CHECK THESE SAMPLES OF The Purpose of a Review of Literature in a Nursing Research Proposal
This research proposal hereby intends to depict the planning developed for evaluating the issue identified in terms of the role played by educational programs to enhance self-management amid the patients who are observed to be suffering from type 2 diabetes with due concern to critical review of various literatures, considering them as secondary sources.... Subsequently, the comprehensive understanding of a phenomenon with the virtues of critical review of selected literatures can also reveal new evidences inspiring objective-oriented thinking on the research problem....
16 Pages
(4000 words)
This assignment "Assignment Number Two research proposal" shows that this research proposal discusses the value of support groups for the elderly and their sense of wellbeing and self-esteem.... This also connects to the qualitative approach of this proposal and its choice of methodology, in particular semi-structured interviewing.... To begin with, the aim is to give brief background information on age in general and contextualize the research questions and their relevance in the literature and best practices regarding geriatric nursing....
11 Pages
(2750 words)
PRELIMINARY LITERATURE REVIEW Brief review of the literature (Marquis & Huston, 2008) has indicated that nursing enjoys massive popularity in developed parts of the globe due to its significant role of caring in human lives.... his paper makes a conclusion that in particular, the proposal indicates intention of the researcher to bring a change, particularly, in the regulatory organization for nurses in the Sultanate of Oman in terms of the status of nursing as a profession....
6 Pages
(1500 words)
Research Proposal
The essay "Evidence-Based Practice of nursing research" focuses on the critical analysis of addressing a two-fold objective to wit: to begin research on the topic of interest; and to help make research relevant to the author.... Evidence-based practice is the product of nursing research, a systematic inquiry developed to establish evidence about issues of importance to the nursing profession, practice, education, administration, and informatics.... An example of a topic made in nursing research is the urinary continence experienced among the elderly....
7 Pages
(1750 words)
The following research describes the insufficiency of the current pain management strategies and the need for improvements.... I will also need support from my peers particularly in project review and data collection.... The paper evaluates possibilities of alternative and more efficient pain management practices in the context of source of pain and holistic well-being of the patient....
6 Pages
(1500 words)
Moreover, the proposal also demonstrates specific aims and brief summary of the relevant kinds of literature in line with the major actions to be performed in developing the knowledge of the community population.... The research proposal aims to conduct knowledge enhancement activities regarding healthcare issues, which can enable them to improve their present living standard, especially that led by the low-income group population around the university campus, in a self-sufficient manner....
5 Pages
(1250 words)
he research question of this nursing research proposal proposes to analyze the various aspects of nurse staffing in relation with patient outcomes and the research question is: What is the effect of nurse staffing on patient outcomes and how can favorable staffing ensure better patient outcomes
... Therefore, the purpose of the research proposed in this paper is to contribute to the practice of nursing, health care, and patient outcomes.... Therefore, the effect of nurse staffing on patient outcomes has been one of the most essential areas of nursing research and this qualitative research makes a profound analysis of the published literature on the topic in order to determine the various aspects of nurse staffing in relation with patient outcomes....
4 Pages
(1000 words)
A literature review examines and summarizes the current body of literature or scholarly work that is in relation to the topic under interest (Chris and Shwegler 2000).... A literature review examines and summarizes the current body of literature or scholarly work that is in relation to the topic under interest (Chris and Shwegler 2000).... A literature review examines and summarizes the current body of literature or scholarly work that is in relation to the topic under interest (Chris and Shwegler 2000)....
6 Pages
(1500 words)