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NLP: how thoughts can limit or expand your future - Essay Example

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The use of words and symbols is the primary source of communication. From the time we are born we are taught to verbally express our thoughts and feelings through language. The tone and choice of words used can differ given the context of the situation…
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NLP: how thoughts can limit or expand your future
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?The use of words and symbols is the primary source of communication. From the time we are born we are taught to verbally express our thoughts and feelings through language. The tone and choice of words used can differ given the context of the situation; however it remains the constant tool of expression. Cultural beliefs are transmitted by the use of words and language. Words alone are meaningless until they are applied within a designed context. For example stories and proverbs are frequently used to provide moral lessons that reflect the values from within the society. Each region carries its own unique style in which messages are communicated. Although the language might be different, the goal of using words to instill a common idea within the community remains the same regardless of placement on the globe. (Nancy Bonvillain, 2008) The right combination of terms can manipulate our way of thinking and behaving. The selection of positive or negative expressions can trigger certain thoughts and emotions from within the subconscious mind. The response from individual behavior will ultimately reflect the feeling behind the words that are being used depending on the tone. The response to a given set of words also varies depending on a person’s interpretation behind the meaning. Certain expressions used carry different significance which can influence the reaction of the intended audience. In terms of the product and sales industry for example, marketing campaigns will incorporate the use of slogans and key words in order to capture the consumers’ attention. The expected result of such messages is to excite the purchasing power and to bring up sales. The human brain is the primary function that allows us to understand the meaning of the words that are being transmitted. If the designed message is continuously repeated it acts as an imprint on the brain. Still following the example of marketing techniques, the success of advertising campaigns is due to being able to manipulate the audiences’ perception. This is done by constantly showing the same slogan. The idea being portrayed in the promotion is then internalized into the brain causing the consumer to believe the idea behind the advertisement. This same notion can be applied in the way of personal success or failure. The constant use of certain words and expressions can largely influence our way of thinking and behaving. It can also play a huge role on the shaping of a person’s personality. The influence of words through Self talk can either motivate or discourage the self-esteem. The constant use of trigger words such ‘I can’ or ‘I will’ helps to improve positive thinking, allowing for better problem solving tactics. On the opposite using such expressions as ‘I can’t ‘or ‘I won’t’, sets a negative tone. A pessimistic way of thinking can be destructive to the overall mental and physical health. Some researchers believe that by internalizing encouraging words into the subconscious; will bring happiness, wealth and success to a person’s life. However, because the brain is constantly trying to problem solve issues; people must learn how to properly incorporate constructive action words. Individual performance is learned either through reinforcements. (Gene Zimmer, 1999) In order to change the mindset to encourage constructive behavior, the idea being transmitted must be reinforced. By learning to repeat an optimistic set of words, the meaning of those terms change. The new understanding becomes a part of the brain’s rational thoughts changing the perception from negative to positive. Most of what we perceive happens on a subconscious level. In general humans are never fully aware of their actions or surroundings. There are many thoughts and images that get picked up by the mind without us knowing it.(Robert Ornstein, 1991) Breathing for example is a natural process of the body; however we are not aware of the action until we are reminded in some way about it. Another example is with pictures hanging on the wall in a room of the house. They are not usually noticed until they are disrupted. Only then will the brain be aware of the object sending a signal to the conscious mind of its displacement. The same theory is applied to the interpretation of words. Speaking and thinking is a learned process of human development. Every day we are learning or teaching something. The use of language to describe the day’s events or a concept happens without hesitation. The flow of conversation between two people or from within a group remains constant. Those engaging in the conversation are unaware of the natural progression of the spoken words. An outsider spying in on the discussion would be aware of each verbal word as well as the mannerisms used by the speaker. When thinking in terms of internalized conversations our conscious mind is not always aware of the personal messages being send. Individual attitudes and reactions are a reflection of the ideas being enforced by the subconscious. Our mind perceives the world through filters that are based on life experiences, memories and personal beliefs. A majority of these notions take place through language. They become our internal map of the world by adding context and meaning to spoken words. In continuing with the example of the outsider listening in on a conversation, the context in which the details are being explained by the speaker might be interpreted differently by the uninvited listener. This is primarily because everyone has a different way of accessing and storing information. The choice of words used when engaging in conversation is based on the individuals’ personal record of information stored within the brain. In order to fully understand the conversation, the