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Barriers that interfere with the process of communication are physical such as media of communication, distance, time, noise, etc. Semantic barriers include errors in the process of encoding and/or decoding the messages created mainly due to process, personal and physical barriers.
Contrast the communication styles of assertiveness, aggressiveness, and non-assertiveness and discuss the primary sources of nonverbal communication.
Assertive style in communication is expressive and self-enhancing and does not violate self or others’ basic human rights such as self-respect and dignity. The aggressive style is quite opposite of this, wherein the individual tries to be over-expressive and self-centered, and takes advantage of others. A nonassertive style is a less confident, hesitant, and defensive behavior; this style gives the other person to take unfair advantage of the communicator.
Nonverbal communication refers to the messages sent out from actions, body language, tone, and gestures other than words or speech. Usually, nonverbal cues can be derived from aspects such as dressing sense and color, gait, standing, positioning, seating arrangement, and ambiance also.
Review the Five Dominate Listening Styles and 10 Keys to Effective Listening.
The five dominant listening styles include appreciative, comprehensive, discerning, evaluative, and empathetic styles. Appreciative listeners look for pleasure in whatever they listen like humor, amusement, appreciation, etc. Comprehensive listeners look for specific thoughts and actions and look for more information; they try to relate the context with their own experiences and look for logic in the matter. Discerning listeners look for information that gives the exact message in the conversation. Evaluative listeners are analytical and ask lots of questions; sometimes they tend to divert the topic. Empathetic listeners focus on the speaker’s emotions, body language, and presentation. They can easily feel what the speaker feels about the subject in conversation.
The 10 keys to effective listening include capitalizing on thought or speed; listening for ideas; finding an area of interest; judging content and not delivery; avoiding getting aggressive or emotional about the subject; focusing on listening; resisting distraction; hearing both favorable and unfavorable information; challenging oneself with complex information; using handouts, overheads or other visual aids that will reinforce listening and provides an opportunity to take notes and remember.
Explain the information technology of Internet/Intranet/extranet, email, handheld devices, blogs, videoconferencing, group support systems, and the related use of teleworking.
The Internet is a global network that can connect computers over the world. An intranet is a network that is privately owned by an organization and cannot be accessed/used by outsiders. An extranet is a slight extension of the intranet whereby it connects the organization with its customers, suppliers, and strategic partners. These networks are mainly used to share, create and manage information from different places. Personal digital assistants are handheld devices that can be used to work from any location. They provide the same benefit as computers and other communication devices. An online journal that can be used by anyone to write on a specific topic is referred to as a blog; however, access to the blog can be limited. Videoconferencing is the process that enables people located in different places to see, hear and talk to each other with the use of computers and technology. Group support systems are the network of software and hardware systems that enable better working with the use of technology. Teleworking is the process of working from different locations using telecommunication networks.
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