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Personal Aesthetic Preferences - Essay Example

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In the paper “Personal Aesthetic Preferences” the author provides an interview with three male, Caucasian who consider themselves single. After the interviews a simple table was created with the questions in column and the respondents answers, summarized and quoted, in the consecutive three columns. …
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Personal Aesthetic Preferences
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Visual Anthropology Field Work #2 Personal Aesthetic Preferences The three informants for this project were chosenfor their relevance in the following categories, all male, Caucasian, and had at one time or currently been in a steady relationship (more than 6 months) but would now consider themselves single. The age range from 22 to 41 may seem a little broad, but the events in their lives have the similarities. Having known the individuals I was able to select them more carefully and have a bit more rapport to begin with. This echoes the viewpoint of participant observation that Bronislaw Malinowski states is really the focus of modern anthropology. The filmmaker calls this a move "from the armchair out on to the verandah." (Singer & Dakowski) After the interviews were conducted and to better view and organize the data a simple table was created with the questions in one column and the respondents answers, summarized and quoted, in the consecutive three columns. This arrangement was more conducive to analyze the similarities and difference between informants. The informants often anticipated the answer of the following questions, which made the process a little tedious, and the repetitive nature of some of the questions seemed to bore them rather than elicit different responses. A final question was added asking, “Do you find that being in a relationship changes the way you view other women?” ANTH0001: A 41 year old male Caucasian, Catholic, who was married for ten years and divorced three years ago. He considers himself single and actively dating. He seems to prefer demur and feminine types, not buffed bodies. Likes women shorter than himself and agrees that looks are important for the first step and then compatible characteristics follow. Feels that a smile is the first thing that attracts him as well as a “brightness” in overall expression. Seeks someone in the same age group generally and also likes long necks and good shoulders. Prefers the Angelina Joilee and Uma Thurman types, which seemed physically a little contradictory, but they have similar personas which may be a factor in his ratings. He likes a woman to dress well and believes it is reflective of her personality. He worries about his receding hairline, but is generally pleased with his appearance. “Well, I guess I have to admit that I am mostly self conscious about loosing my hair. I try to keep it as short and as neat as possible but I always feel a little self conscious about it.” Is more at ease with his baldness at work than in dating situations. When in a relationship he often compares other women to his current girlfriend/wife. ANTH0002: A 22 year old male Caucasian with no religious affiliation, single currently but has had two long term relationships. Feels that how women dress does not always reflect who they are in reality, but agrees that, “initial attraction is very important, it’s the chemistry stuff that makes a relationship work. You can forgive a lot if there is good chemistry.” Overall he is the younger and more macho guy of the group. Very into keeping up his physical appearance and proud of it. He prefers the same in his girlfriends, “…tall and very hardbodied, some muscle but not crazy pumped up stuff. Big breasts, the real kind and great lips.” His main initial attraction is to lips and overall facial beauty, but also heavily focused on other essential bodily attributes. Hi 10+’s are Angelina Joliee and Pamela Anderson, not surprisingly. He does not feel negative about much in his appearance other than it could be more or better. He does not feel that his view of female attractiveness does not change whether he is in a relationship or not. ANTH0003: A 33 year old male Caucasian, Catholic, had been engaged once, dated frequently over the years and has currently ended a 5 month relationship one month ago. Overall a little more holistic than the others. Had a difficult time separating physical attractiveness and personal characteristic attractiveness from each other. Had to often coach a little when he answered the questions to remain focused on the visual. Feels that physical attraction is a first step but that more research has to be done for compatibility. Sounded very scientifically oriented. He also preferred slender females and for someone not superficial often balked at anyone that was overweight. Prefers women shorter and younger than himself says that he, “Dont seem to have a lot in common with women my age or older.” His choices for top rated females were Uma Thurman and Sophia Loren. Again he balked at rating