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HUMAN GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT Play is essential and fundamental to learning When most healthy teenagers and adults cannot have an attention span of more than 20 minutes at a stretch, then how can a child be expected to focus on monotonous curriculum, sitting in closed class-rooms for hours. A child needs to play along with other activities. Play facilitates learning. Despite this play is fast becoming an endangered activity for children. Children today are over-supervised, over-burdened, over-scheduled and over-stressed.
A child specialist assesses a child’s neuro- development on the basis of the following four factors: motor development, adaptive development, language skills development and social skills development. Researchers have examined and proved a positive link between play and cognitive development in a child (Ginsburg, 182). All work makes Jack a dull boy, play leads to learning, growth and development in a child. Playing helps a child by developing mutual relationships and bonds. A child bonds well with his parents, peer group and teachers during play.
It develop leadership traits- Children mimic, create scenes, stand up to be a leader and this is how they learn. The child grows in social skills. He moulds into a social person when he plays with other children. His intra-personal skills grow. It showcases talents and interests. During unstructured free time, children tend to do what they are passionate about- be it singing, dancing, playing instruments, clay modelling, painting, swimming and so on. It helps build academic skills. Gross motor and fine motor skill development takes place during the process of playing along with development of language skills.
Mathematical concepts are understood as children play. Whatever is learnt during play is retained for a long time to come. Play is the best method to stimulate learning. It increases attention span. Playing outdoors just 30 minutes a day increases a child’s ability to focus and pay attention. It builds self-confidence- It makes the child alert, responsive and intelligent as well as boosts physical health. It reduces the risk of obesity. It provides impetus in the right direction. It directs the pent up energy of the child in a constructive avenue.
This release of energy makes the play time pleasant, noisy and fun-filled; along with a developmental process. Thus as a parent, teacher or a responsible individual, we should never compromise on a child’s play time. Play is vital for a child’s growing up. References Ginsburg, K. R. "The importance of play in promoting healthy child development and maintaining strong parent child bonds." Paediatrics (2006): 182-91.
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