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I am shocked to see the decline of the standard of education in the state towards the end of the 20th century. I also feel that the decline in the educational system is evident in terms of the ‘overcrowded classrooms, insufficient books and supplies, inadequate compensation and lay-offs’. It was quite shocking to me when you rightly pointed out that it is not due to any financial problems or recession (because California still owns one-sixth of U.S GDP) that the public education sector has suffered so many setbacks. I strongly agree with your argument that even though the state has all the resources and talents to afford quality education, it is because of the political system, anti-tax political culture, wrong configuration of the higher education system, and undue budget priorities that it lags behind in the realms of higher education.
Dear writer, it was quite appropriate on your part to observe that successful democracy presupposes educated citizens who cannot be molded without the provision of quality public education. As you have mentioned, democracy should be led by self-governing people and I am also aware that only quality education can create future citizens who develop the essential capacities to ‘understand and engage the complexities of the modern world. I am sure your warning that the present system of education in California would result in oligarchy or despotism in the long run and your pleading for a more competent Master Plan for higher education in the state will resonate in the ears of many.
A critical evaluation of your address convinces me that the arguments and the issues you have pinpointed are quite rational and relevant. No doubt, your expertise, and researches in the field are praiseworthy and as such, it is high time serious attention is paid to these issues. I know that your concern for the future of American democracy and your conviction that the higher education system has a pivotal role in molding responsible citizens stem from a sincere and genuine mind and I pray that let this article be a stepping stone in initiating immediate remedial measures. However, I feel that your address fails to provide a clear-cut solution to the issues. Even when you advocate formulating a more competent California Master Plan for higher education the provisions in the master plan are not clearly defined. On the whole, I consider the article, as a matter of fact, a focussed and concise piece of writing that clearly addresses the various aspects of the decline in the higher education system in the California state and its effects on the future of American democracy. As such, you have succeeded in offering a concrete and sound message to the readers and the address is sure to instill one to undertake necessary steps to rectify the drawbacks that have been made, either knowingly or unknowingly. Wishing you all success in your future endeavors,
Yours sincerely,
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