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The Factors That Contributed To Richard Ramirezs Behavior - Essay Example

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The researcher of this essay seeks to identify factors relating to the environment and biology that triggered Richard Ramirez’s behavior. The researcher tells that his transformations emanate from different factors that entangled his growth…
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The Factors That Contributed To Richard Ramirezs Behavior
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Richard Ramirez: The Biological and Environmental Factors That Contributed To His Behavior Richard Ramirez grew up in a normal family consisting of the two parents. His growing depicted various traits that send chills to those around him. He has a history of transforming from being a cool child to a serial killer. His transformations emanate from different factors that entangled his growth. Genetic composure of his family contributed an exceedingly negligible effect to his growth. His behavior challenges scholars trying to classify the nature of his crimes, mainly because he had varied accusations that differed in intensity. This means that he had charges relating to murder, rape, robbery and burglary that had no correlation at all. One of his distinguished traits is that of being a serial killer. Therefore, I seek to identify factors relating to the environment and biology that triggered his behavior. Biological factors Biological factors have their tracing in the genetic composure. This is because many critics argue that his behavior must have had biological aspects triggering it (Ando et al, 2004). Therefore, scholars seek to identify the relationship between his behavior and the mind frame. One of the biological claims is that he was knocked by a dresser on his head when he was aged two (Mellisa et al, 2007). This caused cracking of his head in the event where he was unconscious. This has claims that it affected his brain by making him develop aggressiveness. This may have being a cause of his peculiar manners. Therefore, the populace argues that this might have being one of the things that triggered his mischief. It is also true that his head experienced contractions in the brain after the hitting. This shows that his brain may have suffered internal damage causing mental disorders. This means that his behavior is probably a result of these agitations. While in 5th grade, Richard had a diagnosis of Epilepsy, a sickness that would make him collapse abruptly and lose his conscience. Lobe epilepsy is actually something that makes people to act cold-bloodedly. Temporal epilepsy of the lobe brings effects of agitation to people experiencing it (Bach, 1998). Epilepsy has the effects of making someone’s brain muscles contract. Therefore, the fact that he had epilepsy counts a lot to his cruel behavior. This is because he could become exceedingly angry due to this sickness. Scholars argue that this anger might be the cause of his activities of killing and robbery. This is because he may have being trying to pour out his rage. Therefore, there are arguments that epilepsy may have had seizures to his brain that caused his strange actions (Bell et al, 2009). Epilepsy has the effects of making someone to develop acute psychosis. Psychosis is an event that occurs mostly in people with stress or those suffering from seizures associated with epilepsy (Takeda et al, 2001). When a person experiences seizures of the brain, this is something that means that they are already psychiatrists. Therefore, Richard’s encounter with epilepsy may have made him a psychiatric (Cornaggia Et al, 2006). Psychiatric suffers from brain disorders that make them act as though they are insane. Another thing that associates with his strange behavior is the fact that Michael who was his cousin, shot his wife Jessie in the presence of Richard. This remained engraved in Michael’s mind for an exceedingly long duration. The events of this killing may have being a cause of Richard’s behavior. Michael’s behavior of killing and stalking may have had to be traced from events like this. This is because the event probably made him develop aggressive behaviors that manifested themselves. Blaming him would have to commence from the facts that he was involved in grim activities like killing. During Richard’s pregnancy, his mother inhaled toxic chemicals that she was combining at an industry. The chemicals comprised of toluene and others. The consequences of these chemicals could not be unveiled because no one knew them. Biologically, it is mandatory that the chemicals had effects to the fetus. No one knows the effects though because no investigations took root. Critics have it that may be these chemicals triggered Richard’s aggressive manners. Chemicals possess varied components that trigger someone to act in suggesting ways. Another biological factor that contributed to Richard’s aggressive manners is the levels of testosterone hormones. The level of testosterone that he had was recognizably high because he once suffered epilepsy (Gastens et al, 2008). Testosterone levels in men have diverse effects to them according to biology. When the levels are high, the results are that some people become aggressive and cruel. The fact that Richard had high concentrations of testosterone explained his weird behavior. Some sources claim that his behavior was proportional to the amounts of testosterone that he possessed. Research has it that many people condemned of rape cases and molestations have elevated levels of testosterone and Estrogen. This is because these hormones trigger hyperactivity in people and make them to develop criminal behaviors. The raging levels of testosterone in Michael caused him to be cruel concerning biological research. The other biological factor charged with Richard’s behavior is the