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Fetal Memory Research Prospectus - Essay Example

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This essay "Fetal Memory Research Prospectus" is about strong evidence that early voice preferences among newborns highly correlate with the sounds present or absent before birth. Moreover, they are influenced by the subsequent presence or absence of these sounds after birth…
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Fetal Memory Research Prospectus
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? FETAL MEMORY RESEARCH PROSPECTUS Introduction There is strong evidence that early voice preferences among the newborns highly correlate with the sounds present or absent before birth. Moreover, they are influenced by subsequent presence or absence of these sounds after birth. In one such an experiment, DeCasper and Spence studied the influence of prenatal maternal speech on the newborn perceptions of speech. Through a series of controlled experiments, the study confirmed that third-trimester fetuses have sought of experience on the speech sounds of their mothers. They found out that these experiences have a great influence on the postnatal auditory preferences of the newborns. These findings showed that newborns do not act as neutral or passive listeners but on the contrary, has specific preferences in voices and sounds. For instance, it was established that the newborns prefer their mother’s voices to other female voices and in general, they prefer female voices to male voice (DeCasper and Spence 1986). It is thus sure that fetal memory is highly influenced by the external factors such as voices and other sounds. Infants therefore exhibit variations in the speed and level of learning as influenced by memory development before birth. Background of the study Human beings memory development is a gradual process and is said to start at the fetal stage of development. Fetus at certain stages of development (especially within the third trimester) has developmental capacity to capture certain features such as voices and sounds from the external though with variance notable on grounds of other factors such as brain developmental retardation and other development complications. It is thus fundamental and timely to establish the relationship between fetal development6 as well as the memory capacity development of an unborn child. Problem statement Various research studies have been carried out on the subject of memory development of the infants before birth. DeCasper and Spence who studied the influence of pre-natal maternal speech on the newborn perceptions of speech carried out such a study. Despite the comprehensive findings from the previous studies, that fetal memory development is highly dependent on such external factors, as the maternal voice and other sounds, there are other research gaps of study. Among the research gaps that needs investigation is the link between fetal memory development and speech characters exhibited by newborns. There lacks evidence that newborns adoption of either fast speech or slow speech from their mothers is in any way related to fetal memory development. Purpose of the study This study intends to establish the link between memory development at the fetal stage of infants and the vocal, listening and comprehension capacity of newborns with particular attention of the voices and sounds experienced before birth. This is informed by the fact that people has different vocal rates where some people speak pretty fast while others are relatively slow in speech. Fetal memory has been shown to develop under influence of such external factors as the maternal voice as against other voices. This therefore has some implications that the speed of speech of the mother has direct influence on the memory development of the newborn and has the capacity to influence the rate of speech, listening and comprehension to be developed by the newborn. Research questions In light of the foregoing discussion and research findings that fetal memory development is highly influenced by such external factors as the voice of the mother, this research study intends to substantiate the following proposition. Pregnant mother’s rate of speech has the capacity of influencing the rate of speech, listening and comprehension of the newborn child. 1. Does the vocal capacity of the mother (in terms of speed of talking) influence the memory development of an unborn child? 2. What is the likelihood of a newborn baby adopting his/her mother’s rate of speech? 3. Besides the external maternal factors that influence the memory development of unborn children, what other factors play an active role in influencing foetal memory development? Research hypothesis a. The vocal capacity of the mother (speed of talking) has direct influence in foetal memory development as shown by after birth vocal capacity. b. Newborns often adopt their maternal speech rate. c. Foetal memory development is influenced by physical development of the unborn child, health status of the unborn child as well as developmental stage of the unborn child. Significance of the study The study is intended to add to the existing literature concerning factors influencing fetal memory development as has been established through research studies. It will also address the already pointed out research gap that exists between the other studies where there lacks evidence of correlation between