outside listener must first be aware of the context in which each word is being used. The study of words and how it affects personal behavior has been often dismissed to the term of ‘self-help’ notions by some researchers. In the late 1970’s Richard Bandler and John Grinder pioneered the idea of “Neuro-Linguistic programming”, which is concerned with how humans take in communication and assign meaning to it. (Dilts, 1999) The application of the strategies defined by Bandler and Grinder is to modify the pre-determined definitions of words within the mind to help change human behaviors. The process is called “reframing” (Dilts, 1999) and it is done primarily by changing the context of the associated word from the subconscious mind. They designed techniques of taking words that give an un-favorable outcome and changing the meaning of it to give a more preferred result. This is similar to the mythologies described by Skinner of using external means such as food to reinforce positive behavior. The NLP strategies have become a more recognized science in helping to redefine human behavior. It requires a teaching method in which the individual is given tools in order to change the pre-determined mindset associated to the spoken word. In doing so, the subsequent behavior will change according to the new way of thinking. The successful process of using the mind in order to make positive changes is done by learning how to adjust the pattern in which the brain processes information. This will create new opportunities for advancements in life. Whether a person is looking for career advancement or a student wanting to do better in school, the techniques employed in the Neuro-Linguistic programming helps individuals in achieving their personal goals. The following example depicts how the mindset and the use of positive or negative thoughts can change the outcome of a desired situation. The following study will feature two men applying for the same job, but approaching the interview with completely opposite mindsets. John applied for a new job. But his self-esteem was low, and he considered himself as a failure. John felt he was unworthy of success. He was sure that he was not going to get the job. He had a negative attitude towards himself. John believed that the other applicants were better and more qualified than him. He manifested this attitude, due to his negative past experiences with job interviews. His mind was filled with negative thoughts and fears concerning the job for the whole week before the job interview. He was sure he would be rejected. On the day of the interview he got up late, and to his horror he discovered that the shirt he had planned to wear was dirty, and the other one needed ironing. As it was already too late, he went out wearing a shirt full of wrinkles. During the interview he was tense, displayed a negative attitude, worried about his shirt, and felt hungry because he did not have enough time to eat breakfast. All this distracted his mind and made it difficult for him to focus on the interview. His overall behavior made a bad impression, and consequently he materialized his fear and did not get the job. David applied for the same job too. However, David approached the matter in a different way. He was sure that he was going to get the job. During the week preceding the interview he often visualized himself making a good impression and getting the job. In the evening before the interview he prepared the clothes he was going to wear, and went to sleep a little earlier. On day of the interview he woke up earlier than usual, and had ample time to eat breakfast. He arrived to the interview before the scheduled time. He got the job because he made a good impression. He had also of course, the proper qualifications for the job, but so had John. The above example shows how the mindset can pre-determine the outcome of a situation. If John had approached the job interview with a more positive attitude he might have gotten the position over David. However John’s interpretation of the situation was that he was not good enough, thus his subsequent actions reflected his internalized thoughts causing him not to get the desired employment. This is a simple example of how self-talk can affect a given situation, and how the mental attitude of a person will seek out the desired results. It also shows just how powerful the subconscious mind is. The human brain is highly complex. There is still much that we do not understand about its functions and how we use it. By integrating the best of modern science and the wisdom of ancient healing new emerging sciences are proving what ancient healers have known for centuries, your words have the power to heal and transcend your mind body and soul or completely enslave you in an endless spiral of fear and suffering and destruction. The practice of holistic care encompasses the concept of ‘mind, body and soul.’ Optimal function of the entire being is depending on the co-operation between the mind and the body. Research has shown that attitudes towards health conditions can also influence the progression or regression of a physical ailment. The notion of a healthy mind creates a healthy body. Researchers believe that by applying a constructive mental attitude is imperative to personal growth and the overall health. The study of traditional medicine such as holistic therapy is designed to treat disease within the entire body. Practitioners of alternative medicine address not just the physical body but also the patient’s emotional well being. The treatment of diseases such as cancer and other chronic illness is more than just curing the physical body. It is a combination of physical, mental and even spiritual treatments. A common example of this would be the child who is suffering from a learning disability. If the parents and teachers of the child are continuously reminding him or her of the learning impairment, the child will be less likely to succeed in the given tasks. The negative thoughts and emotions will become internalized by the child and become part of the subconscious. This creates mental blocks in the mind which will not allow the child to continue to learn and grow. The learning disability becomes a stain on the child’s persona which he or she carries until adult