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Bach Flower Remedies - Report Example

The paper "Bach Flower Remedies" is a perfect example of a report on medical science. Bach flower remedies have for a considerable period been used by people in treating various emotional and physical health problems. …
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Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Title Date 38 Bach Flower Remedies Bach flower remedies have for considerable period been used by people in treating various emotional and physical health problems. In his documentary Bach Flower Referencing Guide that Dr. Edward Bach developed 80 years ago, a list of thirty eight flower essences contained. Dr. Edward was a well-known physician who left his practice and started researching on plants essences as well as their effects on humans –homeopathy. In his research study, Dr. Bach separated and categorized thirty-eight flowers and thirty-eight essences that he later on used to heal various patients’ ailments while putting into consideration their personal emotional states. This led him to conclude that particular flower essences have self-healing effect because they got rid of patient’s negative elements that could potentially affect their health. Based on this, Bach Flower remedies have been regarded to be exclusively safe for use by human as they are natural, non-habit forming, and non-toxic. In addition, Batch Flowers treatment can be integrated with other conventional and/or homeopathic treatments so as to realise full impact on the individual. It is important to note that Bach Flower essences are usually utilized in alleviating negative health problems as well as eliminating defective attitudes or traits in such a manner that leads to the patient’s contentment and peace of mind. Besides, they facilitate in improving mental and emotional states thereby balancing one’s mind and body. In this research essay, each of the 38 flowers and corresponding essence as well as the specific problems it is used to treat is discussed. Agrimony is a Bach Flower botanically referred to as Agrimonia Euptoria, it originated in Europe but it is currently widely spread in other temperate regions of north. It contains oval leaflets with toothed margin. It bears minute, stalk less yellow flowers in an extended terminal spike and later a tiny fruit. Agrimony is argued to be of importance to individuals who are inwardly troubled anxiety and fear. Besides, individuals who seem to be keeping their troubles covered under a mask of happiness and pleasure, can use it to heal their inner being. It helps people to be in terms with their personality and lives dark side without losing their sense of humour (Bach, “The Bach Centre”). Aspen is a Bach Flower botanically referred to as Populus Tremula, it originated in the Northern Hemisphere and grows father north on higher parts of the mountains. It contains a gray-green smooth bark, random branching, dark green leaves which change to brilliant yellow in fall as well as CATKINs which appear prior to leaves in spring. Aspen is said essential to people who contain fear of unknown. It is not only used to relieve those with night-time fear, but more importantly to those who experience nameless fear during the day light. It treats real errors which involves physical symptoms for instance standing of hair on end (Corey, “The Botany of Bach-Why Plants Names are Important.”). Beech is a Bach Flower botanically referred to as Fagus Sylvatica and originates from Northern Hemisphere subtropical and temperate regions. It is a tall, wide-spreading and round headed, with shiny green, toothed leaves and steel-gray, smooth bark. It is mostly used for an individual who is arrogant, intolerant and critical of others. Those people who feel they require seeing more beauty and good in everything that surround them can be treated using Beech. In most cases intolerance of Beech is manifested as irritation outbursts, where the remedy encourages understanding and tolerance and as this takes place the irritation fades away (Bach, “The Bach Centre”). Centaury is a Bach Flower botanically known as Centaurium Erythraea and originates in North Africa and Europe. It commonly grows on chalky cliffs in dry pasture. It contains undivided margins, shiny and smooth pale green leaves; fibrous, yellowish, woody root and erect, square and stiff stem frequently considerably brunching at the summit. It is used for handling will weakness. Individuals who allow themselves to be imposed upon or exploited, those that are subservience and contains difficulties in rejecting anything can highly be assisted by Centaury Flower. The remedy of Centaury does not harden individual by making them callous but instead it supports self determination and courage development. Cerato is a Bach Flower which is botanically known as Ceratostigma Willmottiana. It originates from Tibet and Himalayas and grows to 60 cm height. Its blossoms are less than 1 cm in length, and stay for a few hours before they changes in colour to reddish-violet from bluish. Carato is argued to be used in treating individuals who qualm their own intuition and judgement and seek advice from others. Besides assisting individuals who are faced by the requirement of making choices so that they can come to a position of making decision, it assist them on how to trust their intuition and listen into their inner voice (Bach, “The Bach Centre”). Cherry Plum is a Bach Flower that is botanically known as