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Counseling in Multicultural Society - Assignment Example

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The discussion, Counseling in Multicultural Society, is largely based on the information that was gathered during the interview. It is presented in what seems chronological from the least relevant to the most weight taking matter among the Islam culture…
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Counseling in Multicultural Society
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Counseling in Multicultural society: The Characteristics of Islam The characteristics of Islam Introduction Islam according to the Muslim community is the religion of truth, and perhaps that is true because currently religion has become a complex and a very controversial. Nonetheless, I consider Islam as one religion rich with culture and many ways of doing things, particularly in the religious part. In life, especially in the western nations, many people, will appreciate the connection that exists between their person and the cultural heritage that defines them. I realize that there is something about cultural heritage so unique among the Muslims that should be brought out clearly. Often we encounter questions such as, “what is this unique thing that draws the Islam community together?” In many cases particularly in Switzerland many people believe that traditional or rather a cultural identity is long gone and that the beliefs that previously existed are long gone particularly in the civilized generation, but that might be so different for a whole lot of Islam community. And I believe that for the Islam, religion, and cultural heritage is what is seen important and worth for every Islam follower. Having conducted an interview about the general Islam community and the way of doing things some factors came out clearly. The discussion on each category is largely based on the information that was gathered during the interview. It is presented in what seems chronological from the least relevant to the most weight taking matter among the Islam culture. Further, the importance and reflections of studying culture to a psychologist are brought out. Family Ties and Beliefs Azeri argues that family ties among the Islam community is considered too strong, and even though individualism has for years been on the rise Islam community still maintain a concrete family relationship. According to her majority strong family ties is what brings happiness and health to the extended family. The culture of keeping in touch ensures that relatives are close to each other at all time. More importantly, in the event of sicknesses family ties become even stronger, and they find it easier and morally strong to stand by the affected family member throughout the ailment period. On the other hand, Azeri believes that men play a major role in the family. In Islam culture family is classified in a way that man is the head of the family while the woman is the second head. Through this alignment, respect is paramount since everyone among the two heads will have his or her role to play, and even though the man becomes superior to the woman respect is accorded to each party. From Azeri’s view children in Islam are the pillars of the family, they are the reason as to why a family is in existence, and as per the Islam culture a family should have at least two children. Surprisingly more than two children is even greatly acceptable in their society with boys being seen as a blessing. Family ties ensure that a beneficial relationship is always on course so that members in need within the family can be easily assisted. However, Azeri thinks that the rising individualism is becoming a major threat to family. Gender and Roles Azeri being a woman from the Islam culture, she knows very well that women come second after men, just as her culture states. She believes that the women as are appreciated and currently play a major role in keeping families strong. With the men being there to take care of heavy tasks women in the Islam community take care of the family issues such as children cooking and general cleanliness. Nonetheless, Azeri believes that the current technological advancement and civilization has seen many women in the Islam community becoming big players in the corporate sector. In her view the culture that currently stand among the Islam entitles both female and men to demand equal rights and go to whatever level they desire in education. Moreover, in this age education is a right for all men or women and those with resources proceed to higher levels of learning. For Azeri things have long changed because at the moment especially being outside her home town she practices less of Islam culture. Regarding jobs and leadership, both genders are equally treated only that more men have the capacity to do more things than the women can do. Azeri knows that in early years before white collar jobs came into being the disparity between the women and men in the Islam community was rather too high. Then women were the least superior persons in the neighborhoods and even though changes have significantly been affected women rights are not yet developed. It is true that women come second after men, but that should not mean that they are less superior to a point where they have less influence in a family. The current Islam cultures accord women total respect that they desire. Marriage As per the Islam culture, Azeri knows that the women should get married before 30 years old. Marriage before this age is greatly acceptable and recommended for the elderly. The male fraternity has not boundaries as they can marry at any time within their teenage period. Once two people are joined as one in marriage, it is expected that the marriage vows last for life. The Islam communities consider marriage as one important societal need and no matter what comes during the marriage life marriage should be in force not unless in the event of the death of one partner. Marriage termination is seen by many as unacceptable and against the will of Allah. Married people should remain peacefully and keep their vows strong for as long as they live on this planet. Tradition and Cultural Identities Respect for the elderly is paramount according to Azeri’s View. Islam community upholds the fact that elders are the greatest decision makers. Elderly people are accorded great respect by all the society. Not only do the elders get respect but a mutual