systems for physical appearances, “Boy that is hard, I usually dont think like that…” His type was very casual but not sloppy, only dressing up on formal occasions and not too concerned about appearance in general. He feels that his view of other women when he is in a relationship does not change, except that it, “…depends on how well the relationship is going I suppose.” While all of these informants had similar circumstances in common they had some similar perspectives on what they thought was not particularly attractive and varied on what they though was attractive. Universally they seemed to perceive that being mildly to grossly overweight was not attractive. Sloppiness in dress or behavior was also a constant unattractive trait. There was certainly a variation in some body types and attractive sections of the female structure that was found attractive by the different informants, but an overall cultural perception of slender, non-fat bodies was the general mode. In some sense, by knowing these participants on some level, by being part of their world so to speak, it was how Malinowski approached the subject of social interaction and observation in anthropology. (Singer & Dakowski) By being an active participants, by understanding the cultural nuance I was able to elicit more truthful and honest reactions from the informants that may have been otherwise possible by objective unfriendly observers. Works Cited Singer, Andre (Dir). Dakowski., Bruce (Wirter). “Off the Verandah.” Strangers Abroad: Pioneers of Social Anthropology (Series). 1985 ANTH 0001 ANTH0002 ANTH0003 INTRO 1 Get age, race, religion, marital status, gender and brief dating history: 41, Male, Caucasian, Catholic, single now, married once /divorced 3 yrs ago. Dating infrequently 22, Male Caucasian, no religious affiliation, single, dating frequently with steady relationships over 3 to 6 months 33, Male, Caucasian, Catholic, single (engaged once), dated frequently currently concluded another long term realtionship 2 Please keep in mind that this interview is about physical attractiveness only. We are not interested in personality at this phase of research. ----------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- 3 Ideally, do you believe that people should let physical attributes affect who they date and become involved with? Yes, I think you have to have some physical compatibility for relationships to work Ideally it would be great if peoples insides were on their outsides and what they looked like could tell you who they are, but that doesnt happen too often. I think you have to weigh all the factors when deciding who to date, physical attraction is often the first step but should not be the only deicing factors. 4 Realistically, does physical attractiveness influence most people as to who they become interested in, or who they are willing to go out with? I do not think there is much choice, mostly you are attracted to someone physically first and then figure out if they are compatible later Absolutely, initial attraction is very important, it’s the chemistry stuff that makes a relationship work. You can forgive a lot if there is good chemistry yes, at first I believe it does, but then there are other more personal characteristics that can be attractive and outweigh other factors 5 Realistically. what about yourself? What would your limits be, if any? Well, now that I am dating later in life and I am myself a little older my standards have changed a little. There has to bee attraction on both parts for it to work. My limits would be what my feelings are telling me about the person limits, well not sure what that means but I think that I dont really have any limits that would make me less likely to continue 6 Please describe your perfect physical woman, from head to toe. Shorter than me, but shapely, not skinny and not too buff. Feminine She would be tall and very hardbodied, some muscle but not crazy pumped up stuff. Big breasts, the real kind and great lips. Long brown hair, and green or brown eyes, slender and casual, not too skinny, but not overweight at all. 7 Please describe a maximally unattractive person from the physical standpoint. A sourpuss, someone who just seems to frown perpetually. I dont like the buffed look Someone who does not take care of themselves, fat, I mean overweight, bad skin and hair. I guess someone who is morbidly obese, that is not attractive at all 8 When you glance at someone you think you might be attracted to, what is the very first thing that you take in? Second? Third More? Their smile first and then their eyes, not so much the color but the alertness I guess you would call it. I guess voice is also a big factor for me and then certainly their overall physical appearance I seem to focus on the mouth first, I listen with my eyes you could say. Instead of looking at eyes first it is definitely lips and then eyes, after that the rest of the body is taken in. I do seem to focus on legs first if they are in a dress and then arms and hand and then face. Seems backwards doesnt it but if I am honest about it that is the way it seems to work for me. PHYSICAL FEATURES 9 What is your