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Hurkas Account of Human Nature - Essay Example

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Perfection in the human being states that the best life is resolute by the core explanation of what it means to be human. Developing and working out the properties or abilities that form what it means to be human gives way a good life for human…
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Hurkas Account of Human Nature
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Hurka’s Account of Human Nature Perfection in the human being s that the best life is resolute by the coreexplanation of what it means to be human. Developing and working out the properties or abilities that form what it means to be human gives way a good life for human. Hurka’s suggests that perfectionism be an account of welfare because welfare is subjective. He emphasizes on those properties that are essential to humans and the relevant specification of the vital properties comes via an examination of what makes humans moral.

Although Hurka does not go deep into details on the properties and capacities he believes that certain physical capacities can for relevant perfectionist achievements. Therefore, when we compare the value of our rational, creativity and creation of beauty, rationality provides a capacity of reason and capability of logical thoughts and can be a key driver to creativity and beauty-creation of a human being. Therefore, rationality is an essential property that the human being should possess as it is more necessary and conditioned on them being living things as opposed to other things.

However, if being rational has no contribution to creativity and beauty-creation to a good life for human being, the essence of rationality and its welfare becomes very trivial. Therefore, it follows that developing an independent rationality lacking the good welfare to human as the essence property, will have no need for perfection as Hurka claims that the response to “wrong properties objection” will only have no importance to human nature as it lacks plausible ideal hence rationality has no need of perfectionism.

Therefore, for nationality to be perfected, it must have essence properties of value addition to creativity and beauty-creation (Hurka 26- 31). Work Cited Hurka, Thomas. Perfectionism. New York: Oxford University Press, (1993). Print

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