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(Insert (Insert Department) Mr. , As a of this I have learned greatly on the differences between high school life and the real life. Although I have yet to go out of the real world, I am beginning to understand the importance of knowledge and professionalism to be successful in my chosen field. With this, I am prepared to face the challenges of this course, as well as, other courses I am taking this semester. I believe that this course will improve my communication skills in the business field.
I intend to pursue my dream of becoming part of the fashion industry. I am attracted to this particular field because of the impact that it brings to our social world. It is not just about the trends but it is about giving the people something to feel good about themselves. Comfort and security in one’s image is very important to me. And this is what I want to impart those I can reach through the field I am choosing to become part of. Self-image and self-confidence is very important for me.
It is the root of one’s strength and courage to do things for himself and for others. But even if I have my own beliefs and perspectives, I do not reject other’s opinions just because it does not match mine. Differences are challenges for me and it makes me more aware of what’s happening around me. Just like in fashion, people don’t like the same clothes, colors or designs. Everyone has his own style. This is the same as with beliefs and perspectives. But just the same as in the fashion world, the differences gives us color and life.
I believe that we should learn to compromise and accept that the world can never be just black and white. I hope that I am able to give you a better understanding of how I think about myself and how I would like others to see me. I am looking forward to the learning experience and relationship that we will have this semester. With respect, (insert your full name)
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