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Learning Journal - Assignment Example

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The paper 'Learning Journal' states that a learning journal is a collection of notes, observations, thoughts as well as other applicable resources gathered for some time. A learning journal can be developed after studying, learning, or after working. …
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Student Name Tutor Title: Learning journal Institution Date Learning journal Introduction A learning journal is a collection of notes, observations, thoughts as well as other applicable resources gathered for some time. A learning journal can be developed after studying, learning or after working. The key function of a learning journal is to improve my learning by writing and reflecting regarding my learning experiences. A learning journal is special to me and will illustrate my personality, inclinations and also my experiences. There are several reasons as to why I am completing this learning journal in my study and they include: providing a reflection of my developing understanding in social psychology, to show the development of my learning, to have a documentation of my thought and opinions throughout my experience and lastly to assist me in identifying my strengths, areas that need improvement and my preferences in social psychology (Eshleman 2006). Consequently, this learning journal will assist me in reflecting about my learning in social psychology. This implies that my learning journal will provide me with an opportunity to communicate my thinking procedure; how and the reason I did what I did, and my thoughts regarding what I did. From this assignment, I hope to learn how to explore my understanding, insights and thoughts and hence question my presumptions. The learning journal will also help me in indentifying my difficulties in social psychology and therefore it will be valuable in identifying what I should do to improve my understanding. Moreover, it will help me develop and refine my thoughts and beliefs as well (Greenberg 2008). Self & Identity: Self-esteem 1 The aspect that interested me most is self-esteem. This is because I have always wanted to have appropriate self-worthy since low self-esteem is a destructive force and I should do away with any and all negative ideas and thoughts that hold me into a life that is “mediocre” at best self-esteem. Therefore, I would always want my self-esteem to be at its best since low self esteem can make me depressed, prevent me from accomplishing my potential and see me tolerating abusive experiences and relationships. However, I would like to balance my self-esteem since high self-esteem leads into an off-putting sense of privilege and lack of ability to learn from failures (Campbell 2003). 2 According to Abraham Maslow, one cannot achieve psychological health unless the fundamental core of the individual is essentially accepted, loved and respected by other people as well as him/herself. Self-esteem enables individuals to face life with a lot of confidence, benevolence and also self-belief and hence without problems accomplish their objectives and self-actualize. Self-esteem enable people to be more determined, with respect to what one can experience emotionally, creatively as well as spiritually. To have self-esteem is to broaden the ability to be happy; self-esteem enables individuals to be convinced that they deserve to be happy. For someone to understand that he/she should be happy is essential and universally beneficial, because the development of positive self-esteem raises the ability to treat other individuals with respect, benevolence in addition to goodwill and thus favors rich interpersonal relationships and avoids disparaging relationships. An attitude of self-love is always present in people capable of loving other people (Eaton 2006). Additionally, self-esteem facilitates creativity within workplace and is also an important condition in our social world. The significance of self-esteem is apparent when a person realizes that if he/she does not have self-esteem, it results into self-rejection, an aspect of that condition of great sadness is known as “depression”. Accordingly, a depressive person suffers a bizarre decrease in his self-regard, and misery of his/her self-image on a grand scale and hence loses his/her self-respect. If a person has self-esteem, he/she has confidence in her/himself and respects herself; such a person believes in him/herself and pursues his/her dreams and is not cowed by unnecessary intimidations or setbacks (Greenberg 2008). 3 “Self-esteem is vitally important, because it effects how you think and relate to other people. You can live your life to its full potential when you have high self esteem. With low self esteem, you are likely to give up easily, and continue to have an unhappy existence, wallowing in a self defeatist attitude, destroying any chance of wellbeing and contentment” (Greenberg 2008, pg 12). 4 This aspect is important in my social world because my self-esteem determines my relationships with other people since people react to my beliefs and behavior. If I am positive regarding myself, I will get a positive feedback from other people and this will strengthen my insight regarding my original belief. This is the reason why a positive level of self-esteem is crucial. It is important in improving how I feel, my relationships, my ability to move out of my comfort zone and how comfortable I feel within the world. Prejudice & Discrimination: Working on prejudice 1 The aspect of the topic that has interested me most is “working to reduce prejudice”. This is because prejudice has been there within the society for a long time and this has had negative effects on the society. Moreover, the few experiences of prejudice I and my friends have gone through have been extremely painful. Therefore, working to reduce prejudice would go a long way in ensuring that other people do not pass through such painful experiences as a result of being prejudiced. Provided that there are several causes of prejudice, namely; personality, social as well as the structural, different solutions to prejudice are different. For instance, if prejudice is allied to a personality attribute, apparently education may not eradicate prejudice. Conversely, if prejudice results from social learning, education as well as individual contact can reduce prejudice (Ralph 2008). 