Prunus Cerasifera and it originated in Japan. The blossoms of Cherry are normally linked to the branch by a long steam. It is between 25 to 30 feet tall, contains ruby-red leaves and light pink flowers. It is urgued that Cherry Plum can be used on individuals with irrational and uncontrolled thoughts. Besides handling individuals with fear of doing terrible things and losing control, it as well treats individuals with uncontrolled temper burst and impulsive suicidal cases. It also handle fear of irritation tantrum and screaming grip associated with small children. Chestnut Bud is a Bach Flower that is botanically referred to as Aesculus Hippocastanum and originated from Bulgaria, Nothern Greece as well as Albania, and grows in any soil. It is a 50 to 80 feet plant with oblong or round crown. It contains large leaves with 5 leaflets, large red and yellow sported white flowers and small round fruits. It is supported that Chestnut Bud acts as a remedy for individuals who refuses to learn by experience. Those kinds of individuals have a tendency of continuously repeating similar mistakes. It assists individuals who fail to apply their past mistakes in building new experiences to do so (Bach, “The Bach Centre”). Chicory is a Bach Flower that is botanically referred to as Cichorium intybus it is found in well or moderately drained soil with high or medium fertility. It is a woody perennial plant containing elongated wedged end leaves and flowers that are bright blue in colour. It is believed to be the best remedy for a possessive individual who demands attention or respect and who would like others to kowtow to his/her standards. These kinds of individuals give love to their loved ones and expect an equal return, and get hurt if they do not receive the same measure from their loved ones. Chicory remedy assists those individuals in giving unconditional love with freedom. Clematis is Bach Flower that is botanically known as Clematis vitalba and originated in Japan and China. They do well in a well drained soil and are in most cases grown in compound garden. It is a short bushy plant with dark green star shaped leaves and produces pale yellow flowers. It is urged that Clematis is a remedy applied to those individual who are absent minded, daydreaming, inattentive, indifference and reality escapist. Those individuals have got a tendency of dreaming of the future without working on the present situations. The remedy helps in bringing them back to themselves and back to earth in order to build their better future in reality. Crab Apple is a Bach Flower which is botanically referred to as Malus sylestris or pumila. They are drought resistance plants that are well adapted to Colorado climate and soil. They look like apple plant but they are characterised by small bitter edible fruits. Crab Apple is believed to handle individuals who feel ashamed of an ailment or uncleanness, those who experience hatred and self disgust. Apart from helping the patient to disregard believes and concentrate on the genuine problems that can be handled, it assist individuals who dislike a number of aspects about their personality and appearance to have self acceptance (Bach, “The Bach Centre”). Elm is a Bach Flower that is botanically known as Ulmus Procera and found in tropical-Montana and temperate areas of Eurasia and North America. It is characterised by toothed small leaves which are pointed at the tip, and dark green in colour. A mature plant contains a height of about 50 to 70 feet, with round slender crown and spreading branches. Elm is urged to handle individuals who are temporarily overcome by responsibilities or inadequacy although usually quite capable. The genuine Elm kinds are individual who are performing job they believe in and they are successful but at times the load pulls them down. This remedy assists in dispelling these feelings so as one can go back on track. Gentian is a Bach Flower that is botanically referred to as Gentianella amarelle. It is usually found in alpine and temperate regions particularly in mountainous Asia and Europe regions where moisture loving plants grow. It contains fibrous tough roots and flowers that are characteristically blue in colour. It is mostly used to treat individuals who suffer from despondence and rejection. Individuals who are easily discouraged or depressed, pessimistic and sceptical for known reason can highly be assisted by Gentian. This remedy works to ensure that an individual fight to make thing go right rather than just hoping that they will be right (Bach, “The Bach Centre”). Gorse is a Bach Flower that is botanically known as Ulex europeaus and is mostly found in western Isles. It is a 6 feet shrub with dark green, dense vicious spines as well as shoot, and produces yellow flowers. It is mostly used to handle individuals who are desperate and with no hope. Gorse is classified as a remedy of uncertainty for it helps individual in extreme cases where the patient cannot be encouraged for they have lost faith and are extremely pessimistic. The remedy makes these kinds of people to belief and have some hope in their situations. Heather is a Bach Flower that is botanically termed as Calluna vulgaris and grows in acidic soil of Asian and Europe in moderate shade and open sunny field. It is a shrub that grows to a height of 29 to 50 centimetres, and has minute scale-leaves borne in decussate and opposite pairs as well as white flowers. Heather is believed to be the best for individuals who are obsessed with their personal