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Policy Control Process - Essay Example

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This apper 'Policy Control Process' tells that Be it a family or nation or even an international organization, the policies are formulated by power circles only. The factors that vest such power may vary depending upon the area. Wealth and knowledge are the three main criteria that underlay the power lobby…
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Policy Control Process
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POLICY CONTROL PROCESS Be it a family or nation or even an international organization, the policies are formulated and controlled by power circles only. The factors that vest such power may vary depending upon the area. However, wealth, status and knowledge are the three main criteria that underlay the power lobby. Something like water and anger power also flow downwards. But the quantum of power when gauged at the end user level it is zero. This formula is maintained at the making of policies itself, because the end-users are left with the 'fruits' alone. The end-users namely the masses are not concerned with the policies but with the fruits only. The overall set up is termed polity. In a modern society the pivotal principle of polity specifies that power be legitimated by the reference to the consent of the governed, that is, each person must have a more or less equal voice in providing this consent. The arrangements in a society like political parties, lobby groups and social movements are the tools invented to express the consent. (Ritzer, 2000, pp579) Hence the policy makers retain the power of controlling the process in their own hands. This exhorts them to opt for elite theory and makes them politically elite. But generally elitists do not opt to get involved in politics; they get everything done through political stalwarts. They even posses complete control over the entire government. Its size, wealth, status, organizational strength, leadership, access to decision makers and internal cohesion, determine the proportionate strength of an elite group. While elitism cannot be challenged anywhere in this globe, pluralism is a supporting modality for elitists to reach their goal. Socially elite groups of Australia were trying hard for the upbringing of the aborigines, the 40000 years old primitives of the land. The Constitution of Australia prevented the federal government from directly aiding the aborigines. However with the help of the socially elite groups Australians got the clause removed in 1967. (World Book Encyclopedia, 1995, pp778). The elite theory does not compromise in its core, that is, powerful minority rules the masses. However the perseverance of the elite group in accomplishing their goal imparts them a type of immortality. 'White Australia Policy' was in vogue for about 70 years since, 1901. The Immigration Restriction Act passed in 1901 excluded the entry of Asians on the basis of a dictation test on any European language. But an epochal decision by the government in 1993 that affirmed aboriginal land rights diverted the entire attention to aboriginal Australians. This made Australia close to Asia and 'White Australia Policy' was allowed to die slowly. A new official policy of multiculturalism was created, which was very similar to cultural pluralism, an offshoot of cultural diversity. (International Encyclopedia of PROPAGANDA; pp60) Pluralism has paved way for smooth running of government in the land. The power of the Governor General of Australia to appoint more than one minister for one portfolio is the indication of the effect of pluralism conceived in a healthy manner. The Cabinet ministers collectively take major decisions on government policy matters and programs. They bear the collective responsibility on the decision arrived at. If one minister is not willing to support, he resigns and the remaining ministers who made the decisions shoulder the responsibilities. The business of policy making is normally done at Cabinet meetings of the ministers only. Since a Cabinet is an unofficial body it can conduct its business with flexibility, confidentiality and informality. The Cabinet primarily concerns itself with policy rather than the form of actions and legal restraints or legal instruments. It is the part of executive council, which includes parliamentary secretaries and some ministers too to approve government's subordinate legislations. Policy decisions are normally arrived at after combining three important factors. They are: resources, evidences and values. The issue of values is of most concern when talking about the efficacy and effectiveness in reforms promulgated by a government. Though evidence-based practice in decision-making is in the offing, most decisions are now made on the basis of values and resources alone. (George Ritzer, 2004 pp56, 57) As the power has just been distilled to its next lower level, that is executive council, the authorities still enjoy the warmth of power. The authorities of this stage and the authorities of actual execution enjoy both the warmth and benefits of power, although they do not belong to elite group. This is because of the pluralistic approach, which maintains recognition of various level ideas and suggestions. During and at the end of execution, the power that originated at the elite group gets completely transformed into material benefits for masses. Ministers claim this as their achievements, officers and intermediary authorities consider this as a regard of them, and the end-users the general public call it the benevolence of their leaders. In the alchemy of transforming power into material benefits, only the policy makers, the elite, who are highly versed in this job, know a crucial point of transition. This crucial point of transition is where the highly concentrated and volatile power becomes tangible materials. General public are never bothered about this crucial point of transition, since they are not at all concerned with this. Even educated group of people, when playing the role of general public they are highly passive and unconcerned with this area. This is the vulnerable area of scam viruses to enter into a system. The volume of a scam depends upon the quantum of outcome from a policy. Pluralism that came to the service of people comes now to the rescue of offenders at this stage. It is not the mistake of the ideology of pluralism, but the brass hats are competent and clever enough to use the idea of pluralism to save their skins. In politics pluralism and elitism evenly balance each other. During the caucus meetings