relationship exist among the people so that respect is made everyone’s concern. Elders being the decision makers, they play and determine significant social functions and are of great advice to the younger generation. The young generation is expected to respect the elders and do follow their instructions, a thing that majority of them do. Additionally, Azeri knows the importance of Language in Islam culture. For her, it is a pillar of the community in an excellent perspective and greatly considered to be a determinant of the strong cultural stand. Language is a cultural identity that defines the people and their way of doing things. Language is more of an identifying factor among the Islam community, and it is what defines the religious practices in the Islam cultural heritage. Through the classified language that stands between them, several societal needs are meet especially the religious part. Clothing and Food In the current years, clothing and dressing and dressing in the Islam community have seen little greater changes. Azeri no longer uphold to the accepted code of dressing the Islam culture demands. She feels that clothing has little influence on religious believes and for that case she can wear anything especially while in Switzerland. However, for her women can still wear clothes that cover their whole bodies. Men can be in different attires with less impact on the cultural beliefs that stand. Azeri knows the importance of food in her culture. Food according to her defines the Islam culture on one great angle that even with the rising modernization little less impact will be affected by the type of food that the Islam community believes on. The many food that is brought to their table in one way or another will contain traditional foods. A large number of the Muslim community depend on the use of lamb and rice with the use of spices to add flavor to their means. The process of doing so is not only practices by a few, but it is a menu used by many islands. In additional, the Muslims will have some foods that are classified as prohibited. One common food that is greatly prohibited is the consumption of port or any other product made from it. It is understood that pork has a religious reason that has for years made it unworthy in the Islam dining is true therefore to presume that traditional dishes make part of many Muslims means not only in Switzerland but the world at around. Also, drinks make part of many Muslims meals with coffee being the most used. About animal beef meat is greatly consumed as long as the animal was being fed with natural food. The culture that rotates around food seems that a whole lot of them depend on natural food. Cultural and Religious Events The common event market by the Islam is the Kuban baryami but Azeri does not like the event whatsoever and feels that it should be abolished. Typically, the process involves the cutting of living sheep and even though the whole process can be seen as horrific and unworthy it means a lot to the Islam fraternity. Kuban baryami typically refers to that festival of sacrifice and happens on an annual basis. At this point in time, Muslim will often turn out in large numbers to celebrate a religious belief in honor of Abraham for having giving up his only son for sacrifice. This event is traditionally effected and has got history among the many Islam community. When it occurs cows, goats and other clean animals are sacrificed. This is one event that is marked by the Muslim community. So to say, many cultural events that take place in the Muslim calendar are meant to commemorate and celebrate the many religious icons that define the Islam religion. Ramadan is another common cultural and religious event among the Muslims. There exist a total adherence to special events of this kind especially with the fact that Ramadan is holy. Ramadan being known as the holy month comes with fasting at different times within the religious event. During Ramadan fasting and going without food is so common and at that particular time it becomes necessary to keep the vows and strictly adhere to the fasting rules. In the fasting period, believers have a chance to eat normally before the first prayer between 5 and 6 am and after that go without food for the entire part of the day. It is clear that at such religious event one is expected to complete fully the fasting period without breaking the rules of fasting. Another important thing that shows that cultures live within the Islam community is how they attend to the dead. Often the dead are accorded special respect with morning period that last for longer period. The corpse is washed and preserved in a totally clean condition so that a humble send of can be effected by those close to the deceased. In all aspects, the treatment of the dead is done within a short period after death all accompanied with total respect and thorough body cleansing before burial. The culture herein identifies the Islam community as people who practically focus on traditional and cultural heritage in performing and affecting the most sensitive matters in a society whenever they occur. Religious Beliefs Religion is the most important thing among Islam community and even though Azeri does not fully practice it she knows its importance in Islam. It is true that the religious part is fundamental to the majority of the Islam community. For example, the main thing that drives many Islam towards giving is the moral lesson that are brought out in the Quran by the Prophet Muhammad. Typically, religion drives many believers towards a morally defined life that focuses more on giving to the less fortunate in the society. In the religious festival, such Kuban baryami and Ramadan Islam believe (Muslims) will set aside a day for giving and helping the lowly people in the society. The existence of such events has led to a strong co-existence among the Muslim community as morality is considered the driving force towards a stable religion. The Islam community believes in God and will always have that inward feeling that the small important things do count in the Muslim religious. The religious belief has seen them have many names to refer to God: there are roughly around 99 names with all being considered significant and of importance to the Islam fraternity. Through the prophet, Muhammad man deprives moral guidance considering the life after earth. Religion and prayer are two things that are inseparable among the Muslims. Being a believer means prayer is the center most