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Student Academic Achievement and Parental Involvement at Public Schools - Research Paper Example

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This research paper "Student Academic Achievement and Parental Involvement at Public Schools" presents the specific aspects of parent involvement considered-parental styles and parenting techniques-have different effects depending upon the gender of the child…
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The involvement of parents in their children’s lives has always been of unquestionable significance. From the environment parents create at home to the extent of participation in children’s activities, all have a significant impact on child development and performance. The areas of research and scientific study are so diverse and vast that it is difficult to focus on one and leave out the others. All elements involved in child development are deeply intertwined, and that is why this particular study touches upon them and displays their role in student achievement at schools.

For the purpose of this study, different types of parental involvement and their limitations along with factors contributing to and deterring academic achievement will be discussed.Academic achievement among school-age students is a multidimensional facet. Educators constantly engage in educational research, which examines the correlation between variables, that impact student performance (Mo 2008). Parental involvement could be an indispensable link in an educational leaders’ quest in leaving no child behind and ensuring an optimistic future for children.

“Parental involvement has been found to be associated with higher student attendance, better behavior, and increased time and effort on homework” (Gorman 2004, p.68). The examination of parental involvement has been a mainstay for educationalists, as researchers have studied the correlation effects of parental involvement on student achievement. In saying this, almost forty years ago, a federal paper was written that discussed the effectiveness of American education. The paper was funded by the United States Office of Education and was written by James Coleman, a prominent educational researcher.

The paper, known as the Coleman Report, stated that public schools did not make a significant difference in the ability of students to reach their potential. Rather, the Coleman Report cited family background as a substantial factor for student success.

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