the politicians discuss internal party policy, parliamentary tactics, resolving internal disputes and laying back-bench pressure on their leaders. They have many channels and methods to express their views within the party. But once it becomes the matter of party solidarity no member or senator vote against the party decision unless a conscience vote is permitted. Thus elitism and pluralism join their hands together. (World Encyclopedia of Parliaments and Legislatures, Vol I. Pp28) An elite group waits till its turn of rule come to its hand. Competition or rivalry among the groups is established only in rule. They exercise their full force through government machinery. In Australian economy, inflation was continued to be one of the major problems since world oil crisis in 1973. The Liberal-Country Party coalition fought against the problem during 1976-83 giving priority to inflation with economic policies centered on wage restraint. However, since the set up of that period was incapable of controlling the wage growth constitutionally, the economic policies of the Liberal Party were not able to achieve their targets. But when Labor Party won elections in 1983, the entire economic policies changed. Australian dollar was immediately depreciated by 10% to prevent fast rise in interest rates. Formations of trade unions are because of the flexibility of pluralistic theories in prevalence. Whenever any bottleneck arises out of the attitudes of trade unions, it is softly dealt with by the elite group and salvation achieved mostly through compromise. Many major policy decisions were taken in 1985 in Australia. Decision to allow 15 foreign banks to operate in the local market was one among such daring decisions. In the regime of Robert Hawke's prime minister ship, the government preferred widening of income-tax base, introduction of a broad based consumption tax and relying on indirect taxation. Of these the first two options were vehemently opposed by the business sector and trade unions respectively. In September 1985, a compromise tax-reform was agreed. In particular the consumption tax was excluded. Although pluralists tend to give importance to various ideas and views from all corners, they tone down their voice when major decisions were taken. The government in May 1987 took severe steps to reduce expenditure. It abolished short-term employment programme; reduced the level of federal funding and abolished the grant of relief to unemployed youths of age 16 and 17 years. ("The Far East and Australasia 1988", 19th edition, pp182) The foremost important side of policy issues is decentralization of power. Decentralization of power works well often but many a time it leads to instability. Such instability arises not because of decentralization but because of the wrong use or misuse of power. Hence policy makers mostly retain power at specified centers to enjoy safety against misuse. However when certain powers are vested to selected mechanisms, better results can be obtained. For example, police force if planted with sufficient powers will guard the society from vandalism. In that case the core of such vandalism should first be identified and evaluated. If this is done by police force itself, then the job of cleansing the area from vandalism would be easy for them. But the power holders do not vest police force with such facilitating power initially. This may be out of fear that police force may wrongly be directed against some innocents in some places. This ties the hands of police. When let free, they take the thorn out of any crux. Our theories and policies and theories of policies are still to be studied well to find out a viable source of solution in respect of decentralization of power. Controlling frauds in any government department or private sphere purely rests on the high up in power. Detection, strategic handling and mitigating the hardships from frauds are primarily to be given importance in anti-corruption. The Common Wealth Fraud Control Guidelines (2002) defines fraud as 'dishonestly obtaining a benefit by deception or other means.' The department of immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs endorses this definition of fraud and has devised certain modes and practices to be followed in the fight against frauds. This includes recovering the fraudulent activity with the assistance from other agencies. Interaction with other agencies and departments creates awareness of frauds and precautions in all related departments and spheres. ( CONCLUSION In evolution still several eons are likely to be covered to land on a social reform, that is, a society free from racial clashes. Recent Cronulla beach incident and the following flare-ups indicate a global policy against racial discrimination has to be evolved. Presently the proposal to recall the New South Wales Parliament for a special emergency sitting to provide police with extra powers to deal with criminals is a ray of hope. However such racial violence since has become global, a new international policy must be evolved to maintain peace in the region. Accepting people with their diversities is the main way of current policies. However people of different culture when migrate or mingle with people of a society those immigrants must be made aware that certain non-agreeable practices of them are just borne with for the sake of multiculturalism to thrive. They must compulsorily be made aware that lenience on them has been bestowed by the hosting society. At the same time, it ought to be seen that they do not misuse or over use or wrongly use such lenience. Exhorting a moral fear on immigrants on deviation of rulings of the host culture makes them lead a normal life without disturbing others. These are all in the hands of policy makers only. Suitable policy when exercised with sufficient power at execution level flows smoothly up to the required end and fetches the expected results. Reference List- Australian Government, Department of Immigration and Multicultural and Indegenous Affires. ( "The Far East and Australasia 1988", 19th edition, Europa Russel Ross,'economy' pp182 George Ritzer, 2004: "Hand Book of Social Problems", Sage Publications, London, Delhi. Pp56,57 International Encyclopedia of PROPAGANDA; FD Publishers, London, in Nicholas Birns 'Australia' pp60 Ritzer,2000: "The Blackwell Companion to Major Social Theorists",in Malcolm Waters 'Daniel Bell', pp579 World Book Encyclopedia, World Book Inc, Sydney, pp778 World Encyclopedia of Parliaments and Legislatures, Vol I. Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers, 1998, London, pp28 Read More
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