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Ethical Issues Relating to Healthcare for the Autistic Patients - Term Paper Example

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The paper entitled 'Ethical Issues Relating to Healthcare for the Autistic Patients' focuses on autism as one of the mental conditions which continue to burden modern society. The condition characterized by impairments in verbal and nonverbal communication…
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ETHICAL ISSUES RELATED TO HEALTH CARE FOR PEOPLE WITH AUTISM (Student Name) (Course No.) (Lecturer) (University) (Date) Introduction Autism is one of the mental conditions which continues burden the modern society. The condition characterized by impairments in verbal and nonverbal communication, impairments in social interactions and forms of repetitive behavior patterns has led to social and clinical impacts in respective families. Children born with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) require great measures in healthcare provision, care, and management. Besides, they need utmost attention from the caretakers who must dispense with their time and resources to help the autistic patients survive. Therefore, the provision of such health care attention requires ethical measures to ensure that such patients benefit from the services rendered. Many people are affected with this condition in one way or another. The social, medical and economic impacts of offering healthcare services to ASD patients range from different wide perspectives. In many cases, the society needs ethical considerations and justification to help in the process of administering health care services to such people with autism1. The ethical framework aids in determining the justifiable practices for the benefit of the autistics. Besides, it helps in addressing the various concerns of the particular patients, their caretakers and the immediate society which is affected by the condition. Therefore, this paper seeks to discuss various ethical issues which pertain to healthcare services rendered to people who suffer from ASD. It intends to develop ethical arguments and specific justification for choosing a particular ethical consideration. Additionally, this article intends to determine the policy issues which buttress the implementation and justification of particular ethical issues relating to healthcare for the autistic patients. A. Ethical issues in offering healthcare for people with autism Healthcare service delivery to patients suffering from ASD is one of the significant strides towards managing this condition. It helps in benefiting the autistics by making them have the potentials of surviving like any other normal person. However, several ethical considerations underlie such healthcare considerations. They include; 1. Access to Autism healthcare programs, services, and approaches One of the ethical issues relates to accessing treatment options for people who suffer from autism. The prevalence rate of those suffering from this condition continues to increase. Studies indicate that many children are born with this condition. This has raised an alarm of improved access to better treatment and medical management options to help in managing the prevalence. Currently, there is no cure for managing Pervasive Development Disorders such as ASDs. However, the medical fraternity has intensified research towards coming out with better and modern practices towards identifying a suitable cure2. Autistic patients need a proper management and care plan. Such plans are crucial in advancing and promoting various capabilities such as communication capabilities and speech functions. The ethical argument has been on the ease and equality of access to such health care programs. Most of these programs have been dependent on a wide range of social, political and economic advantages such as the economic status of an individual. This has brought many concerns especially among the population which finds it difficult to access the medical privileges towards managing autism. One of such programs is referred to as Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). This approach has been rated as the most effective psychological treatment for people who suffer from this condition. It entails programs that help in reinforcing various skills of a person with ASD. Such skills include communication skills, social skills, and listening skills among many others. It’s usually performed under the keen attention of behavioral psychologists. Several schools and homes have not been able to integrate ABA approaches among many others due to their high costs3 . Therefore, they have remained for those who have the economic abilities to afford and pay. The concern has been on the need of making such reinforcement programs accessible, affordable and available to people despite the differences in social and economic stratification. Several scholars argue that the medical approaches towards managing autism need to be increasingly affordable and attainable within reach of a normal class of a member of the society. Autism, just like any other disorder, is normally present within the entire life of an individual. It is resident within a person and therefore requires constant attention and management so as to give a lease of life to such a patient. It’s arguable that the medical centers and hospitals which have ASD specialists are relatively few and highly expensively. Many people are compelled to travel far to access checkups or any other treatment services for such patients. Also, the extent of research towards this disorder has not been quite intensive as compared to other diseases or disorders. In many instances, children who suffer from autism are kept within home setting due to lack of proper medical programs and attention. The education system has equally been quite partial in regards to taking care of such people. Therefore, it’s usually confinement for the caretakers to have such people at home and offer them home-based attention4. People who suffer from autism have continued to grow in number despite several attempts to manage the occurrence. The expansion in the number in the society requires commensurate expansion of the healthcare facilities and programs to address the conditions. Several scholars argue that the modern healthcare programs are eschewed and not fully attentive to people with this disorders. International standards have been set to attempt to address these concerns. This has seen many countries coming up with policies and legal structures top attempt to address the concerns of those who suffer from autism. Despite the increase in such legislation, the medical approaches and programs have not been made freely accessible or receivable to many people ASD initiatives have continued to fall short of full governments’ recognition and sponsorship. Unlike other medical conditions, autism has not been highly considered by many governments. Some countries have improved their healthcare systems and made it greatly accessible and free for the citizens. This, however, has not favored those who suffer from autism who must dispense with a lot of money to receive such programs. The recent debate across the globe has been on whether the society has a political goodwill towards addressing this problem. Many argue that it has not received the due attention it deserves. Others equally argue that ASD patients have not been financially aided by the modern governments as compared to their response in for other medical conditions and diseases. This has contributed to increasing concerns from a large section of the society who is affected by autism. Therefore, the need to access the requisite healthcare services and programs for addressing autism remains as one of the ethical consideration of this subject matter5. 