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The Importance and Role of Trust in the Production Process - Essay Example

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The paper "The Importance and Role of Trust in the Production Process" seeks to investigate these variables as they impact the workers’ productivity. It is so important for every organization to put in place proper management strategies for its employees so that to increase productivity…
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Workplace intervention-psychology Name Course Date Tutor Introduction The most desirable variable in any organizational and industrial psychology is trust in the process of production. Thus, a major concern of a manufacturing company is the focus to improve on workers job performances, as an indispensible measure of workers’ productivity. In most industries, people feel that their employers are not appreciating or recognizing their hard work and in return develop decreased motivation. These in turn reduces the productivity of an organization and thus prompt the staffs into other options that may derail the company’s productivity. Factors such as poor pay, lack of feedback and communication from the employers make employees feel overlooked and this tend to inhibit their productive abilities (Greenberg & Baron, 2003). The effect of monetary factors on workers’ productivity is minimally felt if the management endeavors to apply effective leadership styles focused on motivating the entire workforce. To increase the trust and productivity, the management needs to employ competitive-oriented strategies particularly on workforce motivation, time management and effective leadership. In view of the above, this case study seeks to investigate these variables as they impact on the workers’ productivity. It is so important for every organization to put in place proper management strategies for its employees so that to increase the productivity of its employees thus profiting the company. Effective leadership abilities is another important factor in the management of an organization as aspects of good leadership capabilities will likely reflect in the trust and productivity of the organization and the overall performance of the workers Rationale The rationale of the research study is anchored on the need to boost workers level of productivity through appropriate techniques. Thus, the study aims at investigating the impact of effective leadership, proper time management and workforce motivation, among other factors that affect employees’ productivity .the study will majorly focus on the contribution of theses factors to stop theft of its workers. The study central objective is to determine the effect of factors that tends to influence workforce’s level of theft in the company. The specific study objectives are to determine the relative and joint contribution of the relevant dependent and independent variables to the workforce up roaring character of theft. This study also aims at determining the significant relationships that exist between the dependent variable and the independent variables. Research Questions The research seeks to address the following questions: What are the composite impacts of the dependent variables on workers’ stealing character? What are the relationships between each independent variable (effective leadership, proper time management and workers motivations), and the workers’ productivity? What are the relative impacts of each independent variable on workers’ productivities? Hypothesis To guide in the attainment of the research study objectives, the following testable hypotheses will be formulated. It will be assumed that there exist a relationship between workers motivation, effective leadership, and proper time management, among other factors, and their levels of productivities such that: 1. Workers in the marketing and manufacturing departments’ senior job positions tend to ignore the involvement of junior workers in proper moral management decision. 2. An employee managing the industry’s marketing and manufacturing departments would tend to pay no attention to the workers motivation. 3. Workers in the manufacturing and marketing industries would most likely demonstrate theft tolerance in the firm’s top management. Literature review There exist previous studies conducted on the impacts of effective leadership, workers motivation and proper time management on workers’ productivity in various organizations. According to Milkovich & Newman (2005), a manager can portray effective leadership skills and increase the productivity of workers by listening to their workers like increase in pay, being more understanding to their concerns and praising their employees for their good performance in the company. The two authors further indicates that effective leadership is only realizable when the managers listen to their employees and as a result get to learn of their dissatisfaction, perceived inequities and the unperceived inequities with an aim of getting solutions to their problems if any and thus increase their productivity in the organization as the leaders in the organization will be in a position to put in place positive measures that will prevent costly turnovers, absenteeism and dissatisfaction. In addition, effective leadership leads to elimination of misunderstanding among the workers that can contribute to minimal productivity and this can be achieved by putting in place regular meetings with the employees. In these meeting, leaders can explain in simple and in non-bewildering legal terms the procedures and the policies of the organization, time schedules plans and job descriptions (Milkovich & Newman 2005). Also in these meetings, the effective leadership can be portrayed in such a way that, the managers are in a position to allow employee participation in some of the decision making processes in the organization and also giving them a chance to submit and present their ideas and concerns. Further research indicates that, provision of supportive working conditions has the capability of reducing dissatisfaction among the workers in the workplace. As most workers spend more hours in the work place, they tend to need comfortable and safe place to work in. therefore, it is very crucial for an effective manager to provide well lit, god ventilation and clean working environment in order to increase the productivity of the workers (Milkovich & Newman, 2005). In addition Milkovich & Newman (2005), effective leadership that has the capability of increasing the commitment of the managers is only realizable when the manager have in place a budget that allows them replace the worn out furnishings and equipment that will make them to be in a position to create a create a conducive working environment that will result in boosting of the workers morale and safety and thus an increase in productivity. Dependent variables Your management and the in-depth inquiry is judged by your skill and knowledge in recognizing and assessing issues that concern employees and by your ability to resolve these concerns with employee help and satisfaction. Do you provide and encourage individual