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Pakistani Taliban - Research Paper Example

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The paper gives detailed information about Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan. The paper discusses the aims and the ideologies of the TTP and their relations with Pakistan and International army. It contains a detailed understanding of three categories of Taliban and their dependency on each other…
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Pakistani Taliban
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 Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) is a combination of the various Islamic activists group formed in 2007 in Pakistan which is administered in the tribal areas and the Northwest region of Pakistan in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (Giustozzi, 2009). The paper discusses about the aims and the ideologies of the TTP and their relations with Pakistan and International army. The paper contains a detailed understanding of three categories of Taliban and their dependency on each other. Furthermore, the study outlines the existence of the organization and the reasons that enabled Pakistani Taliban to react strongly against the Pakistani army and killing the innocent people. Moreover, the paper also helps to understand the other side of perspective and defines the factors that are necessary in understanding the views of the tribesman. The aim of TTP is to enforce the Islamic Shariah Law and to expel out the armed forces that are operating in Afghanistan. The former Al-Qaida leaders had close ties with the Tehrik-e-Taliban and as well as the other terrorist groups. The first ever leader for Tehrik-e-Taliban was known to be Baitullah Mahsud, who was killed in a drone attack in Pakistan, and Hakimullah Mahsud who vowed to destroy United States succeeded the leadership position and Pakistan with their suicide attacks (Mir & Rānā, 2004). The inception of the formation of TTP was perceived in the minds of Taliban after the 9/11 incident. Americans then invaded Afghanistan and a group of Taliban inside Pakistan started to support the people of Afghanistan and group of Al-Qaida. The stance of Pakistani Taliban was not severe but after the incident of Lal Masjid in 2007, it forced the Pakistani Taliban to form an umbrella organization with the other 13 terrorist groups. The formation of TTP was officially announced in December 2007 under the leadership of Baitullah Mahsud in Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) near South Waziristan (Nawaz & Borchgrave, 2009). The ideology of the small militant group of Taliban under the leadership of TTP is to enforce Shariah in both Afghanistan and Pakistan and to perform Jihad against the NATO forces that are operating in Afghanistan and the Pakistani Army. Their demands from Pakistan were to abolish all the military checkpoints that were enrolled in the borders of FATA and to release the Imam of Lal Masjid Abdul Aziz. They have a stance that they would refuse to further talk with the Government of Pakistan until the government would fulfill their demand. This has increased suicide attacks mainly in Pakistan due to which it has prevented many foreign businessmen to start its operation in Pakistan and many have stopped their operations due to security issues (Giustozzi, 2009). The TTP agency is headquartered in South Waziristan and more than 30,000 people are fighting for their cause in seven different tribal agencies of FATA and various districts of Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa. TTP is operating in all four provinces of Pakistan with the assistance of the local commanders in each province who works with the same common goals and motives. However, there are multiple numbers of terrorist groups that are working outside Pakistan and have adopted different agendas and motives to pursue (Bowman, 2009). TTP started to form alliances with the other terrorist groups in 2002 because this was the time when Pakistan military was combating against the foreign invasions of refugees from Afghanistan into Pakistan due to the war in Afghanistan. An article written by a BBC reporter confirmed that when the American military attacked the training camp of Al-Qaida in Afghanistan with bombers and gunship helicopters resulting in the heavy casualties, then these refugees moved to a place in Pakistan called South Waziristan and until then the refugees have remained peaceful. The Pakistan military offense in the South and North Waziristan played the biggest role in the rising of the war in Pakistan. Pakistani authority believed that a large number of Arab militants, Chechen and Uzbek were living in the area. Pakistani authority