2. Insurance Policy Reforms for people with Autism Insurance policy framework is one of the significant ethical issues regarding those who suffer from ASD. The primary role of insurance policy in the case of autism is to help in shouldering the burden of caring for such patients and also to offer guidance on economic consequences of autism. The care for people who suffer from autism is normally difficult, expensive, time-consuming, physically demanding and herculean in nature. Scholars argue that the impairment of functions such as communication functions makes a person incapacitated to exist on his own. Such a person would ordinarily need frequent assistance from a third party. In many cases, autistics are careered for within a home set up or within a healthcare facility. It’s understood that this condition requires close monitoring and attention so as to help in managing the various needs and behaviors of the patients6. Autism is regarded as a difficult condition to take care of due to the extent of support and wants that such a patient would ordinarily require. In fact, it calls for physical attendance for people who suffer from autism. They require a person to be available physically to help them whenever they need anything or to do any natural activity. It is regarded as a difficult activity to take care of autistics. Care for people with autism is equally regarded as an expensive task due to the cost implications. The cost consequences range from the affordability of care options to financial burden of addressing the demands of such people. It is equally reflected in the foregone cost of doing other economic activities and instead electing to take care of such patients. Many people have been rendered jobless due to the need to take their time in managing the autistics. Many have equally been subjected to financial pressure as part of receiving medical access and management approaches to people with this condition7. The high cost of autism, therefore, calls for an insurance policy plan to aid the caretakers in shouldering the costs involved. The insurance schemes are normally the initiatives of the governments or other not for profit ventures. They normally subsidize the costs for accessing some of the basic medical and other requirements for managing of people suffering from autism. Also, the programs aid in offering financial initiatives for the families which are burdened by this condition. The ethical concern has been on the need to provide such programs or otherwise8. Some people argue that autism need not be regarded above other conditions. They tend to argue that all diseases and medical conditions have financial obligations. Therefore, they claim that there is no need to consider such initiatives for patients suffering from autism. One the other hand, other scholars recommend the employment of insurance programs and policies towards helping families shoulder the cost of meeting health care for autism. These arguments are premised on the fact that families affected by autism experience difficulties in meeting the financial obligations of this condition. This stream of argument has been supported by the medical statistics which assert that high cost involved for this healthcare. For example, studies reveal that the approximate lifetime societal cost required to take care of an autism patient is about $3.2 million dollars. This reflects the fact that the increases in the number of people who suffer from this condition have a financial implication in the immediate society. The expenditure incurred towards managing and caring for these patients exceed the basic income levels of many families. This is the reason towards advocacy for an equal insurance program to aid in shouldering for the financial implications of this condition9. Many countries in the global front have appreciated the need to formulate insurance programs and policies to aid in managing autism. Such democracies have advanced the need for addressing the financial obligation. Therefore, they have enacted laws and policy measures aimed at ensuring that the public is supported towards addressing the financial demands of autism. Besides, many countries have acknowledged the need to offer financial incentives to families affected as a means of helping them financially. Despite such attempts, several parts of many countries have continued to experience the difficulty in accessing and receiving health care and support for autism10. This has led to the increasing debate regarding the role of governance towards addressing this concern. The ethical argument has been centered on the policies and legal roles of the government towards ensuring that the public is financially buttressed towards addressing autism. These arguments have been systematically choreographed around the economic and social impacts of autism in the contemporary society. The role of the family, caretakers and the healthcare providers cannot be effective without financial incentives. Therefore, the formulation and implementation of insurance policy programs remain as one of the ethical consideration in healthcare for people with autism11. 3. Role of the community regarding health care for people with autism The healthcare issues relating to autistic people are regarded as a multi-faceted approach which involves various programs, people, systems, and groups. The society or the immediate community is a significant player in the healthcare for such patients. It is composed of immediate people who are found within the surrounding of people suffering from autism. The community is an integral player within the entire healthcare system of the autistics. The social cycle within which such patients exist has a significant role in determining their medical and social necessities. Autism is a psychological disorder. Therefore, the social aspect of the healthcare system plays a significant role in contributing to the status of such people12. Several management approaches used for patients suffering from autism have a social perspective. For example, ABA initiatives focus on the behavioral issues of the autistic people. Such behavior patterns are reflecting in their social interactions within the society. This has been one of the premises upon which scholars advocate for the role of the community towards those suffering from autism. The ethical argument which has continued to be present in the modern society relates to the need of the community to involve itself in the healthcare for autism. Some argue against while others are in support of the roles of community in influencing the health care for the autism patients13. One of the specific contributions of the community relates to their perception or attitude towards those who suffer from autism. Various cultures have different knowledge and beliefs regarding autism. Some regard this disorder as a curse while others have the scientific knowledge and therefore appreciate as a medical condition. In