maternal speech capacity and the fetal memory development. The study will also recommend areas of future research analysis on fetal memory development. Literature Review In 1986, DeCasper and Spence studied the influence of prenatal maternal speech on the newborn perceptions of speech, and through a series of controlled experiments, the study confirmed that third-trimester fetuses have some sought of experience on the speech sounds of their mothers. They found out that these experiences have a great influence on the postnatal auditory preferences of the newborns. These findings showed that newborns do not act as neutral or passive listeners but on the contrary, has specific preferences in voices and sounds. For instance, it was established that the newborns prefer their mother’s voices to other female voices and in general, they prefer female voices to male voice (DeCasper and Spence 1986). Data was directly collected from controlled experiments with sample pregnant women and their children after birth. Statistical analysis and evaluation was conducted to establish the empirical significance of the findings and conclusions made. In yet another related study, DeCasper, Lecanuet, Busnel and Maugeais (1994) performed controlled experiments to establish reactions of fetuses from repeated maternal speeches. The experiments involved sample pregnant women reciting chosen short rhymes between 33rd and 37th week o pregnancy upon which control experiments were conducted after birth. The study found out that the target rhyme elicited decreased heart rate to the children while control experiments did not. This therefore confirmed that exposure to specific voices on children has specific influence to reactions of the infants to the specific stimuli. This confirms the influence of external factors to fetal memory development. Purncutt affirms that newborn kids have amazing musical skills. The skills are developed before birth when the fetal memory is developed and the infants are in a position to react to external stimulus such as maternal voice. These external factors influence the fetal physical and chemical states, which are responsible in memory development. He confirms that different parts of the brain develop different while at infancy and especially in the early fetal development stages. The working of the different brain parts and systems are directly influenced by both external as well as internal factors. It is with this understanding that Purnmcutt postulates prenatal development has great significance towards the general brain functionality and memory capacity of the fetuses as well at other stages of development after birth (Purncutt 2006). Research Methodology This research study will employ both quantitative and qualitative research models in analyzing the phenomena under study. Experimental study design on pregnant woman will be used in collecting the required data for the results and the analysis of the case. An experiment allows testing of the collected data to check its validity and reliability. This study as such requires the testing of the data collected and proving the validity of the data to be collected. Statistical conclusions drawn from the data will help in determining how effective the primary as well as secondary data collected is. The study will therefore use secondary data for qualitative deductions while statistical analysis will aid in quantitative analysis. Sources of data The study will utilize primary data collected from controlled experiments with sampled pregnant women as well as their children after delivery. Moreover, the study will utilize secondary data from previous research works from which viable conclusions will be based. Data collection procedures This study will use structured questionnaires, which will be filled by the sample women during and after birth for the period of experiment. Moreover, direct observation will be employed in testing the reaction of the newborns towards the external stimulus under analysis. During the study, every respondent will complete a questionnaire comprising both structured and unstructured questions to record their observations on a daily basis. The questionnaire will act as a tool for recording individual observations and feelings as they recite the phrase. Besides, secondary data will be drawn directly from the literature available. Data analysis procedures Statistical tools of evaluation and analysis such as statistical software will be used in establishing the correlation factors as well as degree of influence. Moreover, generalization of ideas based on previous studies will be useful in the study. Ethical considerations The research study will uphold high standards of ethics through having sampled participants sign at will on consent form, which will be issued before the experiment. This will create an atmosphere of response at will to avoid coercion as well as disrespect to individual liberty. References DeCasper, A., & Spence, M. (1986). Parental maternal speech influences newborns’ perception of speech sounds. Infant behavior and Development, 9, 133-150. DeCasper, A., Lecanuet, J., Busnel, M., Deferre, C., &Maugeais, R. (1994). Fetal reactions to recurrent maternal speech.Infant Behavior and Development, 17, 159-164. Parncutt, R. (2006). Prenatal development. In G. E. McPherson (Ed.), The child as musician (pp. 1-31). Oxford, England: Oxford University Press Read More
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