preference about age? I used to think younger is better but now I would say with 5 years plus or minus of may age would be ideal, more to talk about more in common. It does not really matter as long as the person carries themselves well and looks good. I prefer someone a little younger, 3 to 5 years or even more. Dont seem to have a lot in common with women my age or older 10 Height? Shorter than me but not too short My height, taller is Ok too. Always a little shorter than me, petit 11 Body build and shape? Please answer in detail. Medium build but shapely, not workout shape just even. At my age I expect a little imperfections but just so as to not be sloppy, you know what I mean. Very well toned, very curvy m, bigger breasts than hips and a tight waist. Well developed leg and calf muscles. yes, petite slender but not bony or too skinny. 12 Hair and Skin color? I do not think I have a real preference here, just neat in appearance. blond or Brunette, but it depends on the whole package. I dont have much likes or dislikes in the way of skin tone. I do not think I have a preference but most women I date tend to be dark hair and dark complexion 13 Other bodily features? Please answer in detail. I am attracted to the neck and shoulder areas also, nice proportions, longer neck and broad shoulder, not like a linebacker but makes a nice triangle. Like I said, great lips and breasts other than that I guess I like a petite nose and slender hands. Other than what I said I like a person nose to have some substance, dont like button noses, but not big Pinocchio either. 14 Facial features? Please answer in detail. Like I said, attractive, not disproportionate too much like a big nose or anything. Good proportions between all the pieces I guess Lips lips lips. Good cheek bones, not too skeletal but nicely dimpled kind of cheeks Oh, I guess it was the nose 15 Aside from dress and overall appearance, are there any special physical features that you seem to lock in to, as being particularly important with respect to someone’s being attractive to you? Please be as specific as possible and give some actual examples without naming any names. Describe them physically, telling what you liked and didn’t like. Like I said someones smile and their eyes being bright and intelligent looking is primarily what I lock into initially and then I evaluate the rest. Well, if I had to say it would be the way they walk, sexy and confident, I cant really describe it but I know it when I see it just what I said really already I cant thin of anything else 16 Aside from dress and grooming, is there any overall physical pattern that you find pleases you particularly? Please be as specific as possible. Not sure what you mean by this? Well toned hourglass figures. just slender, and petite 17 What about body fat? Does this matter? Well, yes, Like I said not buff but not sloppy either Absolutely, I keep myself in good shape and need to have someone that does the same yes, I am not really attracted to overweight people in general 18 Do you ever find yourself mentally undressing people to assess their aesthetic properties? in what particular way? You know I dont think I have ever done that. I find clothes to be sexy as well as without. Well I have to say that I do that almost all the time when I am attracted to someone. It is almost part of the dating ritual you know. Not really 19 On your own one to ten scale, how high or low would your rate: Madonna-6 Sophia Loren-5 Angelina Joliee-9 Uma thurman-9 Pamela Anderson- 7 Madonna - 8 Sophia Loren- ? Angelina Joliee -10+ Uma Thurman - 5 Pamela Anderson-10+ Madonna - 7 Sophia Loren - 8 Angelina Joliee - 5 Uma Thurman - 9 Pamela Anderson - 5 20 In real life, has there been any correspondence between your physical ideals and the people you actually went out with? Give some examples. Well, yes, my wife certainly met my physical ideals when we met and then we were certainly compatible for a number of f years, but we drifted apart later on in life. Well, they are no Pam Anderson or Angelina Joilee, but my current girlfriend is very toned and shapely so I would have to say yes. yes, I would say that for the most part I have gone out with people that have very similar body types 21 Now rate the most physically attractive and most physically unattractive persons you have gone out with, on the same one-to-ten scale. What were the primary reasons for your ratings? When Initially going out, just on looks, my wife certainly was a close 10. She had all the attributes I like but ideally she was a little shorter than I would have gone for. I had recently dated someone who a fried said I would like and although she was very nice, she was even shorter and was much more overweight so I would have to give her a 3 or 4 I went out with a 10 once that met all the standards physically, but she was understandably vain and very greedy so it did not last. If I had to give her a number I guess I went out with a 3 or 4 once, she was a friend of a friend, very nice but there wasnt any attraction both ways Boy that is hard, I usually dont think like that, but I would have to say that the woman I had been engaged to was