the past cultures, people tend to have a negative perception towards those with autism. Some autistics are stigmatized and neglected in these communities. On the other hand, the latter communities who have sufficient knowledge of the causes of those conditions are quite supportive and empathetic with the autism patients. Studies reveal that the extent of knowledge and education determines the kind of community perception regarding a medical condition such as autism. In many cases, the perception of people depends on the kind of knowledge they possess regarding a particular subject matter. The community needs to understand the nature of people who have this kind of condition and support them whenever they need assistance. This begins from de-stigmatization campaigns towards autism patients as well as recognizing the place of autistic people within the society. The community equally has a role towards supporting the activities of people with autism such as education activities. In many societies, the education curricula have no much recognition for people who suffer from mental disorders. These systems tend to have an equal measure of teaching, assessment and equal contents of learning. This has been one of the disadvantages facing people with autism. In several instances, many students with ASD have been forced out of the education system due to lack of teaching and assessment techniques to benefit their conditions. Scholars argue that lack of recognition of the disability within such children have made many of them lack the mental growth through education14. It has also contributed significantly towards these children having retarded social attributes such as friendship. An inclusive social set up such as a school is normally productive towards inculcating and aiding the behaviors and interactive powers of people with autism. The society is. Therefore, a key player towards helping such people with ASD develops holistically and in various attributes. Ethical arguments continue to exist regarding the actual role which needs to be played by the society. Some scholars argue that people with autism need a secluded and separate attention especially on activities such as education. What they contend on the fact that putting such people with others is somewhat equal to doing injustice to such patients who end up not benefitting from anything. On the other hand, other scholars argue that people with autism are just like any ordinary human beings despite their impairments and disability conditions. Therefore, they argue that they need to have equal chances and integration into the society and be subjected to equal treatment. These scholars, therefore, assert that integrating these people together with other mates make them develop new skills, interaction skills and even the sense of communication15. All these arguments, however, support the relevance of recognition of those with autism in the social parlance. Therefore, the community has a significant role in determining the development of a person suffering from autism. The specific attributes developed through community involvement include social attributes, mental capacities and reinforcement of behaviors patterns. Whenever such people are recognized, they develop a sense of belonging and existence just like any normal person. Several countries have come up with measures aimed at ensuring that people who suffer from autism are treated with decency and recognition16. These policies have stretched from the education system to other related systems such as justice, wealth distribution, and social participations. All these are measures aimed at promoting the sense of belonging to such people. B. My Ethical Stance Insurance Policy Reforms for people with Autism The insurance policy and programs are one of the ethical concerns in the modern societies. Others believe that those with autism need not much preference as compared to other medical conditions. My stance is that there is much and necessary involvement of insurance policy schemes towards families who have people suffering from autism. This condition has been an anathema to several families due to the high-cost implications. I subscribe to the school of thought that the patients need to be given financial incentives and assistance so as to meet the high costs of managing autism. Several families have been unable to gain access to the basic treatment institutions or approaches of managing autism such as ABA. Also, many have been forced to forego economic opportunities such as jobs so as to remain at home and take care of those who suffer from autism17. The high costs associated with the treatment options of autism constitute my person opinion regarding the need for an insurance scheme. I support the ethical stance that the scheme need not only to cover the autistic but also to spread to the third parties (care takes). Usually, taking care of people with autism requires the involvement of people who must ensure that they are present at all times to manage such people. The caretakers require assistance so as to be able to afford basic living requirements such as food and clothing. Also, they need to be shouldered financially so as to enable them to afford the medical requirements of their patients. My stance subscribes to the argument that autism needs to be recognized above other diseases or conditions and be given much attention due to its economic implication. Besides the economic impacts, people with autism should be made to benefit from subsidized medical costs so as to help the less fortunate families. Every person who suffers from autism needs to have access to the recommended medication and management approach. Making such medical initiatives, therefore, helps in managing and addressing this concern in an equal measure without biases18. C. Policy Issues Insurance and financial support towards people with autism is regarded as policy issues in Canada. The public policy recognizes autism as a medical condition and is based on social justice to ensure that families living with such people receive help from the government. This saw the establishment of Canadian Autism Spectrum Disorder Alliance (CASDA) IN THE YEAR 2007. CASDA was established to ensure that the federal government, as well as the various departments, works under the National ASD Strategy. Following the initiatives of CASDA, the National Needs Assessment Survey Report issued led to the federal government to issue 2 million dollars in the budget to support autism. This budgetary allocation aimed at supporting Canadians who are living with autism. It was rolled out on April 21, 2015, and continues to be in operation19. However, there exists disparity in the application of autism financial policies in the various provinces in Canada. Some provinces have integrated the financial cushion policies while others are still reluctant. It’s, therefore, common to see patients migrating from provinces such as Atlantic, Ontario and Quebec and instead tend to move to Alberta or British Columbia. Other countries have addressed the autism issue through policy and even in the legal parlance. For example, the US has a robust federal insurance policy which supports families faced with autism. This insurance program is aimed at subsidizing the medical costs for autism patients and also offering financial incentives to the families of those affected. Read More