experiences and troubles, especially those who are very talkative but poor in listening to others. Those individuals are obsessed to themselves and they also fear loneliness. Heather remedy assist individual to see personal concern in other people context, and having suffered from excessive talking they become good listeners (Bach Flowers Remedy, “The 38’s Bach Flower Essences and Their Descriptions.”). Holly is a Bach flower that is botanically referred to as Ilex aquifolium and grows in wild regions and along hedgerows. It is an evergreen plant that gets to 30 foot height, it contains green branches and smooth bark that bear alternate spiny, waxy shiny dark green leaves and bear white flowers. It is believed to be the best remedy for suspicious, vengeful, envious or jealous individuals. It actually handles individuals with very aggressive negative feelings directed toward others. The basic problem is identified as lack of love and this remedy works to encourage spirit generosity and openness toward others (Corey, “The Botany of Bach-Why Plants Names are Important.”). Honeysuckle is a Bach Flower that is botanically termed as Lonicera caprifolium and grows in all types of soils in most states of US. It is has large, spade-shaped leaves, and with various flowers’ colour. It also produces berries whose colour depends on the variety. They are believed to be the best remedy for nostalgic individuals who lives in the past. These individual believes that their best times are behind them and they contain little to look forward to. Honeysuckles remedy assists such individuals to recall the past and learn from it without requiring reliving it, so that they can move on into the present and embrace joy from then and in future. Hornbeam is a Bach Flower that is botanically referred to as Carpinus betulus and mostly dominates on clay soil, and more abundantly on fertile soils. It contains scaling, shaggy bark and green, translucent, thin leaves with bushy leafstalks. It is argued to be essential for individuals suffering from procrastination or mental fatigue that takes place before making an effort. An individual in this condition feels weary when he/she consider the days demand. It works well in boosting strength for those who feel they contain deficiency of enough physical or mental strength to carry on with life burden (Bachflower.Org, “Bach Flower –Reference Guide.”). Impatiens is a Bach Flower that is botanically termed as Impatiens glandulifera or roylei and does better in sunny areas with loamy soil and neutral PH. It is a gorgeous annual plant that produces different colours of flowers and has broad dark green leaves. It is believed to be a good remedy for individual with irritability and impatience. Those individuals are known to live their life at a rash and abhorrence, being held back by people that are more methodical. The remedy assists in lowering hastiness, thus making an individual to be more patient with others (Bach, “The Bach Centre”). Larch is a Bach Flower is botanically known as Larix decidua. This plant has soft, flat needles leaves; light brown thick barks pinkish red flowers and pale yellow or red fruits. It can survive in most soils but does better in acidic alluvial soil. It is believed to be a good remedy for individuals who are despondency because of lack of self-confidence and thus, they in most cases fail in making attempts. The remedy assists to eliminate this condition, and to make an individual confident enough in handling situation and in taking risks irrespective of the possible outcomes (Bach Flowers Remedy, “The 38’s Bach Flower Essences and Their Descriptions.”). Mimulus is a Bach Flower that is botanically known as Mimulus guttatus and it commonly grown in sage scrub, oak wood, and chaparral areas. It is about 6 feet tall, bushy in appearance, with some sticky substance on the steam and pale yellow to right orange flowers. It is supported that this plant acts as a good remedy for individuals with fear of the globe and other known things. Besides being bashful, timid and shy, these individuals contain fear of pain, illness, public speaking, and dark. Mimulus gives the quiet strength and courage that is hidden in every individual so that one can face all life trials with no fear (Bachflower.Org, “Bach Flower –Reference Guide.”). Mustard is a Bach Flower that is botanically termed as Sinapsis arvensis and it is widely grow in temperate areas of Asia, Europe and Northern Africa. The plant is 30 to 100cm tall with either much-branched or simple stem and alternate hairy, deeply lobed, stalked leaves. It is argued to be an essential remedy for individuals with depression that emanate from unknown reasons and that can lift with suddenness making an individual to be low, saddened and downcast. The remedy assists such individuals to dismiss the clouds so that they can once again appreciate peace and joy in their lives. Oak is a Bach Flower that is botanically referred to as Quercus robur and grows in all conditions expect in marshy, chalky or very light soil. It is a 15 to 25 feet tall plant with broad, dark green leaves, with smooth edge and deep lobes. It also contains grey barks with knobbly ridge, Catkin flowers that eventually bear small fruits that are green in colour and brown while ripe. Oak is believed to be a reliable remedy for individual who are determined, brave types, who struggle against adversity irrespective of any setbacks, without resting. The remedy is used to help such individual to remain strong while at