fact that he was an addict of marijuana and alcohol. This is because these drugs have charges of increasing brutality and criminality in people with a history of the same (Klitgaard, 2001). For example, Richard had hyperactivity due to his exaggerated Estrogen and testosterone levels. Drugs like alcohol have immensely deep effects of making people to act weirdly and even kill others. This is because the drugs have biological implications to the users. Therefore, Richard may have fallen victim of drugs and thus making him to act with such cruelty. This is because his behavior may be out of influence of drugs as opposed to his will. Marijuana makes people to act in varied ways while responding. Therefore, it seems that it had violence effects to Richard. At age Five, Richard was knocked with a swing on his head (Mellisa et al, 2007). This showed that his head might have suffered injuries that no one could discover by that time. The head is a delicate place that requires caution all the time. The injuries, though not evident, may have resulted to contractions of the brain. This is because it may have seizures that triggered his cruel behaviors. This is not possible to prove, but is a speculation. Hitting someone on the head remains something that is exceedingly critical. Therefore, may be Richard’s behavior was a result of this hitting that happened to him. The other cause of strange behavior is the limbic scheme comprised within amygdale (Herman, 2009). There are portions that are in these limbic schemes that are dormant whereas others trigger contradicting emotions. The emotions include those of pleasure and cruelty. Biology takes to explain that people act differently because of these factors. Amygdala has places within it that can originate violence in people. The other zone that contains aggressive portions is the hippocampus. This can regulate the behavior of someone concerning to their cruelty or calmness. Epilepsy is sickness that can cause cases of hypersensitivity in people. Therefore, it can stimulate the amygdale to trigger behaviors of cruelty and crime to people. Michael’s case may have explanations from this biological view. This is because Richard had a history of suffering from epilepsy. Therefore, epilepsy may have triggered the amygdale to generate violence in Richard’s life (Hermann, 2009). Adults with accounts of epilepsy have hypersensitivity that makes them act in diverse manners. Richard may have to blame but biology also counts a lot. Michael’s father had the habit of whipping his sons. This is because his aggression used to be exceedingly paramount. This aggressiveness could be genetic. This is because Michael depicts the same behavior. Therefore, there are relations in behaviors of the father and Michael that have biological explanations. Biologically, behaviors of cruelty and aggressiveness reveal heredity. This is because this is something connected to genetic composure of someone. Richard might have inherited his aggressiveness from the father. This is a speculation because no one is exceedingly sure concerning this. Hereditary in parents’ behavior is eminent in the siblings. The cousins reflect some cases of cruelty in the fact that there are some who killed. For example, his cousin shot the wife while Richard witnessed this. Hereditary can be in the family series of which cousins are partisan. Richard may thus have fallen victim. Apart from inheritance, Richard may have had a criminal nature (Frederique et al, 2002). This is because biology depicts that some have criminal natures that are unchangeable. It is not mandatory that behavior in someone is out of inheritance. Therefore, Richard may have a genetic composure that would make him act as a serial killer. Inheritance of parents’ behavior negligibly affects the behavior of Richard. Natures of different people change depending on someone’s personality. It is not necessarily that people have to be from a background that comprises of cruel people. What matters most is their genetic composure. Therefore, may be Richard had genes that triggered his cruel behavior. Biology has it that genetic composure defines someone’s actions. The criminal nature mostly has explanations in people displaying a quiet nature. For example, Richard has descriptions of a calm guy who never disturbed as a kid. This is something that makes people to think that may be his cool nature associates with this trait of crime. The fact that he cried in exceedingly limited occasions shows that he was indeed calm. Therefore, calmness depicts diverse traits in people. Endocrine secretion also determines the behavior of someone. Concerning Richard, there were allegations that he suffered from epilepsy (Nishida et al, 2007). This means that severally, he had problems of hyperbolized secretion of hormones that made his emotions changed. This is because such cases trigger secretion of Endocrine that makes people aggressive. Endocrine brings fluctuations in behavior (Matsuda & Tateki, 2006). Therefore, certain people become aggressive whereas others become moody. Epilepsy triggers secretions of the endocrine at an exceedingly great rate. Richard’s behavior can explain the productions of endocrine. This is because he suffered from epilepsy during his childhood (Nadkarni et al, 2007). The behaviors of killing are an explanation of his endocrine levels. Rage resulted from endocrine that was paramount in his system. Aggression differs according to the amounts of endocrine secreted in people. Therefore, this means that Richard was a victim of the increased amounts of the endocrine hormone. Children with hyperactivity at times cause havoc in their surroundings. Therefore, Richard hormonal imbalance contributed a lot concerning his weird behavior. Another biological factor is the fact that he has descriptions of a psychopath (Hatcher et al, 2003). This means that he had traits that depicted callous