Autistic patients need proper management and care plan. Such plans are crucial in advancing and promoting various capabilities such as communication capabilities and speech functions. The ethical argument has been on the ease and equality of access to such health care programs. Most of these programs have been dependent on a wide range of social, political, and economic advantages such as the economic status of an individual. This has brought many concerns especially among the population which finds it difficult to access the medical privileges towards managing autism.

One of such programs is referred to as Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA).  This approach has been rated as the most effective psychological treatment for people who suffer from this condition. It entails programs that help in reinforcing various skills of a person with ASD. Such skills include communication skills, social skills, and listening skills among many others. It’s usually performed under the keen attention of behavioral psychologists. Several schools and homes have not been able to integrate ABA approaches among many others due to their high costs. Therefore, they have remained for those who have the economic abilities to afford and pay. The concern has been on the need of making such reinforcement programs accessible, affordable, and available to people despite the differences in social and economic stratification. Several scholars argue that the medical approaches towards managing autism need to be increasingly affordable and attainable within reach of a normal class of a member of society.

Autism, just like any other disorder, is normally present within the entire life of an individual. It is resident within a person and therefore requires constant attention and management to give a lease of life to such a patient. Arguably, the medical centers and hospitals which have ASD specialists are relatively few and highly expensive. Many people are compelled to travel far to access checkups or any other treatment services for such patients. Also, the extent of research towards this disorder has not been quite intensive as compared to other diseases or disorders. In many instances, children who suffer from autism are kept within the home setting due to a lack of proper medical programs and attention. The education system has equally been quite partial in regards to taking care of such people. Therefore, it’s usually confinement for the caretakers to have such people at home and offer them home-based attention[2].

People who suffer from autism have continued to grow in number despite several attempts to manage the occurrence. The expansion in the number in the society requires commensurate expansion of the healthcare facilities and programs to address the conditions. Several scholars argue that modern healthcare programs are eschewed and not fully attentive to people with these disorders. International standards have been set to attempt to address these concerns. This has seen many countries coming up with policies and legal structures to attempt to address the concerns of those who suffer from autism.

Despite the increase in such legislation, medical approaches and programs have not been made freely accessible or receivable to many people.

ASD initiatives have continued to fall short of full governments’ recognition and sponsorship. Unlike other medical conditions, autism has not been highly considered by many governments. Some countries have improved their healthcare systems and made them greatly accessible and free for the citizens. This, however, has not favored those who suffer from autism who must dispense with a lot of money to receive such programs. The recent debate across the globe has been on whether society has political goodwill towards addressing this problem. Many argue that it has not received the due attention it deserves. Others equally argue that ASD patients have not been financially aided by the modern governments as compared to their response to other medical conditions and diseases. This has contributed to increasing concerns from a large section of society who is affected by autism.

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Ethical Issues Relating to Healthcare for the Autistic Patients Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words.
(Ethical Issues Relating to Healthcare for the Autistic Patients Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 Words)
Ethical Issues Relating to Healthcare for the Autistic Patients Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 Words.
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