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Gender Differences in Adult Coping Styless Associated with Stress - Research Paper Example

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In 1964 Cofer and Appley, well known psychologists of the twentieth century, defined stress as an idea shared number of other concepts including conflict, trauma, emotional disturbance, anxiety, frustration…
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Gender Differences in Adult Coping Styless Associated with Stress
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?Gender Differences in Adult Coping Styless Associated with Stress Introduction: In 1964 Cofer and Appley, well known psychologists of the twentieth century, defined stress as an idea shared number of other concepts including conflict, trauma, emotional disturbance, anxiety, frustration, alienation and emotional disturbances. (Lazarus & Folkman. 1984)The concept of stress survived in twentieth century and convinced by several medical specialists as the major cause of ill health. In 1977 quotes Sir William Osler’s comments regarding stress, “Living an intense life, absorbed in his work, devoted to his pleasures, passionately devoted to his home, the nervous energy of the Jew is taxed to the uttermost, and his system is subjected to that stress and strain which seems to be a basic factor in so many cases of angina pectoris”. (p.30) So, it can be seen that stress may be quite common among all those working at different levels. However, everyone adopt different way to cope with stress or to handle emotional disturbances. These methods are generally known as coping styles. Coping strategies may vary from one individual to another though the level of success and specific outcomes may also vary. Most of the individuals prefer to adopt emotion focused strategies in order to cope with stress. However, many researchers feel this method less effective and just a better option for those who have no control over the situation. In this way, affected people may feel better on their own. Other than working individuals, we may see that stress is very common especially in students. The transition period from post 16 to onward, many students face stressful experiences. These experiences may have different reasons. For example, some students move away from their home for higher education, some feel stress due to changing environments and the change in their peer group to establish the bonds of new friendships. So, almost, in all the cases adjustment problems pave the ways for students to act smartly and finally they get trapped into the clutches of frustration and isolation. It is a fact that some individuals take minimum time to cope with the situation of stress while others may require more time and smart strategies to overcome the stressful situations. Coping styles in stressful condition, basically, refer to those efforts that an individual manages and applies to deal with odd situation. These styles are used to satisfy the internal and external demands. These strategies can be regarded as the practical and conscious way to deal with the disturbances of life. Moreover, with the help of these policies and coping styles, individuals can be self protected in odd circumstances. However it is a fact that implementation process matters a lot. Only effective application allows individuals to resolve specific issues, relieve pain and stress and stay on the right path to achieve goals. Before going through any further detail regarding gender differences in coping styles to overcome stress, it is necessary to identify the basic models of coping styles. These models or categories based on the intentions behind coping efforts and the functions that are targeted. 1. Problem focused strategy 2. Emotion focused strategy Problem Focused: In this category of coping strategy, behavioral and cognitive efforts are most often adopted in order to change the problem. Certain objectives and goals are fixed to cope with the issue. So, the target includes the accomplishment of the task that has been set. Problem solving strategies along with planning and effort are involved in this category. Emotion Focused Strategy: Most individuals face uncontrolled emotional arousal in stressful conditions. So, emotion focused strategies are implemented to control the distress that may be caused without addressing the real issue. Avoidance, ignorance and suppression are the major tactics to carry out this coping style. It is important to note that the coping style and final outcomes always depend on the willingness and the performance of the individual. The attainment of goals always depends upon the individual’s attitude. If coping is unsuccessful then the onward performance of the individual will be badly affected. So, it may well say that the coping strategies may buffer or multiply the issue and associated affect. It all depends how an individual use particular tactics. In the light of above mentioned studies, it is noted through various researches and studies that men are more problem focused while selecting coping strategies. On the other hand females are emotion focused in their approach. Smith and Naylor put forward a study and showed that females value their academics and success more as compared to males. Their success, sometimes, disadvantage boys who are a part of their peer group. Furthermore, in 2003, Tinklin supported the same argument and added that females are more serious and conscious towards their studies. They are cooperative, respectful, organized and better prepared towards their academic performance. On the other hand male most often show disruptive attitude. Sometimes they become over confident and show less attention. As a result they achieve low grades. However, many other aspects also participated in the well being of an individual. These include the establishment of self esteem and the intelligent use of coping strategies to overcome issues. Importance of Self Esteem and Coping Strategies in Personality Building Self esteem reflects an individual’s assessment of his or her own value. Self esteem plays a great role in personality building. Low self esteem always leads to low performance as well as low motivation. As a result an individual becomes disruptive in behavior and starts exercising poor strategies towards issues in order to combat pressures. Nowadays, in higher education students are groomed in a way that they become more independent in their approach and vision. In this way they are more inclined to take independent decisions. This is the basic reason why coping strategies are required in learning process. Methods: SAGE published a detailed study regarding gender differences in coping strategies. In this study undergraduate including 58 female students and 102 male students are taken as a sample. All students are between 18 to 20 years of age. Self Esteem Inventory: First of all various items including personal traits, interpersonal, family backgrounds, achievements and physical well being are judged in the participants. ECQ: ECQ refers to Emotional Control Questionnaire. This questionnaire, basically, involves important factors: 1. Rehearsal refers to a degree to which an individual creates an ability to overcome past failures. 