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French Politician in NYC Being accused of something can pan out in two different ways. The accused can either be named guilty or not guilty. Evidence and long investigations can contribute to whether or not one is guilty or not. Given that information, a New York City hotel maid accused a French politician of rape. The French politician is known as a “lady seducer”, by an unknown source. Jonathan Franzen has many ideas that give incite in deciding on an outcome of the French politician.
The Imperial Bedroom discusses privacy in the United States and what is left of it. Is there still privacy or do many continue to make events public? Making events public can lead to false accusations and a breach of privacy. Privacy aside, politicians seem to be at their peak regarding sexual assaults. Since this is so, could the sexual assault have been a set up, or a horrific act? After reviewing the media releases regarding the French politician. It is certain that much investigation needs to take place in order to decide an outcome.
Deciding an outcome means that investigators must keep public and private life separate. This is something that is hard to do regarding politicians. This is so since most of politicians private life is made public. Creating a politically public life will allow voters to feel more personal regarding a politician and has its affects on votes. Jonathan Franzen states, “Privacy, privacy, the new American obsession”. With Americans becoming so obsessed with privacy, it is almost a false statement.
The maid in the case was unable to keep privacy regarding what has happened. Media speculation and outreach has brought huge attention to the incident. This will lead to closer observation aimed at the New York City hotel maid, as well as the politician and his family. The privacy of the maid and the politician are not safe. The public as well as investigators will continue to try and prove the accused and the accuser wrong in order to gain self worth. Proving either of the two wrong will involve breaking the twos privacy.
Jonathan discusses, “seeing yourself, seeing you.” This explains the author’s passion regarding the rapid thinning of privacy. This relates to the maid and the politician. The two of them can watch them watch themselves. Evaluating the case and what it has done regarding the maid and politicians privacy creates much questioning surrounding my own privacy. Is my privacy just as vulnerable as their privacy? What does this story allow me to speculate? In an answer to my own questions, anyone’s privacy is getting thinner and thinner.
As long as technology is able to do more, this means that privacy becomes less and less. Media is able to make accusations and reach out to hundreds of thousands. Reaching out to so many, in so many different forms leaves room for no privacy at all. The story, without a doubt allows for speculation regarding the maid, and the politician’s honesty. Since there is not much honesty left, privacy is left to a minimum. This is necessary to reveal the truth. If Americans are so concerned regarding privacy, they need to focus on honesty and keeping privacy at its maximum level.
Works CitedFranzen, Jonathan. "How to Be Alone: Essays." Google Books. Web. 16 May 2011. .
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