decided to invade the land for the first time in 55 years. The negotiations were made with the locals of the area who reluctantly agreed to grant Pakistani army with permission only with the assurance that they would help in the development work and bring funds to educate people. However, all promises were forgone by the Pakistan army when they attacked the tribal area and made an attempt to subjugate them and persuading them to hand over the foreign militants that were being hiding in Waziristan. Apparently the Pakistani authority mishandled the case and failed to retrieve any foreign militant which raised an undeclared war between Pakistan and the tribesman (Katzman, 2009). The TTP leaders have supported the cause of fighting against the NATO by providing the militants with logistics, weaponries, training and soldiers in Afghanistan. The various tribal groups, which would later form the TTP, make their hold and authority in the FATA by continuous attacks at the Pakistan military. Since then, the foreign militants that were hiding in the tribal area had killed over 200 tribal elders to strengthen their control. However, many of the analyst believes that the inception of US drone attacks is also a catalyzing factor in the anger of the tribal military to rise for the fight against the Pakistan army.  Several Pakistani analysts believed that the US drone attacks have raised the rage amongst the tribesmen because many of the drone attacks have killed more innocent people than it has killed the militants. A US drone attack in 2006 bombarded a madrasah in Bajer which was controlled by Three-e-Nawaz-e-Shoat-e-Mohammad and gave rise to an objective to destroy the US army as well. The existence of the TTP was officially announced in 2007 by 13 activists groups and believed that there has been an unfair attack on their people, which has led them to stand up against these forces (United Nations, 2009). Pakistan took a quick stance over this act and banned the activist groups and froze all their bank accounts and assets and rewards were placed on the leaders of TTP if captured or killed on August 2008. The TTP leaders recorded many videos that they consider the United States their main target and that they would do anything in response to the US drone attacks. The suicide attacks on Camp Chapman in Afghanistan, which is the facility for the CIA, and the attempted attack on the Times Square bombing were taken responsibility by Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan on May 2010.  In December 2008, Mullah Omer sent his men for negotiations with the leaders of TTP to put aside their war differences and should help them in fighting the war against the forces that were present in Afghanistan and to aid Afghan Taliban. The leaders of the TTP agreed to the terms and gave their allegiance to Osama Bin Laden and Mullah Omer and formed a coalition, which was known as Shura Ittehadul Mujahideen. However, the formation of this group was a written contract, which did not last very long after the formation and collapsed shortly (Siddique, 2010).  Baitullah Mahsud in August 2009 was killed in a US drone attack and soon the shura was held responsible in appointing the successor for the TTP. A fight broke out among the two nominated leaders Hakimullah Mahsud and Wli-ur-Rahman to secure the place as a leader but Hakimullah Mahsud succeeded it. The rumor broke out that Hakimullah Mahsud was also killed in a drone attack but later a video, which was sent by TTP, confirmed that Hakimullah Mahsud was alive. Pakistani army had a major achievement when they captured the spokesperson of the TTP Maulvi Omer who confirmed the death of Baitullah Mahsud and told the army that there was indeed turmoil among the TTP leadership after the killing of Baitullah Mahsud (Basit, 2012). Faqir Mohammad was announced as the temporary TTP and Muslim Khan was announced as a primary spokesperson of TTP after the capture of Maulvi Omer. Faqir Mohammad told the BBC reporter that Baitullah Mahsud is still alive but he was in ill health. He further mentioned to the reporter that the leaders would only be chosen by the mutual consensus of the other leaders of TTP who are part of the Umbrella group. Faqir also stated that TTP has about 32 members in the panel that makes the decision to choose the leader and both the Hakimullah Mahsud and  Wali-ur-Rahman had approved him as the temporary leader of TTP. The analysts believed that the appointment of the temporary leadership of TTP is due to the power struggle among the TTP members. After two days later from the statement of Faqir Mohammad disapproved hi claims of being the temporary leader of TTP and Hakimullah Mahsud were succeeded as the TTP leader. Faqir also declared that the