2. Emotional Self-consciousness refers to the attitude of the members to express their emotions. 3. Aggression Control involves the degree to which stress and aggression can be controlled by the participants. Coping Styles Questionnaire: These questionnaires are designed keeping in mind various factors for example role of emotions in coping strategies, logical and rational approach and adaptation of avoidance in coping strategies. Procedure: In this study, a questionnaire package was given to participants including all above mentioned approaches. Discussion: The main purpose of the study undertaken was to consider the different strategies used by the students to cope with the stress problems. The study specifically highlighted the impacts of these strategies on their academic attainment and also on their self respect. The study also addressed the gender differences appeared during the course of application of stress coping strategies by these students. However, the results showed that there exists no relationship between academic attainment and the stress coping strategies adopted. This may happen due to the study level which may not be able to meet academic level of the students. Thu, it was held from this research that the stress coping strategies adopted by the students vary to a great extent and solely depend on the demands which are consigned to them. However, the study revealed that the gender has been instrumental in the success gained by different students in the academic attainment. The females attained higher academic success than that of males. Differences were also observed in the styles in which the stress coping strategies were applied by male and female students. It was observed that the males possess greater abilities to cut off from emotions inherent in a situation and are more inclined towards inhibition of emotions. On the other hand, females are found to be more inclined towards the use of such approaches which are predominant by the emotions. Another difference observed between males and females was that the males show higher level of self-esteem for themselves. This need of self-esteem actuate the individuals to treat the difficult and challenging situations as controllable. Thus, the reaction adopted by such individuals is principally focused to change the cause of problem. Thus, the strategies adopted by the students are classified as emotional strategies and problem strategies by the researchers. This classification helps to report and then address the weakness found in students with respect to coping strategies adopted by them. Lecturers also suggest that this may become a part of the support structure which may encourage the students to set suitable targets and goals for their future advancement and development. Such practices may develop the cognitive improvement in the students. It should also be noted that this support system should be formed a necessary part of every university structure. The students should also be helped by the lecturers to introduce them with the methods with which the students may evaluate their progress and may identify the areas in which they may develop their skills. Such methods may consist of the use of journals for discussion. Moreover, the students should also be motivated that they use the mechanisms of support as a course rather turning to these mechanisms only when they face any problem. The strategies implemented must be consistently reviewed. But the review must be made by using both qualitative and quantitative methods of review. This will definitely help to monitor the changes occurring in the stress coping strategies and the self-esteem of the students. The impact that these changes would have on the academic attainment of the students may also be ascertained. So, we may see that the two frameworks towards coping process have different approaches. Problem focused strategy offers direct plan to alter the situation causing stress. On the other hand, emotion focused process is indirect. This strategy is used to adjust the condition through avoidance or compromise. In emotion focused tactic, support from others may also play a great role to overcome the stressful condition. Avoidance, regulation of emotions and distractions are some other ways to carry out the strategy. The method of distraction is especially helpful technique for young children to minimize the risk of tension development. In this method several activities are generated that help the students to keep attention away from stressful condition. Studies relating to gender differences show one more aspect why boys and girls behave in a different manner towards an issue. This involves their biological features and changes in health conditions (Heike Eschenbeck, Carl Walter Kohlmann and Arnold Lohaus). This study further suggests that various physical and mental developments play a great role in coping strategies. Lack of experiences and surrounding has their own impact in the later development of the children. For example if the child is dependent on his adults then he will not be able to cope the pressures independently. Such a child would be weak in his power to decide quickly in time of stress. However, it is a fact that social phenomenon are not static. They keep on changing according to the social behavior. Heike Eschenbeck, Carl Walter Kohlmann and Arnold Lohaus study on gender differences enclose another approach. According to them some other researchers believe that the findings are not consistent in all the cases. For example according to Hampel & Petermann, 2005 males are more inclined towards avoidance especially at the time of earlier adolescence. At that time females are more aggressive than their counterparts. In the early developmental period, most of the time, females used comparatively less recreational activities to distract their attention from stressful conditions. They show more aggression at that stage. There is not extensive research on gender differences coping stressful conditions in childhood. Most of the researchers found no specific difference at this stage of childhood. Usually, boys and girls behave in the same manner. However some other studies enclose that girls are more inclined to problem solving strategies than boys. Boys most often used to externalize coping strategy. To summarize the methods and findings, we may see that most of the researches are inconsistent. There is sharp difference in behavioral patterns available at childhood and