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The author of the research paper analyzes the articles from Time magazine to identify how the psychology was displayed in over the past 20 years. Time magazine has the tendency to highlight psychological issues that are mostly related to clinical psychology…
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The science of optimism
The article discusses that optimism is highly essential for survival. Moreover, our brains are wired in a way that we are bound to think positively. Humans tend to compose a bias which compels them to think positive thoughts for the future.
2008, jun 16, vol 171, no 24
The military’s secret weapon
This article highlights the condition of American soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan who are treated for depression and anxiety. It clearly signifies the toll that the battle is taking on the military. Moreover, the number of soldiers taking medication is higher in Afghanistan than in Iraq.
2007, aug 6, vol, 170, no 6.
The myth about boys
In this story, the author observes the camp life from dawn until late night hours. The author stresses the fact that positive surroundings with strong positive role models can have a huge impact on the minds of young boys. A simple and traditional life results in lasting friendships.
2006, dec 4,vol 168, no 23
Why we worry about the wrong things
The article shed light on American culture and speculates on the fact that 600 Americans dies every year owing to high intake of tobacco and diseases like flu and AIDS which lead to untimely deaths. There is unending fear and negativity among people. People follow a simple life style and as a result, face difficulties.
2003, jan 20, vol 161, no 3
How your mind can heal your body
This is an article about the inner workings of the mind. Mind and body are interrelated or knotted to one another and cannot be separated. For example, if our heart, liver or any other organ were not functioning properly, our brain would surely be affected, as well.
2002, jun 10, vol 159, no. 23
Understanding anxiety
The writer narrates that many people react differently to problematic situations by reacting in various ways while there are others who behave normally and react optimistically to difficult circumstances. The negative reactions are known as anxiety. We all feel anxiety at some point, but it becomes a problem when it persists too long.
2001, apr 2, vol 157, no.13
What scares you?
The author discusses phobias, like the electro phobia or a fear of electricity, fear of mirrors, clouds, clowns, pins, daylight, fear of colors, balloons and so on. About 50 million people in the U.S. suffer such phobias. Researchers are finding ways to deal with such phobias.
1999, sept 6, vol 154, no 10
Why we take risks
The writer narrates that there is no charm in life if one does not take risks and face dangers. In other words, he says that life had no romance without risks. Moreover, if one did not face any risk one cannot attain success.
1995, oct 2, vol 146
What is your EQ
The article talks about the importance of emotional intelligence or EQ. The author believes that children who give up easily are more prone to frustration than those who do not give up easily; this is a sign that a child is emotionally intelligent. Emotions come from an area of brain called lymbic system.
1993, nov 29, vol 142, no 23
Is Freud dead?
The writer throws light on conscious and unconscious sides of our mind. Many people cope with the problems of life differently. Some people fear spirits whereas some believe in stars and horoscopes. Some believe that there is a term as unconscious, which is invisible, and cannot be seen. Although, according to the author, the unconscious is extremely powerful and has the power to make us melancholic or happy.
1990, oct 15, vol 136, no 16
High Anxiety
The article talks about the real estate recession, which is spreading like wild fire across the United States. As a result, the banking system is collapsing. Hence, the society is experiencing depression and anxiety.
1983, Jun 6, vol.121 no 23
This article highlights how stress is taking a toll on the country. Two thirds of the population in the U.S. that visit doctors suffers mostly from stress. Stress plays a major role in complicating diseases like diabetes and heart failure. The main cause of this illness is our life style.
The above table shows how psychology is displayed over 20 years in Time magazine, starting from 80's to 2011. Twelve issues relate to psychology. The psychological problems in the magazine refer to stress, phobias, depression and anxiety. In all, 3 issues referred to the cognitive field, 3 were related to behavioral field and 6 belonged to the clinical field.
Time magazine has the tendency to highlight psychological issues that are mostly related to clinical psychology. Mostly, the topics focus on anxiety, stress and depression; there are few issues that relate to memory or thinking. In the same way, very few topics relate to the behavioral field that speaks about to learning and decision-making.
Moreover, the psychological issues that are frequently discussed deal largely with the problems, and no solution to these problems is provided. For example, in the article "The military's secret weapon" the author mentions the rising depression among the American soldiers but do not provide a solution to their pathetic condition. Similarly, in the article "All shook up" the described growing depression of the Americans owes to the estate recession; at the same time, no solution to the problem is given.
After reading different articles in the Time Magazine one gains knowledge of various psychological issues related to phobias, anxiety and depression. The articles were very useful in enhancing our knowledge on various psychological issues, which were still not known. For example, we had read a lot about phobias, but the phobia of clouds and balloons was new to us. Hence, Time Magazine could be a useful tool to help increase the insight into various psychological issues.
Works Cited
“Psychology.” Time Magazine. Web. 23 Nov. 2012. < http://search.time.com/results.html?sid=13B26FD985AE&internalid=endeca_dimension&Ns=p_date_range|1&N=46+4219034366&Nty=1&Nf=p_date_range%7cBTWN+19800101+20111231>
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