acts. This is because he had behaviors such as those of being emotionless and feeling no pity for people. This is because he did merciless killings to innocent people. For instance, when he killed Mary Cannon when he was 25 years. These victims were some of those people who had no reasons becoming victimized. Psychopaths have a tendency of being pitiless in executing the populace. The instance of Richard killing people was exceedingly empathy less. This shows that it was actually something that required many investigations to evaluate whether he owned other problems. This is because psychopaths suffer from disorders of the mind (Kanemoto, 2001). This is something that requires scrutiny to establish the truth. Richard may have had disorders with his brain scheme. This is because his head was even hit severally by objects. This may have triggered behaviors of cruelty in Richard. Environmental Factors Environmental aspects depict surroundings that trigger a person to act in a certain manner. This means that events surrounding the growth of a person can make them behave in various manners. Therefore, apart from the composure of someone, the environment also counts a lot. Richard’s case comprises of many events that could make his behavior wanting. This is because his behavior of being a serial killer worried the populace. Other behaviors such as burglary and raping alarmed the multitude. Being critical of his behavior requires people to consider environmental factors depicting his actions. One possible factor is that of informational environment. This refers to the way he used to access explicit materials (Kirszner& Mandell, 2002). These are materials of the internet concerning pornography. It also concerned the environmental things that made him to exceedingly brutal. One of the factors may have being his disclosure to pornographic resources while still in tender age. His cousin Michael revealed the materials to Richard while he was still young. The materials showed explicit photos of women performing sex to Michael. These photos have charges of making Richard aroused. This has psychological effects because Richard was bound to act according to them. This is especially because his mind got the frame of doing the same when grew. This is later evident in the raping cases charged with Richard in later ages. His company of the cousin can explain his behavior of raping. Growing up in an environment of a person that performed explicit acts made Richard that way. When once paid a visit to his brother in Los Angeles. This encounter was one of those that contributed to his raping manners. This is because he was heavily into pornography. Later, Richard developed into a rapist who had no instincts of doing things right. Copulation acts that Richard had were a result of disclosure to the pornographic scenes. This is something that traces weird manners that Richard had. This is because he could attempt to do the same at later period. Another environmental factor is the fact that his growing comprised of marijuana taking. This instance made him behave in peculiar ways in the future. This is because he was used to taking stimulants associated with aggressive behavior. Therefore, marijuana had the psychiatric implications of causing him to be violent (Mirsattari et al, 2011). Richard thus might have actions of killing that were ought of the fact that he sniffed marijuana. While he was a teenager, he could hang out with friends who did a lot of weed. This had diverse effects in his critical behavior in later ages. Marijuana has the effects of making people to operate without care or minding about consequences that can arise. Being carefree is also something that made him continue killing because his conscience was lifeless. Weed may have also made him develop weird behaviors. Marijuana is a matter that made Richard gain psychological mishaps. This is because he acted like someone disturbed by some foreign things. Stimulants have the effects of causing people to act as though they are in a trance. This is because it is hard to explain how a sober mind can reason to execute many innocent people. Richard’s marijuana intake made him psychologically disturbed. This is true concerning the way he has descriptions of not displaying tidiness. It is also clear concerning the claim of not being keen while in school. These behaviors were a consequence of abusing marijuana. Therefore, marijuana is one substance that had adverse effects to his manners. The other factor that could cause his strange acting might be the fact that he witnessed his father beat the brothers. This may be acts of aggression that made him grow to be a hardcore. This is because when someone learns encountering scenes of aggression, they grow to become cruel. The father’s deeds may be a culpability of Richard’s strange manners. This is because Richard was still young for this aggressive behavior. Therefore, the behavior may have reached critical points when he became of age. Practicing of the behavior may have being as a result of this event. Psychological effects of witnessing aggressive acts count a lot in the future. Richard was always cool, behavior that entailed a lot. This is because no one possessed justifications of what Richard could do. Another environmental factor may be the fact that his educator once molested him (Mellisa et al, 2007). The teacher also has accounts of molesting Richard’s cousin. Molesting Richard may have instilled stigma in his life. Therefore, this may have translated to his weird behavior of raping. This is because maybe he was trying to revenge for this even. Richard may have also being exceedingly furious at the acts of his teacher. This anger may have led to his acts of crime in later times. Therefore, Richard may have had to be psychologically disturbed by actions of molestation. This disturbance may have led to his quaky manners of killing and raping. According