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Impact of Club Security and IT Environment - Essay Example

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The essay "Impact of Club Security and IT Environment" focuses on the critical analysis of the security areas assisted by the utilization of information technology. It also provides a detailed picture of how club owners are focusing on using technological systems to ensure customer safety…
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Impact of Club Security and IT Environment
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?Research Project Impart of Club Security and IT Environment Table of Contents Table of Contents 2 Research Background 3 Aim and Objectives of the Research 4 Scope of the Research 4 Research Question 5 Hypothesis 6 Literature Review 6 Research Action Plan 7 Research Method 8 Analysis of the Data Collected 11 Hypothesis Testing 18 Conclusion and Recommendations 19 References 21 Appendix 22 Research Background A trend exhibiting the presence of teenagers and young people in the night clubs is being commonly experienced with the modern generations. The night clubs are said to be a leisure place where people generally desire to socialise with friends and colleagues. However, in recent times it has been observed that late night parties are quite frequent in such clubs which at times disrupt the peaceful environment due to misbehaviour of the visitors. Thus, the environment prevailing in the clubs is a huge concern to the owners which is why they have laid emphasis on the security of their customers. Therefore, hiring of employees to manage people is an important issue for the owners. The hired employees should be capable of effectively handling and maintaining pleasant atmosphere in and around the night clubs. The Information Technology (IT) environment consists of various activities which are expected to provide solutions to the numerous concerns that arise from the technological activities. The technicians are expected to be experts and possess ample knowledge regarding different business problems that use the IT technicalities. Moreover, preferences are given to young talents as efficiency and hardworking efforts are more likely to be generated by the younger generation. For the convenience of business professionals, IT has been introduced in almost all the sectors, such as finance, military, sales and marketing and engineering among others. Thus, the experts at times need to play various roles at different levels such as inventors and innovators, mediators, leaders and negotiators and even security agents (Microsoft, 2012). Apart from these, the IT department has taken up initiatives to engage in research and distribution actions that will improve the awareness towards environmental issues and sustainability. Aim and Objectives of the Research Due to the changing nature of the world as a result of modernisation, it has become essential for clubs to have the latest security systems that will monitor every activity of the customers. Therefore, the research will help to identify the security areas that are being assisted by the utilisation of information technology. Furthermore, any drawbacks or modification to the information systems will be assessed. The research will provide a detailed picture of how club owners are focusing on using of technological systems to ensure customer safety. Scope of the Research Crowd violence and other assaults occurring in night clubs have been making news across the world. It is rapidly growing as the young generation has considered it to be a latest fashion to party up to late nights at clubs. Thus, the security of the customers is considered as one of the major issues for the owners. Though the owners recruit effective bouncers, it has been noted that few of them use their physical strength to control misbehaving crowd. A general rule suggests that bouncers are only allowed to use their hands for self-defence and take custody of any person who needs to be arrested. However, this is not always followed by the bouncers as at times they are not capable of resisting their anger and thus, involve in a fight with the customer. Therefore, the research will enable to evaluate the security systems that monitor the activities of the customers as well as the bouncers. It will help the owners to identify the actual offender behind the quarrel. Moreover, the systems will be compared with the modern innovations which will meet the security standards of the club. Furthermore, the improvement of customer safety and effective measures required for obtaining the safety standards will be assessed. The research will also take into consideration the presently developing areas concerning the security of the customers. Though most of the population in the night clubs are teenagers and young generations, it has become a vital issue for the owners as well as the parents to safeguard the children from being involved in any misbehaviour. It is also inevitable that technical issues may arise to the security systems installed in the clubs. Thus, emergency recovery and precautionary measures will be evaluated through the research. Research Question The research has been conducted to find a response to a general question which is, “How IT environment has ensured to enhance and to develop club security?”