shura has appointed Azam Tariq as the spokesperson for TTP rather than Muslim Khan. Since Hakimullah was made the leader of TTP, the suicide attacks began to rise in the Pakistani state and the civilians were made target (Fair, 2010). After the suicide attacks that had taken place in Pakistan, the United States enlisted the TTP as Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) and Hakimullah Mahsud and Wali-ur-Rahman were listed in the category of the most dangerous global terrorist. The enlisting of TTP in the FTO refers that it will be a crime if any one supports TTP or did business with the activist organization and it gave the US authority to freeze the assets of these terrorist groups and issued a reward of $5 million in access of the information on those two individuals. British government as well banned the organization in 2011 and Canadian government enlisted the group in the banned terrorist organization (Jenkins & Godges, 2011). The TTP is not considered as a united organization as compared to the Afghan Taliban because of its structure. TTP has much weak coalition of the various activist groups and it lacks a proper command over its umbrella organization and it also has a hostile relationship with the Pakistani government. Many analysts believe that TTP have loose network with its coalition partners because they vary in size and the co-ordination level is weak. The analysts argue that TTP does not have the power to influence the other people to indulge with the organization’s activities and it often lacks the ability to expand their operations outside the territory of Pakistan (Cohen, 2011). When the TTP was formed, Baitullah Mahsud was made the leader or Amir of TTP and Hafiz Gul Bahadur was appointed as Vice Amir of TTP when the organization was in the original form. The umbrella organization contained members from seven of the FATA tribal agencies and many districts of Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa, which includes Bannu, Malakand, Swat, Dera Ismail Khan, Marwat, Kohistan and many others. The total number of operatives working for the organization was calculated between 30,000 to 35,000 (Katzman, 2009). Since the death of Baitullah Mahsud in 2009, the organization showed signs of turmoil among the leading members of the militants. But in the end, the leading members appointed Hakimullah Mahsud as the second Amir of TTP. Unconfirmed sources from Taliban had informed the government and the media that that Hakimullah Mahsud has been killed in the US drone attacks in 2010 and Alias Maulana Toofan and Malik Jamal Noor has taken over the leadership of TTP until the organization resolved its conflict. Some sources also indicated that the grip of Hakimullah Mahsud was becoming weaker in 2011 because the Taliban leader of Kurram agency Fazal Saeed Haqqani abandoned his support and showed disagreements with the TTP for killing civilians. The associate of Mahsud confirmed by stating that Fazal Saeed Haqqani is not able to control his commanders anymore and claimed that he was kept in isolation and only few people would know about his location. There were also rumors published in the Express Tribune that the organization has been out of funds to operate and expand beyond the territory and the fighting ability of these fighters is continuously decreasing among the members of TTP. The opinions between the activists groups were differing in the large context as militants were moving ahead of having peace talks with the government of Pakistan (Nawaz & Borchgrave, 2009). US Gen. David Patraeus elaborated the relationship of TTP with other militant group as very important and it is difficult to judge their relationship in terms of their attributes. He claims that the Afghan Taliban, Pakistani Taliban, Al-Qaida and different other terrorist groups have a good relationship among each other because they all support each other if they require each other’s assistance, most of the time they are co-coordinating with each other and sometimes they also fight with one another. He says that this however proves that there is a symbiotic relationship which is found among them which is difficult to decipher and even impossible to take control over them (Jenkins & Godges, 2011). The Navy admiral of the US Dennis C. Blair addressed the American senators that Pakistan has to make clear distinctions between the different terrorist groups who are working under the same roof. However, Pakistani military and Pakistan intelligence considers and treats both the Afghan Taliban and Pakistani Taliban differently. Blair elaborated his statement while addressing to the senators that Pakistan military is aiding the three major terrorist groups in attacking the American and NATO forces