same time learn that, it is important to accept defeat instead of cracking under the strain (Corey, “The Botany of Bach-Why Plants Names are Important.”) Olive is a Bach Flower that is botanically known as Olea europea and needs long, hot seasons during its growth. It 50 feet tall evergreen plant, with feather-shaped leaves, fragrant, small, cream-colour flowers and bears green drupe fruits. It is supported as an essential remedy for individuals who drain their physical or mental energy in each a single task they are involved in. It provides what is needed for such individuals to restore their energy and the faith they need to carry on. A part from energizing, Olive also provides proper rest to an exhausted individual. Pine is a Bach Flower that is botanically termed as Pinus sylvestris and grows well in in dry climate with well-drain, sandy, and dry soil. It is a tall woody, light-coloured, long, needled leaves plant, with thick barks that produces cones after maturity. Pine is believed to be an important remedy for individuals with guilt feelings and those that mostly blames themselves for others mistakes. It assists such individuals in accepting their faults but instead of dwelling into them, they learn to take the learnt lesson and move on. They also learn to think of others mistakes only when they are in a position to help (Bachflower.Org, “Bach Flower –Reference Guide.”). Red Chestnut is a Bach Flower that is botanically referred to as Aesculus carnea and grows in all soil around the warm temperate regions of Canada and United State. It is a 35 to 40 feet tall plant, with erected clusters of flowers, compounded palmate leaves and husk prickly green nuts. It is argued to be an essential remedy for individuals who are excessively concern for and care for others particularly those held dear. While at this situation, the remedy assists in sending out unworried thoughts and calm to the beloved one cared for by such individual, so that rather than making everyone nervous they are rocked on whom others rely on. Rock Rose is a Bach Flower that is botanically known as Helianthemum nummularium and grows well in sunny places with well-drained, moderately-fertile soil. It is a bushy evergreen, small plant that bears lilac-pink, vibrant flowers during summers. It is argued to be an essential remedy for individuals who are alarmed, full of trepidation, terror-struck fear and panicky situations, making conscious decisions and thought close to impossible. Rock Rose gives courage and calmness to such individuals to an extent that they are able to overlook fear as their courage is revived (Bach, “The Bach Centre”) . Rock water is not a plant but one of the initial modern essences created from the stones and therefore, it contains no botanical name. It is created from water from natural springs in regions far away from civilized world, where water is not exposed to man pollution but to natural aspects such as grasses, trees, wind and sun. It is argued that the remedy is important for individual who are very hard on themselves. Such individuals are rigid, lives in self-denial and frequently overwork themselves. The remedy does not stop such individuals from holding high ideals and trying to attain them, but it simply permit them to unbend and turn to be more kinder to themselves, and not to dismiss softer pleasures of life (Bachflower.Org, “Bach Flower –Reference Guide.”). Scleranthus is a Bach Flower that is botanically known as Scleranthus annuus and grows in many forms of habitat in temperate regions, particularly where the soil is frequently disturbed. It is an annual plant with 15 cm stem that spreads on the ground with its moss like bright green foliage forming a dense matt that covers the earth with squashy carpet like look. Scleranthus is believed to have a significant remedy for individuals with vacillation, indecision and uncertainty. Such individuals in most cases are known to contain fluctuating moods. This remedy assists them to know what they want, by reconnecting with their intuition in order to be in a position of choosing decisively and simply (Bach Flowers Remedy, “The 38’s Bach Flower Essences and Their Descriptions.”). Star of Bethlehem is a Bach Flower that is botanically known as Ornithogalum umbellatum and grows well in garden, wet meadow, floodplain forest, edge and early succession forest of Europe and North Africa. It is a 30 cm herbaceous plant, with linear, narrow, long leave and bears star-shaped white flowers. It is believed to be an essential remedy for individuals suffering from serious news effects, or fright emanating from an accident. It also used on individuals who remain traumatized for as long as a number of years. The remedy can as well be used for individuals with sense of loss and emptiness that mostly happens when a loved one moves away or dies. Sweet Chestnut is a Bach Flower that is botanically referred to as Castanea sativa and grows well in mild climate of western and central Europe. It is a 30 meters tall woody plant with elongated narrow leaves and bears prickly husks nuts. It is supported as the best remedy for individuals who are experiencing total dejection, which is a situation where one feels he/she has reached the limit of what one can bear. These individuals feel nothing good is left for them apart from emptiness and annihilation. The remedy helps such individual in remaining as masters of their lives and also in renewing their strength and hope (Bach, “The Bach Centre”). Vervain is a Bach Flower that is