. IT professionals’ different responsibilities also include a role of a security agent. Thus, the professionals are challenged to develop such systems that will be able to provide safety to the customers visiting the clubs. Modern techniques have evolved that reduces the need of bouncers’ presence in the floor. These technological systems will facilitate to avoid the conflicts between the bouncers and the customers visiting the clubs. Moreover, the club owners will have to just invest once while installing the IT systems such as close circuit cameras. Thus, the cost for hiring bouncers will be reduced and thereby allowing a much better chance of keeping a watch on all the customers present in the club. Hypothesis The hypothesis statements for the research are stated below. The null hypothesis (H0) and alternate hypothesis (H1) would be: H0 = Minimum changes can be observed if IT environment is not imparted within the club security. H1 = Maximum changes can be observed if IT environment is imparted within the club security. Literature Review Holloman & Ponder (2007) observed that the recent trends have shown an increased inclination among the younger generation towards the late night parties in the night clubs instead of being involved in other leisure related activities. They also state that the visitors of the club are generally not aware that their driving licences are being scanned each time they visit the establishment. This security system also ensures that under age people are not allowed inside the club and stores all the information details related to the visitor. Thus, it can be stated that night clubs are using modern IT systems to protect the customers from infiltration of unwanted visitors. They are also spending huge money to maintain a record of visitor details which is stored in the database. Furthermore, the driver license scanner is also preventing children from getting entrance to the night clubs. According to Cieszynski (2003), CCTV is generally looked upon as a security tool rather, the roles played by it also includes controlling as well as monitoring. Furthermore, the modern CCTV cameras have left alone the traditional function and included few unique features in them. Face recognition is one among them which recognises the face automatically once it falls in the view of the camera. He moreover states that though the features are unique it cannot be certified as perfect. However, the technological advancements will ensure standard installation in sensitive places such as shopping malls and departmental stores in the years to come. Thus, CCTV has generated a sense of safety in the people’s mind for those under its surveillance. It has proved to be a trusted security system that helps to protect the people and their belongings. Crowded places such as night clubs and bars are well monitored due to the recording of each and every activity inside the premises, 24 hours a day. Research Action Plan Name of the Task Task Date Review Date Selection of the topic 05.03.2012 12.03.2012 Identification of the Problem Statement 13.03.2012 15.03.2012 Research Proposal 16.03.2012 24.03.2012 Literature Review 25.03.2012 15.04.2012 Data Collection 16.04.2012 15.05.2012 Data Analysis and Results 16.05.2012 23.05.2012 Synthesis 24.05.2012 28.05.2012 Preparing final project 29.05.2012 03.06.2012 The research strategy included collection of data through questionnaire prepared for the two groups, namely, the members visiting the club and the administrators maintaining the security of the club. The data that has been collected is analysed periodically on the review date and thoroughly monitored if any development is required. The research is based on exploratory research design because the mixed approach has been selected for the research. The exploratory design emphasises more on the creation of innovative ideas and which is within the reach. It helps to apply further efforts for researching any cause or issue (Hester, 1995). Thus, the research study is based on exploratory design as all the factors of data collection is considered such as literature review and group interviewing among other factors involved in qualitative and quantitative methods. The statistical data that are collected for determining the hypothesis statement is acquired from valuable and reliable sources, such as from the club members and security authorities. It would be ensured that the data is kept in a safe place so that any information does not get misplaced. The control variable in this research is the IT systems that will prove how much it affects the security system in the clubs. Furthermore, the cost effective factor should also be kept in mind before neglecting the use of IT systems by the security administrators. Research Method This research has been prepared through mixed approach that includes both qualitative and quantitative research methods. Qualitative method involves data collected through government security websites, closed ended questionnaire for members visiting the club; whereas quantitative methods will include open ended questionnaire for the club security members. Moreover, the hypothesis statement will be proved by using statistical tool such as pie charts, bar diagrams, chi-square test and likert scaling. The benefits for using these methods are that in-depth assessment of the issue is acquired as the survey involves direct contact with the prospects or customers and statistical data is collected from the experiences of the customers. Opinions regarding the research objective are compared and best alternatives are decided. Furthermore, qualitative researches are used to generate ideas through brainstorming which eventually develops the quantitative assessment (Schwartz Consulting Partners Inc., 2012). An interview was conducted with the managers of the club to find out whether they use the modern technologies of security that are related with the IT department. They further stated that driving licence scanner is a must for all entrants entering the club. The information gathered from the driving licence is stored in a database that is maintained with the security administrators. Though storing of information can lead to unauthorised use of visitors’ record, the authorities confirmed that the data gathered is only used to determine the age of the entrant. However, they said that data are stored for a very long period as initiatives are not taken to clear the data periodically. This ignorance of data clearance can mislead the informations to the undesirables, such as promotional houses that promote products through telemarketing. Therefore, an IT software can be installed that automatically erases all the data at a specific period provided by the security administrator. An owner of a club interviewed, told that they do not use IT systems in order to protect their customers privacy and to avoid useless costs. Furthermore, he states that driving license scanner is not reliable as one person can enter the club and again