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Ultraviolet Light In terms of wavelengths, UV light has shorter than visible light wavelengths. Visibility of light differs from one entity to another and therefore living organisms have different capabilities in seeing various types of light. For some organisms such as insects, bumblebees for an instance, can see UV light, unlike humans. The sun is considered to be the primary source of the full spectrum of UV radiation. There are three kinds of UV-rays/radiations namely UV-A, UV-B, and UV-C.
With reference to wavelengths and effect, UV-C radiation is the most harmful and absorbed within the Earth’s atmosphere. Additionally, UV-B is also harmful and is absorbed by the Ozone Layer on the Earth’s atmosphere. However, based on the effects of global warming, the penetration of the UV-B radiation through the ozone facilitates sunburn on human skin (Akram and Rubock, pp. 2-11).The discovery of ultraviolet light owes to the scientific research by John Ritter of 1801 which showed that in the presence of ultraviolet light, blue photographic paper would turn black.
Following the discovery of the ultraviolet light/radiation, scientists have used the concept of ultraviolet wavelengths to monitor the formation of stars in the galaxy. Since most stars emit light at the wavelength of UV-light, scientists can monitor activity in the universe and provide information on newly forming stars (Mission Science, para 1-7).Practical application of UV-light is the study of the galaxy where scientists use Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope to investigate the differences between newly formed and older stars.
Due to differing wavelengths, it is observed that the Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope results show that optical and ultraviolet wavelengths affect how bright a star shines (Gam Products Inc. 2-5).Works CitedAkram, Mohammed and Rubock, Paul. Working Safely with Ultraviolet Radiation. Accessed online on March 6, 2015 from Products Inc. UV Radiation and Light. Accessed online on March 6, 2015 from
pdfMission Science. Ultraviolet from our Sun. Accessed online on March 6, 2015 from
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