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Taste of Different Drinks - Assignment Example

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From the paper "Taste of Different Drinks " it is clear that by similar contents, reference is being made to factors such as ingredients. For example, the cafeteria must sell different brands of soft drinks that are made of the same ingredients such as cola fruit or yogurt…
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Taste of Different Drinks
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Given a school cafeteria, the best people to serve as subjects, are would-be students. These must be students who visit the cafeteria regularly and more importantly make purchases of non-alcoholic drinks very often. It would also be appropriate to include attendants at the cafeteria since they may have the experience of having tasted different brands of soft drinks made of similar ingredients.

• Approaches to carrying out Research
A survey would be a very good research approach to use in carrying out this experiment. This is because the survey has some characteristics that would be just perfect for this research work. First, there would only have to be a sample to represent the general idea that exists among the larger group of students. Knowing that the school has a very large population base that patronizes the cafeteria, this sample would make the work of the researcher easier and more achievable. Secondly, the use of the survey would permit the use of certain research instruments and data collection methods that will be generally handled and analyzed. An example of this is the use of questionnaires instead of an interview. This is because all students are literates who can read and write. The analysis of the questionnaire also presents a more quantitative presentation of data, which makes surveys highly empirical.

• Tools of psychological science to use
Language and writing will be two major tools of psychological science to use. The language shall be used extensively to communicate with respondents. This language shall be ethical and polite. The writing shall also be used purposely in the recording of data.
• Pattern of results that would suggest confirmation of the hypothesis
A pattern of results that would suggest confirmation of hypothesis would be based on answers given on personal experiences that respondents have had with soft drinks by virtue of identifying them by taste and by the use of brand labels.

• Personal, practical, legal, ethical, or other obstacles that might prevent completion of the project before the end of the course
Possibly, companies whose brands may be used may not be pleased with the idea being created on the need to identify drinks by brand image and not by taste or color. This is because there are some companies who intentionally make their taste and color of products similar to other well-known products so that people will be deceived into buying their products. These unhappy companies may take legal action. Read More
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