adolescent. Most of the times the results are mixed. So, it is not an easy task to compare different studies related to coping strategies. Different measurement scales, definitions, criteria, age groups and age ranges provide inconsistencies in the final results. So, those factors should be addressed that are similar and play important part in the whole process. From the above mentioned discussion, we find three coping strategies in this regard. First, looking for social support where females dominate. They always seek the support of society than their counterparts. Second, problem solving strategy in which females again dominate as many researchers put forward that females are more concerned towards strategy building process. Third involves the avoidance method of coping issues. In this strategy male dominates over females. While carrying out research process, most often questionnaires are developed to analyze the issue. Such coping questionnaires to analyze the approach towards coping strategies most often talk about any conflict with friend or the stress during difficult exams. This means that normative social and academic approaches are analyzed to sort out the issue. Questionnaire: This questionnaire is specially designed for students in higher education coping stress while dealing with their new environments, peer groups and academics. This questionnaire will be separately asked from boys and girls and finally the results will be measured and analyzed according to every individual’s response. Finally, Gender Differences in Adult Coping Styless Associated with Stress will be analyzed. It will be evaluated how each gender response towards specific situation. The answers will also pave the way to understand that is it really true that males are problem focused and females are emotion focused. The questionnaire is opinion based and has five different options to scrutinize the topic. 1. When there's a great deal of stress in your life, Almost Always Often Sometimes Rarely Almost Never I count to ten, take deep breaths, or practice other relaxation techniques. I seek out emotional support from others. I try to find the information that I need to understand my situation. I find myself so overwhelmed that I shut down completely. I find it difficult to find someone to confide in. I worry about the negative consequences of stressful events. I develop strategies to get me back on track. I take time to relax. I keep thinking that there's not much I can do to help myself. I set goals to help improve the issue. I prefer to keep my problems to myself. I distract myself with the activities I enjoy. I enjoy active recreation (outdoor activities, sports, interactive entertainment, etc.). I try to do the best I can given the constraints of the situation. I allow myself to lean on others. I find reasons to laugh. I think of ways that I can change the situation to make it better. I try to think about how lucky I am when compared with those who have even more difficult problems. I just stay in bed in sloth mode because I can't deal with my problems. Even when people want to help me, I reject their offer. I throw myself into reckless behavior (i.e. heavy drug or alcohol use, risky sex, impulsive spending, gambling or physically dangerous activities) to get my mind off my real problems. I try to find people who can offer me information or otherwise help me with my problem. I try to keep the situation in perspective. I find myself wasting more time watching television. I force myself to come to grips with my problems even when I do not want to. I use alcohol and/or drugs more frequently. I feel completely stuck with no way out. I hole up in my house and avoid friends and family as much as possible. I seek out more leisure activities to occupy my time and thoughts. I get into more arguments than usual. I turn to prayer or attending spiritual services of some kind. I am unpleasant to be around. I blame practically everyone but myself for my problems. I feel helpless. I get angry with others. I obsess over my problems. I talk to others who have been through the same situation to see how they dealt with it. I experience difficulty sleeping because my mind is racing. I can hardly tolerate contact with others. I know how to calm myself down. I hand over my fate over to God or some other external force. I end up blowing up at someone. I daydream about what it would be like if the problem didn't exist. I deny that there is a problem at all. I readjust my existing goals to fit with the new situation. I remind myself to focus on the good things in my life instead of the bad. I refuse to give up. My thoughts about the situation prevent me from concentrating on other important tasks. I manage to find an outlet to express my emotions (writing in a journal or blog, playing some music, drawing or painting, etc). I remind myself that things will eventually get better. To solve an important problem, I outline a few strategies and choose the one that seems to be the best. In light of new developments, I am willing to change my opinions. I try to look for the silver-lining in even the most difficult situations. I have difficulty adjusting to new developments in my life. If I think there is some research or other information available about a problem I have, I will seek it out. It's difficult to forget about my problems and worries, and just have fun. In an argument, I am willing to compromise. I would be willing to join a support group for a problem that exists in my life. When a stressful situation occurs, I try to understand exactly what the issue is. I try to spend more time unwinding with friends and/or loved ones. My thoughts are consumed by the stressful situation(s). I use physical activity as a way of handling stress. REFERENCES: 1. Lazarus, R., & Folkman, S. (1984). Stress, Appraisal, and Coping. Springer, NY: Publishing Company Inc. 2. Hinkle, E. (1977). The Concept of “Stress” in the biological and Social Sciences. New York: Oxford University Press. 3. Lawrence, J., Ashford, K., & Dent, P. (2006) Gender Differences in Coping Strategies of Undergraduate Students and their Impact on Self Esteem and Attainment. UK: Brunel University. 4. Eschenbeck, H., Kohlmann, C., & Lohaus, A. Gender Differences in Coping Strategies in Children and Adolescents. Germany: University of Education Schwabisch & University of Bielefeld. 5. Tanaka M., Fukuda, S., Mizuno, K., Kuratsune, H., Watanabe, Y. (2009). Stress and Coping Styles are associated with Severe Fatigue in Medical Students. Japan. 6. Drumheller, L. Gender Differences in Stress and Coping Styles. Virginia: Radford University. 7. Gender Difference in Coping Strategies. USA: California State University. 8. Psychology Today. Coping and Stress Management Skill Test. [Online] Available at: [Accessed on 27th October 2011]. Read More
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