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Counseling, Psychotherapy & Psychoanalysis - Essay Example

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This essay "Counseling, Psychotherapy & Psychoanalysis" discusses the eclectic approach that is where a class of counselors attaches themselves to any approach theoretical, construct independent systems, but choose such approaches as appropriate for the client in every institution…
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Counseling, Psychotherapy & Psychoanalysis
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Counseling, Psychotherapy & Psychoanalysis COUNSELING, PSYCHOTHERAPY & PSYCHOANALYSIS Psychology is the technical study of brainpower and behavior, and it helps people to understand how people think and what causes people to behave in certain situations. In addition, it assists to discover ways of how to help mentally ill people. Academically, it helps people to discover what career would be good to pursue (Rowan, 2005 p45). In ego psychology, Anna Freud nicely complements to the introductory lectures on psychoanalysis. It is a clear, helpful and a common sensual outline of the psychological defense subject, for example, the varieties of ways the mind lies to itself to defend itself from hurting ideas and feelings. In psychology, I did enjoy studying Ego Psychology, known as the psychoanalysis that instigated from the Freud’s id, ego and superego model. There were many psychoanalytical theorists after Freud, who began detailing on the technical version of ego. They have for long tried to hypothesize on the functions of ego, and how it can cause harm to psychopathology. Most of their efforts revolve around how to strengthen the ego to help a person to handle pressures, super ego and society in an enhanced manner (Rowan, 2005 p75). The core of the ego psychology spins around the position that fit ego is free of any divergence and is inclusive of autonomous ego functions like memory and reality testing, it should function without any interruption of any emotional conflict. The ego psychology also aims at increasing the conflict-free cycle of the ego functioning. This will result to a better effective regulation and adaptation of an environment and ego. However, the authors of the fresh ego psychology have a different approach; some argue that is necessary to discard of ego analysis structural model, the psychoanalyst should dwell on treating the psychological conflict in an improved manner. In addition to that are some writers who have disputed irrelevantly on concepts of ego. People sometimes mistake ego psychology for self-psychology, which generally aims at escalating the strength of the true self and persona’s inner. The ego psychologists would also write on self-psychology, most of the times, but they always keep their self-way from ego. As for their view, ego is better distinct as a mixture of mental roles, and the self-psychology is how people distinguish their inner self (Rowan, 2005 p84). Analytical psychology, one of Jung’s finest, makes a number of demands on the intellectual capacity of the person reading. The main benefit about it is that, here, Jungian notions come out fully in their theoretical depth. It is essential, specifically, to attain a deep and systematic understanding of Jungian psychology; otherwise, nothing would have been understood at all. Jungian psychology is beleaguered by the difficulty that the understanding of notions is shallow. Not even the very archetype central concept is understood accurately in many quarters. However, Jung here takes us to his deepest layers of thinking. The description of the archetype is also a living complex within the individual’s psyche, as autonomously reasonable personality with a certain awareness luminosity of its self. This too goes for the god complex, although Jung underlines that this does not disapprove the transcendental God’s existence. Several questions of importance, are handled in Jung’s works , and in fact constitutes Jungian psychology survey: collective unconscious and personal, transcendental functions, animus and anima, among others. Jungian psychology could be recommended as introductory concisely, given that the reader is adept theoretically. It is recommended to study the works of Jung to avoid shallow miscomprehensions of his psychology. Jung’s work satisfies the appetite of anybody with theoretical dispositions. In social psychoanalysis, Fromm is known generally in producing stuff that is stimulating, his psychoanalytic critiques of culture, and capitalism as producing schizophrenic men, is both insightfully imaginative. In his view, he comes quite overwhelming in his works. What majority of readers like about him, is his and succinct comparison of Jung and Freud’s views on religious matters. Freud has a critique that enlightens the whole thing. It is also cool how Fromm extends the oedepedial complex concept to wider social, and relations of the state from the family to explain nationalism and fascism, among many others. In development psychology, Eriksons vastly influential and original ideas underlie much how people understand human development. His interdependent insights on the historical change and growth of individuals, his now-famous identity concepts, the life cycle and growth, have changed how people perceive the society and themselves. Cited and widely read, his works have been numerously awarded not forgetting the National book Award and the Pulitzer Prize. Merging the insights of clinical psychoanalysis with: the new approach to cultural anthropology, society and childhood deals with the relationships between cultural accomplishment and childhood training, analyzing the mature and the infertile, the archaic and modern elements in human motivation. His work was hailed as very rare and a combination of American and European in human sciences. In psychoanalytical social theory, Horney assumes that cultural and social conditions, in particular, during childhood, have an influential effect on future personality. Horney accepted many on Freud’s observations, just like Melanie Klein, but she opposed to most of Freud’s interpretations. Even though Horney mostly tackled on what she called, neurotic and neuroses personalities, her theories are appropriate to ordinary development. She approved with Freud that early infancy traumas are essential, but she stressed much on social issues. In self-psychology, Kohut incepted self-psychology that has provided a comprehensive theory of treatment and psychopathology. Self-psychology, has articulate a new group of developmental transferences and needs: alter ego, idealizing and mirroring. The parental empathy failure to meet those needs during childhood, brings about the inability to develop structures that are intrapsychic that can reliably regulate calming the self and self esteem, leaving the individual overly reliant on those surrounding to provide those functions. Treatment needs understanding carefully, the early failures and gives an environment in which the structures may develop effectively and belatedly. Transactional Analysis is a psychotherapy and personality for personal growth. It has extensive applications in education, organizations and Clinical Psychology. Based around a client’s personal growth and self-development, transactional analysis presents a connection involving a client’s past and how it influences his present choices and decisions. Transactional Analysis also recognizes three states of ego that run through each relationship an individual has with others. These are the child, adult and parent ego states. The client is persuaded to look back over history decisions he has made, and to analyze and appreciate the subsequent direction and consequences. This humanistic style form to counseling also assists clients to become more in tuned with their ability to thinking and acting. I least did enjoy studying Reciprocal or Complementary Transaction (Rowan, 2005 p201). Here, a simple, mutual transaction happens when both allies are addressing the ego condition the other is in or a matter where the ego conditions complement each other, bringing about a positive exchange. These are as well known as complementary transactions. This might comprise two teachers discussing some evaluation data to solve a problem where they both inhabit the adult ego state. In counseling, I did find the humanistic approach more useful because, counseling clients with a humanistic approach provides them with an opportunity to acknowledge a variety of choices, explore creativity, as well as personal and self-development growth. The basics of the humanistic approach give the client a deeper understanding themselves, what they feel and the chance to explore the opportunity of creating personal options. It encourages self-awareness and self-realization. A humanistic approach gives a distinct method of counseling and focuses predominately on an individual’s psychological understanding unique, personal, love, potential to explore creativity and growth. In the behavioral approach, the counseling follows the present trend in behavior in that it incorporates not only in the modification of the behavior that is observable and measurable, but it also modifies expectations, feelings, perceptions, attitudes, beliefs and thoughts, all of which influence behavior. The psychodynamic approach assists the counseling clients understand the main cause of their issues and problems. It also assists them to equip suggestions and knowledge to allow them to manage with more difficulties. The eclectic approach is where a class of counselors attach themselves to any approach theoretical, construct independent systems, but choose such approaches as appropriate for the client in every institution. In addition, eclectic counselors select anything applicable to the client from a number of methods, practices and theories. Works Cited Rowan, John. The Future Of Training In Psychotherapy And Counselling: Instrumental, Relational And Transpersonal Perspectives. Philadelphia : Psychology Press, 2005. Read More
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