in Afghanistan. The three major groups that he believed that Pakistan army is indeed helping them in carrying out the attacks are the Afghan Taliban which is now operated by Mullah Mohammad Omer in Quetta, the activist group which is operated by Gulbuddin Hekmatyar and the activist group who operates and trains the guerilla warriors which is operated by Jalaluddin Haqqani. The Naval admiral claimed that Pakistan considers these terrorist groups as their strategic asset and considers that these groups can be handy in stopping TTP and Hakimullah Mahsud from their objectives (Katzman, 2009). The TTP and the Afghan Taliban are primarily from the same religion ‘Deobandi’ which is one of the schools of thought in Islam and are both from the same ethnic group known as ‘Pashtun’ but however their perspectives and their stance about their goals and objectives greatly differ from each other.  An Afghan Taliban spokesperson gave an interview to a foreign media in which he strongly condemned that they do not have any relations with the Pakistan Taliban and are not affiliated with them through any links. The spokesperson for Afghan Taliban elaborated that he sympathizes the TTP group because somehow they are Muslims but other than that they have no connections with TTP and they do not want to get involved with that militant group. Brigadier Mohammad Saeed who is recognized as the security analysis he believed that the Taliban are divided into 3 categories: The first is the Afghan Taliban which is operated by Mullah Omer, the second Taliban are known as Paktia Taliban which are experts in guerilla fights and are led by Jalaluddin Haqqani. The third Taliban are referred to as ‘Salfi Taliban’ also known as Pakistani Taliban, which is the cause of real danger for Pakistan. The Afghan and the Paktia Taliban have the desire and their goals to achieve the Afghanistan war against the NATO and American forces. However, the goals of the Pakistani Taliban are to destroy Pakistan army and as well as to enforce 100% shariah in the country. The Pakistani Taliban does not happen to obey the orders from Mullah Omer, which shows that their destination is headed to another objective. Some analyst also believes that the word ‘Taliban’ confuses a lot of tribesmen in differentiating the Afghan Taliban and Pakistani Taliban. The experts claim that the term can be misleading at times as because when Pakistan army was conducting operations for Pakistani Taliban, many of the tribesmen thought that the operation is for Afghan Taliban, which is led by Mullah Omer (Gurulé, 2008). Many differences prevail between the Afghani Taliban and TTP, even if the TTP has claimed that they have a relationship with the Afghan Taliban however, there is no support shown by the Afghan Taliban, which shows that there is no affiliation between them. The Afghan Taliban has only supported and has taken allegiance from the Pakistani State in order to get hold of the Afghan state completely.  The Afghan Taliban has claimed that they have fought the Afghanistan war with major help from the Pakistani. Many believed that the leading rulers of Afghan Taliban and Paktia Taliban consider Pakistan a safer place in where they could plan their operations without any difficulties. Pakistan Inter-Services Intelligence has claimed that the leader of Paktia Taliban Jalaluddin Haqqani as their important asset for the country and are not bothering to take any action against them because the Pakistan State considers them the only key that could protect their interest in Afghanistan (Bowman, 2009). Even prior to the existence of TTP, majority of fighters were a part of the militants that were fighting the Afghanistan war against the NATO forces and opposed everyone else who were in favor of eliminating Taliban. A majority of the chunk about 40% was belonged to Pakistan and the rest of them were from the Arab state and the other Muslim countries.  Since Afghan Taliban were less in numbers and loosing the war in 2001, many Taliban migrated and sought refuge in Pakistan, which are now considered as part of TTP, but however, the Afghan Taliban remained in contact with the Pakistani armed forces and ISI. The Afghan Taliban then gathered themselves and fled to Pakistan where they setup their camps and again managed to fight with the anti-Taliban forces with a much greater force. The Taliban from both the groups that had been captured claimed that they were frequently allowed to cross the borders from Pakistan and Afghanistan and claimed that they were being trained by the Pakistani armed forces in order to fight in the war in Afghanistan (Singh & Krishnappa, 2009). The militants who supported Baitullah Mahsud and their goals, they joined the Tehrik-e-Taliban and started to oppose and kill the Pakistani army ad their citizens. At that time they had claimed to kill about 200 rivals who opposed their objectives that they wanted to control the FATA area and also to pose a threat to the Pakistan State by killing their citizens. The continuous attacks from the Pakistani Taliban in killing the Pakistani army and their security forces created an intense situation among the Pakistan Taliban and Afghan Taliban. Mullah Omer had sent a delegation to the Pakistan Taliban where he addressed them to divert their focus from killing the Pakistan troops towards the war in Afghanistan, which is the main source of the problem.  