarantee that it is so. References Barr (n.d.). Question Validity of modern day prophets. Retrieved 11 January 2006. From http://www.barr- phets.htm Malick (2005). An Introduction to the Book of Jonah. Retrieved January 11, 2006. From Robinson (2000). Books of the Hebrew Scriptures: The Major Prophets. 13 June 2000. Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance. From Robinson (2000). Books of the Hebrew Scriptures: Minor Prophets. 13 June 2000 Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance. From The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition (2000). Boston, MA and New York, NY: Houghton Mifflin Company. Retrieved 11 January 2006. From Read More
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