thing to a day at different times as dictated by the religious authorities. In this context of prayer, believers are expected to pray five times in a day. Perhaps the five times seems less because in earlier years Muslims could pray up to 50 times a day. There has been a rise in responsibilities especially with the changing kind of responsibilities pushing the religious bodies to consider the amendment. The reduction of prayer time from fifty to what currently stands is a religious term in Islam refers to as “Sunnah”. Sunnah has enabled many believers to have a flexible environment where they can practice their prayers while attending to their day-to-day responsibilities. It is, therefore, important to Islam community that during prayer cleanliness is top notch with a prescribed code of dressing for both male and females. How prayers are conducted is and has been different for many years. Women and men pray differently with women having the option to pray at home. Women will pray short prayers with lower tones, unlike the men. The five prayer to which a believer pray will expect one to utter and recite a different prayer from the Quran verses, phrase recitation and prayer to thank God for everything. Prayer is greatly recommended for the Muslim believers. During the prayer sessions, the tradition of utmost cleanliness is paramount. Before prayer one is expected to wash his feet and hand before kneeling before God. The kneeling before prayer will never be done on bare ground but instead on clean mats laid on the floor. There has never been a situation where believers enter the house of God with shoes or unwashed feet or hands because the occurrence of such is considered unacceptable and against the Islam religious beliefs. Moreover, it is important to note about religion is the fact that women never conduct their prayers while close to their fathers or husbands. The woman can only pray while behind and distant from the either the husband or the father. In most cases, women would find it easier to conduct their prayers while at home. For them going to the mosque involves covering their whole bodies with only eyes being visible. For the men believers, there is no option of staying behind to pray while at home, in fact, they should be at the mosque for an hour every Friday. Children and Religion Everyone respects the place of worship according to Azeri. In places of prayer such as the mosque, children will hardly be found there. They religiously are supposed to be nurtured at tender ages. In this case, children are exposed to religious belief and teachings (Salah) at early stages of life to prepare them for servants of God and understanding of Quran teaching and expectations before they are grown. They will always be trained in ways that makes them as children who will grow believing in the words that have been written in the Quran. More importantly is how they are shaped to live a morally guided life among peer, family and the society at large. Opinions and Reflections on the Important Of Culture for a Psychologist The opinion and reflection on culture understanding are wide and clear for any psychologist. There are many reason in the field of psychology that need to be internationalized for better and a defined interpretation. Through internationalization of things such as cultural heritage among groups of people, the psychologist will easily be in a position to understand the universal perspective and natures of the human mind. For a psychologist understanding the characteristics that are associated with the Islam community, it becomes easier to understand how they think. Moreover, the following can be an insight towards a psychologist by learning the various cultural norms among the Muslims. Moral value information The process of understanding cultural practices of a culture will enable the psychologist to understand the dos and the don’ts that exist within that given cultural group. The understanding will create a clear way of understanding and advising based on what has been concluded. Interpretation of situations Once the culture has been understood a psychologist will use the available information about that particular group to bring out and understanding of situations. For example, the history of religion in given culture will create a point of interpretation on what led to implementation or adaptation of societal norms. Emotional interpretations of situations For a psychologist, it becomes of relevance to understanding emotions of individual and through cultural understanding many things become clear. Especially in understanding how individual within a religious group will respond to various questions if asked together with their self-esteem. The Concerns about stereotypes The stereotype is a very sensitive thing and for the psychologist there comes a big difference when one understands the basis of ideas. Through this understanding, the difference comes in thinking, the act of feeling and also acting as any psychological function to be effective. For this case, psychology believes that it is the person from a particular culture who will feel, act and think and the understanding therefore of significant contribution. Conclusion In conclusion, cultural norms are different among the many ethnic and religious groups that are in existence. However, cultural beliefs have for years been dropping especially due to modernization and the growing rate of civilization. Cultural practices are less practiced except for particular groups that still believe greatly on the significance of culture in their day to day living. Many value cultural heritage with some having less faith in them. For psychologist culture, understanding becomes of great relevance in the day to day activities. The study of the human mind will greatly be easy if the basic way of living are understood. Culture understanding will create a suitable comparison to a psychologist on reasons such as why a particular cultural group will act and behave in a particular way. Typically, minds are created and maintained by various cultural doings. Culture will give a structure of how people of a particular culture think, act and behave on a daily basis. Culture, for instance, will enable the psychologist to understand a whole lot of things about religion, and unless psychologist realizes the importance of understanding how culture shapes individual ways of thinking psychology might look not be that easy. Read More
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