However in 2009, the Pakistan Taliban agreed to shift their focus from killing the Pakistani troops towards the War in Afghanistan and signed an agreement with the Afghan Taliban in assisting them in the war. But the contract did not last very long and they diverted from their promise of giving allegiance to the Afghan Taliban and started to fight against the Pakistani army and killing their innocent citizens (Aboul-Enein & Y, 2010). There have been attempts made by Mullah Omer, the leader of Afghan Taliban in order to recruit TTP in fighting against the US forces in Afghanistan and sources confirm that in January 2012, the spokesperson of TTP Ihsanullah Ihsan said that their rivalry against the other Taliban group has ended and will now pay their allegiance to Mullah Omer of fighting alongside Afghan Taliban and would stop the suicide attacks in Pakistan and killing innocent people. They have agreed to the terms set by Mullah Omer and made an attempt to unite the entire Taliban group in fighting the war against the anti-Taliban forces (Basit, 2012). There have been many controversies in the border area of Afghanistan and Pakistan, the relationship got severe when there were 150 missiles were fired from Pakistan to Afghanistan and killing many Afghani civilians. As expected, the Afghan officials blamed Pakistan state to be involved in those attacks. An Afghan state spokesperson Gen. Zaher Azizmi said that if Pakistan does not stop bombarding and killing the innocent Afghan citizen then it will have a bad influence on the relationship between the two countries. Pakistani state condemned this report while some analysts believed that the TTP might have a role here to play and might want to disrupt the relationship between the two countries. Following the same month, many attacks were made on Pakistan from the Afghanistan border and the responsibility of those attacks were claimed by the Pakistan Taliban but the Afghan Taliban rejected the statement of Taliban Pakistan by stating that TTP could not have access to the Afghan controlled areas. The analysts have a viewpoint that the Pakistan army must have driven the TTP out of their country and somehow they have managed to threaten the Pakistan border by continuous attempts to destroy the nation. Faqir Mohammad a spokesperson of Pakistan Taliban claimed that they would do anything does carry out the attacks in Pakistan and as well as in Afghanistan (Hussain, 2010).  Afghanistan Governor accepted the fact that the Afghan Taliban has nothing to do with the cross border attacks in Pakistan but however made a point that Pakistan Taliban may have been involved in those attacks because they can take cover and hide in the Afghanistan province such as Kunar and Nuristan where they can feel safe because the Afghan State does not have power over that province their writ does not exist. But Tameem Nuristani state the reason for those provinces which are not in control under the Afghan government is because Pakistan is supporting the Afghan Taliban in that province in pursuing the war in Afghanistan and aiding to fight against the NATO and Afghan forces. The Pakistan Government has constantly denied this report but many of the Afghan Taliban have confirmed that the Pakistan army officers and ISI lead their training. The Afghan Taliban have also confirmed that Pakistan had been helping the Afghan Taliban since many years and had provided them their support to fight against the International forces in Afghanistan and Pakistan is the one who started it all.  The fact that the US forces have backed out of the Kunar province is due to reason that some analysts believes that Afghan Taliban have overpowered the International forces. Now Afghan Taliban has the power to move freely in the Kunar province and could see the Pakistan Taliban crossing the borders and entering in their land but obviously for some reasons they do not prevent entering in to their homeland even they do believe that TTP should have stopped killing the innocent Pakistani citizen and attacking the Pakistan army, which still remains to be a mystery.  