at the high end of the scale along with one or two others. I havent really gone out with anyone I would consider less than 5, but like I said I dont think in those terms usually DRESS GROOMING 22 How does a person attractive to you dress? Well, when they are out in a nice dress, but casual not to dressy. Something that is relaxed but not sloppy Because they are usually in good shape, tight fitting garments, not too short out in public but still need to be sexy and reveal their best features. simple clothes not too much jewelry or makeup 23 How does a person attractive to you groom himself/herself? While their hair need to be clean it does not have to be neat, if it is long it can be loose but not ratty looking Very neat hair, if its long then well styled, but short is good too. Not sure what else you mean by groom. Definitely not sloppy Casual is great for me, as long as we can dress up now and then for formal functions and stuff. 24 Do you think that dress or grooming can change the physical attractiveness of a person? How so? Yes, it often reflects how that person is inside sometimes. Their outward appears say a lot about who they are. Well, sometimes there are women who dress down but their sexy nature does come through so it is hard to say, but the difference between a slob and casual is important. I think people dress how they feel mostly when not in business suits and that is certainly a clue into their psyche. 25 Is there anything further that you can say about your aesthetic taste on the subject of physical attractiveness No, I think that covers it Well, I guess something in the way a woman carries herself, walking, sitting, her movements coordinated. Something careless like she does not care about what people think, even though she probably does. Not sure if this is what you mean but someone who looks relaxed, not dirty or grungy, just relaxed and easy. SELF IMAGE 26 When you dress to go out where attractiveness might count, are there any particular physical features of your own that you try to compensate for or change or amplify? how do you do this? Well, I guess I have to admit that I am mostly self conscious about loosing my hair. I try to keep it as short and as neat as possible but I always feel a little self conscious about it. I make sure that my breath starts out great, hair is in place, I dress depending on the place, mostly a nice shirt, jacket when appropriate. I cant think of anything I compensate for exactly, not that I am perfect, but you know. Well, I am a little vain about my height and usually buy shoes with higher heels to help out. 27 Describe how you feel about your body appearance. overall, for my age I feel I am in good shape. I would like to loose a little about the middle, but I fell comfortable with myself I think I am in very good shape, great muscle tone and good stomach tone, no real six pack but good shape all around. At my age I am starting to feel a little self conscious about my weight. I don’t seem to be able to get rid of my stomach and any extra weight winds up there 28 What aspect of yourself do you watch the most closely that is involved in how you feel about your appearance? As I said that would be my receding hairline Well, I would guess that would be like my hair or clothes. I usually check that out in a mirror and adjust. I guess that would be my weight as well 29 Do you do anything to formally or informally monitor your body appearance, such as weighing yourself or checking muscle tone or for wrinkles? How often? I do not spend too much time with that, although I will weigh myself occasionally. I get a little preoccupied with my hair when dressing. Sure, I try to keep a weekly weight check and use the mirrors at the gym to help spot check myself. I do weigh myself every day even though you re not supposed to. 30 What experiences in your life have helped you feel good about your body? Any other realizations you have made or people who have influenced you that have helped you feel good about your appearance? I dont really have any to speak of. I did work out with weight years ago and that made me feel good, but have tapered off over the years. Now hardly at all. In high school I was on track and field team, that made me feel great, won a few events. Winning is always good feedback. Well, not that I can remember specifically other than the PE teachers getting you to exercise and sometimes a workout show will get me going. 