2 In working to reduce prejudice, an educational program regarding prejudice should be established. The participants should be educated about the negative impact of prejudice on society. Here, the participants should be informed that prejudice attitudes result into less effective society, establish roadblocks to developments and efficiently create pointless social classes. Secondly, it is necessary to establish a program where multiple social groups should work jointly towards a common goal. This program should entail interdependence among all group members. For example, tasks that involve intricate puzzles as well as role-playing settings promote “contact environment” where negative attitudes among various social groups can be reduced. Moreover, it would be necessary to encourage discussion among people from different social groupings. Everyone should list the experiences they have had where they were prejudiced. The groups should then establish a common ground with their experiences and acknowledge that prejudice take place in numerous social groups. Afterwards, a dialog should be started regarding how these prejudice attitudes and actions can be reduce and detail these methods, solicit answers from everyone represented within the social group members. Furthermore, activities intended to reduce prejudicial attitudes towards social groups should be established. Different members from one social group should be taken and they should visit a neighborhood consisting of an entirely different social group. There should be constructive conversations among everyone taking part in this activity. Finally, different cultural groupings belonging to varying social classes should celebrate their diversity jointly in order to appreciate tier differences (Ralph 2008). 3 "Prejudice is an attitude, usually negative, towards the members of some group, based solely on their membership of that group. There is nothing as humiliating as being prejudiced since the victim watches as the other people are given the appropriate treatment while he/she is accorded dehumanizing treatment without hiding” (Kristin 2010, pg 15). 4 This aspect is important in my social world because prejudice is everywhere within the society. Reducing prejudice would mean that its negative effects would be mitigated since they diminish developments in the society. Reducing prejudice will enhance interactions between different social classes in the society as well as foster cooperation among people. Attraction & Close Relationships: What is Love? 1 The aspect of this topic that has interested me most is love. This is because for a long time, I have not been able to establish the real definition of love. I have been through various experiences where love was depicted in different ways and hence love has remained a mystery in my part. Consequently, I would like to explore this aspect and gain more knowledge regarding love. 2 Love is diverse. It occurs between several individuals for various reasons. There is love within families, parents and their children or among siblings. Love also occurs between people who are not family members. Dorothy 2006 describes love as a deep and important emotion that results from considerable need satisfaction, along with a caring for and acceptance of the person one loves and ensuing within an intimate relationship. Since love is an emotion, it can motivate an individual to behave in a given manner or do some things. For instance, a husband may save a drowning wife despite the risk on his life because of love or even the manner in which a mother struggles to protect her children and bring them up is because of love she has for them. Love satisfies some individual needs since human beings require appreciation and affection and therefore love satisfies this fundamental need. However, love doesn’t satisfy each and every human need. For instance, love cannot really help an individual having low self-esteem (Ternberg 2006). According to Susan, 2010, individuals do not expect their beloved ones to make them feel lovable or valuable; they already take those things for granted. Therefore, love cannot replace self-love or feelings of sense of worth. Love does not entail an individual to sacrifice everything for another individual. True love calls for loved ones to sacrifice for each other and hence it is not selfish. One can give without loving but it is impossible to love without giving. Love entail giving of what is most valuable; heart, mind, soul and strength. True love does not always follow natural instincts since love is not an impulse from feelings. Love can merely be fathomed from actions it induces and hence love is action. The actions to help or make those we love happy if we can. 2 "Love is everything it's cracked up to be. That's why people are so cynical about it...It really is worth fighting for, risking everything for. And the trouble is, if you don't risk everything, you risk even more." (Ternberg 2006, pg 25). 4 This aspect is relevant to my social world since as a human being, I relate a lot with people. Love determines how close I relate to different people and has an effect in my relationships in the long run. Love also determines how I handle and treat people within the society. If I love someone, I will strive to endeavor make them happy and alleviate their sufferings as much as I can. Additionally, love also has an effect on my feelings and thoughts regarding different people I relate with (Dorothy 2006). Conclusion This journal is important in my social psychology learning because it has generally improved my knowledge in different aspects of social psychology. For example, I have gained knowledge on how different attitudes and perceptions can affect my social relationships with other people. The journal has enlightened me on matters involving love relationships in sociology and that people ought to value and love themselves first before seeking acceptance from the society. The strengths of my journal include that the journal has focused on my individual responses, reactions as well as reflections to new perceptions regarding the various subject topic discussed in the journal. Additionally, the journal has used the necessary research materials. The weaknesses regarding my leaning journal are that in the learning journal has not established the next step for my development. I have achieved what I hoped to accomplish in this assignment because generally I have been able to improve my learning through writing and reflection about my learning experience. In this assignment, I have reflected and communicated my ideas and my thinking regarding different sociological aspects. Moreover, I have gained knowledge, skills and understanding about different sociological elements which include love, self-esteem in addition to prejudice. With this knowledge, I have identified my difficulties in social psychology and hence I will improve in these areas appropriately. Bibliography Dorothy, T., 2006, Love and Limerence: the Experience of Being in Love, Stein and Day, New York. Ternberg, R., 2006, A triangular theory of love, Psychological Review, Vol. 3/93. Greenberg, J., 2008, Understanding the vital human quest for self-esteem. Perspectives on Psychological Science, Vol. 3/4. Campbell, J., 2003, Does High Self-Esteem Cause Better Performance, Interpersonal Success, Happiness, or Healthier Lifestyles, Psychological Science in the Public Interest, Vol. 1/4. Eaton, J., 2006, Dispositional and state forgiveness: The role of self-esteem, need for structure, and narcissism, Personality and Individual Differences, 42/2. Denise, B., 2005, The World of Psychology. Pearson Education, News York. Kristin, K., 2010, Benign Bigotry: The Psychology of Subtle Prejudice, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Ralph, L., 2008, Poultry and Prejudice, Psychologist Today, Vol.2/3. Eshleman, A., 2006, A justification-suppression model of the expression and experience of prejudice, Psychological Bulletin, Vol. 129/3. Read More

