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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Children - Term Paper Example

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This term paper "Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Children" examines the prevalence rates of ADHD as a condition that can result in a life-long illness if it is left untreated, it explores various intervention approaches that have been used in treating the disease…
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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Children
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ADHD in America Table of contents No. TopicPage Number 1.0 Executive Summary 3 2.0 Rationale for an interest in the study of ADHD 4 3.0 Social and Cultural perspectives on ADHD 5 4.0 Theories held about ADHD condition 6 4.1 Neurobiological theory 6 4.2 Environmental theories 6 5.0 Therapeutic Approaches to ADHD 8 5.1 Use of Psychotherapy 8 5.2 Use of medications 10 5.3 Side-Effects 10 6.0 Use of Stimulants 11 7.0 Stimulants in Children 12 8.0 Conclusion 13 9.0 References 14 Executive Summary The human brain plays an important role in coordinating normal body processes and growth, however, when the brain is not in its rightful state; an individual is bound to suffer in different ways. One of the conditions of the brain that continues to affect many children and older people in the United States is Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder – ADHD, also referred to as hyperkinetic disorder (Farrar 2011). This condition is usually described as a psychiatric disorder; that most often affect an individual’s process of neuro-development. A person suffering from this condition experiences reduced levels of attention and hyperactivity, at the same time, other people often act impulsively in ways that are said to be not suited to their age. An individual suffering from ADHD starts to manifest this signs and symptoms at the age of six years to twelve, for effective diagnosis to be made, the person goes on to portray these symptoms for six more months. School going children that are suffering from this condition often perform poorly as reflected in the low grades and a general dislike for the entire learning process. This paper examines the prevalence rates of ADHD as a condition that can result in a life-long illness if it is left untreated, it explores various intervention approaches that have been used in treating the disease and the success of such interventions in America and other places Rationale for an interest in the study of ADHD ADHD is one of the most studied among all other conditions and complications affecting neuro-development according to recent research reports (Smith 2012). Many teachers have been blamed for their inability to help learners perform well in their academic endeavors, while other performance related issues are easily tackled with, ADHD has remained to affect many children without parents, teachers and other caregivers unable to detect it. Another point of interest in the study of this condition arises from the fact that medical interventions are yet to bring about solid evidence effectively for treatment approaches and mechanisms. There are several research programs being conducted in various parts around the world in order to establish the root cause of this conditions as well as the possibility for reliable intervention strategies. Essential features of ADHD One of the most prevalent features of ADHD is a continuous pattern of inattention as well as hyperactivity-impulsivity that most often interferes with the normal functioning of an individual. All these features appear prominently in the affected individual while performing various duties and responsibilities at home, at school as well as during their social relationships on various occasions. It is important to understand that this condition most often begins at childhood, this means that chances of it affecting a grown-up in his older ages are rare. For a child, the signs and symptoms being exhibited from this condition need to be apparent in the manner and degree that is consistent with the child’s present development level, something that can be seen from a child’s behavior. Social and Cultural perspectives on ADHD According to various research reports, social and cultural factors are essential in understanding the past and present, as well as future trends concerning the prevalence of ADHD, its diagnosis as well as methylphenidate treatment plans (Longworth (2005). According to this research report, the impacts of the consumption of methylphenidate have helped to reduce the effects of this condition in many children across the world. At the same time, different countries have been active in developing their own treatment plans (Longworth 2005), this has seen prevalent case of ADHD among children aged 10-11 years reduce significantly. According to this study, less than one percent of children in England are diagnosed with this condition yearly while in America, five percent of the same age group as those in England are said to be suffering from this condition. According to a research by Geffner (2009), people in most western countries give preference to value autonomy and independence, on the other hand, the culture of people in East Asia give preference to a strong moral responsibility that comes with learning and education. In addition, children in East Asia show great acceptance for what their American counterparts call excessive parental involvement (Cook, Blakemore & Press 2013). Another important feature of parental concerns is that it varies greatly across cultures. Parents make an interpretation of observations of their children’s actions in order to determine if they are suffering from ADHD depending on the prior knowledge about it. In general, there is still a dire need for continuous education to parents, teachers and caregivers about ADHD; this has to be in terms of signs and symptoms as well as intervention mechanisms. This strategy will reduce most of the myths and conception that are being held by parents and other people across various cultures. Theories held about ADHD condition ADHD can generally be described as a common disorder that affects many children during their early years and can continue to affect them in adulthood if proper intervention is not taken into consideration. The process of understanding the action cause and treatment mechanisms has continued to remain a mystery across the medical spectrum; however, there are several theories that have been devised in order to try to unravel the mystery behind this condition. Neurobiological theory While the real causes of ADHD continue to be a mystery to many people, studies about cerebral blood flows have tried to explain some of the possible causes of this condition. According these medical reports, positron Emmison tomography scans that have been carried outon parents whose children suffered from ADHD indicated that they experienced decreased