life. Such children will also fall victim to physical ailments as frequent headaches, change in appetite, insomnia and even heart disease. On the opposite side however, if the child suffering with a learning disability was given specific tools in encouraging positive behavior towards the difficulty, the child would then be able to internalize a constructive mentality. This would encourage the child to learn at his or her own pace. Reinforcing the self-esteem and allowing the child to feel good about themselves without any long term damage to the physical health. The study and belief that the mind and body should be treated as a whole has been practiced for centuries. In Chinese medicine for example, the belief is that certain organs of the body represent various mental or emotional conditions. The use of acupuncture and other such therapies is used to help treat both the physical and spiritual condition of the body. Yoga is another useful physical and mental exercise. Yoga is a system of techniques that can be used for a number of goals, from simply managing stress better, learning to relax, and increasing limberness all the way to becoming more self-aware and acquiring the deepest knowledge of one’s own self. The need for alternative medicines is a growing concern within our society. The more we are learning about how our body functions and how internal and external situations affect our well being. The need for finding better solutions in improving the quality of life becomes more of a priority. By understanding that overall health means more than just the physical body, and that in order to acquire true happiness one must first start by changing the internalized words. The closer we are to achieving a balanced success life. The notion of self-talk or internal dialogue has a significant effect on our self perception. The way we see ourselves is extremely important to overall mental and physical health. If a person is constantly focusing on negative points and telling themselves they cannot do something, they will never achieve their future goals. By changing the way we think about ourselves will also change the situation that surrounds us. The human mind is like a fertile ground where seeds are continually being planted. The seeds are opinions, ideas and concepts. When a person plants a seed in the way of a thought into another person’s mind, it grows and expands within the person’s mind into the subconscious. The word that was planted then becomes the natural way of thinking. If the word that was used was negative, the reactions to these thoughts will then be reflected that way. Revisiting the example of the child with the learning disability, because the child was told about the impairment the thought was then rationalized into the subconscious mind. The child then believes by his or her own accord that he or she is truly stupid and incapable of learning. The reaction to the implanted idea is that the child will find it even more difficult to learn. More dramatic examples of idea implantation through the power of words, is through dictatorship. Dictators will use words that manipulate its people into becoming slaves of their own mind. Their words will force the general population to agree with their point of view, give them what they want, do what they ask. They play largely on people’s fears and use trigger words that will set off an emotional response, giving power to the Dictator. Of course the use of harsh and severe punishments for anyone who disagrees with the ruler’s preaching is done in public to show the rest of the community what will happen if they do not comply. These images are then implanted into the psyche of the population, and instill permanent fear to the associated words that would be used by the Dictator. Hitler used this type of power over society in order to gain votes in Germany. The common notion was that if anyone chooses not to vote for the Nazi’s they would be shot on the spot. The association of the words ‘vote correctly’ or die is what kept him in power. Spiritual belief and the healing power of prayer is another factor to consider when speaking in terms of the power of words. Essentially a prayer is just a sequence of words and sentences put together to formulate a sort of poem. However to the true believer in a higher being, these words have a powerful meaning. Spiritual leaders trust in the ‘power of prayer’ and its healing affects. Some have argued that praying for loved ones who are sick have been cured through the magic of prayer. Trust and belief in spoken words that come from a divine source is a powerful feeling to the believing mind. Those engaging in religious rituals are said to be speaking not from the mouth but rather from the heart. They believe that using the words learned by the Supreme Being will grant them any and all of which the desires as long as the words are pronounced and done in the right manner. Such affirmations have significant meaning to a person who normally engages in spiritual rituals. However on the opposite such words would have no meaning or relation to a non-believer of any faith. Words are a powerful source of communication. They can also be used in ways of manipulation and assimilation. A certain set of combinations can transform an entire way of thinking and behaving. Single words without any context remain insignificant until they are interpreted by the intended listener. The meaning behind the spoken language can vary depending on cultural belief or in the way they are being transmitted. In order to truly regain power over one’s life and to find success and happiness, a person must first be aware of the internalized messages being registered by the subconscious mind. In accepting that the entire physical self is connected through ‘mind, body and soul’, only then can optimal overall health be obtain. Sources: Robert Ornstein., The evolution of consciousness. 1991 Nancy Bonvillain., Language, Culture and Communication. 2008 Michael J. Denton., Nature’s Destiny. 1998 Julian Jaynes., The Origin of Consciousness. 2000 Sigmund Freud. 1991 Enzo Silvestri., Neuro Linguistic Learning. 2010 Davis Hewig., Neurolinguistic Programming. 2011 Gene Zimmer., B.F.Skinner., Behavioral pshychology. 1999 Read More
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