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Masculinity in Relation to Lynx Deodorant - Essay Example

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The study "Masculinity in Relation to Lynx Deodorant" argues that being either a man or a woman is a social edifice. by virtue of being born a man, one gets habitual power over women. As a matter of fact, gendered behaviors, beliefs, and norms are learned and acquired but they are not inborn…
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Masculinity in Relation to Lynx Deodorant
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?DETAILED ANALYSIS OF LYNX MEN’S DEODORANT WITH PARTICULAR REFERENCE AND ISSUES RAISED IN RELATION TO MASCULINITY Instructors’ name: Date of Submission: Introduction The study explores the theme of masculinity in relation to Lynx deodorant. Being either a man or a woman is a social edifice. According to (Maynard 1998, p.184), by virtue of being born a man, one gets a habitual power over women. As a matter of fact, gendered behaviours, beliefs, and norms are learned and acquired but they are not inborn. As observed by (Ann and Kim 2007, p. 182), there is no one on one guarantee that an individual acquires masculinity nature by being born a male in a society. The social construct of being a man depends on age, culture, and social position and varies over time. Traditional masculinity is believed to give male gender privileges over female gender in the society. In reference to masculinity contents, there are numerous socially constructed descriptions of one being either a man or a woman. This construction changes from place to place and from time to time. The term masculinity therefore refers to the social expectation of a man in the society. Ideas and impressions of how a man is expected to act and behave in social setting is what constitute masculinity. Masculinity cannot exist without the presence of femininity. In this regard, masculinity is arrangements of action structured by interaction in gender. The masculinity creation is intrinsically historical. Its construction is also a political process aimed at harmonizing social interest in social setting. As retaliated by (Light 2007, p. 660), there are some theories which are applicable in analyzing masculinity and the consumers’ culture. The psychoanalytic theory is very apparent in defining masculinity among different societies. According to psychosocial theorist, masculinity is designed by the psychic fantasy and cultural beliefs (Light 2007, p.660). The definition of the term masculinity is therefore subject to change and can also be criticized. There are continuous conflicts between different sections in the society regarding the constituents of masculinity. Men and women conflict over the social construction of masculinity. Different groups of men have different characterization and takes on masculinity. In general, the psychoanalytic theories on masculinity explain the manner in which male subjectivity is defined by denial of femininity as well as identification with patriarchal masculinity. The study will analyze the relationship aspect in masculinity. According masculinity aspects, man is expected to dominate in a heterosexual relationship (Bordo, 1999, p. 78). He is expected to steer the direction of a relationship. In masculinity setting, men are supposed to move towards a female partner in any interaction. The Lynx product is convicted to have the power of attracting female to male. The brand bestows young men with an additional power in looking and retaining a heterosexual relationship. The fragrance in Lynx brand is believed to compel women to make the first move in a relationship (Lynx, 2010, p 18). The paper will preview a brief history of Lynx brand in the market. In the analyses, the paper will also focus on economic, political, and social effects in the production of Lynx brand. The production and the consumption of the product will also be expounded in the study. The relation between the components of masculinity model, the masculinity theory, and the Lynx brand will also be illustrated in the study. In the conclusion section, the analysis will give an overview of the entire study and the lesson apparent in the study. The history of Lynx In the ancient time, grooming was the core responsibility of a female. They were expected to be attractive to draw attention to men. It was unethical for a lady to initiate a relationship. The masculinity nature in traditional setting denied female an opportunity to convey their emotions in a relationship. However, due to the emergence of civilization and industrialization, things have changed. Companies have invented beauty varieties premeditated for men. One of the world most popular men products is Lynx brand. Lynx also known as Axe is owned by Anglo-Dutch Company Unilever. It is a male glooming brand. The Anglo-Dutch company Unilever is popular in producing a range of beauty and health products. The Lynx is a deodorant body spray. The product also includes other components which entails after shavers, shower gels, roll-on and deodorant sticks, and anti-per- spirants (Lynx, 2010, p 19). In United Kingdom, the product is popularly known as Lynx brand while in other countries like Australia, Ireland, and New Zealand, the brand is commonly known by the name Axe. The Lynx/ Axe brand was launched in 1983 in France. It was promulgated by the Unilever Company. The product was inspired by