metabolism in their left frontal and parietal regions (Glannon 2007). Studies reveal that those people that suffer from these brain conditions have decreased brain operation, which are responsible for the control of their motor systems and attentiveness. According to this theory, children that are diagnosed with ADHD condition often exhibit differentneurotransmitters extentin their forebrain section (Trimble 2007). In this regard, these children found it hard to effectively attend to various activities happening in their environment, they are unable to concentrate in their academic work in school, at work as well as coordinate important family affairs. Environmental Theories According to the environmental theory, conditions that are prevalent at the time the child is being born are important I influence occurrence of ADHD condition. According to this theory, pregnancy and birth insults are instrumental in contributing to the prevalence of this condition;this may happen if the new-born baby suffers a knock on the brain while being handled (Kaplan 2011). The child may end up having neurotransmission problems as his brain developsif not properly treated; ADHD or a related condition prevails in the child. In addition, the way a mother handles herself and her pregnancy plays an important role in determining whether a child develops this condition or not. For instance, there are those who explain that poor diet and emotional instability by a mother while carrying pregnancy can make their babies develop certain allergic reaction that can play a part in affecting a child’s brain developmental processes. Besides the condition of a mother’s pregnancy there are different other environmental factors that contribute to the development of ADHD. In addition, exposure to certain environmental conditions is also known to contribute actively in the development of ADHD in children for instance, lead. Exposure to various agents in the environmentcarries a strong chance of development of this condition, these agents cause injury to the brain, leading to trauma on the neurons of the brain. It is this trauma that causes the development of ADHD on a child or even a grown up, for this reason; it is always important for an individual to remain safe in his environment. According to studies on these two theories, the environmental theory seems to be the most comprehensive, presenting a clear illustration on how this condition can develop in children and people in general. According to this theory, the agents that people expose themselves to plays an important role in contributing to the development of this condition. This presents practical approaches that people can observe in order to be safe in their environment; they are able to avoid situations that can harm them in various ways in order to contribute to the development of ADHD and its related consequences. Therapeutic Approaches to ADHD In as much as clear intervention approaches for ADHD are yet to be formalized, research on the same has found two strategies that are being employed in the process of dealing with this condition in children and older people (Nigg 2006). The treatment approaches to this condition follow two main components; psychotherapeutic interventions, which are for children and older people, as well as the use of specific medications. Research has shown that medication approaches to treatment of ADHD plays an important role providing the much-needed relief against the signs and symptoms arising from ADHD, however, the person that is suffering from this diseases is needed to learn various adaptation mechanisms for living with this condition effectively. Use of psychotherapy Behavior therapy has been the widely used as a psychotherapeutic intervention to the condition of ADHD; in fact, it has proven as a helpful intervention to both children and adults. The process of administering behavioral therapy involves working on an individual’s skills in socializing, organizing as well as other activities in his environment. Behavioral therapy, as a therapeutic intervention requires adjusting the environment in order to create and organize structures that enhance safer routines. In children, behavioral therapeutic approaches aim at helping them organize their lives in the most effective ways, this involves creating a schedule. Having a schedule ensures that a child is able to have a similar routine on a daily basis, for instance, he should have enough time to play, do his homework among other child-like activities that are common with children. In addition, the process enables a child to organise his items properly in his environment, for instance; the child is helped to know how to keep his things in their rightful place, this includes clothes, books, shoes as well as toys among others. The main aim of this approach should be to establish consistency in the activities a child does, this way a child is able to stick to certain behaviors that should be rewarded when done rightly to encourage repeat patterns. In older people, therapeutic treatment for ADHD aims at helping particular individuals improve their cognitive processes and general confidence. This way, people suffering from this condition are able to have higher levels of self-esteem and ability to relate well with different people in the environment. At the same, the approach uses relaxation trainings and stress management programs, the main aim of these being to reduce levels of anxiety and stress in the people affected. In order to help people organize their home and work environments, behavioral therapy intervention employs behavioral coaching techniques. This way, the people suffering from this condition are batter-placed to have harmony in their activities at work or in their general environment. Behavioral therapy interventions also involve family education and therapy so that the affected relatives and immediate caregivers can know how to manage the sick person effectively. Behavioral therapy approaches are essential in removing the stigma that is often associated with this condition, especially in cultures that do not have proper knowledge about the prevalence of this condition in the society. Use of medication In the recent past, the process of treating ADHD has been based on medication strategies; some of the medication interventions that have been adopted include Ritalin (methylphenidate) or Adderall (an amphetamine). These medications have been most profound because of the fact that they have been known to react fast, bringing the needed effects as soon as an individual uses them. At the same time, these approaches have been described as having few or no side effects in the bodies of people using them. In the recent past, studies that have been conducted on the use of these medication approaches have given solid evidence in support of their reliability and effectiveness in dealing with attention deficit disorders. For children, their response to these medications is not universal; the use of these medications has elicited various