to psychologists, raping can be a consequence of different things surrounding the victim involved. The explanations of Richard’s manners are probably from the fact that he once suffered from molestation. Having regrets about his past may trigger his weird acts. Molestations have adverse effects psychologically (Kirszner et al, 2002). This is because they can make some one execute the same behaviors out of rage. This is something that matters a lot in the event of a person’s behavior and their life generally. The other probable factor is the facts that he witnessed his cousin kill his wife. This is something that could have made him develop motives of a criminal. Therefore, the act of killing is a great contributor to his behavior. This is because witnessing brutal acts of killing made his mind entail motives of killing someone. For example, it is true that Richard tried exemplifying the same. This is in acts such as those of a burglar and a robber. Therefore, his mind was probably distorted by the environment of witnessing cruel scenes. Therefore, psychologists argue that getting used to such cruel scenes could make Richard behave in cruel ways. The other contributor is the fact that his father abused him. This is because that triggered agitation within him. This agitation is evident in the way he killed people in serial events. Therefore, becoming a stalker is probably a consequence of his agitation. The father had a responsibility in making Richard a criminal. Blaming him is not worth because his surroundings mattered greatly. Critics have to consider factors triggering his behavior before accusing Richard. Trying to pour these feelings has explanations of his strange actions. Killing is something that has diverse explanations. People abused at earlier ages tend to do the same later. This is because such brutal actions were instilled in their system. Growing in an abusive environment made Richard act with cruelty. The other environmental factor is the fact that he had company with clicks of guys that listened ACDC in walkman (Mellissa,, 2007). ACDC comprise of rock that has diverse things emanating from it. Rock has associations with cruelty. Therefore, Richard may have had the motives of performing cruel acts. His criminal nature can be blamed on the encounters of listening to rock. Another thing associated with rock is the fact that people become aggressive. These actions have their explanations in the actions of Richard. This is because he had depictions of crime through his killing. These crimes comprise of killings, burglary and raping. These activities show that Richard had manipulations by rock that he heard. The rock has charges of making someone to be exceedingly violent. Listening to rock made him have matters of hostility in his behavior. Rock encourages people to widen psychological problems in life. These problems have associations with the way people do certain things in life. Richard is one case that had adverse effects of rock through actions performed. Richard must have had the influence of rock to do things that were critical in his life. All this emanated from the fact that his company of friends listened to rock. The other thing that may have had effects to the behavior of Richard is the fact that he was a Satanist. This was when he was 18 years. At this time, heaven attempted summiting Anton LaVey who composed satanic bible. This is one of the claims that may have made him develop the idea of criminology cloud his mind. Satanism has the effect of encouraging people to act in weird ways. This is because it makes people to kill others and indulge in questionable activities. Richard’s activities of raping that were serial in nature must have had various explanations. One of the explanations lies with Satanism (Saema, 2007). This is because he claims that satin protected him while he performed his killing missions. His convictions of having protection from Satan made him act with a lot of courage to people. Satanism allows people to kill because they have prevention from harm. This aspect made him to be brutal in his actions. Therefore, he had to act with exceedingly a lot of motivation. Satanism in environs made him to be exceedingly vindictive in life. These happenings made him act with a lot of Satanism. Satanism makes people to act in peculiar ways. Killing is an act that has Satanism in its composure. Satanism is the cause of brutal acts of different people. The presence of people like Anton who worship Satan made his behavior remain cruel. Satanism instilled aspects of cruelty in his system. In conclusion, it is true that Richard Ramirez behaviors were a consequence of diverse things. His encounters before apprehension contribute a lot in his later life. Exceedingly many factors contribute to his strange behaviors of being a serial killer. Some of the factors include touch on biology whereas others are environmental. This is because the environment of someone and the biological composure define their conduct. Richard Ramirez behavior is prone to criticism because he acted in exceedingly peculiar ways. His acts of killing, raping and burglary explain his actions. His involvements with Satanism have stake to his behavior. Richard’s arresting was in 1985 and convictions were in 1989. He is still in jail serving a death punishment. References Ando, Nobuo, Morimoto, Kiyoshi, Watanabe, Takemi, Ninomiya, Takashi and Suwaki, Hiroshi. (2004). Enhancement of Central Dopaminergic Activity in the KainateModel of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy: Implication for the Mechanism of Epileptic Psychosis. Neuropsychopharmacology. Vol. 29. Doi:10.1038/sj.npp.1300427. Bach, Laura. (1998)Late onset of schizophrenia and Temporal Lobe Epilepsy: Coincidence or Casual. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry.Vol (13). ISSN: 0893-2905 URL. 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