botanically termed as Verbena officinalis and which is mostly found in sunny pastures of Japan, Cochin-China, Barbary and Europe. It has toothed lobes, opposite leaves and bears minute, pale lilac flowers. It is commonly used as a remedy for individuals who are straining, over-effort and over-enthusiasm. These individuals are inordinately aggravated by injustices, incensed, high-strung and are fanatical. The remedy helps such individuals in regaining balance between mind as well as body and assist in restoring them. It encourages wisdom to cherish life and the time passage instead of being always in the move (Bach Flowers Remedy, “The 38’s Bach Flower Essences and Their Descriptions.”). Vine is a Bach Flower that is botanically known as Verbena officinalis and does well in United States’ Gulf regions and in Mexico. It is a fast growing climbing plant that holds through tendrils and manages to attain a length of 25 feet. It has triangular leaves and bears flowers in panicles. It is a good remedy for individuals who are autocratic, tyrannical, ambitious, inflexible and dominating. The Vine acts as a guide to such individuals, to enable them to be in a position of leading and inspiring others without use of force (Bachflower.Org, “Bach Flower –Reference Guide.”). Walnut is a Bach Flower that is botanically referred to as Juglans regia and mostly found in wooded regions of America. It can grow to 23 feet circumference and 60 feet height. They mostly grow in pair where both male and female produces flowers and bear fruits. Walnut is believed to acts as a good remedy for individual experiencing powerful influences for instance new surrounding, divorce, menopause and puberty. In this case, the affected individual can identify what he/she requires, but influenced by other individuals to do contrary. The remedy assists such individuals in adjusting to change or transition. Water violet is a Bach Flower that is botanically termed as Hottonia palustris and grows well in waterlogged places. It is a beautiful fern like plant that grows to a height of 80 cm and with cute pink flowers. It is supported as the best remedy for individuals who are occasionally superior, sedate types, reserved, proud, in whom there is very minute emotion involved but who are dependable and reliable. This remedy assists in bringing such individuals back into equilibrium in order to be more concerned about humanity (Bach Flowers Remedy, “The 38’s Bach Flower Essences and Their Descriptions.”). White Chestnut is a Bach Flower that is botanically known as Aesculus hippocastanum. It is tolerant to several conditions and soils but needs enough space and full light to grow. It contains broad compounded star shaped leaves, brown stem and white flowers with pink and orange buds. It is mostly used to handle individuals with constant inner dialog, mental arguments, preoccupied with episode or worry or persistent on unwanted contemplations. White Chestnut remedy helps such individuals to think straight and be in a position to deal with any underlying issue rationally and calmly. Wild Oat is a Bach Flower that is botanically referred to as Bromus ranosus and grows in well drained soils in temperate regions of South Africa, North America and Australia. It is a winter yearly cereal grass containing fibrous root that produces hollow, smooth stem. It is believed to be a good remedy for individuals with intended paths in life. The remedy helps such individuals to define the goals in life and in finding the true path of life. It puts such individuals back to be in touch with their sense of purpose so as clear the way ahead (Bachflower.Org, “Bach Flower –Reference Guide.”). Wild Rose is a Bach Flower that is botanically termed as Rosa canina and that mostly grows in full sunny area with well drained soils. It is a 2 to 6 feet tall shrub, with compound alternate leaves, green bark and pink flowers, which bear fruits that hang on for the entire season of winter. It is argued that Wild Rose is an important remedy for individuals with apathy, resignation, drifters who appreciate their lot, applying minute or no effort to improve the situation. This remedy assists in reawakening such individuals’ interest in life to experience a sense of purpose that results to increased enjoyment and happiness instead of apathy (Bach, “The Bach Centre”). Willow is a Bach Flower that is botanically known as Salix vitellina and does well in Chile and Mexico. It is a 20 feet tall shrub plant that contains sharply toothed leaves, grey bark and produces woolly white leaf buds. It is believed to be a good remedy for individuals who experience bitterness and resentment, who contain “poor me” and “it is not fair” attitude. The remedy encourages faith and optimism rebirth in these individuals, and also helps them to feel more generous in others as well as to be more aware of negative thinking effect on their life (Bach, “The Bach Centre”). . Works Cited Bach, E. “The Bach Centre.” Home Of Dr. Edward Bach and the Bach Flower Remedy System., 2009. Web. 12 September 2012. Bachflower.Org, “Bach Flower –Reference Guide.” Balance Your Life With The Help of Bach Flower Remedies., 2011. Web. 12 September 2012. Bach Flowers Remedy, “The 38’s Bach Flower Essences and Their Descriptions.” Feel Good. Feel Bach., 2010. Web. 12 September 2012. Corey, C. “The Botany of Bach-Why Plants Names are Important.” The Journal of Vibrational/Flower Essences., 2001. Web. 12 September 2012. Read More


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