31 Describe the key experiences that have influenced you to feel badly about your body appearance? Can you think of any others? In high school I had terrible acne that I was very self conscious of and dated very little, almost not at all. When I was younger I thought I was too tall and was self conscious about it, but even though I am six feet one I now feel very good about myself and my appearance. There was a picture of me that I hated on the beach while sitting up in the sand that made my stomach look huge and wrinkled 32 Give an example of positive or negative verbal feedback you have gotten from your parents or family that has affected your feelings about your appearance. They were always kind and told me not to worry about it. They actually took me to a dermatologist but it did not help My parents were usually very supportive of any sports and physical activities I engaged in. Their positive attitude made me want to achieve more than I probably would have on my own. I had an uncle that used to give me a hard time about being short and that may have affected me a little 33 How about feedback from peers? Mostly criticism in high school, but later in life friends and family were very supportive and positive especially during the divorce I cant really say, other than when I was young and kids made fun of my height. Gym workouts have encouragement but not much else really My friends dont really talk about appearance other than the nice shirt comment once in a while 34 From a boyfriend/girlfriend? My wife would always compliment me until we were having problems. Recently dating has had it ups and downs in that regard My girlfriend have usually complimented me on my appearance, never had any negatives on that yet. I usually dont date women who are hung up on appearance too much so other than a casual comment there isnt much there 35 What kind of feedback affects you the most? Mostly about me and not my physical appearance. People who downgrade me personally. Some people I work with comment on my clothes sometimes or my height, but nothing that really bothers me Usually an off handed comment from a girlfriend 36 If someone is going to see you in a bathing suit, what aspect of your body do you feel the best about? My arms, biceps Just about everything, like I said I am in good shape. I thin I have great legs and arms 37 In a bathing suit, what aspect do you feel the worst about? My stomach s I mention before I always think that I could have better legs muscles, quads and glutes, but I think theyre fine that is my beer belly 38 When you are fully clothed, what aspect of your body do you feel the best about? head and shoulders my overall stature, I try to be straight and lean Well, Guess that would be my butt. 39 Does this depend on what you are wearing? (If so, how?) Not really, in a suit or casual it is the same Sometimes, the more dressed up the more straight I try to keep myself yes, depends on jeans or dress pants 40 When dressed, what aspect do you feel the worst about? again, that is my stomach and my hairline Sometimes my butt looks a little too small in suit pants, but other than that not much again, the would be my stomach that kinda fall over my belt 41 If you could change one aspect of your body, what would you change? I would love to have a nice flat stomach even more than hair on my head. Like I said, better legs and glutes I would flatten my stomach 42 Is there any aspect of your body that you have at least fantasized about changing through cosmetic surgery? Ditto Not yet, but who knows what I may need down the road yes, though about tummy tuck or liposuction 43 Have you ever considered this seriously or done it? No, not at all I think there is nothing wrong with trying to look and feel your best, whatever the method But I never really considered doing it Dont like operation or doctors and dont feel all that strongly about it 44 Is there any aspect of your body that you feel good about in one situation but bad about in another? Give an example. Give a second example if you can. Any other instances This is going to sound funny but I feel better about being balding at work than I do in dating settings. Well, I cant really think of anything, but sometimes I feel more self conscious in the gym than I would normally I think I feel pretty much the same in most situations about myself and my looks, not great but not bad 45 Many people engage in behaviors to alter their physical appearance from its natural state. ‘Which of the following behaviors do you engage in to change or alter your appearance? [Have your subjects answer: Often; Sometimes; Rarely; or Never for each item below) 1. Shaving? O 2. Hair Style (Color, Waves)? 3. Cosmetics? 4.Jewelry?R 5. Dress? S 6. Dieting? S 7. Shaping body (e.g. Nautilus)?N 8. Aerobics / Exercise for appearance benefits? S 9. Style of Glasses/ Use of Contacts? N 10. Artificial Devices (e.g. Padding, Tinted contacts, Liposuction) N 1. Shaving? O 2. Hair Style (Color, Waves)?N 3. Cosmetics? N 4.Jewelry?S 5. Dress? S 6. Dieting? S 7. Shaping body (e.g. Nautilus)? O 8. Aerobics / Exercise for appearance benefits? 0 9. Style of Glasses/ Use of Contacts? N 10. Artificial Devices (e.g. Padding, Tinted contacts, Liposuction) N 1. Shaving? O 2. Hair Style (Color, Waves)? N 3. Cosmetics? N 4.Jewelry?R 5. Dress? O 6. Dieting? S 7. Shaping body (e.g. Nautilus)?S 8. Aerobics / Exercise for appearance benefits? S 9. Style of Glasses/O Use of Contacts? 10. Artificial Devices (e.g. Padding, Tinted contacts, Liposuction) N 46 Do you find that being in a relationship changes the way you view other women Yes, I find that I usually evaluate or compare them to the person I am in a relationship with. Not really, my type doesnt change much. It usually stays the same I think, depends on how ell the relationship is going I suppose Read More
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