impulse which was another exceptionally popular Unilever product. The impulse was a women fragranced deodorant spray which was believed to attract men to women. The popularity of impulse was brought about by the stereotype brought about by masculinity that women must be well-groomed to attract men The Unilever Company ensured the product is popular in France before spreading to other countries in Europe (Lynx, 2010, p 19). Unilever company had a problem of using the Axe brand name in United Kingdom therefore it was introduced by the brand name of Lynx. After advancement in its popularity in Europe, the Unilever Company introduced it in Latin America. Initially, the product had a very limited impact to Africans and Latin Americans. In the beginning of the new millennium, the product was very popular in United States of America. During the same time, the product was in the process of developing its roots in South Africa. The product targets male between the ages of 18 to 25 years. However, not all Axe products are found in international market (Lynx, 2010, p 19). The Production of Lynx The Lynx deodorant is manufactured from natural ingredients. The included ingredients are intended to meet the long term intention of the brand (Lynx, 2010, p 20). The production of the brand has contradicted with the expectations of traditional masculinity model as well as some sections of psychosocial theories on masculinity. As per masculinity aspects, men are supposed to initiate a heterosexual relation (Nelson and Stein 2009, p. 44). Its production has been politicized by those who belief in traditional masculinity. However, the psychological theories of male subjectivity support its production because masculinity is subject to change. Its production is therefore part of the changes required in the society. Additionally, its production has faced some political, economical, and social challenges. In political sphere, there have been critics among different political sphere regarding the message spread when promoting the brand. Referring to critiques, it is ridiculous to affirm that, a mere deodorant can have persuasion on affection and love affairs. On the other hand, the production process is manned by very creative leaders who understand the promotion politics. They are very accurate in strategizing the brand production and promotion process. In some countries, the message transmitted in the production process is purely unacceptable. The notion that some elements in the brand attract women to men is underrated in Arab countries. In Arab countries, women have no power in a relationship. They are not supposed to influence heterosexual relationship. As a result of this, the brand cannot be marketed in some of Arab countries. The political critique forced the brand to change its brand name from Lynx which is popular in United Kingdom to Axe which is a popular brand outside United Kingdom. There are also some economic factors affecting the production process of Lynx brand. Due to the product target group, the production process must fit the economic status of young men who are economically fragile. In masculinity model, young men between the ages of sixteen to thirty five years are expected to be in a heterosexual relationship. In most cases, young men at this age are economically poor. The economic status of the target group determines and influences the quality of the brand in the market. The production process of Lynx product has been affected by social issues. The social expectation has created an automatic market for the brand thus increasing its production. According to psychosocial theory, men maintain their masculinity through maintaining their sexuality (Craig 2004, p.238). Toward this end, young men strive to ensure they have sexually influential. The production of Lynx brand has also received social critiques. To start with, femininity has criticized its production for hastening male chauvinist. According to them, the brand underrated the position of female in the society. Female are assumed to be attracted by a sheer stink of the Lynx brand. By the fact that, the product is designed for different international ethic group, its components have to be accepted by all targeted ethic groups. This therefore limits the production of other similar brands which have component which are not universally accepted. The Marketing of Lynx The introduction of lynx brand in the market brought a new category of deodorant spray designed for men. It is believed to have a significant impact in the reduction of irritating odour among men (Lynx 2010, p. 22). It contains fragrant which serves as a seduction weapon to men. The fragrance provided by Lynx is believed to aid in the transition process from teenager to adulthood. According to psychoanalytic theory, the transition from a teenager to an adult is very paramount (Lynx 2010, p. 22). Young people attempts to separate themselves from their maternal relationship and engage into fraternal relationship. At this age, young men are driven by the fear of castration. They must denounce their mother and associate themselves with their father. (Norwood and Korneski 2004, p. 304). Lynx have proved to be male toiletries of its kind in Europe continent. It is a prevalent product among European men. It constitutes its own category in Europe which suits the changing fashion among young men (Lynx 2010, p. 22). The product has also spread to other parts of the world. The