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Crew Resource Management - Essay Example

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This essay "Crew Resource Management" intends to explore CRM in general and, factors that constitute it and presents practical examples of two situations that show how good and bad CRM practices can lead to safety or not in aircraft accidents. 

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Emergence of Crew Resource Management (CRM) Name Institution Emergence of Crew Resource Management (CRM) Abstract Quality and safety is enhanced through Crew Resources Management (CRM) that dominates many of the aviation practices in the present times. This paper intends to explore CRM in general and, factors that constitute it and, presents practical examples of two situations that show how good and. bad CRM practices can lead to safety or not in aircraft accidents. For example, the Easy Jet Airbus A320-214 that shows how good CRM practices resulted to safe landing despite experiencing challenges while descending through the Alps. A Beech 1900D (5N-JAH) operated by Wings Aviation shows how failure to respond to safety alert contributed to the crash of the aircraft and, disastrous outcomes in Bebi. Introduction This article presents an extensive analysis and, presentation of the Crew Resource Management (CRM) and, it what it constitutes in the present times that focus on reinforcing safety measures for the passengers and, crews in the aviation business. CRM through proven experiences an,d experiments, have shown that they enhance safety steps and, actions, thus, increasing the safety, growth and, development of the aviation business worldwide. Two examples are presented that shows varied examples in terms of good and, bad CRM practices and, resultant consequences relating to safety and, security of the crew. It finalizes by predicting future trends of CRM and, notes its importance as a whole in the present and in the future. Body of essay The Crew Resource Management (CRM) resulted from the need to address the safety concerns ensuing from aviation accidents that pointed out the realities those incidences results from human error. Furthermore, more specifically the crew as a result of failure to take a simple measures and, steps such as communication and, lack of concentration when conducting certain aviation processes (Shappell et al., 2007). The reality that human is to error and nobody is perfect in the aviation industry led to development of CRM. Human beings come from different cultural backgrounds and, have varied ways of interpreting and, analyzing safety issues and, developments that occur in our surrounding. It, further, reinforced and supported the urgency to have CRM among the aviation industry and, crew to enhance safety processes. The internationalization concept resulted to increased human interaction in varied sectors that either touch on the economic, social or political affairs between and among themselves and, the aviation industry is one major sector in the transport industry that enhances such interaction and, connectedness. It, hence, is relevant to develop the CRM to help the parties involved have a standardized measures and, platform that they can execute safety concerns in the industry (Helmreich, 2000). The CRM notated those important skills for the crew that can enhance safety and, thus, dominates the training modules for CRM that include communication skills, situation analysis, decision-making, team-work and problem-solving skills among others would empower the crew with relevant skills resulting to improved safety and, the quality of service rendered by the aviation teams. It encouraged using the available resources effectively that includes people and, equipments as well as following aviation processes and, function in all actions taken by the crew (Chidester et al.,1991). The results for the pioneers of such action in CRM noticed improved safety and, security concerns for crew members and, the initiative has spread throughout the world to including the military elements that have embraced it. The CRM intended to empower crew members and, reinforce the idea of safety by making them own the processes and, work as a team noting that their lives as crews and those of passengers in aviation mission solely depend on them and, through working as a team, they can realize it with much ease enhancing the profession in crew team (McGee, 2015). CRM has, thus, developed and, grown to form the international standards used to aviation crew members training and, related events to enhance safety and, minimize human-induced incidences that can be hazardous in safety processes. An example that demonstrates good use of CRM occurred in the Easy Jet Airbus A320-214 that left London Gatwick Airport destined for Milan Malpensa airport that had a total occupant of 144 that constituted the passengers and the crew members on board. The aircraft realized challenges when it was descending through fl 220 over the Alps Mountains while approaching the destination. The flight crew had a pre- flight briefing where they were warned of possible light to moderate turbulence. The Air Traffic Control (ATC) also had shared a report from a previous airport that had passed on the Alps area that experienced severe turbulence (Aviation Safety Network, 2015). The crew informed the passengers and, safety measures were immediately initiated. Unfortunately, while the flight crews were performing their duties and, ensure safety to passengers, two were injured in the incidence resulting from the turbulence and, were taken to the hospital upon arrival. The medical staff met the aircraft when they were informed in advance by the flight crew. The above described scenario presents a CRM example that resulted to enhanced safety for the crew and, passengers as is required by CRM results. The crew took many steps and, actions as noted from the narrative that enhanced safety and, security for the flight mission. In the first incident, they were able to communicate with the ATC and, they enquired above the other flight information. It indicates that they wanted to know the situation of the flight as required in the CRM situation analysis. It led them to briefing the passengers and, the crew of the expectations and, thus, they were prepared mentally for the likely outcomes of the flight and, enhanced the safety measures as noted when they encounters severe turbulence while on the Alps. When they got the information of the turbulence, they did not keep to it, but rather shared with the passengers and, warned them and, hence, initiated the safety measures. It shows how competent they were in communication and, handling of information as a requirement of the aviation principles and, procedures. The briefing done before the flight among the crew indicates the team-work that exists between the members of the flight. It helps them share out and, remind themselves of possible actions and, procedures to take in expected circumstances of turbulence in the Alps, a route that they were to use. It, hence, increased the chance of making the right decision and, steps to enhance safety as was noted in the actions that the crew took and, alerted the passengers besides reinforcing safety procedures for the flight. The injury that the two crew attendant got possible resulted when they were helping and, prioritizing the safety concerns for the passengers. They had to prioritize the passenger’s safety. It they had failed to do that, it is more likely that the number of passengers injured during the