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Assignment Byline According to the data, the new r value based on the added information would be 0.75. The new correlation would be 0.5625. Even though the correlation is very strong, due to the possibility of the information not being valid because of the p test, I would likely not use this test. It is important to have accurate data and if this test cannot yield accuracy, it is better not to use it. The selection methods like the cognitive test are used as predictors for certain desired traits in an employee.
If a correlation value is near 1 or -1 and the p value is less than .05, it is likely that the results gleaned from the selection method are accurate in terms of predicting how an employee will do in certain areas such as citizenship, absences, performance, and promotion potential. A cognitive test would likely measure problem solving and education levels which might be a good predictor of how well a person would perform and how likely it is that they would be promoted further down the line. However, a cognitive test like this might not be a great predictor of areas like citizenship or absences.
Since this particular selection method is seeking to hire computer programmers, the cognitive test would be helpful for specific job traits or categories, but those that use it should be aware of the fact that the result might not be correct because the p value is greater than 0.05. Even though the correlation value is high at .5625, it is still a risk and should only be used for predicting performance and promotion potential. I would personally be hesitant to use this cognitive test because of the fact that there is a great possibility that the correlation is not accurate and therefore not helpful in predicting a specific aspect of an employee’s abilities.
I think if this test was modified or used in conjunction with another selection method, it would be much more reliable and much more practical means of selection and prediction. References Heneman , H.G., Judge, T.A., & Kammeyer-Mueller, J. (2009). Tanglewood casebook [pp 38-47]. Retrieved from
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