promoter of the product targets young men who are aged between fifteen years to twenty five years (Lynx 2010, p. 22). This section of the population requires fragrance which is provided for by the product in their transmission from teenager to adulthood. According to promoters, the fragrance provided for by the brand has a contribution in their seduction endeavour. The promotion of the product is not affected by the race or ethnicity difference. The promotion process target different racial and ethnical groups in Europe continent. However, the promotion modalities vary among different racial and ethical groups. Lynx products are sold at a considerable price. This is facilitated by the fact that, the products’ prominent customers are young people who are either in education levels or earn considerably small amount of resources. It stumpy price attracts customer from lower economic status. Additionally, young men who involve themselves in short term relations are part of the target group. In reference to the Unilever report, homosexual are the greatest customer of Lynx deodorant although heterosexual people are dominant in the market (Lynx 2010, p. 23). Outside Europe, the Lynx promotion team target male who are aged between fifteen to twenty five years. The unique fragrance of Lynx have attracted young men in the international seen especially those who are making the first love (Lynx 2010, p. 22). According to a research findings released by Unilever promotion team, young people between the age of fifteen years and twenty five years are intolerant in their first experience in women (Lynx 2010, p. 23). They belief Lynx deodorant is very useful in reducing the strains of seducing women. The notion that only strong men seduce beautiful lady aids in boosting seducing confidence among young men. Although there are different brand which provides almost similar fragrant, Lynx is more ideal among young men. The universality of masculinity has facilitated international market for Lynx product. Global society expect male to be dominant in relationship. Weak men in relationship are high discouraged and condemned. According to (Kivel and Johnson 2009, p.109) popular culture is brought about by the emergence of masculine identity. As observed by (Kivel and Johnson 2009, p.109) men have turned to be attractive object to women. The popularity of the brand has been facilitated by its brand value of stylish, cool, and fashionable (Lynx 2010, p. 24). This is brought by the fact that people learn what to desire through cultural utilization. The brand proposition is another competitive advantage of the brand. The central campaign of the brand revolves around the seductive nature of the brand where it is believed girls make the first move to the users of the brand. The Unilever Company used an advert of angles falling from heaven because they are attracted by a man who had used Lynx deodorant. The advert was a commercial show which took 60 second. It depicted very beautiful ladies dressing provocative dressings falling from heaven in one of the Italian town. This advert creates tremendous reactions and critiques from different section of people. It was blamed for going contrary to the Christian beliefs. This advert was banned in some countries like South Africa. The ban had a negative effect to the promotion of the Lynx brand in South Africa (Lynx 2010, p. 24). Lynx deodorants are packed in a black distinctive metallic exterior. It has a logo which represents the product label. The products name is placed around the logo which give the product a recognizable and a distinctive look (Lynx 2010, p. 24). In general, the brand black exterior, block letter label, and the short container distinct it from other generic competitor product. The Unilever Company conducts the product promotion campaign through their website. The augmentation of Lynx line permits the customers to be part of several promotion campaigns. The brand is also promoted through inserting attractive ladies in the container. The company also uses telephone hotlines to provide more information concerning the product (Lynx 2010, p. 25). Mass communications are also very helpful in promoting the product under study. Some of the commonly used mass media are newspaper, radios, cinemas, magazines and other relevant outdoors advertising Medias. However, all this campaign goes around the seduction theme where women are expected to move for love first. The utilization of this theme in the promotion of the brand has extremely subconscious implication. The Lynx brand presumes than, men yearn to be seduced by female (Lynx 2010, p. 2). This feeling give men a very profound boost in their self confidence. In reference to many Lynx promotion messages, only the common skinny men get assaults from gorgeous girls. This makes the Lynx brand more amicable for men who are for love. During its initial stage in the market, the brand promotion managers relied on celebrities like Ben Affleck. Involvement of a celebrity made the brand more amicable among lower class men. In the internet market initiative, the brand managers have initiated an Axe land. This involves a tour to the Lynx world. The internet initiative is very popular and productive in global sphere. Despite of the product popularity in both printed and electronic media, Lynx product has also won several awards in different advertisement events. The brand managers also apply outdoor services to promote their