pass back their licence to another person, thus, making it difficult to identify the actual identity. This view of the owner suggested that the owner is making lame excuses to avoid installing of IT systems in the club, because most of the modern licence scanners have the ability to detect the double use of the licence in a day at the same venue. Few owners also suggested that they use the modern CCTVs for maintaining a smooth flow of activities throughout the club. The facilities such as identity detection and alarm for undesirable entrants into the club are available with the modern CCTVs. They further said that though the installation costs are a bit higher, it is the one time investment done which reduces the costs generated due to the employment of the bouncers. Moreover, along with the customers’ safety, the belongings of the owners are also kept in surveillance 24 hours. Thus, IT systems have helped these owners to reduce the fixed costs and attain customers due to the safety they are providing. Analysis of the Data Collected The findings are based on the survey conducted with 100 respondents across the United Kingdom. The respondents are the people who work in organisations where security measures have been implanted in order to safeguard the employees and the customers who visit the organisations. The respondents were asked to determine the level to which they feel that they agree or disagree to the following questions. The data has been illustrated below by the help of the pie chart. Fig. 1: Use of CCTVs in Night Clubs From the findings of the first question it has been observed that 50% of the respondents strongly agreed and favoured the use of CCTVs in night clubs. 30% agreed but hesitated initially thinking that their privacy might be infiltrated. Very few respondents, 13% did not agree and felt that CCTVs will impact negatively on the privacy of people. Thus, from the views of the respondents it can be suggested that CCTVs have become a compulsory security feature that should be installed in each and every night clubs. Fig. 2: Amount of CCTVs In The Club The data collected for the second question shows that 47% respondents feel that right amount of CCTVs are installed in the club that is enough for keeping a vigilince to each and every activity happening in the club. These 47% are likely to be the regular visitor of the club who are attained due to the facilities and security measures taken up by the club. Only 23% of them felt that the club has too many CCTVs installed. These respondents are likely to be the negative thinkers who are not willing to be under the surviellence of the IT systems. 30% of the respondents who felt that there should be more CCTVs installed are said to be more concerned about their security and are likely to be not a regular visitor to the night clubs. Thus, it can be stated from the findings that there is very little margin to each of the variables as views will vary person to person. Few people who are the regular visitors to a particular club will definitely be comfortable with the amount of CCTVs installed, whereas the non-regulars will find it uncomfortable with regard to having many cameras installed due to the privacy factor and few may think that there are less CCTVs installed due to the security concerns. Fig. 3: Installation of Other IT Systems From the third questionaire, it can be clearly derived that majority of the respondents, i.e. 78% of them wanted other IT systems to be included in the security systems of the club. Driving licence scanner, face identification and other modern security facilities can be installed. The respondents feel that CCTVs are not enough from stopping undesirables to enter the club. The rest 22% that denied of having other security measures insisted that they do not want their identity to be revealed to their family members or relatives. Moreover, under age children are likely to get caught as their details will be available in their driving licences. Thus, it can be observed from the views that inclusion of other IT security measures are positively supported by most of the respondents and they feel that the details of the people will help the authorities to track down the exact person behind the issue raised. Fig. 4: Consequences of Removing CCTVs It has been observed from the fourth question that 53% strongly agreed and 23% just agreed that crime and conflicts are likely to increase if CCTVs are removed. Only the 13% did not agree and felt that it is the person himself who shall be responsible for his/her own safety. The rest 11% was not exactly sure whether CCTVs can increase the safety measures of the members visiting the club. Thus, it can be stated that CCTVs and other IT security systems do play an imperative role in the security of the members. The driving licence scanner evaluates the exact identity of the entrants and comforts the members present in the club about the kind of people entering the club. Fig. 5: Presence of CCTV Makes Me Comfortable The views to the sixth question do not have a vast diffrence among the respondents. Though the majority, 24% strongly agree that CCTVs makes them feel uncomfortable as they might be feeling that their privacy is getting infiltrated however, 21% of them feel comfortable as the IT security systems will ensure safety to their lives. Thus, it can be stated that the members who strongly agreed to the question may have thought that their identity might be disclosed to their near and dear ones if the CCTV footages were misused by any chance. Therefore, the security administrators must ensure that the footages or data collected while entering the club should be recorded in a database that is out of reach from the general public. It should be accessed only by the security administrators that too in case of any exigency. Fig. 6: Hesitate to Provide Driving Licence Information 51% respondents opinioned that they donot feel hesitated to provide driving licence for evaluating detailed information about the customer. The 38% that replied they feel hesitated to provide driving licence for their detailed information may be mostly teenagers who donot want their actual age to be disclosed as