turbulent times could be more, but none was injured as a result of drift action and, decisions made by the crew as required by CRM competencies. They also contacted the medical team on time to meet the aircraft upon landing and, it is a good gesture and, example in CRM measures that calls for early response for critical situations relating to medical needs and, emergencies. It saved on time and increased the chances of recovery and, getting help. It also prepares the respondents to have the right equipments and, medication to help the affected people on time and, effectively. The CRM when enhanced and, well executed among the crew members can lead to more positive results that enhance safety and, security of the crew and, passengers. It results to sustainable businesses in the aviation sector for the longer time since experienced crew and, the aircraft give value for money and, investments. An example that demonstrates bad use of CRM that results to negative outcomes related to safety occurred in A Beech 1900D (5N-JAH) operated by Wings Aviation went missing on a day light hours in mountainous terrain near its intended destination in Bebi from Lagos. It was destined for a private airstrip and, was a non- commercial flight. The crew was in adequately briefed about the mountainous areas and, they lacked enough guidance or past experience flying in such areas. They flew under power while trying to locate the destination visually (Sky Brary, 2015). In addition, they failed to respond to a series of alerts of Grounds Proximity Warning System (GPWS) and, final PULL UP (that increases the altitude of an aircraft) warning. Despite the Search and Rescue (SAR) efforts launched, it was not located until after 6 months by chance in the vicinity of the intended destination. All the three crew members perished. The noted actions indicate a multiple of errors that contradict the expectations in CRM that enhances safety. The stated incident indicates a multiple of safety concerns that compromises safety. The crew lacked the prior information required about destination and, fight routes that can be obtained through situation analysis. This made the decision-making opportunities challenging that resulted to decisions they made that were vulnerable increasing to the noted fatal crash. They lacked to entail the situation analysis in the process as they were required to inquire factors such as the condition of the airstrip and, the mountains areas that they intended to visit. In the event that they had the stated information, it would enhance the chances of them making the right decisions that would limit the chances for them getting involved in such an accident. It shows that they failed to incorporate the right requirement for the CRM guidelines and, training, hence, led to the accident that was avoidable. Another dangerous step that they took was to ignore leave the aircraft under power while trying to locate the airstrip visually. The principle requires that in such instances, it is better to switch off the power stem to reduce speed and, rate of descending, as well as save on important resources at the time including fuel. However, the crew tried to locate the airstrip visually while the engine of the aircraft was switched on and powered. It shows a negligence and, failure to follow the procedural requirements, hence, increased the chances of the accident happening. The continuous warning of GPWS, further, was ignored by the crew that is a safety measure that intends to help crew members make informed and, correct decisions. The intentional ignorance increased their vulnerability leading to a fatal accident. They, thus, missed the chance of a final PULL UP that would have helped reinforce safety measures for the crew. The incident that displays poor communication skills, poor decision-making, problem-solving skills as well as situation awareness that constitutes an important aspect in CRM modules. Additionally, reports about the accident indicated that the crew members could have avoided the accident had they incorporated the CRM requirements that enhance safety procedures. Another factor that was linked to the accident resulted from the ATC’s failure to update them and, briefed them of the weather situation, especially, the mountainous areas that they were destined. The ATCs action resulting to search and rescue efforts were launched late after the accident had occurred, as well as cancelation was done earlier. The CRM measures, therefore, when fail to be incorporated in the flight control and, handling processes, it increases the chances of compromised safety leading to accidents as noted in this scenario. CRM module has to be utilized effectively and, rightly to reduce occurrence of aviation accidents. Discussion/Conclusion Crew Resource Management proves to be an important step that all aviation stakeholders have to embrace at all stages and, process in the aviation business. They have to be reinforced among the varied crew in aviation that include pilots, air traffic controllers, cabin crew, technicians among others concerned teams in the training and daily operations. The right process and, procedures of CRM must be emphasized to avoid incidences as noted in the examples that results to bad acts resulting to disastrous accidents that can be avoidable (Weick, 1990). The numerous examples of successful CRM incidences have to be published for the varied stakeholders involved to, further, help them embrace the idea that is currently accepted universally among the measures that enhance safety of the aviation missions. The future of CRM should include measures that are proved to enhance safety that are scientifically proven (Mark, 2015). They should also incorporate technology that are universally accepted and, accessed to help, further, advance the CRM to the global aviation industry. The teaching of CRM in the future should be made easy and, accessible to many interested parties by using technology so that an easy reference can be made and, continuous perfection and, improvement of the CRM skills. It should be presented in many languages to facilitate easy access and, learning globally. Words 2108 References Aviation Safety Network (2015). Accident description. 30 Jan 2015. Airbus A320-214, Easy Jet. 23 Nov 2015. Retrieved from: Chidester,T.R., Helmreich, R.L., Gregorich,S.E. & Geis, C.E. (1991). Pilot Personality and Crew Coordination: Implications for Training and Selection. The International Journal of Aviation Psychology, 1(1): 25-44. Retrieved from: Helmreich, R. (2000). On Error Management: Lessons from Aviation. British Medical Journal, 320(7237): 781–785. From: Mark, R.P. ( 2015). Flight Safety Foundation Conducts 300th Safety Audit. 05 Jan 2015. AINonline. 23 Nov 2015. Retrieved from: McGee, E. (2015). Human Factors Expert Recognized with FSF- Airbus Safety Award. 11 March 2015. Flight Safety Foundation, 23 Nov 2015. Retrieved from: Shappell, S., Detwiler, C., Holcomb, K., Hackworth, C., Boquet, A., Boquet, A., Wiegmann. D.A. (2007). Human Error and Commercial Aviation Accidents: An Analysis Using the Human Factors Analysis and Classification System. The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 49(2): 227-242. Retrieved from: Sky Brary (2015). ‘B190, vicinity Bebi south eastern Nigeria, 2008 (CFIT HF FIRE).’ 16 Aug 2015. Accidents and Incidents. 23 Nov 2015. Retrieved from:,_vicinity_Bebi_south_eastern_Nigeria,_2008_(CFIT_HF_FIRE) Weick, K. E. (1990). The Vulnerable System: An Analysis of the Tenerife Air Disaster. Journal of Management, 16(3): 571-593. Retrieved from: Read More