responses in them. It is important to understand that getting the best combination in the prescription of this medication continues to be a challenge, a god combination in prescription of these medications is expected to generate the highest level of efficacy that has few side-effects. These medications are often used interchangeably, when one medication seems to be ineffective in delivering the expected results, the child psychiatrist recommends a prescription for the other medication. This is a normal occurrence because people always switch between the medications in order to get the best combination that delivers effective results. Side – Effects The use of these medications does not fail to come with associated side effects, some of them include; jittery feelings, irritability, increased blood pressure in the individual as well as feelings of depression and anxiety. It is often advised that whenever an individual experiences these signs and symptoms after using these medications, he should conduct a doctor. It is always the concern of all parents to get the right medications that can help their children to deal with ADHD and its related consequences. Such medications are expected not to be addictive and causing side effects, at the same time, they should not over-stimulate the people, suffering from such condition.Since people suffering fromADHD has attention deficit problems, often medications that that causes them to have certain levels of stimulation is recommended. Use of stimulants Methylphenidate is the medication that is usually used to stimulate the neurons of the people suffering from ADHD, this way; they are able to have increased levels of activity and excitement in their environment (Perlmutter& Colman 2004). Methylphenidate is said to be a short-acting drug that is mostly used in older persons, for this reason, it can be taken several times in a day depending on the prevailing state of the patient. Currently, scientific interventions have seen the development of long-acting versions of Methylphenidate that can be used once for a whole day or more. It is important to note the use of stimulating drugs can sometimes be very risky to the health of an individual. However, there has been significant and successful research that has been conducted by physicians on this issue. By adhering to the prescriptions given by a physician, the use of these medications can guarantee the safety in their use. As far as the use of medications is concerned, stimulant drugs have often been described as beneficial in curbing the problem of hyperactivity and impulsivity as it is characteristic of people suffering from ADHD. The use of stimulant drugs in the treatment of ADHD condition is helpful in increasing the level of coordination and concentration; this is often during certain activities like sports and handwriting. When given and taken under a doctor’s prescription, these drugs are very safe and may not make children feel “high” when under their use. So far, there has not been any evidence to support that the use of these medications among children can make them become addicted. Stimulants in children Many of the stimulant drugs that are used in the treatment of ADHD come in short and long-term goals while others are made as “sustained-release.” Children use these drugs in the morning before they go to school, this way; they remain active and attentive all day long, however, the most suitable preparation that is needed for each child depends on the directions given by the mother or immediate caregiver as well as the physician (Kutscher & Attwood 2005). It is estimated that after a child adjusts to the particular medication, close to ten percent of children gains no benefit from the continued use of particular drugs. However, if the drugs may seem to cause depressions or other feelings of anxiety, other drugs that have antidepressant effects can be used. The physician may sometimes prescribe a drug that is said to be “off-label,” in this case; it means that FDA has not yet approved the particular medication. These particular drugs may not be harmful; they may have the desired effect of reducing the effect of ADHD in as much as they are yet to receive official approval or authorization from FDA (Hammerness 2009). This case is common with new drugs in the market; often, physicians may research and find a certain drug to be helpful and want to administer it to patients. This means that even without official approval of the drug by FDA, they can still be used for medication purposes; in this case, the studies conducted on the drugs are essential in guaranteeing the safety of the drugs. Conclusion ADHD is a condition that affects an individual’s ability to coordinate processes in his environment, though there are several theories that have been developed in order to explain the case and treatment of this condition. There is still a greater need for further research in order to ensure that there is successful and reliable remedy in the treatment of this condition, as well as other conditions of the brain. One of the greatest limitation that continues to stand in the way of devising better and successful treatment approaches to ADHD includes the varied perspectives that are still held about this condition. Many people are yet to understand the mystery surrounding this condition of the brain. However, with increased research and studies about this and other conditions of thebrain, it is evident that people will have proper insight into this condition including possible intervention approaches References Cook, J., Blakemore, S., & Press, C. (2013).Atypical basic movement kinematics in autism spectrum conditions. Brain, 78(23), 2816-2824. Farrar, A. (2011). ADHD. Minneapolis: Twenty-First Century Books. Geffner, D. (2009). Language and Auditory Processing Problems in ADHD. The ADHD Report, 9(5), 1-6. Glannon, W. (2007). Bioethics and the brain. New York: Oxford University Press. Hammerness, P. (2009). ADHD. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press. Kaplan, B. (2011). The Coexistence of ADHD and Motor Deficits. The ADHD Report, 15(7), 8-11. Kutscher, M., & Attwood, T. (2005). Kids in the syndrome mix of ADHD, LD, Aspergers, Tourettes, bipolar, and more! The one stop guide for parents, teachers and other professionals.London: Jessica Kingsley. Longworth, C. (2005). The basal ganglia and rule-governed language use: Evidence from vascular and degenerative conditions. Brain, 76(4), 584-596. Nigg, J. (2006). What causes ADHD? Understanding what goes wrong and why. New York: Guilford Press. Perlmutter, D. & Colman, C. (2004). The better brain book: The best tools for improving memory, sharpness, and preventing aging of the brain.New York: Riverhead Books. Smith, M. (2012). Hyperactive: the controversial history of ADHD.London: Reaktion Books. Trimble, M. (2007). The soul in the brain the cerebral basis of language, art, and belief. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. Read More
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