product. The Consumption of the Product As observed by (Powell and Hawkin 2009, p. 92), masculinity is changing with civilization and industrialization. In modern masculinity, men long to be desired and loved by women. Men identity is changing overtime. The change in the nature of masculinity has necessitated the increased utilization of Lynx product globally. The Lynx deodorant is a common product among young men aged between sixteen years and thirty five years. The product is more apparent among heterosexual men although research shows homosexual have an interest in it. In reference to (Celia 2003, p. 124), the reason why the product is commonly used by young people and most specifically those with an intention of seducing beautiful girls it the notion that it reduces the seduction process. According to the promoters of the brand, female goes for love first. The desire to have smooth love relationship has contributed to excessive utilization of Lynx. The brand managers utilize the popular notion in Europe about the product ability to attract female toward male in promoting the product among young men. The manner in which the product is promoted has a significant contribution in its market. In reference to a survey conducted by Unilever Company; a good number of customers are satisfied after using the brand. Consumer confirms changes in their relationship. The product fulfils its intended purpose. According to (Coskuner 2006, p. 231), masculinity does not exist in absence of feminist. Changes in gender role have turned to be a global phenomenon. The changes in the domination of men in different bureaucracies have significantly changed the masculinity aspects. In the modern days, each gender has the mandate of initiating love relationship. The traditional psychological notion that men are popular than men is unacceptable ideas. International laws and equality initiative have tremendously changed the masculinity interaction between male and female. The traditional idea of patriarchy which was initiated by the prevailing masculinity status has no base in the modern society. In the modern masculinity, male dominant is brought about by individual promotion of cooperate economy and competition. It is not legitimized by religion or force. As observed by psychoanalyst, customer culture is influenced by the enjoyment and profit associated with the consumption of a product. The cultural product explanation is what determines the consumption rate. The gratification brought about by deficiency of certain products determines the consumption culture. In regard to this, changes in customer culture have greatly influenced the global market of Lynx. Equality brought about by modern masculinity developed an automatic market for Lynx deodorants. Men desire to be smart and desired by female. On the other hand, change in modern social construction is very significant in the marketing of Lynx. The elimination of automatic economic dominance among male is another core factor for increased Lynx brand market. In traditional masculinity, men viewed themselves as more superior than women. Women were expected to be attractive to attract men. The change of this psychological perception in modern masculinity, have also played a significant role in promoting the market of Lynx brand in the global market Conclusion The study has given a brief explanation of Lynx deodorant brand. It has also expounded on some masculinity aspects which are relevant in homosexual and heterosexual relationship. Changes in consumer culture have significantly influenced the international market of Lynx brand. In reference to the history of Lynx product, it is clear that, the product popularity rose as a result of modern masculinity. The analyses of masculinity model and psychosocial theories have assisted in explaining why the Lynx brand is popular worldwide. The individual desire to comply with the society expectations has a significant impact in the market of Lynx. From the analysis, it is clear that, social, economic, psychological, and cultural beliefs have an impact on marketing of a product. Customer’s culture is the main determinant of the market level of any product. In carrying out a case study about the consumers’ culture, literature review should be the initial stage. This will help in giving incite on the intensity in which the research have been carried. After literature review, combination of both qualitative and quantitative research will assist in producing concrete findings. The findings should be developed through combination the literature review findings and the findings from the physical research. After proper developed findings, discussions, conclusion, and recommendation will be the analysis of the developed findings. 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Lynx, 2010, “plan marketing AXE” Retrieved on April 15th 2012, from Maynard, S. 1998, "Queer musings on masculinity and history", Labour, no. 42, pp. 183-197. Nelson, M. and Stein, M. 2009, "Does Advertising Content Reflect Consumers Values?” Exploring Masculinity/femininity in Denmark and the U.S", Lubbock, United States, Lubbock, p. 44. Norwood, S. and Korneski, K, 2004, "Strikebreaking and intimidation: mercenaries and masculinity in twentieth-century America", Labor, , no. 54, pp. 304-305. Powell, H., and Hawkin M. 2009, “The advertising Handbook”, London: International Publishers Read More
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