3 “Self-esteem is vitally important, because it effects how you think and relate to other people. You can live your life to its full potential when you have high self esteem. With low self esteem, you are likely to give up easily, and continue to have an unhappy existence, wallowing in a self defeatist attitude, destroying any chance of wellbeing and contentment” (Greenberg 2008, pg 12). 4 This aspect is important in my social world because my self-esteem determines my relationships with other people since people react to my beliefs and behavior.

If I am positive regarding myself, I will get a positive feedback from other people and this will strengthen my insight regarding my original belief. This is the reason why a positive level of self-esteem is crucial. It is important in improving how I feel, my relationships, my ability to move out of my comfort zone and how comfortable I feel within the world. Prejudice & Discrimination: Working on prejudice 1 The aspect of the topic that has interested me most is “working to reduce prejudice”.

This is because prejudice has been there within the society for a long time and this has had negative effects on the society. Moreover, the few experiences of prejudice I and my friends have gone through have been extremely painful. Therefore, working to reduce prejudice would go a long way in ensuring that other people do not pass through such painful experiences as a result of being prejudiced. Provided that there are several causes of prejudice, namely; personality, social as well as the structural, different solutions to prejudice are different.

For instance, if prejudice is allied to a personality attribute, apparently education may not eradicate prejudice. Conversely, if prejudice results from social learning, education as well as individual contact can reduce prejudice (Ralph 2008). 2 In working to reduce prejudice, an educational program regarding prejudice should be established. The participants should be educated about the negative impact of prejudice on society. Here, the participants should be informed that prejudice attitudes result into less effective society, establish roadblocks to developments and efficiently create pointless social classes.

Secondly, it is necessary to establish a program where multiple social groups should work jointly towards a common goal. This program should entail interdependence among all group members. For example, tasks that involve intricate puzzles as well as role-playing settings promote “contact environment” where negative attitudes among various social groups can be reduced. Moreover, it would be necessary to encourage discussion among people from different social groupings. Everyone should list the experiences they have had where they were prejudiced.

The groups should then establish a common ground with their experiences and acknowledge that prejudice take place in numerous social groups. Afterwards, a dialog should be started regarding how these prejudice attitudes and actions can be reduce and detail these methods, solicit answers from everyone represented within the social group members. Furthermore, activities intended to reduce prejudicial attitudes towards social groups should be established. Different members from one social group should be taken and they should visit a neighborhood consisting of an entirely different social group.

There should be constructive conversations among everyone taking part in this activity. Finally, different cultural groupings belonging to varying social classes should celebrate their diversity jointly in order to appreciate tier differences (Ralph 2008). 3 "Prejudice is an attitude, usually negative, towards the members of some group, based solely on their membership of that group. There is nothing as humiliating as being prejudiced since the victim watches as the other people are given the appropriate treatment while he/she is accorded dehumanizing treatment without hiding” (Kristin 2010, pg 15).

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