Now the powers among the locals of Kunar are rising and are recruited for the Holy war Jihad and preparing for the war against the international forces (Bowman, 2009). President Obama’s adviser John Brennan had stated while talking to the media that Pakistan has close a relationship with the Al-Qaida as it supports the organization in many way by sharing their bomb making expertise and letting the Taliban gain the access of all the machineries with the state of the art gadgets so that they could use against the international forces. John Brennan accused Pakistani government that they plan together with the members of Al-Qaida and helps them in providing them with training as to become a better force. However, US Ambassador Daniel Benjamin had another point of view in which he described that TTP is the one who has close ties with the Al-Qaida group and are both interdependent on each other because when TTP wants to enter the Kunar Province or any other state in which Afghan Taliban has the overall authority, it let them enter in to their gateway and if Afghan Taliban had to enter the state of Pakistan in the areas in which Pakistan Taliban has the full authority then enables them to enter their gateway. So, Daniel Benjamin describes the mutual relationship between them which works as a binding force and it has helped the Pakistan Taliban a lot more than the Al-Qaida because now TTP is gaining more strength and have got permission to enable the worldwide network of Al-Qaida which is considered a threat for both Pakistan and US (Siddique, 2010). According to Ayesha Siddiqa of Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars elaborated that TTP is considered to be the franchise of Al-Qaida because TTP follows the ideologies of Al-Qaida and are willing to follow their footsteps. She argues that since the war in Russia, the Al-Qaida group and many other Taliban groups invaded the Pashtun area and embedded themselves with the local culture and traditions because Pashtun people have a striking resemblance with the Taliban so they feel secure to oblige them in their land. There were many meetings between the top Afghan commanders and Baitullah Mahsud in which every time the Afghan Taliban would invite them to support Afghan Taliban in supporting the war in Afghanistan. Baitullah Mahsud had a meeting with Ayman Al-Zawahiri in 2008 in which Baitullah Mahsud also confirmed to pay their allegiance to Osama bin Laden and their objectives (Mir & Rānā, 2004). TTP also have been confirmed to have set a strategic alliance with the Ghazi force who is considered to a Jihadi organization which was established in 2008The Ghazi Abdul Rashid Shaheed Brigade, whose 7 after the Lal Masjid incident. These both organizations have supported each other in killing thousands of Pakistan citizens and had been collaborating with each other in Swat due to which the Pakistan army had to kill them all in order to make peace in the Swat valley (Cohen, 2011). The former Amir of TTP Baitullah Mahsud had a great collaboration with the Islamic movement of Uzbekistan (IMU) and also had strong ties with them before and also had positive relations with their former leader of IMU Tohir Yo’ldosh. The former leader of IMU also offered Mahsud with the services of their 2,500 men in the fight for their cause. He was inspired with the ideologies of Baitullah Mahsud and had promised that he would help TTP in providing them with information and gadgets. Now, IMU is considered to be major allies of TTP and also posted a video in which the new leader of IMU Aabu Usman Adil was meeting with the successor of Baitulla Mahsud and the leaders of TTP (Giustozzi, 2009). TTP has also maintained good relations with the Tehrik-e-Taliban Punjab who are operating in the South Punjab, which poses a big threat to the Pakistani citizen. Jaysh-i-Muhammad, Sipah-i-Sahaba and Lashkar-i-Jhangvi are considered to be part of Punjabi Taliban. Punjabi Taliban was said to have been involved previously in the Kashmir by sending their fighters to fight against the Indian forces. They both have a strategic alliance and are maintaining continuous contact with each other while TTP has recruited many of the Punjabi Taliban fighters in their camp and planning to expand beyond their territory. The issue of the existence of Taliban in Punjab has raised serious questions because there is a majority of Punjabi’s in the country and naturally the Taliban had been originated from Afghan and Pashtun areas. The government of Punjab has disapproved of the statement of the existence of Punjabi Taliban in Punjab. The interior minister, Rehman Malik has confirmed that Punjabi Taliban has been aided by the TTP to plan the major attacks in Punjab. The movement of Taliban now has deepened its roots and it is now recruiting people from all over Pakistan (Jenkins & Godges, 2011).   