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Humanistic and Existential Personality Theories Paper - 405 - Essay Example

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As seen in the work of Patterson & Joseph (2007), Maslow is of the view that individuals attempt to meet their needs. It is this strive that leads to personality shaping. With the change in the…
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Humanistic and Existential Personality Theories Paper - 405
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Humanistic and Existential Personality Theories Paper – 405 Humanistic and Existential Personality Theories Paper – 405 The humanistic theory of Maslow affects individual personalitiesThe humanistic theory of Maslow affects individual personalities to a great extent. As seen in the work of Patterson & Joseph (2007), Maslow is of the view that individuals attempt to meet their needs. It is this strive that leads to personality shaping. With the change in the individual behaviors, then the personality also changes so as to help in changing the behaviors.

It is necessary to note that the individual personality goes hand in hand with their interpersonal relationships. Maslow is also of the thought that the motivation level of the individuals shapes their personalities (Patterson & Joseph, 2007). A good example is an individual who has a nurturing personality. This individual would be well placed to start a family and vice versa. The concept of the self plays a huge role in determining an individual’s personality. For instance when a baby is able to discover things in a unique way their personality is slowly shaped.

Simply Maslow indicates that a person’s behavior is shaped in a various ways based on the person’s hierarchy of needs (Patterson & Joseph, 2007). This explains that individuals have the ability to change certain behaviors in an attempt to achieve success and feel complete. Additionally, the theory relates to the aspect that individuals can determine the kind of personality they wish (Patterson & Joseph, 2007). This is because they decide which outlook to embrace and how they connect with the society and the self is left for them to decide.

With this in perspective it is valid to justify that an individual’s personality determines the quality of interpersonal relationships they develop. Personality simply begins from the self and culminates to others in the society.  Humanistic theory of Maslow influences interpersonal relationships The interpersonal relationships are no different. Interpersonal relations explain how individuals relate to one another. Maslow is of the thought that when people associate with others, they slowly engage in healthy and productive relations (Hoffman, Lopez & Moats, 2013).

This means that individuals learn how to deal with others, accept their differences and develop relationships with them. From the theory, it is evident that interpersonal relations form a central part of the human existence (Hoffman, Lopez & Moats, 2013). This is to mean that interpersonal relations are critical in the growth and development of human life. In the thought of Maslow, interpersonal relationships are only fulfilled when individuals develop self confidence in how they relate to one another (Hoffman, Lopez & Moats, 2013).

When they are able to experience love and share the love with others as well, they are said to have developed interpersonal relationships. Such individuals also make fewer demands on other people, but simply accept their shortcomings. They also accept the world in a healthy manner despite the different personalities (Hoffman, Lopez & Moats, 2013). Maslow believed that in the event that individuals are able to fulfill love and the sense of belongingness is a success in accomplishing interpersonal relations (Hoffman, Lopez & Moats, 2013).

On the other hand, interpersonal relations is achieved when an individual starts their family, finds a companion and can maintain these relations. ReferencesHoffman, L., Lopez, A. & Moats, M. (2013). Humanistic Psychology and Self-Acceptance. The Strength of Self-Acceptance, 3-17DOI10.1007/978-1-4614-6806-6_1 Patterson, T. & Joseph, S. (2007). Person-Centered Personality Theory: Support from Self-Determination Theory And Positive Psychology. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 47; 117.

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