It encouraged using the available resources effectively that includes people and, equipments as well as following aviation processes and, function in all actions taken by the crew (Chidester et al.,1991). The results for the pioneers of such action in CRM noticed improved safety and, security concerns for crew members and, the initiative has spread throughout the world to including the military elements that have embraced it. The CRM intended to empower crew members and, reinforce the idea of safety by making them own the processes and, work as a team noting that their lives as crews and those of passengers in aviation mission solely depend on them and, through working as a team, they can realize it with much ease enhancing the profession in crew team (McGee, 2015).

CRM has, thus, developed and, grown to form the international standards used to aviation crew members training and, related events to enhance safety and, minimize human-induced incidences that can be hazardous in safety processes. An example that demonstrates good use of CRM occurred in the Easy Jet Airbus A320-214 that left London Gatwick Airport destined for Milan Malpensa airport that had a total occupant of 144 that constituted the passengers and the crew members on board. The aircraft realized challenges when it was descending through fl 220 over the Alps Mountains while approaching the destination.

The flight crew had a pre- flight briefing where they were warned of possible light to moderate turbulence. The Air Traffic Control (ATC) also had shared a report from a previous airport that had passed on the Alps area that experienced severe turbulence (Aviation Safety Network, 2015). The crew informed the passengers and, safety measures were immediately initiated. Unfortunately, while the flight crews were performing their duties and, ensure safety to passengers, two were injured in the incidence resulting from the turbulence and, were taken to the hospital upon arrival.

The medical staff met the aircraft when they were informed in advance by the flight crew. The above described scenario presents a CRM example that resulted to enhanced safety for the crew and, passengers as is required by CRM results. The crew took many steps and, actions as noted from the narrative that enhanced safety and, security for the flight mission. In the first incident, they were able to communicate with the ATC and, they enquired above the other flight information. It indicates that they wanted to know the situation of the flight as required in the CRM situation analysis.

It led them to briefing the passengers and, the crew of the expectations and, thus, they were prepared mentally for the likely outcomes of the flight and, enhanced the safety measures as noted when they encounters severe turbulence while on the Alps. When they got the information of the turbulence, they did not keep to it, but rather shared with the passengers and, warned them and, hence, initiated the safety measures. It shows how competent they were in communication and, handling of information as a requirement of the aviation principles and, procedures.

The briefing done before the flight among the crew indicates the team-work that exists between the members of the flight. It helps them share out and, remind themselves of possible actions and, procedures to take in expected circumstances of turbulence in the Alps, a route that they were to use. It, hence, increased the chance of making the right decision and, steps to enhance safety as was noted in the actions that the crew took and, alerted the passengers besides reinforcing safety procedures for the flight.

The injury that the two crew attendant got possible resulted when they were helping and, prioritizing the safety concerns for the passengers. They had to prioritize the passenger’s safety. It they had failed to do that, it is more likely that the number of passengers injured during the turbulent times could be more, but none was injured as a result of drift action and, decisions made by the crew as required by CRM competencies.

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