There is a history of attacks in Pakistan whose responsibility has been claimed by the TTP in which their biggest work was considered to be the assassination of Benazir Bhutto in 2007. On 23 December, TTP claimed responsibility of destroying the Pakistan army convoy and killing six soldiers. While Mahsud was interviewed through a telephone he claimed that his organization had been responsible about the planned suicide attacks that were carried out in the Police academy in Lahore and also provided the reason that they are carrying out these attacks because of the US drone attacks that are bombarded in their regions and tribes and it results in the casualties of the innocent tribesmen whereas they claim that Pakistan is doing nothing to prevent those attacks. Police have suspected that TTP was involved in the Srilankan cricket team attack in 2009 but they could not prove the incident was really caused by TTP. TTP is also responsible for the killings in the Swat valley, which forced the Pakistan army to conduct an operation against them. However, there have been hundreds of attacks by TTP, which has resulted in the loss of thousands of innocent people, and Pakistan army is unable to stop them because they have prevailed in different parts of the country and are trying to make further expansion (Cohen, 2011). The growing insurgency has given rise to the death of many innocent citizens, which has strengthened the hold of Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan in the country. However, the objectives of the two most dominant groups of Taliban, the Afghan Taliban and Paktia Taliban are to fight against the international forces, which they consider has invaded their land, and to enforce 100% shariah law in Afghanistan. But the motives of TTP differentiate between the two dominant groups and believe Pakistan as the real culprit and have made attempts to destabilize the country by continuously bombarding their citizens. Even the two dominant Taliban group approached TTP to shift their focus from Pakistan to Afghanistan and TTP agreed to submit their allegiance to Mullah Omer but after few days they terminated the contract and started attacking the innocent citizens. The US officials also believe that Pakistani armed forces are helping the Afghan militants and the Afghan Taliban is supporting TTP. Analysts believe that Afghan Taliban is interdependent on each other because they need access to their particular controlled areas. However, in January 2012 the Afghan Taliban has succeeded in persuading the TTP in again signing the contract to discontinue the activities in Pakistan and aid them in fighting against the International forces. References Aboul-Enein, & Y. (2010). Militant Islamist Ideology: Understanding the Global Threat. Annapolis: Naval Institute Press. . Basit, A. (2012, February 10). A Threat Analysis of Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP). Retrieved May 14, 2012, from Bowman, S. (2009). War in Afghanistan: Strategy, Military Operations, and Issues for Congress. New York: DIANE Publishing. . Cohen, S. (2011). The Future of Pakistan. Washington: Brookings Institution Press. Fair, C. (2010). Pakistan: Can the United States Secure an Insecure State? California: Rand Corporation. Giustozzi, A. (2009). Decoding the New Taliban: Insights from the Afghan Field. New York: Columbia University Press. Gurulé, J. (2008). Unfunding Terror: The Legal Response to the Financing of Global Terrorism. London: Edward Elgar Publishing. Hussain, Z. (2010). The Scorpion's Tail: The Relentless Rise of Islamic Militants in Pakistan ... New York: Simon and Schuster. Jenkins, B., & Godges, J. (2011). The Long Shadow of 9/11. New York: Rand Corporation. Katzman, K. (2009). Afghanistan: Post-Taliban Governance, Security, and U.S. Policy. New York: DIANE Publishing. . Mir, A., & Rānā, M. (2004). A to Z of Jehadi organizations in Pakistan. Lahore: Mashal Books. Nawaz, S., & Borchgrave, A. (2009). FATA--a Most Dangerous Place: Meeting the Challenge of Militancy and Terror in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas of Pakistan. Washington: CSIS Press. Siddique, Q. (2010). Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan: an attempt to deconstruct the umbrella organization and the reasons for its growth in Pakistan's north-west. Lahore: Dansk Institut for Internationale Studier. Singh, P., & Krishnappa, V. (2009). Saving Afghanistan. New Delhi: Academic Foundation. United Nations. (2009). Addiction, Crime and Insurgency: The Transnational Threat of Afghan Opium. New York: United Nations Publication. Read More
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