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Article about Education Going all out for Children, by R. S. Kamini, New Strait Times, 8 April, The has specifically listed the case of the Malaysian children as to how they have a right over education and what role the government of Malaysia is playing within the realms of providing quality education to them. The priority areas within the educational domains have been earmarked by the government and the national educational objectives have also been envisaged. This is the reason why Malaysia has started to come up on the global map of providing education to its children which is based on intent and purpose to do something worthwhile for the sake of the country’s future regimes.
The author pinpoints the basis of the Education National Key Result Areas which are abbreviated as NKRAs. The government has decided for its own self four sub-areas which would meet the national educational objectives so that there is a complete guarantee of strong and competitive workforce, which is maintained at all times. The article lists down how the preschoolers’ enrolment has been increased drastically and how government is playing its proactive role at leveling up the Year One children which have slow learning attributes within them in an apparent manner (Kamini, 2011).
The national preschool committee is also one of the initiatives that the NKRA has undertook which basically harmonizes the quality that is present between the public and private preschools present within Malaysia. The role of the Malaysian government has been highlighted to a good enough extent and all out possibilities within its folds are talked about at great length. The different training programs have also been mentioned and the incentives and subsidies are also noted upon within the realms of the article.
Works Cited Kamini, R. S. Going all out for Children. New Strait Times, Found Online at:;col1 8 April 2011
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