they might not be permitted to enter the clubs. Thus, from the observtion, it can be stated that people are more concerned about the kind of populace entering the club premises. Therefore, driving licence scanner and other modern security systems should be available for extracting the exact identity of the entrants. A set of questionnaire was developed for interviewing the 15 security administrators employed in a particular club. On questioning the seventh and eight questions to the fifteen security personnel, thirteen of them cited that CCTV is the most important security tool developed by the IT department. The survey also proved that 1 CCTV should be focused towards 5-8 people in the club. Therefore, according to specifications the footfalls of the visitors regularly, club owners should be able to determine how many CCTVs will be enough for keeping close watch to each and every corner of the club premises. From the opinions of the questions nine and ten asked to the security administrators, it was found out that they were asked to store the recordings for not more than 31 days and were also asked to view those, only if the situation permits, or asked by any law enforcers. Furthermore, the security administrators stated that the database or the store room is always locked and the keys are being held with the owner himself to avoid misuse of information. Moreover, software has been installed that automatically erases all the recordings and information on the decided date. Hypothesis Testing It has been assumed that the level of significance is 0.05. The degree of freedom (df) is 8. Thus, from the chi-square table, it can be determined that the probability (p) value is 15.51. Therefore, the findings from question number 4 suggest that the value of the chi-square is 2.31 which is less than 15.51. Thus, it can be concluded that H0 i.e. the null hypothesis is being rejected and H1 i.e. the alternative hypothesis is being accepted. Similarly, from the fifth question the chi-square derived is 0.018 which is again lesser than 15.51. Likewise, it can be concluded that the null hypothesis is rejected and alternative hypothesis is being accepted. From the findings of the sixth question the chi-square derived is 8.09 which is again less than 15.51. Thus, for the last question too, the null hypothesis is being rejected and alternative hypothesis is being accepted. Conclusion and Recommendations The overall survey of the research states that IT environment should be imparted to the security services of the clubs. It is also evident that installation of IT security systems ensures that all the activities related to the club security are functioning smoothly. Moreover, fixed costs can be saved as one time investment is required for installing the IT security systems. Apart from CCTVs, other IT systems such as driving license scanner and identity detection are added tools for maintaining a healthy environment around the clubs. However, there are few limitations associated with the research project. The research method is based on the mixed approach, thereby leading to complex findings. Thus, the scope of the study was not fully detailed as both the variables, qualitative and quantitative researches had to be undertaken. Lack of fund reduced the availability of sufficient data collection. Moreover, the study required further collection of opinions or views which has been limited due to lack of time. Thus, it can be suggested that in the near future the research must focus upon one approach which will help to involve in-depth research towards the study. Moreover, a single approach, either qualitative or quantitative will enable the researcher to analyse the findings from a single perspective. It should also be taken into consideration that sufficient fund is available for effective research of the proposal. Sufficient fund will enable vast collection of data from various reliable sources that will more coherently support the findings. Time shall also be taken into consideration while designing the research proposal. The more time can be spent, the greater the chances of concluding an effective research study. Furthermore, enough time shall enable the researcher to come in contact with further respondents in order to get the accurate justification of the findings. References Cieszynski, J., 2003. Closed Circuit Television. Newnes. Hester, E. L., 1995. Successful Marketing Research: The Complete Guide to Getting and Using Essential Information About Your Customers and Competitors. John Wiley and Sons. Holloman, K. R. & Ponder, D. E., 2007. Clubs, Bars, and the Driver’s License Scanning. Privacy in a Transparent World. [Online] Available at: [Accessed May 29, 2012]. Microsoft, 2012. The IT Environment. Library. [Online] Available at: [Accessed May 29, 2012]. Schwartz Consulting Partners Inc., 2012. What Are The Advantages Of Qualitative Research? FAQ. [Online] Available at: [Accessed May 29, 2012]. Appendix 1. Do you feel that CCTV should be made compulsory for all night clubs? Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree 2. Do you feel there are too many, too few or right amount of CCTV cameras monitoring the club? Too Many Too Few Right Amount 3. Do you feel other IT systems should be used to identify the entrants? Yes No 4. Crime and conflicts in the club is likely to increase if CCTVs or IT systems are removed. Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree 5. CCTV & other IT systems cannot replace the bouncers available in the club premises for protecting the customers. Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree 6. The presence of CCTV makes me uncomfortable while visiting the night clubs. Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree 7. Do you hesitate while providing Driving License to scan your information? Yes No At times 8. According to your opinion which IT security system is the most important? 9. How many CCTVs is enough for monitoring each and every activity in your night club? 10. How many days is the information stored in a database? 11. What security measures have been taken for avoiding misuse of data? Read More
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