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One of the main possibilities can be assumed to be a lack of proper safety methods such as wearing a back belt or any such support.
Manufacturer’s claim:
ITA-MED Co, 310 Littlefield Ave, South San Francisco, CA 94080, USA, one of the A manufacturers of back belts and supports claims, their products will reduce pressure, strain, and pain in the lower back in addition to helping the users adopt easy posture when handling heavy loads and escape injuries. They assure products of higher quality, with more comfort, a better look, and longer durability based on unique, versatile designs. Their motto is “Stay healthy with Back Supports from ITA-MED” (Back and Abdominal Supports, 2009).
NIOSH Views:
NIOSH (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health) is one of the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) within the Dept of Health and Human Services. It was formed to bear the responsibility for conducting research and proposing improved measures to prevent injuries and illnesses related to work. DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 94-127. (Back Belts: Do They Prevent Injury? 1994).
In 1994, the NIOSH released a report called DHHS, 1994, a review of the published scientific literature. It states that NIOSH "does not recommend the use of back belts to prevent injuries among uninjured workers, and does not consider back belts to be personal protective equipment" According to NIOSH, lifting technique plays important role in the incidents of lifting injuries. The study reveals, the use of a back belt as protective wear is a personal choice for the employer and employee and not a statutory safety requirement. Neither has it been proven that the use is in any way harmful either except the possibility of attempting extra capacity lifting with a false belief that the back belt will offer the additional support. (NIOSH Publication and Product: Back Belts Do They Prevent Injury, n.d).
Back support is of utmost importance for the entire human body and its proper maintenance no doubt is a pre-requisite to a healthy manpower resource of any organization. Fatigue or incorrect posture of the back muscle can cause back pain or injury. The usage of a back belt in the recommended manner can sustain the long exertion of body muscles and reduce or prevent pain or discomfort if at all it starts or develops. There are various types of back belts to cater to the requirements of varied sections of the labor force, “some with suspenders or of different textures to offer the adequate comfort level of the user” (The Advantages of Wearing Back Support Belts, n.d). “NIOSH in its summary of review and recommendations concludes from the research that belt use reduced spine bending in laboratory trials” (Summary of NIOSH Back Belt Studies, 2002). Though the use of back belts has not been scientifically proven to eliminate back injury directly, the very presence of back belts worn acts as a constant reminder to the user of the necessity to exert energy in a very safe and cautious manner by sticking to the stipulated working procedures and the underlying potential risk impending in absence of proper safety method. It should be supplemented with sufficient awareness of ergonomics. “Ergonomics is a study based on the scientific method to alleviate stress and injuries due to over-exertion of muscles, wrong posture, and repeat movements. The study accordingly plans and designs the required work environment, tools, and equipment to match the worker’s physical capabilities and limitations” (Workplace Safety and Health Topic: Ergonomics and Musculoskeletal Disorders, 2011). And training in body mechanics, proper lifting techniques, and the importance of stretching, and exercise. “Employees already affected with back ailments, pregnant employees shall obtain medical certification approving the usage of the back belt. Back belts are not advisable for long-term or continuous use, but only for specific tasks and for short periods” (Safety Bulletin Index - Back Belts, 1995). With the introduction of back belt use supported with proper training on ergonomics and following statutory requirements, there is every possibility that the incidents of back injuries and consequent absenteeism can be averted or minimized to the desirable extent resulting in improved cost efficiency of the organization
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