development with training and educational programs? Do you trust your employees and rely upon their knowledge? Do you r employees face financial pressure? Do you have timely, accurate, open two-way communication with your employees? Definitions of and ways to measure this variables vary. A basic way to express someones diligence is output, i.e., productivity is the ratio of output to input, or simply output over input. The quantity of output is measured in units produced, dollars of sales, or any term that suits your need. The quality of output is measured by workmanship, adherence to standard, and absence of complaints. Input is measured by labor costs, hours worked, and number of employees. To be useful, measures must be as simple and as consistent as possible. This could also be measured basing on ones position and in the organization and how much he or she earns. Independent variables Your management and the in-depth inquiry is judged by the employees skill and knowledge in recognizing and assessing issues that concern employees and by their ability to resolve these concerns with employee help and satisfaction. Do your employees know how you judge and measure their performance? Do most of the employees make tangible decisions on their own? Is there existence of norms tolerating theft In the organization? Is there moral laxity among the employees? Theoretical rationale underlying interventions For many, if not most, companies adoption of quality of work life and flexible benefits management techniques can dramatically change how things are done. It is difficult and risky to make these changes; however, such changes may be not only necessary but also the difference between companies that are competitive and companies that aren't. Experience shows that with proper consultation, planning, training, and implementation the innovative human resource management concept is becoming the standard for effective management. . It is a way to maximize the amount of labor costs going to the employee and to maximize your return on these costs without increasing across-the-board expenerses. By making a special effort to satisfy individual employee needs, you reinforce the motivational value of the flexible benefit the. For example, you can reduce unwanted employee turnover and related recruiting, hiring, and training costs by shifting these costs from developing new employees to keeping experienced employees. You can motivate an employee to increase productivity by providing opportunities for career development (training or schooling). Summary of design and methods Research design The research applied the ex-post facto approach. This is because there was a systematic experimental inquiry in which the variables were already in existence and were not inherently manipulative. The design was geared towards testing the theories, identifying behavioral phenomena, satisfying existing curiosity and exploring the condition in which these phenomena occur (Daellenbach & Rouse, 2002). The Independent variable in this study included the workers motivation, effective leadership and proper time management while the dependent variable was workers productivity. Methodology The research methodology chosen was adopted due to the existing economic merits over the other research designs. Ideally the technique allowed a representative sample to be studied and this predicted a true picture of the entire population of the inferences which could have been expensive considering the size of the industry population (Delfgaauw, 2006). To get a representative sample population from the selected industries within the industries, a sample of 300 workers were selected for the study in order to get a better understanding of how theft and bridge in leadership, workers motivation and moral laxity impact on their productivity. The participants in the sample were obtained from both the junior and the senior level. In selecting the participants in this study, stratified sampling technique was applied. In this case a proportionate allocation of the sampling fraction in each of the strata that was proportional to that of the total population i.e. 600 was used and because the workers population consisted of approximately 59% in the male stratum and 41% in the female stratum, then the relative size of the sample included two females and three males in the sample proportion. This sampling technique was considered appropriate for this study because it ensured that the estimates made in selection of the sample were accurate in both marketing and the manufacturing sectors of the company and the comparison of the two genders and the levels of the workers were made with equal statistical power. In addition it was applied because it had the capability of improving the workers population representativeness in the study. Main analysis and procedure The instrument that was used in this study was administered to examine workers within the industry was that the workers that were subjected to the study were from the senior, intermediate and the lower cadres. The company top management permission was sought before the administration of the research instrument and the study purpose was explained to them. The respondent was instructed on how to administration of the research instrument to the industries participants will be conducted. The questionnaires filling procedures was thoroughly explained to the industry workers. Therefore, data collection using the workers motivational behavior profile, rating scale on the leadership behavior and the behavior inventory time management adapted from the workers behavior assessment. Data collection and recording was carried out in the third week and the analysis of the obtained data was done on the fourth week using the correlation matrix and the multiple regression statistical method. The analysis of the variance (ANOVA) was used to report the relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable in the sixth week of the research findings during the report presentation. The behavioral inventory on the proper time management included a five item Likert- scale that measures how organizational leaders utilizes time for the employees behavior and performance enhancement(Boas et al., 1999). The response that was set up for this study was based on a five point: SD-strongly disagree, D-Disagree, U-undecided, A-Agree, SA- strongly agree. The proposed time management sub section internal consistency ranged from 0.63 to 0.79 and a coefficient of alpha of 0.89 which satisfactorily supported the measuring instrument reliability for the study (Chatman & Flynn, 2005). From the research it was discovered that better payment is the primary need and reward that motivated employees in the strive to end theft in the industry. It was discovered that once the compensation through the payment and benefits was discovered, the workers were so motivated and this resulted into increase of work forces out put in both the sales and the manufacturing sectors of the company. From the data collected from the managerial team discovered that the basis of enhancing job efforts, putting an end to moral laxity, seizing all the available opportunities that create safe havens for theft and the existence of a number of persons that tolerate theft in the company relied on the role of the managers recognizing the defect and as a result there was tremendously achievement in the behavior change and productivity of the employees both in the marketing and the manufacturing units of the industry. Summary of findings and conclusion Organizational leadership in the typical African industries is a key issue in economic growth and overall organization productivity. It is worthy to note that workers behavior and productivity highly depends on the kind of leadership within an organization. This study reveals how workers motivations affect their conduct and production in at work. Increased allowances based on the companys economic growth thus increase their morale to output and behavior. Utilization of time is another sensitive factor in workers’ productivity. It is therefore a duty for the leadership to considerably engage their employees in programs that performance oriented. This will be determined by mechanisms that evaluate behavioral change in employees as well in performance of specific roles. Induction courses thus help in the molding of the employees character and what’s the company’s expectation of them. In conclusion, the study has investigated the influence of work motivation, leadership effectiveness and time management on employees’ performance in some selected industries in Ibadan. It was revealed that all the independent variables jointly and relatively contributed to employees’ attitude and their character at workplace. It has been revealed in this study that leadership effectiveness contributed mostly to workplace performance and followed by work motivation. This implies that leadership effectiveness and work motivation are synonymous in bringing effective productivity among employees in the workplace. Time management was least contributor to employees’ performance. The three independent variables in this study are very important to research on by researchers and human resource managers to consider well if effective productivity is to be enhanced from the employees. In relation to behavior change, many, if not most, companies adoption of quality of work life and flexible benefits management techniques can dramatically change how things are done. It is difficult and risky to make these changes; however, such changes may be not only necessary but also the difference between companies that are competitive and companies that aren't. Experience shows that with proper consultation, planning, training, and implementation the innovative human resource management concept is becoming the standard for effective management. . It is a way to maximize the amount of labor costs going to the employee and to maximize your return on these costs without increasing across-the-board expenses. By making a special effort to satisfy individual employee needs, you reinforce the motivational value of the flexible benefit the. Alternative interventions The management of workers at any manufacturing company is a fundamental part of the management process. The critical understanding of workforce in an industry is important in the recognition of the synonymous nature of the human element and the firm’s corporate image. Most leaders do not appreciate workers motivations geared towards the organizational goals and objective achievements. In most organizations, there is labor surplus and as a result, endeavors geared towards effective workers’ motivation to increase productivity are not given much priority. This is an example of a typical African industry where workers are treated like machines and in response they do not properly handle their work. The ineffectiveness in any industry results from negative task performance. In this case, the study seeks to investigate the effect of proper financial management, workers motivation and effective leadership as they impact on company’s workers productivity. From the study, several researchers assert that major causes of theft in organizations could be attributed to by financial pressure which most of the organizations management tend to overlook whenever it is raised by the underpaid workers. Moral laxity among young workers is another attribute to theft in an organization. Most of the workers may be tempted to steal from the industry due to the available opportunities that lead to the temptation. Theft in organizations is also viewed from the point of view as an expression of lack of satisfaction in the job. The presence of individuals that tolerate theft in the company do also create safe haven for the vice in the organizations. A study carried on the effects of effective leadership and workers’ productivity indicated that it is possible for managers to increase the productivity of their workers and also their job satisfaction by controlling certain factors. Studies have revealed that factors such as challenging tasks, supportive working environment, supportive colleagues and equitable rewards are indicators of effective leadership that can help in improving the productivity of workers as the factors are supportive elements in creating conducive working environment. The company can too introduce severe punishment to those found with the offense of stealing from the company. This will help restrict or induce the fear to the developed vice among the workers thus rooting out the vice from the working environment. The introduction of behaviour change talks can be used as a strategy where its aim is to bring the workers to the awareness or the modes of communication between them and the administration despite other options that can be used to send some signals to the administration of the particular organization. Manipulative checks Various studies have revealed that most employees enjoy challenging work. A study carried out in the mining company revealed that when managers subject junior employees to challenging work situations, for instance in decision making and problem solving, the workers worked diligently and were more productive without the supervision of their seniors. It has also been revealed that an effective leadership that is demonstrated by the manager being a good role model is efficient in eliminating inequity and inconsistency that is usually present in the work place and this will make the workers to be more productive and perform beyond the work that they are assigned to do and this is only achievable if there is trust and fir treatment from their leaders. Reference Adams, J. S. (1965). Inequity in social exchange. In L. Berkowitz (ed.), Advances in Experimental social psychology. New York: Academic Press. Akinboye, J.O. (2005). Executive behavior battery. Ibadan: Stirling-Horden Publishers. Bass, B.M. 1997. “Concepts of Leadership”. In Vecchio, R.P. (ed). Leadership: Understanding the Dynamics of Power and Influence in Organizations. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press. Behling, O. and McFillen, J. 1996. “A syncretical model charismatic/transformational leadership”, Group and Organization Management, 21(2): 120-160. 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